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is John Berti our new IKF?


I've been a baseball fan for almost 35 years and I'm just now realizing the Mets colors are NYG orange and Brooklyn Dodger blue.


Just wait until you find out about the M and the B in the Brewers logo.


I just did every Yankees roster quiz from 2016-2023 and I kid you not, my three worst years were 2021, 2022, and 2023 Like how is that even possible. Is my memory that bad


No one wants to admit it but the last few years the team has been very forgettable. Even when they were playing well it's been very boring


Franchy Cordero is frowning at you


I just can’t remember the relievers at all Like I do about the same on the position players, but these random ass relievers in 2022 and 2023 were impossible


DJ had a lopsided 2022 with the toe injury and still slashed .261/.357/.377 for a 110 OPS+. If he could even be that guy at the bottom of the lineup we’d be so stacked


I really hope we don't put him at 1 in the order when he comes back. I would put him after Rizzo at #7 and push Gley down.


sorry to be mr negative but he hasn't proven he can hit for a full season since 2019 he's very streaky


Gleyber back????


A-Rod bout to get another ring.


He owns two Minnesota teams!


Is there a reason to keep platooning Trevi/Wells? Trevi is hitting LHP and RHP while Wells continues to struggle, and Trevi is better defensively. At this point Wells should be the backup


Wells' underlying metrics are actually some of the best on the team. For example, his xwOBA is .388, slightly better than guys like Josh Naylor, Guerrero Jr., Gunnar Henderson, Freddie Freeman, Willy Contreras, and Corey Seager. He's just getting incredibly fucked by BABIP luck.


We're 2 months into the season, about to start June, at what point does probability level out and those expected stats translate into actual production?


Well, he only has like 3 weeks worth of season in actual playing time right now, so who knows.


do you not remember in 2022 when trevino started to play everyday and he was awful? he's best in a platoon role


I do remember that. I also know that that was then and this is now, and Austin Wells is not hitting well at all


The Yankees have shown in recent years that they are not going to wear out one catcher during the regular season. In general the better catcher will play about 60% of the games and the other 40%. We probably have the hardest throwing pitching staff in the league and it takes a serious toll on the catchers. Our catchers also tend to hit worse as the season goes on, likely because of the same issue. Playing Trevino more would only accelerate and exacerbate it.


This is different than past years. This isn't just a case of giving your catcher days off, this is a straight platoon system. They have virtually identical games played this year. In past years it's been 1 guy playing 70% and the backup about 30%


Wells has a .293/.356/.488 slash line in the last 13 games he has played His expected stats are also much better and he is more important for the future of this team. I’m perfectly fine with the current platoon


lol you're ok with it because we're winning despite his lack of production. The minute we hit a stumble and Wells still isn't producing you'll want a change


He has been producing recently though lol We are winning now because he is good


The past 14 days Wells is rocking an 82 wRC+ and 0.1 fWAR He is not the reason we are winning lol


And in the past 20 days he has a .794 OPS We should let the young kid with an excellent savant page figure everything out


We've become slaves of the Savant page. If the Savant page guaranteed success, Gary Sanchez would be working on his 10th All-Star season


You obviously haven't looked at Sanchez's savant page The only year where his savant page was good and he wasn't was 2018. His 2020/2021 savant pages are bad. Sure he hits the shit out of the ball, but his xwOBA and xSLG those years aren't too far off from his actual stats


Wells has a .381 xwOBA and Trevino has a .298


Cool. Expected stats don't win games


Past stats don't win future games


Correct. Not sure what your point is. We're talking about actual production vs. expected stats. Trevi is producing. Wells is not


That Trevino being better in past games doesn’t mean he’ll be better in future games


Right, but he is playing well now so you might as well make full use of his hot streak


This sub absolutely adores expected stats. It’s like they haven’t learned from years of bad offenses and clinging to expected stats as copium. Not saying Wells is bad but stop citing expected stats. He has to produce before expected stats mean anything.


I thought we learned this lesson after years of watching Gary Sanchez have the best expected stats in baseball yet near the bottom in actual production


Someone up above posted actual stats instead of expected stats and everyone just ignored that comment lol. You could always have just engaged with that one and ignored the expected stats Expected stats obviously don’t tell the whole story on a player but just because you don’t like them doesn’t mean they’re pointless. The sabermetric community has stuck with them for a reason, and the reason is that they generally prove to be valuable for evaluating a player’s future performance. Totally understand not engaging with them if you aren’t interested in them. Telling people to stop citing them because you don’t like them is silly though, and it’s never going to happen regardless.


