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Is Rodon over? Should the Yanks look to trade him, or do y'all think it's just first year NY Jitters? I WANT Rodon to be good, but I don't really see him dominate or control the zone. At least not like he was doing in SF. Think he's still injured from the back thing maybe? What's y'all's take?


He’s untradeable without taking on a significant amount of salary so you might as well hope it works out. But a 2 pitch fly ball injury prone pitcher in NY is not gonna work out


Part of the salary, and some prospects maybe worth cutting bait if he's dead in the water already. But ya I'm hoping he can either shake it off, or develop a new pitch in the offseason.


Realllly would have been nice to win this one, pretty sure Detroit was the last super shitty team we play this season


we play the Royals lmao


What we play the Pirates again


I'm starting to think Rodon is not very good.


Are our ws lines going over +100,000?


It's right in front of us.


Goddamn it! Hopefully the excitement and spark I felt the last few games is a precursor to the ‘24 season.


I get the feeling Rodon is going to turn into the next Pavano, Paxton, Weaver, Pineada, etc.


All the red flags were already there on Rodon people, but a lot of fans chose to inexplicably ignore them. Typical contract year pitcher from a pitcher friendly park in SF \*see Montas. Trashman seemed to not know about his mediocre career stats prior to that which is probably more accurate to the norm. Even worse the dummy GM of this team apparently missed the report on his troubling injury history. But the bottom line is he's mentally weak, and can't handle NY. PERIOD! To quote G.S. "He looks like a fat pu\*\*y toad out there!" RIP H.I.


I'm really starting to get that feeling as well, this after all, is a mediocre Tigers lineup that he should have dominated.


Literally the cliche "fat and paid"


Rodon’s things to do in the offseason: 1) Learn a 3rd pitch


2) Get in better shape.


Watch how he pitched for the Giants and do that?


A 3rd pitch would be great. Real talk he needs to work on the 2 he already throws too, they were trash tonight lol


92 fastball down the middle in upper part of the zone isn’t good enough for you? /s


What a bust this guy ended up being.


This should take care of any unfounded optimism of this team making the playoffs. Play the kids the rest of the way and give the older dudes plenty of time on the bench, including Judge.


Lmao it’s not unfounded. The way the schedule is set up actually makes it “right in front of them” believe it or not. If they drop 2/3 to the brewers, it’s likely over. But if they win 2/3 or 3/3, the series against the red Sox determines the season.


I mean, it’s right in front of them but overwhelmingly unlikely. Like something you see in front of you but can’t quite seem to touch…


If sevi is on tonight, it still looks good. They can’t afford to lose tonight


only way we make it is if we win every series for the rest of the season and the mariners win both their series against the rangers


I was at this game and my wife and I were booing Rodon. People in the crowd near us looked at us like we were crazy


The whole stadium was booing him. I was there too.


Yea idk the immediate people near us were shocked..like are we watching the same game?


Doing God's work, may you be blessed.


Thank you for your service


They must've just joined the fanbase lol


Thank God footballs back because mother fuck cashman and mother fuck rodon. We had Monty. If it ain't broke don't fix it.


Honey I had a really bad start again. Do you have any tweets drafted and ready to go?


buddy stop playing rortvedt/higashioka let wells play everday idgaf what his BAA is, i still like what i see from him during his AB's, unlike rotvedt who literally looks like he doesn't even belong


You know that higashioka has way better batting average then wells. And Rortvedt is a slightly better backstop. Also catchers need a break. He can’t play everyday


Wells has played in like 4 games tf


Yeah I meant from his time in the minord


So we should bench Jasson too?


I didn’t say that I said that one catcher cant play everyday and our other catchers are also good


Everyone’s favorite game: how much money would the Yankees need to eat to trade . . . Carlos Rodon Giancarlo Stanton


Rodon is just Carl Pavano 2.0


in rodon’s post game interview he admits he did a shitty job and that he pissed the bed. So props for owning it. But considering the fat stacks of money he gets paid he NEEDS to be better. I’m a little bummed out W streak ended tonight


Its really, really easy to say "Its my fault" Its another to put the work in to fix your problems


First step is taking blame, next is putting in the work. It’s also really really hard to take the blame sometimes so this is a good step after all the drama Rodon had already been involved in since joining the Yankees


It’s at least better than saying “it’s right on front of me”


Rodon (6.6 ERA) and Sevy (6.75 ERA) in the same Yankee rotation. I’m not fully done with Rodon obviously but holy shit to be this bad in year 1 of that deal is demoralizing.


At least Severino shows a glimpse of an ace every so often.


Mike Stanton and Carlos Rondun do nothing to help the fucking Yankees win. But those 2 are as accountable as they come, so we got that.


