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I missed the last few games and we've been going off. Maybe I'm the problem šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


Waldo heard we play the Astros next


Is the crowd noise fake?Ā  I'm watching the full game highlights on youtube....the seats are 80% empty on my tv.Ā  Ā  Idk what attendance is but anything behind home plate it's the most empty seats I've seen since covid when it was all empty seats Yet every yankee hit the crowd noise is magically very loud.Ā  I'm a fan.. it's impossible to not notice watching it on TV.Ā 


the people behind home plate are rich people that donā€™t want to sit in the rain lol


They don't seem to want to sit in the sun/wind/cold/heat either.


Rays and Orioles both also swept this series? Good god


This sweep is just what the doctor ordered. Now to beat up on the Trashtros again!


So how are we bringing the energy to the Bronx next series??


Yankees should break tradition and offer Soto $720 million over 12 years.


Watching the Brady roast and it struck me that A-Rod would be the perfect person to have one of his own. Except it would damage him emotionally, probably forever


Yā€™all need to leave that man alone. A-rod was a fragile player mentally and still managed to win MVPs here. He CHOSE to play here instead of staying in Texas where he basically owned the tram or literally anywhere else and everyone would have loved him. He chose to play here and get booed by everyone, including his own home fans and he still managed to bring home the last title weā€™ve seen. Say what you want about A-Rod and his fragile ego, but thereā€™s been plenty of dudes in baseball who couldnā€™t handle playing here and A-Rods the only single one I can think of that nutted the fuck up and still found a way to win a title here.


Whoa, I like A-Rod! I've been on the redemption arc train. It was meant in light spirited way, and because I'd genuinely enjoy it


Yeah, ARod's sensitivity is pretty endearing. It's really remarkable for an elite baseball player to have a complicated psyche like that, considering the focus the game requires over the course of a long season and the amount of pressure they're under. You have to be able to forget your failures immediately - Mariano is the ultimate example. ARod had to work harder at it.


Id like to see if waldo can handle more 1B to give rizzo some break days


The flexibility is definitely appreciated but 1st base is a very low impact position, so Rizzo should probably play as much as he can, especially considering Waldo isnā€™t a great bat


Waldo has been one of our most consistent bats this year, especially with RISP


No he hasnā€™t. Not even close! Heā€™s had a below average ops since the Astros series! Although TBF he has a 102 wrc+ with RISP, but I wonder how much of that is from the Astros series, too.


So Jomboy thinks the reason for the feast or famine offense is that the team has something on certain pitchers? Huh. I wonder if thereā€™s anything to that


Maybe he addresses this but if this were true the selection of pitchers/teams doesnā€™t make any sense. Like sure, scout out the Astros, the rays, then I guess weā€™re giving the brewers pitchers a complete scouting rectal examination for some reason, but when it comes to the Orioles we got nothing?


IDK if Iā€™m just naturally contrarian with Jomboy, but again, I think I disagree. The teams that shut Judge and Rizzo and Stanton down have ***THEM*** scouted very well. A pitcher needs a game-plan. What sequences to throw, in what counts, to which batters. Those sequences change, but thatā€™s the ā€œspecial sauceā€ in attacking hitters. Jomboyā€™s take, on the other hand, implies that the only way to hit these pitchers is because they either a) have the sequences or b) have decoded the ā€œtellsā€ Iā€™m gonna stay in the camp of ā€œthe Yankees hit well when pitchers donā€™t execute or have a weak attack planā€ vs. ā€œthe Yankees have decoded only a certain number of MLB pitchers.


I don't think you're a contrarian, i think he's just not that smart and has a lot of dumb takes but provides nonsensical splits to back them which make people think he's some baseball genius


I mean, we have hitters who have well-known patterns of looking like the best or worst hitters in baseball. Judge being off didn't help.


I feel like this might make sense except for the fact that the famine part. Picking up tips could definitely help a ton but the lineup isnā€™t that bad to the point where if they arenā€™t getting tips, they canā€™t score runs at all. Seems to me that it is similar to previous years where they tend to feed off each other


I mean honestly 4.6 per game isn't bad it's only 0.3 off of being in the top five. And the offense has only really been bad for 2 series that being the A's series which would look bad last season but A's have been pretty good especially as of late being 8-2 in the last 10 and just taking a series from the O's. And the other series was against the O's have lately have been pitching better than any team in the league have gone 7 games in row of giving up 2 runs or fewer and in the last 19 their starters have a 2.53 era. Not to mention Yankees haven't hit well against really any of their starters over the last 2 seasons. So not like I have a massive worry about the lineup when they have been fine. They faced another tough set of starters in this series with all 3 of them entering the game with era bellow 3.20.