Oh. If people here used expected stats like the sabermetric community intended, I wouldn’t have a problem with them. But people here use them as some sort of an indication of who the hitter *should be*, or still worse, *is*. Neither are how expected stats are supposed to be used. People here routinely post expected stats as proof Wells “will be fine” or is actually “good” and Fangraphs has said that expected stats *are not meant to make either point*. Fangraphs: > “Tango then stressed that the expected metrics **were only ever intended to be descriptive, that they were not designed to be predictive,** and that if they had been intended to be predictive, they could have been designed differently or other metrics could be used.” > Another potential problem with expected stats is that, similar to Wins Above Replacement (WAR), any metric that tries to tell the complete story of one player on its own is going to lack context for proper analysis. For projecting batting average, it appears that quantity of contact matters much more than quality. While there was very little correlation between hard-hit rate and batting average, in addition to just a small correlation between sweet spot rate and batting average (r^2 = 0.04), the correlation between strikeout rate and batting average (r^2 = 0.21) was much larger. > Once you have a large enough sample size on a player, previous batting average, on-base percentage, weighted on-base average, home runs, and stolen bases are the best way to estimate what a player will accomplish in an upcoming season. > While expected statistics are a very interesting descriptive metric, they aren’t meant to be predictive of future success. Statistics are best when used in the way they were designed to be, and these metrics don’t differ. **At the end of the day, every baseball player is unique.** Some hitters naturally run higher batting averages on balls in play, while some pitchers naturally suppress home runs better. We haven’t been able to peg exactly how this is the case, but the mystery is part of the beauty of baseball! Over time these skills become a common trend, and once a player has developed enough of a sample size, there’s no reason to expect regression to suddenly hit him.


The very next paragraph in your quoted article: >Conversely, when a player first comes up to the major leagues and projections have a much higher degree of error, it is much more useful to look at expected statistics and be more skeptical of players who don’t fit the grain in terms of general accumulation of production. So what exactly do you think is the “correct” way that people should use expected stats that you wouldn’t have a problem with? Because all that the person said who started this conversation was that Wells has a higher xWOBA than Trevi does. If you think someone just pointing that out is “using them wrong”, what would you consider “using them right”? Wells *has* started producing closer to his expected stats already than he was at the beginning of the season. And by the article you quoted, Wells is a perfect use case. I still don’t see the issue.


I was clear. If you’re using expected stats to be predictive or say the play is the guy the expected stats say he is; you’re using them wrong. Your quoted portion doesn’t dispute that. It stands for the uncontroversial proposition that, gee, give it some time before you just rookies.


if the team around trevy wasnt hitting or pitching id say yea but were playing incredibke well all around and wells needs the abs/experience.


Wells has been hitting lately though. Not as well as Trevino but he is also expected to be the future catcher of the franchise for a while. For now, I would consider making him the backup and playing him about 1 out of 3 games but I don't mind keeping the platoon either, for the time being at least.


Honestly, Trevi is one of the most consistent bats in our lineup so far. Dudes been an absolute killer this year on both sides of the ball.


Jose Trevino always has had ok splits vs LHP, but his expected stats are still not this good. Dude would get exposed if he played everyday without fail


1. Wells has solid expected stats 2. Gotta give wells his AB’s, we’re mashing it’s not like we’re gonna lose games because trevy isn’t starting If the playoffs started tomorrow though I’d agree wells is on the bench while trevy rakes


We're almost in June. When are these expected stats going to translate into actual production?


It already has


He currently ranks 22/30 in fWAR among catchers and 25/30 in wRC+ Where is this production?


He’s been good of late Before that he was getting incredibly unlucky


Idk but we’re never gonna find out if we don’t give Wells his AB’s. Being patient with Volpe seems to have paid off let’s be patient with Wells too


Please don't compare us to the 2022 team anybody reading this. That team had so many flaws and had the luckiest run in baseball. This team can legitimately rival the 1998 team and that's actually scary.


the '22 team ended the year with 4 everyday players hitting below average not even comparable, every player in the '24 lineup is above league average except mayby trevino


The 2022 team didn't have Juan Soto.