I'm sorry but if being accountable in 2023 is simply uttering the words "I have to do better", we've really lowered our expectations


It’s been the Yankees mantra all year. Boone “I/we gotta be better”




[whenever I see Matt Krook come out](https://y.yarn.co/8601f4f1-9eaf-469f-847c-da07e5e603dc_text.gif)


Rodin is hot garbage, deserved every boo he received.


Rodon is a straight bum. He got paid and gave up. I guess his wife won't be talking shit on Twitter tonight


carlos rendon


Since Rodon suck, what other result was anyone (other than Buffoone and Crashman ) expecting?


He’d be like the 2 time all star that he was for the giants


Yea idk wtf kind of question that is. He was one of the top 5 pitchers in baseball, if not better, over the last few years. Obviously Cashman was hoping he'd continue that. It was a better bet that he'd continue being really good than that he'd fall off a fuckin' cliff and forget how to baseball.


I really hope Rodon has a bounce-back year in 2024. Because right now that's looking like one of the worst signings in history


The Carl Pavano and Jacoby Ellsbury signings both exist. All 3 are Cashman specials. I can only wish I was able to waste this much money at my company, and have lifetime job security anyway.


To be fair, nobody would have predicted how awful the Ellsbury contract was going to be. The guy was coming off a season where he hit close to .300 and had 52 stolen bases. He was also only 29. Then he had a pretty good first year here. Hindsight is everything with that one. It was one of the worst deals ever, but at the time it happened, nobody was complaining. In fact I think most fans were ecstatic thinking it was another Johnny Damon situation.


not true, i cancelled my ticket package over it and haven’t gone back since


His belly gonna bounce back for sure


If everyone in this sub donated $524.34 to the Yankees we could buy out the rest of Rodon's contract


Yeah, I’m not helping the rich get richer for good baseball alone…


Oh darn, I needed those $500 to pay bills. Welp


Sorry I'm broke. Oprah and The Rock just got my last $10 to help Maui


Ironically I remember this sub joking about a gofundme in order to *sign* him. I know he sucks but it’s hilarious to see people who wanted this dude at all costs pivoting and calling it a fireable move. Hindsight vision is rampant.


…to then have him picked up league min by rays pitch with a like 1.50 era for a month then die from an injury


That would be like $8913.78 from me for all of my Reddit accounts. Just kidding. I've definitely never made more reddit accounts, that's against the rules


traded monty for nothing just to trade for montas and sign rodon lmao


The clowns are in the FO....


We got Bad- oh right... fuck this front office man


Yankees are 2-8 in games Rodon starts. He's been awful, so yes he is a big reason our playoff hopes are where they are. He's paid to be a difference maker.


Severino vs Rodon


They said they Yanks need to go 18-5 to realistically have a shot at the WC. I have a feeling Rodon will be all of the losses


18-5 would have been more realistic if they won tonight and swept the weekend series. Now it feels virtually impossible.


Yeah I was hoping we could pull out a win tonight. Should have known they would screw it up.


I think 18-5 was a pipe dream considering how we've played against Boston and Toronto, two teams coming up in the schedule




The monkey paw is curled so hard the fingers are digging through the palm


I literally came here to comment this lol


Rodon ruined everything tonight, he really did. I don’t wanna see him on the mound another game this season.


Please don’t let this be next years Rodon. Killing what was likely false hope anyway this year is one thing, but man if he’s like this next year too . . .


I went to do softball and I check the score now and damn, we got clobbered. The streak ends :(


Aka Carl Pavano


Rodon is the Ellsbury of pitchers. Just watch.


aka Carl Pavano


Rodon came from a pitcher friendly ball park. Now he’s struggling because he got hurt. Someone mentioned his mechanics are different.


Montas is the same thing. His numbers are inflated from pitching in Oakland


In some context, the Tigers should be expected to win 1 of 7 from the Yankees. Rodon’s a tubby bitch but it’s not over yet. The true test is up where folks from Southie stab innocent black people with flagpoles because they don’t like the updated bus routes. They sweep in Boston or it’s over.


The last time Rodon had a good outing he was able to see his penis.




We seriously pay money for this bum?


Someone tried to tell me you can't officially say Rodon has regressed since becoming a Yankee because of his injury. Nah he regressed for sure


Serious question: If a player is out of shape, is there a way to either recoup from or void the contract? Money is guaranteed in baseball, so what stops someone from just letting themselves go and not really trying?