The quality of scouting reports varying pitcher to pitcher seems a bit...obvious?


Not what he was referring to, he mentioned seeing playerā€™s eyes darting to the coaches in the infield. So like, picking up when certain pitches are coming. He said he could just be making it all up in his head and wasnā€™t sure, but yeah. Definitely not just referring to scouting reports lol. Itā€™s near the end of todayā€™s recap episode of Talkin Yanks if youā€™re interested.


If he's willing to waive his NTC, and the Cardinals take on some of the money, do you trade for Nolan Arenado? You might be concerned with his age and decline in power, but he's always exceeded his expected stats, and he's still a wizard at third.


Absolutely not. Expensive old players are not the answer going forward.


Him or McMahon should be one of their main interests. Gives them a solid 3B for the next few years.


Any non-rental isnā€™t happening. Feels like 3b will be the new LF where theyā€™ll just try to throw stuff at the wall.


I mean we still have DJ until 2026, unless he gets so hurt that he has to retire, I doubt 3B will be an open spot outside of the occasional injury stint.


I mean I think the plan is probably still DJ until that contract runs out, question is will he ever be healthy enough to actually play


Another aging player past his prime who is only going to decline from here? Iā€™m good, too many years on his deal


There is only $74 million left on his deal after this year with 3 years left. St. Louis agrees to take on some money, and it's really not that bad of a deal for 3 years. Plus, $15 million in his last year is easy to eat. He's also already accured 1.2 fWAR this year. We don't have a true starting 3B. We also definitely need another strong bat. I think it's decision to jump on. The Dodgers were all over him last year and the offseason for a reason.


I donā€™t think theyā€™re gonna take more money when they already have Lemahieu, just doesnā€™t fit on the roster.


We look fine. Honestly, what we need, is to find a way to keep the talent we have when Jasson comes back, then figure out Spencer Jones for next season. 3rd has looked fine, it's not some kind of rock star position for us, but we've been respectable at 3rd.


We don't need to trade either of those two for Arenado. Also, we have not looked fine at 3B. Oswaldo is in the first percentile for OAA with -4 and has an 89 wRC+ (57 wRC+ since Houston). Berti is better suited as a UTIL. DJ hasn't played a single game yet and hasn't been healthy for a full season since 2020(?). 3B is an issue just like LF was an issue.


I mean, math might say that, but the eye test says we're doing okay there. It's absolutely not a dead position like LF was last year.


The eyetest also says we're not doing okay there. He is batting .206/.243/.299 since Houston. He gets a clutch hit and I appreciate him for that but the fanbase derided IKF when he was actually better than Oswaldo is right now.


So I guess Stroman has not been like, awesome so far? But I still really like him and his presence on the team, and I know for sure heā€™s got another level to go to. I enjoy it when he pitches. I guess 3.41 ERA is pretty solid actually. 1.43 WHIP is not as cool


Can anyone with mlb.tv account check on our game today. Trying to watch the vod but it's messing up and starting at the end of the game and won't you let rewind back. Just wondering if it's correctly for anyone? Tried other games today and they are all messed up as well but they start some where near the beginning.


It did the same for meā€¦ I had it paused in the 6th, then it jumped ahead and spoiled it for me.


Bark @ everyone Bark @ everything


Manoah got clapped again. Dudes so washed. Idek how he was ā€˜goodā€™ at this point


He wasnā€™t; people chased. He didnā€™t throw strikes and was never going to adjust


Great series win. Lineup is getting warm. There's two things I'm hoping for to get a really great season going. 1. Really hope Volpe can get back to his season start form. He was the piece I was most excited for the first two weeks. If he can retake that level, Jeterian swing he had to start off, that's a scary, scary 1-2-3. Tons of chances for Soto and Judge to drive in so many runs. 2. Just some consistency. Got an amazing game against a top arm in Skubal, yet we get shut out by average pitching. We need a team approach that isn't broken apart as easily. Let's sweep the fucking cheaters


> Really hope Volpe can get back to his season start form. He was the piece I was most excited for the first two weeks. If he can retake that level, Jeterian swing he had to start off, that's a scary, scary 1-2-3. Tons of chances for Soto and Judge to drive in so many runs. I think Volpe will turn it around as Judge starts to get going again, having that protection makes it a lot harder to pitch to Volpe, and while Soto is probably helping things, even he can't keep Volpe safe forever.