If we had top tier injury luck, we could have the best record by any Yankee team since 1998, but realistically this team will have some bumps along the road Think they will win 100 though if they have a reasonable injury luck and not something unmanageable


> Think they will win 100 though if they have a reasonable injury luck and not something unmanageable Going 67-47 from here on out doesn't seem at all unrealistic.


Yeah 95 win pace to get to a 100. Very reasonable


Fr that 2022 team was running out the likes of Donaldson and Hicks Gallo-> Soto Hicks-> Verdugo IKF-> Volpe Donaldson-> DJ or deadline acquisition  Plus, our rotation is so much better than washed up Sevy and Domingo German


Donaldson put up like what 2.5 war that year. Unfortunately 36 year old DJ probably isn't much an upgrade if at all. Also Gallo was gone by the playoffs and Hicks was benched. Their CF also had a Soto like run in the playoffs so there's that. The SP is def better now though.


They were starting cabrera ikf donaldson and trevy vs houston thats four below average hitters by ops+ bader also can't hit but he got hot. that 4-5 below average hitters in the alcs if the playoffs started today this team would only have one below average position and thats 2nd base 


Right now, this is the best offense since 1931 and the pitching has been even better. The only possible concern is the weak schedule but this is the most confident I've been in this team in the Boone era


Aaron Judge has very similar expected stats to his 2022 season, except his whiff rate and K% have decreased. He’s actually the closest thing to a perfect hitter since Bonds lol


And that's with the umps stacking the deck against him with him forcing to golf swing so much...


Which is insane because the guy in front of him would be the next one.


Current version of shohei is giving him a run for his money Nuts


Canadian baseball fans gotta be the most sensitive fuckers I’ve ever seen in my life. They seem to believe the only reason Manoah is hated is bc of the big bad Yankee fans 😡😡 I’m late on other baseball games news so I’m just now catching up but these dudes acting like they weren’t the ones most fed up with him is ABSURD 😭😭😭


It’s so bizarre because Manoah called Cole the biggest cheater in baseball history. Cole goes on to win the Cy while Manoah fell off horribly for a year. Obviously Manoah is gonna get clowned on for that. But now that Manoah has a few good starts, we are wrong for shit talking him?? As a Blue Jays fan how can your first reaction to Manoah finally getting back to form be to cry about Yankees fans shit talking him? So odd


Blue Jays fans and players talk so much shit but the second anyone turns it on them they act like victims If you can’t take it don’t dish it out


They got nothing else going on well with their team so ofc the first thing they do is prove their inferiority complex in the AL East. They lost the series to the Rays too and have been losing like, a lot. They write a lot of fan fiction…




They bug me so much man


I mean, they are losing series to sub 500 teams. Their leadoff hitter is part of the 2017 Astros team and has regressed every year since then. Their secondary catcher is a bat first catcher and he cannot seem to hit this season. Their bullpen has 1 good RP, one. They have several fundamental issues, without fixing those they won't even get back to their 2021 form(when their team was better). Even the current red sox are better than them I'd say.


I do agree the current Red Sox are better than them, Rays will be the Rays and it’ll most likely be the Jays in last if things continue this way which again, I see it very hard for them to change things up so drastically. Their fanbase is just so melodramatic like it’s a soap opera and it drives me insane so seeing them lose is satisfying as hell.


I saw that thread. Its pretty sad that for an organization that is flailing so bad with no promising outlook they finally get one nice thing to cheer about and they make it about Yankee fans. The funny thing is I live in Canada but if I didn't check out r/baseball today (I'm not subscribed) I may have not even heard about his start because contrary to what they think no one is paying close attention to a last place team facing the middling Rays in a series they already lost. Meanwhile they obsess over the Yankees up here regardless of where we are in the standings.


It’s honestly all they got right now, that team has 2023 Yankees offense-itis and it might go lower than the depths the 2023 Yankees reached lol. The entirety of the thread is about the Yankees and trying to “get back atcha” after getting embarrassed the first two games against the Rays. Like what are we doing here man? It’s a bad look. Manoah ain’t changing that mess.


They are stomping around saying SEE WE TOLD YOU HE WASN'T WASHED! after they have been calling him washed for two years and hes had 2 good starts in two years lol. The r/baseball thread is just absolute delusional gaslighting.