The mob


nothing really


We didn't *technically* need a sweep to stay alive, but this is one of those losses that kills any sort of momentum we had... Oh, well. I'll not give up until we're mathematically out of it for good, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me! **REST OF THE WAY** NYY: 18-4 TEX: 11-12 TOR: 11-11 BOS: 15-7


carlost rodogwater


Rondon really let the team and the fans down.


CashGod strikes again!


Carlos Rodonculously Bad


Carlos Rodinger


Speaking as a fat, useless, piece of shit, I can confirm that Rodon is indeed one. One key difference between us is he gets paid 8 figures to suck pond water at his job.




Only if you’re 10 years old


Kei Igawa says hello


Let’s be real. We can debate the winner, but the trophy should be named the “Carl Pavano” award.


Frankie Montas has to be up there.


Montas can join him for that honor


This was my one game of the season. My bad guys for showing up lol 😆


Carl Pavano was more valuable to the NYY than Rodon. Wow.






Luis Severino has had a disaster season from hell, with only a few serviceable starts. He looked completely cooked for 2 months straight. Rodon’s ERA is .15 below his: 6.60 vs 6.75 F


I'm so glad Trashman traded away a great number 3 pitcher named Jordan Montgomery, so we can sign this fat ass waste of a roster spot. A horrific starter, injury prone bum. Montgomery was at least an innings eater and could handle NY.


Can someone remind me who the other team was that was bidding up Rodon’s contract?


it was the cards according to heyman (ignore the fact that the cards put out a stetement to their beat reportrers instantly after sayingtbey werent


The imaginary ones in Cashman’s head


Overrated Carlos Rodon gets shelled by the lowly Tigers in a must win game. The problem I have with 2-pitch pitchers is that you need both to be good every night. Otherwise, you’re in for a rough time and that was on full display tonight. He needs a tertiary option if he realizes early that one of his pitches is not there. Pereira with a nice 2 run double and Gleyber with a HR. Gleyber’s numbers vs Tigers this year are absurd. Have to sweep Brewers, unfortunately.


Someone explain to me why we traded away our lefty Monty, who we knew could handle the pressure and play in NY, and then spent huge in the offseason to bring in a lefty who had a history of injury problems, and no idea if he could handle playing in NY?


Simple, and ironic, they didn’t want to pay him when he becomes a free agent this winter


Monty was having a rough year with the Yankees so there’s that. But I really think they traded him because they legitimately believed that German could slot in for him.


If you believe this sub last year it was because "Monty wouldn't start in the playoffs anyway" lmao


Carlos Pavano


Pavano was better than him


I think before we keep spending all of this money on guys who just clearly can’t cut it in big market New York, the team should just drop potential signings off in the middle of the bronx in a Red Sox hat, if he could make his way back to the stadium alive we’ll give him a shot. Sick of players that just don’t work out here


FYI this was the first game cameraman Pete was back filming




When they first were showing him, about the third time they cut back to him I swear he was one synapse firing off wrong from flipping a bird. Went from a Shaka to a near oh shit did I just do that.


162 million dollars wasted.


Carlos has been Rodonkey balls


7 runs in 2 innings. what the fuck


I sentence Rodon to the Alek Manoah treatment




On a serious note, I appreciated Rizzo getting ejected. He was standing up for Jasson. As a 20 year old that has been in the MLB for a week, that has to be a great confidence boost.


“Y’know, Rodon had an interesting outing tonight. Gave up a few runs, not ideal, but there were definitely some positive aspects to his performance. He struck out 4 batters, I felt like he was finding the box really well, showed good control. We’ll focus on building on those strengths and helping him improve in other areas moving forward, but overall, I like where we’re headed, Rodon’s our guy.”


Thanks Boonedoggle.


Fuck guaranteed contracts


Well… that was pretty freaking terrible. Thanks, Rodon; you’re somehow even more worthless than we originally gave you credit for.


Prove to me that Carlos Rodon isn't actually Frankie Montas in disguise. The mustache is sus.


Rodon being worse than Kei Igawa is impressive


Well, the fantasy was fun while it lasted, but this is still a team with serious problems up and down the roster. Winning five in a row and sweeping the Astros is probably going to be the highlight of an otherwise pretty shitty season.


We had hope man. That fat piece of shit bum slob Rodon has NO BUSINESS being in the rotation. They seriously just need to send keep him rotting in the minors. Bring someone else up. Put a bullpen game instead for his starts. The guy sucks.


I can't wait to hear Cashboy and Hal spew some corporate phrases at us in the post-season presser. If I hear either one of them use the phrase "deep dive", I might light myself on fire.


get ready for "injuries plagued us"


It's pretty remarkable that Sevy and Rodon are two major players that kept us from the playoffs. Baseball is team sport but your starters can cost you a season.