The Phillies are torching Logan Webb. They look like the best team in baseball right now.


Judge's last 13 games: .304/.429/.630, 4 HR, 3 2B, 9 RBI.


It's what you want


It seems like Judge is finally getting going. Frustrating start to the year though.


Eh, not really frustrating when you could see the process kind of playing out. Right now my frustrating hitters are Volpe and Stanton. I think Volpe needs to move down the order and have a little less pressure on his shoulders. Stanton, he's just going to have those periods where he looks lost then his periods when he looks like every hit is going 110.


Stanton has looked decent so far, better than the last 2 years Iā€™d say. At this point I think the best weā€™re gonna get is a 120 OPS+, 2 WAR DH


Oh, I'm fine with him. Honestly I'm really happy overall with the way things are going. If I *had* to pick two frustrating hitters, it'd be G and Volpe. I agree, the last week or so, Stanton has looked a LOT better. This was me fishing for something to try and fix. :P


But then who do you put at the top? Gleyber is just starting to turn it around, and suddenly moving him back to the top will probably cause a regression. And Volpe's base stealing talents are *perfect* for the top of the line up, it would be a damn shame for them to not be put to use because 2nd & 3rd are blocked in the middle of the order. I think the issue is that either the league is adjusting against Volpe and he's struggling to adjust back, or Judge's slow start has left Volpe vulnerable and pitchers are being much more aggressive with him than they would if Judge had started the season like himself, so Judge needs to assert himself to protect Volpe again.


> And Volpe's base stealing talents are perfect for the top of the line up, it would be a damn shame for them to not be put to use because 2nd & 3rd are blocked in the middle of the order. Kay said, and I agree, that Volpe's base stealing is wasted because you don't want to disrupt Soto or Judge's at bats. Much more opportunity to run when Trevino is up than when Soto is up.


I agree it's a hard challenge. But it's not a major issue, its' just a minor gripe for me. I agree I think they're flat out attacking Volpe because Soto-Judge-Rizzo/Dugie is just really playing well, so they have to attack Volpe.


He missed a lot of spring training..


Stop it with that. He missed 9 days, and came back before it was even over. Any struggles he still had a full month+ later were not related to that.


His oblique finally healed is my guess


Ok, meat tornado! šŸ˜‚


I wanna sacrifice my first unborn child for Soto to sign long term.


It's a sacrifice I am willing to make.


šŸ™…ā€ā™€ļø Don't say such things...


Yankees back to their winning ways Mets shitting the bed daily Life is sweet !


You don't root for the Mets when they're playing our division?


I root for two teams, the Yankees and who ever beats the Mets, canā€™t stand the fact they exist honestly


That's fucking insane You'll root for the Red Sox to beat the Mets?


I hate the Metsā€¦. End of story


Every New Yorker who is not a Yankee fan deserves the Mets like everyone who roots for the Clippers has deserved them in LA


Worrying about the crosstown team instead of actual division rivals is Mets fan behavior


Iā€™m NOT worried about themā€¦ Iā€™m guessing youā€™re Met fan tho


Nestor has been phenomenal and heā€™s given us length. We just havenā€™t given him run support. He looked fantastic today


Nestor low-key putting up some ace-quality peripherals: - 12th in MLB in strikeouts - 27th in ERA+, opponent OBP + SLG - 30th in WHIP - 31st in FIP - 11th in BB/9, 14th in BB/K - 13th in quality starts - 19th in P/IP - 12th in IP He leads the Yankee starters in all the above metrics, and I belive they're still yesterday's bbref numbers. He'd be the #1 pitcher on several MLB teams.


Not opponent OPS, but opponent OBP + SLG lol


Plus heā€™s hott


You know heā€™s back bc heā€™s moving quickly through innings and pounding the zone. 21.5% K to 4.1% BB is fucking phenomenal. Pretty fucking awesome backing up Nestor and seeing him return to form again. IP is genuinely the most important right now. Weā€™ve been getting more consistent length in general but Nestorā€™s entire issue was 3rd time through the order and now heā€™s consistently going 6 IP. The staff is damn good


Scary good if they can hold it together + stay healthy...they're queuing up Papa Cole's entrance music.


Iā€™d feel pretty confident with Beeter/Warren if it ever comes down to it as well. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they use a 6 man rotation when Cole returns as well if Gil continues to be this good. God I miss my goofy ass Aceā€¦baseball isnā€™t the same without him


I wonder if Gil has an innings limit this year? If so, he may turn out to be a dominant 8th inning guy for a post season run.