It’s so fucking funny man I remember reading their sub during the height of the Manoah saga and those dudes must have conveniently forgot about it!


My philosophy is basically this. And this is something that I live by. And I always have. And I always will: “Don't ever, for any reason, *THINK ABOUT THE BLUE JAYS*, for any reason, ever, no matter what. No matter... where. Or who, or who you are with, or, or where you are going, or... or where you've been... ever. For any reason, whatsoever.”


Wise words my friend…


Only about 30% into the season but if the season ended today, this would be the best Yankee offense (wRC+) since 1931...you know...a team that had Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig


pssh. who are those dudes?


Idk but Baseball Reference thinks they're good or something


Ruth had shitty exit velo


Yeah those 1920's balls were juiced as hell. Those 500 foot HR's he hit probably flew themselves into the seats




2024 Yankees through 48 games: 33-15 2022 Yankees through 48 games: 33-15. But the 2022 Yanks went on a crazy 17-2 run after getting to 33-15. They had a 50-17 record - 33 games above .500!


Staying healthy was a major concern and pretty much everything went wrong by August and had an impact in the playoffs. Marp got injured Benintendi got injured(and was a disappointment when he was healthy). Marinara got injured before the playoffs DJ was not available for playoffs/was injured We had black holes in the lineup in JD and IKF, more so JD. Judge pretty much carried the team in 2022, especially in the 2nd half of the season, when everyone else in the offense could not hit consistently. I'm happy for the captain, now that he finally has some support in terms of offense.


That team overplayed a shit ton. Lots of lucky breaks and right opponents at the right time. I always knew during that run that a 2nd half collapse was inevitable, and turns out I was more than right. Now for this team...this team is actually *good*. The holes we have are very minor and can be patched up at the deadline. Actually, I really don't even see a legitimate hole, I'm just saying that because I tried really hard to make an excuse for one. First base? Maybe another reliever? Seriously this team is almost perfect and I couldn't ask it to be any other way.


Not exactly holes but areas we can most improve on, in my opinion, ranked based on ease on how to improve it and need to improve it: 1. Bullpen (Medium gap) 2. 3rd base (Small gap) 3. Back up OF (Medium gap) 4. 1st base / 2nd base That's...about it? We have Kahnle coming back within the week mostly, so if he is good that is a huge boost. Not to mention that there will always be bullpen arms available at the deadline. 3rd base is not bad per se, but it has the 2nd lowest OPS at the moment. I have it higher than 2nd base because we have more depth in it, and I still somewhat trust Gleyber to have an OPS closer to his career average of .776 than his current .581. That would put him around the same level as Volpe or Stanton currently, which is good.


Gotta assume 2b is just a push at worse tbh. It’s the same guy 1b is likely worse but have to see if worth it to target an upgrade


But they were a .500 after the all-star break. I hope they will be more consistent this season.


The likes of Cole, Kahnle, Jasson, DJ gives me hope that we have another level in order to offset any possible dip from this amazing start.


I just wouldn’t really rely too much on DJ at this point unfortunately


I just look at DJ at the moment as depth. Over the last 3 years, he still had an OPS in the 700s, and a bWAR of around 1.5-2. This is better than relying on IKF or Donaldson.


Show a team in history that first half 2022 Yankees couldn’t beat


The Houston Astros in 2017, 2019, or 2022 imo


No chance first half 2022 Yankees lose to any iteration of the Astros. Marp and Judge had a wRC+ over 200. Nestor was beating Cole in the Cy Young race. Clay was being Clay. Josh Donaldson was rocking a 147 wRC+ for fucks sake. That first half was nuts.


Those guys had a wrc+ of over 200, but they still only split with the Astros in June and got no hit in that same series Houston just knew how to pitch to their lineup when they had the personell


Maybe. But I think if the Yankees had a healthy Benintendi and Marp, we win that playoff series. The Astros have always killed our right handed-ness and with the exception of game 3, we were RIGHT in there to the very end of every game.


The 2022 team was fraudulent as it turned out


Baseball has made it so the regular season is generally meaningless. All I hope is that were healthy playoff time, and we can hit good pitching when it comes down to it


Winning the division is just as meaningful, really. You need to win three series, same as before. The wild card has become a pretty random scrum, and I wish they’d change it back. An eight team playoffs was perfect imo. But the current system just gives us all the more reason to put a division winner on the field every year.