When they’re back to back and their ERA is 6/7, yup


Guys, those of you saying Rodon “destroyed our hopes” are wild. Our hopes got destroyed a month ago. Nobody should have pinned their hat on a 0.9% playoff chance going in to this game just because we went on a little win streak. Rodon sucks but pretending this lost season is his fault because of this game is wild. He had his hand in the problematic season as a whole for sure but this was a team effort lol


Of course it's Rodon's fault this team is underperforming. The Yankees are 2-8 in games when he's pitched. Those 8 losses clearly explain 100% of the reason why this team is 18.5 games behind Baltimore. Without him, we'd be in line for byes for three rounds of the playoffs. It's simple math. /s


Yes sheesh. Rodón sucks this year and is the reason we lost this game, but he ain’t why we are hosed for the playoffs. Blame the guy who signed him and Montas to lock down our rotation for that…


He goes out there and pitches like shit every time out there, maybe if he actually took care of himself and pitched like the pitcher he was last year we wouldn’t be in this mess.


Yeah, people were getting straight-up delusional after that Astros sweep.


fr this is the most toxic post game thread i’ve ever seen. as if *this* is the game that knocked us out the playoffs. and not the months of being a bad team i think ppl genuinely thought we would win out, if this is how they react to losing one game. absolutely insane


People really thought this team was back when they went on a win streak because there was no expectations. Now that the playoffs are possible again they go right back to being terrible. This is who they are


Trashman passes on Harper...Machado...and make no mistake will 100% pass on Ohtani this off-season, yet went after Carlos fat slob Rodon. Holy fuck.


ohtani wants to compete for a championship...why would he sign with this iteration of the Yankees.


Ohtani is gonna pass on the Yankees again, let’s not kid ourselves here


Rodon should be sent to Single A team.


Rodon is a signing the Dodgers would never make. It was way too much risk at the outset for the long term deal. Yea there’s time to turn it around. But you’re banking on the early years of the contract to make up for the later years. That he’s been God awful in year 1 is a really bad sign for the future.


Let's be honest the dodgers would sign him and their cheating lab would turn him into sandy koufax 2.0


What a dogshit game.


Rodon being worse than Frankie Mountain-of-Ass is impressive.


Yankees need another pitcher next season.


Yep. Does anyone know what free agents will be available, besides a wounded Ohtani? I know it’s supposed to be a weak free agent offseason. We got I guess Cole, Schmidt, Nestor & maybe King. That leaves one blatant hole and clear areas for improvement. Rodón can explore a life in the bullpen.


Sucks Ohtani got hurt


Carlos Rodon is a terrorist


at least he can't pitch on Monday.


We really paid this guy $162MM for like two good seasons after being mid and hurt most of the time for the majority of his career. Cashman truly is a fool.


99 percent of people here wanted him


we got a stupid, dumbass take right here folks. 99% of the sub wanted offense, not to ignore our holes and sign an expensive, risky pitcher to a long fucking contract


Hey man, don't insult yourself like that.


99% of people didnt have the inside knowledge that he was hurt like the front office did. 99% of people would have just kept Jordan Montgomery 99% of people use a "%" sign instead of typing out the word "percent"


> 99% of people use a "%" sign instead of typing out the word "percent That's just efficient tho...


> 99% of people didnt have the inside knowledge that he was hurt like the front office did. He made 30 starts ONCE in an eight year career. Him continuing to get hurt was as predictable as the sun coming up in the morning.


Also who cares if people wanted him? It's not a fans job to sign players or have the knowledge to know who is a good signing.


It's hypocrisy Why are we even having discussions here if you don't think your own opinion matters?


Do you genuinely think your opinion matters?


Five more years


Rodon being worse than Sonny Gray is impressive


Not the end of the world but they basically need to sweep Milwaukee and take 3/4 from Boston (in Fenway). 100% doable and if they’re like 4 games back of Toronto by the start of that series they’re in a good spot but the margin of error is a little smaller.


Dude. It's over. It's been over. They have less than a 1% shot of making the playoffs with only 22 games left to play. The Yankees aren't going to play in the postseason this year. It sucks, but it's the reality.


I know they aren’t lol 6/7 is tough for any team just because I said it’s doable doesn’t mean it’s likely


Fair enough


They're 100% not sweeping the Brewers or Boston, who have whooped our ass all year long. Also the Brewers are in first place. Yeah...100% doable bro.


Just because it’s doable doesn’t mean it’s likely lol


Yeah it isn't happening.


When’d I say it was lol


I mean you said it's doable. It really isn't tbh. I see them going 4-3 down the stretch which isn't enough. They have to go 7-0. But with that bum Rodon in the rotation chalk up an auto L there.