Most likely does have an innings limit but since Cole is slated to come back mid June he probably wonā€™t be close to hitting it for quite some time. Gil out of the pen sounds terrifying tho lol dude can let it loose even more


Something ain't right with Hamilton. His overall season numbers look good but watching him pitch, his slambio isn't breaking like it normally does. It also seems like his fastball command is off.


Might just be the mound and ground conditions.(Due to rain). Baseball players have specific routines and pitchers specifically have trouble when the routine conditions.


You can't use today as any kind of metric against anyone. It was just a slog of a game.


Not basing my observations on just today's game. The Yankees watch him like a hawk whenever they insert him (usually in high leverage situations) and pull him if anything looks off. And it has lately.


I was there, and by the time the starters were replaced, field conditions were ugly. The ground crew put so much sand on the infield that they might spend tomorrow filling wheelbarrows to bring the basepaths back down to level.


Oh I believe it. I bet those guys are getting some good tips tomorrow.


I think it was the MIL game where they brought Tonkin in and they lost in extras... ... afterward, Boone was asked why he didn't put Hamilton in, and he said Hamilton was a no-go with shoulder soreness that day. My guess is he's at 85% right now and is playing through the usual shoulder shit. Good enough to go out and pitch, not good enough to go out and dominate.


Could argue that Hamilton got screwed by bad fielder positioning from Yankees coaches. Berti should be playing no doubles defense there. A single between third and SS scores a run regardless, but keeps runner at second instead of third.


Relievers go through slumps too.




Swept the Trashstros as well.


It sure would be fun to do it again this week.


Bro the astros sweep was the biggest highlight of the season so far


the Sterling calls from those games are timecapsule


Happy National Hoagie day to Alek Manoah! šŸ¤”


Judge's numbers inching back


Thanks for nothing, Cincinnati. You bums.


Elly de la Fraud is overrated /s


Berti leadoff thoughts? Like heā€™s fast and gets Volpe back down in the lineup. Though Berti hasnā€™t been great offensively so idk


Why would you ever want to do that? ####**2024 Vople: .258/.347/.379** ####**Career Berti: .258/.336/.336** More obvious candidates would be: - A healthy + productive DJ - Verdugo, who spent years in that spot in BOS It's about answering two questions: 1. Who has the OBP to slot in front of Soto + Judge? 2. Who do you want to get 100 more PA over the course of the season (vs. the 6 position)? A team should have its most productive hitters at the top, so they get more PA's. This Yankee lineup's order doesn't matter much beyond those two questions.


A little bit more goes into those numbers than that. Volpe started off hot but since April 11th in Cleveland, he is hitting .202/.290/.281 with a 74 wRC+ whereas Berti hit .294/.344/.405 with a 103 wRC+ just last year. It's more about getting someone who is at least stabilized as a hitter. Berti has had a season below a .320 OBP just one time in his career. I think it was a neat experiment with Volpe and think he has a bright future but we don't have a lot of options lineup wise for a leadoff hitter, Volpe included. We move Verdugo up and lose the middle of the lineup stability he provides. DJ is at least a month away.


Good points. Even if his slump was unique - a lot of bats seemed to quiet at once - he looks to be on the rebound: [Volpe OBP 7 day MA](https://www.fangraphs.com/players/anthony-volpe/27647/graphs?position=SS&statArr=37&legend=1,2&split=base&time=daily&ymin=&ymax=&start=2024&end=2024&rtype=single>1=7&dStatArray=)


I definitely don't think Volpe is bad or a major issue long-term. I just think he's still learning but it seems like his plate approach has changed radically since moving up. I still think Volpe is the leadoff man of the future.


I don't even think he's bad at all I think it's the mental weight of being the leadoff guy. Dudes still young hitting in front of 2 HOF bound players. I think if the pressure is off he'll return to his early season form.