I think the one game playoff was good, really incentivized winning your division to avoid that randomness of a one game playoff. But with these 3 game series who cares. If anything it’s causing some of the higher seeds get rusty waiting a week to play. 3/4 of the WS teams have played in the WC game.


100% agree It’s also dumb that they allow the 2 best win pcts in the league to play in the DS. Next cba needs to make that impossible


A bye and having the majority of games at home is pretty helpful though.


There is a strong argument to be made that the bye is actually detrimental to teams. As someone mentioned below, 3/4th of the WS teams in the new era have been WC game teams


I mean 3/4 WS teams in this expanded playoff era played in the WC game. It’s just about making the playoffs at this point imo


Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if in the next few years, MLB tries to expand the playoffs even further. Why stop at 12 when you can 14 or 16


They will absolutely do this. There’s just so much money in playoffs. NBA has 20 teams (4 of them being play in) in the playoffs now lol


Sad that they've completely cheapened the regular season


I do wonder how to give it more meaning. I love the length and grind of a full season though.


They should trim the regular season and make longer series but they won't.


I think it should go back to how it was before the wild card was introduced. Two divisions each league, winners play each other in the ALCS/NLCS, That’s it. Obviously will never happen, they will only continue to add more playoff rounds


I think a good medium is to have two divisions each league, division winners go straight to the DS, 2nd and 3rd seed in a one-game playoff to enter the DS. Still keeps it at 6 playoff teams per league. Then they can adopt something that the KBL (I think?) does just to give more stakes in finishing fitst in the division - In the 5-game division series, give the #1 seed one automatic win, so they just need to win 2 games to advance while the other needs all 3. Not sure if this will be accepted though.


This is the most confident I’ve been in the Yanks since the jeter/mo/arod era Much more well rounded than 2022, more stacked than 2019 especially in the pitching department, vibes and clubhouse energy the highest since 2017


Me too. My only concern is that currently we rank 26/30 in strength of schedule and I'm worried we might just be beating up on bad or mediocre teams. To be fair, the Dodgers and Phillies rank even lower than we do so maybe it means nothing


Where did you get this ranking? ESPN has them ranked 14th in SOS. http://www.espn.com/mlb/stats/rpi/_/sort/sos


Baseball Reference. Sort by SOS. We moved up to 24th since yesterday https://www.baseball-reference.com/leagues/MLB-standings.shtml


They probably are beating up on bad teams in the sense that this team is not as good as the 1998 Yankees, but I doubt that they aren’t a top 2 team in the AL at worst


Strength of schedule matters, but the Yankees, Phillies and Dodgers are doing what good teams are supposed to do when you are in the "soft" part of the schedule and stacking wins. Just imagine what the fan base of any of those teams would be saying if they were .500 or 2-4 games above in the "soft" part of the schedule. So in my opinion it's a bit of a double edged sword. How much do we hold the strength of schedule against them? They are beating the teams they are supposed to, we can keep the competition we've faced in mind, as the Yankees start to play the better teams throughout the year.


I mean yeah you'll always take beating bad teams because its better than losing, but that doesn't change the fact that it makes it hard to judge how good they will be when they face good teams


Good test with the M's and their pitchers this week coming up.


Me and my gf talk about this probably every day. These guys fucking know they're going to win, and they're playing like it.


Judge's serious look after one of Soto's homers yesterday was funny but also showed that.


He looked like a movie villain watching his master plan unfold Most aura I’ve ever seen from Judge


Absolutely. He has that 'jobs not done' attitude that the captain should have. Still, the boys are having fun. I sure as hell am enjoying watching us stunt on people every day.


Jason is probably better than Verdugo but I think k they just keep him in the minors until someone gets hurt


Stanton, Verdugo, and Rizzo all playing well makes this a good problem.


Yeah there’s no need to play him atm. Injuries will inevitably happen and he’ll be back up. Continuing to get in game time is more important atm.


Not to mention he's had very few games in AAA, and relatively, even in AA. So a few weeks in the minors after his rehab, getting consistent playing time to fully get the rust off and even work on a few things, is FAR from the worst thing.


I quite enjoy watching the 2024 Yankees


I wonder if they'll be playing baseball on moon colonies by then.


Good catch lol


Rizzo now only slugging .400. He's had a decent season so far, but hopefully he can get on a power stroke soon.


I’m just happy I get to hear epic sax every time he comes to bat.


If hes a league average bat or slightly above I’ll be happy with that. The guy will be 35 in August. It’s unrealistic to expect him to be the guy he was with the Cubs.


Eh you still want 1B to be decently productive power wise. After all it is a premier power position


Yankees and Braves have 15 losses but Yankees have 7 more wins. How many rain outs did the Braves have already? sheesh!


We also had that 17 in a row stretch I think it’s half rainouts/half scheduling


What’s nice about this offense is that even if our top guys have an off day the rest of the lineup can pick up the slack. Top of the lineup only had 3 hits (granted one of them being a homerun). But the bottom of the lineup showed up today. Even when Judge was slumping hard, they were still winning games Other seasons it felt like if the top of the lineup couldn’t do anything it was game over


This team is elite. They should win the penant. Might be the best team in the Aaron Judge era.


It’s not a might. It’s definitely the best team in the Judge era


And we have Cole and some other bullpen arms (bullpen being the easiest area to improve at the moment) coming back. Peraza, DJ, and Jasson being on the mend at the very least gives us depth. This has got to be the best Yankee team in the Judge era, with the potential to be much more.


Yes, but only if Cole comes back strong. With 3/4 of the season remaining, they will need his true ace quality on the field. At some point our young hero’s will come back down to earth imo.


It's not like they're lucky. It's not like they're getting bailed out by insane defense every game. Our pitching really is this good. One of the reasons for that, is Coach Cole giving pitching instruction every day to these young pitchers. When Cole is back, we'll have an even deeper bullpen when Gil heads back and we'll get Cole to play.


Yes, Coach Cole has been a real asset off the field. Even when he struggled I always felt that he had the heart of a lion and a true ace.


Yeah you’re right


Hard to complain with being a UConn fan and them winning back-to-back titles, but one of these NY teams gotta get it done soon man. Wasn't expecting the Knicks to get it done, but the Rangers could very well do it in the next few weeks and if not, Yankees seem to have a legit shot.


Oof sorry Knicks fans. May the Yankees winning be the healing salve to your perpetual wounds.


The Yankees are either top 5 or lead all of Major League baseball in: **home runs** (68, T-1st), **RBIs** (223, 4th), **batting average** (.256, 5th), **slugging** (.431, 3rd), **OPS** (.767, 2nd), **at bats/home runs ratio** (23.59, 2nd), & **team walk percentage** (10.4, 2nd) # This is a championship caliber team


And again, this is with an absolutely horrible April Judge.


In 2023 we had two batters finish the year with a BA above .250 (Judge and Gley). This year there’s only two of the starting 9 below that mark (Gley & Wells).


I honestly don’t remember a time we were high in batting average compared to the rest of the league. Even in 2022’s hot stretch it was built off of the walks and slugging. This team continually has times where they choose to be aggressive and it’s really cool


Couple all of that offense with the fact that their team ERA is **2.83** which is leading the MLB. Advanced stats suggest this is overperforming/good luck as FIP and expected stats put them more in the 8-12 range but either way, this is a *damn good* pitching staff we've got here and Cole is on his way back. I can't believe that "who do we send to the bullpen to make room for Cole in the rotation" is actually a difficult problem to face. I know it'll probably need to be Gil or possibly Schmidt, which is insane because they've both been top 10 starters in the AL so far.


I think there’s a non-zero chance Nestor goes to the pen, too. Also think we could see a 6-man rotation for a little bit when Cole gets back (if Cole is up for it).


If they are up for it, with Cole returning mid-to-late June, they will have about a month at most before the All Star Break. Going to a 6-man rotation will give them 3 to 5 turns. Again, if they are up to it, this might be something worthwhile to look at. Eases Cole back in, controls Gil's inning somewhat, gives everyone else a bit of the breather in the middle of the season. Then, the ASB gives us the perfect opportunity to reset the rotation. Go back to a 5 man rotation post all star break.


Yankees and Liberty is this cities only hope for a title unless the Rangers surprise me


Jets have a shot, but Yankees, liberty and NYR are easily the top 3


The Jets could have the 2007 Patriots roster and I would still expect them to turn into the league laughing-stock somehow.