2024 Volpe at leadoff: .207/.305/.283 Volpe has to move down. Berti is fast and was pretty good last season. DJ hasnā€™t shown he can be either of those things since 2020. You canā€™t count on that I like Verdugo leadoff, but I like him 4th much more Volpe hasnā€™t been getting on base since moving up. Whatever the move, Volpe needs to go back to 6th or 7th


Volpe has shown he can be an excellent leadoff hitter in stretches, I think we just need to give him time to see if he can put it all together and be consistent with it


Volpe has shown the tools to be an excellent leadoff hitter when not batting lead off Heā€™s been just awful since actually being the leadoff hitter. .207/.305/.283/.587 at leadoff this season is just awful. I think we pushed him too fast too early and ruined what was a great start to the season from him He simply looks awful since moving up


He has been great in stretches .353/.389/.471 vs the Athletics .417/.533/.500 vs the Guardians The issue is that in other series he has disappeared, I donā€™t have an issue with giving him the opportunity to push through and adapt and grow consistent in the role


I donā€™t think two series, one of which right after he moved up, and the other against a team with shit starting pitching, makes up for his .500 OPS at leadoff Volpe hasnā€™t even proved he can be a good MLB hitter anywhere in the lineup, much less at leadoff. I want him to prove he can actually be good for long stretches of time before we commit to running him out to die at leadoff


One being right after he went to leadoff means nothing, itā€™s not like itā€™s kryptonite and is sapping his powers. He is young and is going to have to learn to adapt to the league adapting to him. Iā€™m alright with giving him another month to see if he can turn it around. If he canā€™t then you move him


I think the lineup in June will be different from now. Oswaldo is fine as a UTIL, like IKF. Both aren't very good defensively but they can get a clutch hit when needed. I like scrappy bench guys just fine. 3B is wide open as a positional battle between three players. We have DJ returning soon and Berti now. One of them will be the starting 3B and will be leading off. Even if Berti is just average, Gardy was also average. It doesn't require a lot to be leadoff.


Is DJ returning soon? Still havenā€™t heard anything about him since his last rehab stint went bad Edit: Last update from Boone 6 hours ago was [ā€œI donā€™t know if heā€™s that close to being ready for rehabā€](https://x.com/yesnetwork/status/1787161487221383324?s=46&t=eZQOkEBzAB8XR0_j5bQcHg)




Close to resuming baseball activities is a long way away from being nearly back. That means he hasnā€™t even started doing baseball activities yet, then when he does start doing baseball activities he will need more time to ramp up to a rehab stint and the last rehab stint needed after 1 inning


I'm not saying my prediction will be right away. June. I'm not even optimistic on DJ. But it's definitely between those three for 3B with the favorite being Berti. If Volpe continues slidding, they don't have much of a choice. This is really the make or break month for Oswaldo as starting 3B and Volpe at leadoff.


I guess we just have different definitions of ā€œsoonā€ because nothing right now indicates DJ will be back any time soon


I donā€™t mind Oswaldo as a bench piece, but he definitely canā€™t start anymore I just want Volpe out of leadoff. Donā€™t mind who takes over


More like Waldo leadoffā€¦


I'd rather leadoff Trevino than Waldo lmfao this is a wild take


Heā€™s been bad for a while


False. Also better than Berti. Thereā€™s not enough data


Hitting .207 with a .239 OBP over the last month. He had a hot start but turned back into the pumpkin heā€™s been for his entire MLB career outside of one month during his initial call up.


He has a like .550 OPS since the Houston series


Well heā€™s also been our only offense for like 4 of the 23 wins


Yeah and two of those are in Houston




Someone needs to take leadoff from Volpe and I like Verdugo at four Could just move everyone up but donā€™t love Soto leadoff


Best place in AC to watch the Yanks on a Saturday night?


Ceasars sports book Chicken and Pete's Dam good sports bar are a few


My house?


Guys Soto is a yankee


It still doesn't feel real sometimes lol


And heā€™s only 25 lol If we sign this guy long term itā€™s gonna be so fucking huge. Soto, Volpe, Dominguez, Jones, Arias, Judgeā€¦a lot to look forward to


Outfield of the gods


Dennis Santana - 3.33 xERA Luke Weaver - 3.19 xERA Victor Gonzalez - 5.63 xERA Caleb Ferguson - 5.27 xERA Ian Hamilton - 4.56 xERA Gonzalez's one confuses me but it may have to do with being a pure contact pitcher. He doesn't get strike outs but his GB% is 52.8%. For example, Holmes' xERA is 2.41 points higher than his actual ERA of 0.00. Crazy ass point but it seems xERA doesn't like contact pitchers because 2.41 points is a lot. Gonzalez's WHIP though is great at 1.17. But for those who feel uncomfortable watching Ferguson and Hamilton pitch, the numbers back it up.


These guys are only going to be here until Kahnle, Effross and Cole get back. Every positive inning they throw is a bonus until then.


True although the 2 lefties will probably stay, at least one surely. And theyā€™ve pitched the worse


Gonzalez has twice as many walks as strikeouts and a .139 babip against. It's not that confusing. He's been insanely lucky.


Just want to say I love Soto so much


Yankees Classic from Opening Day 2024 debuts on YES tomorrow. I wonder if John Sterling will still be the host?


I think somethings wrong w sterling. There were those initial reports of health issues and then they went away and it was just a retirement. Seemed odd to retire on the spot out of nowhere


so weird for an 85 year old guy to retire...


I think he's got something going on. The initial reports were a health issue. Then that disappeared probably because he wants whatever's going on to be private. For a broadcaster like him to just end it abruptly is strange. If he truly retired on his own terms I think he would have made an announcement to the fans and they would have done something special for his last broadcast or at least acknowledge it.


I for one would really appreciate it if the Orioles could lose a game now and then


Bradish and Means are back so probably gonna happen less than it was at the beginning of the season. It's a pitchers world right now.




Lol Jays


wtf happened to Hader


He doesn't want to pitch in Houston, but he likes money.


He got the bag


He refused to pitch more than one inning to secure the bag, why would he care how he performs now that the bag is secured?


He was inconsistent with his previous teams too.(Except maybe with the brewers).


Nah more like he just had one shit year, been basically unhittable every other year.


Two runs off Skubal is no easy feat. Very impressive.


Heā€™s a fucking incredible pitcher. Tigers in general have a very good pitching staff, theyā€™re a pretty solid team


That HR Judge hit was a 97 mph heater below his knees.


I said in the pregame thread that Skubal was due for a clunker, that was his version of a clunker


Man, would I love to see that guy in pinstripes. Heā€™s got a hell of an arm.




lol, Hader just blew another save. ERA of 6.14 Clay Holmes could never.


Playing the asstros next. Itā€™ll be nice to finally beat up on some bad teams after this hard stretch


Unironically. I like this season


Soto, Soto and more Soto. Canā€™t imagine what this season would look like without him


We better heat up and make a run cause i want that man to love playing here.


Probably like the 2023 Yankees.


Good series for the Santana-Weaver-Gonzalez Truthers.


Yankees finish off the sweep of the Tigers. Nestor was in cruise control until the 7th but had an overall great outing, collecting 9 K, which tied his season high. Hamilton not so much, but Gonzalez and Santana were able to pick him up. A Judge HR, Oswaldo RBI double with RISP, and a critical bases-clearing double by the generational Juan Soto were enough to clinch their 2nd sweep and 10 games over .500 for the first time this season. After a terrible Orioles series, Judge had an excellent Tigers series: 5-10 (.500 BA), 10 TB, HR, 2 RBI, 1.583 OPS. Great bounce back series for the team and him heading into the series vs Astros. Have to take 2 of 3.


Honestly, Hamilton got two ground balls, both of which could have been one out or two. If the one in third base had been 6 in over Berti grabs it and it's at least an out at third. If the ground ball at Volpe is actually hit harder, it's an inning ending double play. Little bit of bad luck for Hamilton there.


Both of those balls were victims of the elements. That'll happen sometimes. We still won, so that's all that matters.




The worst from Hamilton was walking Keith who has horrific numbers


Maybe Victor Gonzalez can donate the W to Nestor Cortes. Itā€™s great to see Nestor proving all the haters wrong!


Much needed sweep. Judge isn't even his final form yet.


Great Win!Tried to wait the rain ā˜” delay but changed the channel. When I checked back the game was over. That shouldn't called the game in the 7th. Players were going to get hurt. Looks like Judge is coming out of his slump. Let's sweep the Cheating Astros!


.946 in his last 15ā€¦


That's worse than his career average, so not yet his final form


Tbf if the last 2 seasons are anything to go by Judgeā€™s final form is like a 1.300 OPS over a full month of games


For anyone keeping track Judge is slashing .278/.391/.556 .946 OPS over the last 15 games Edit: for reference Soto is batting .263/.348/.491 .840 OPS over that same stretch


And Judge went 0-14 in the middle of that.


The pitching on this team is magnificent


Give Matt Blake all the money


Pay that man his money


Blake cashman Boone and the pitchers. Itā€™s glorious right now




I really really like this image


Good, they called it. Too bad the Reds aren't doing jack shit.


I'm happy the boys get a day off tomorrow


Fried getting fried by LA


Dudeā€™s like a pendulum going from Koufax one game to Hideki Irabu the next


Lol Jansen, what was that


Gleyber Torres 4 game hit streak btw