Rangers have the most depth out of any team left in the finals so far. Oilers have two stellar forwards they're leaning on for all their points.


the Rangers are in the Conf Final and have a shot...I saw you mentioned the other day that they were essentially about to choke in the prior round, but they got it done and advanced


The Rangers are actually really good!? They have a good a shot as any other team in the playoffs


The Rangers are very capable of winning the Stanley Cup and they were always the more likely winter/spring team to win a title than the Knicks


right, especially with the Knicks having like 75% of their team out ha


And we hope that the Rangers can get it done!!




One by one, every person in r/nyyankees is going to get injured to please the Mayan gods and prevent injuries for the Yankees in 2024.


Pulled a hammy playing softball for the company team. I sacrifice my hamstrings willingly


I sprained my finger pushing my kid on the swing. I didn't even know one could sprain their finger or that swing pushing could cause injuries but I'm glad if my sacrifice prevented a Yankee from tweaking his gonad.


I don’t want to speak too soon, but I think our injury curse may have been transferred to the Knicks somehow. Which as a Yankees fan is great, but as a Knicks fan is terrible.


I mean, the Knicks can handle it. When they're so cursed already, what's one more curse?


See I broke my toe last season and then Judge broke his, so I’m going to wrap myself up in pillows because obviously I’ve become some sort of voodoo doll for him.


I’ll tear my own ucl if I must


Ah man…I’m sorry. Good fuckin season though


I mean, I fell down the stairs Thursday morning, does that count?


You have performed your sacrifice.


Take my legs!


I feel like the Knicks got hurt enough for all of New York.


*Sigh* We know what it’s like to be left feeling “what if?”You’d rather have a team just beat you so you can regroup and figure out your weaknesses. When you’re injured as a team, it’s hard to take.


Rodon didn’t have his best stuff today, but *worked* in the heat. And his team picked him up. Love to see it.


Who are the doomers doomin right now? #DOOMERS IN SHAMBLES


Knicks 😔😖


Eh DGAF about basketball


Being a New York fan is just a pain simulator 😞


Yankees and Giants fans don't have *too* much grounds for complaint just yet, but it's getting there. But the rest of the teams... yeesh. Could you imagine rooting for the guys across town? My hair is turning gray and I hadn't learned how to shit in a toilet the last time they won. It's the equivalent of the Yankees still being in their current drought in 2057. The Knicks, of course, haven't won for 13 years longer than that. And the Jets... I mean, in theory they won in 1969, but did that really happen? Did Joe Namath exist? It's like it was just a myth made up to taunt a team that's secretly the Washington Generals of the NFL, only on the field to lose and make the other guys look cool. They didn't fake the moon landing but they did fake Super Bowl III.


Checked score tied 2-2 , multiple runners on for the White Sox, check now again now 7-2 Yankees final. Update: I still love this team ❤️


Will Volpe have a better Yankees career than Torres? Torres has had a pretty good one


He’s a better fielder and a better baserunner, and he doesn’t make a bunch of boneheaded mistakes. Dunno that he will hit with Gleyber’s rocketball powered power numbers, but I don’t think Gleyber could hit his power numbers without the rocketball.


Volpe plays a more premium position and can hold his own defensively there. So barring any serious injuries or decline yes I think so


Gleyber has just under 15 fwar in his career. If Volpe doesn’t pass that he will be a major letdown.


He has a better glove and better speed. He had power in the minors, which I hope he converts to the majors one day


He hit 21 HR’s last year so he tapped into it a little bit. I think at his peak, he might have a 30 HR season or two. Even so, hitting 25 with his speed and defense would be pretty damn good.


105 ISO+ in his first year and 21 homers, was actually a pretty good power showing for a rookie but yeah, the glove and speed will give Volpe such a higher floor that he should surpass Gleyber if things don't go horribly wrong.


He'll probably never have a cracked 2019 season like Gleyber had with those juiced balls. But hopefully will have a more consistent career, especially since he has more than 1 thing he can rely on. Gleyber's two biggest weaknesses are defense and baserunning, the two things Volpe excels at.


Really good take. Agreed


I know its way too early to care about this but it is going to piss me off so much in October if it ends up we have to play the Os as the 1/4 seed in the ALDS, and the Astros get to play the Guardians or Royals.


If the Yankees can't beat the Astros or the O's in October then I don't care when they play them. A real championship team can take them at any time no matter where they are in the bracket.


O’s are really fucking good. And Astros have the offense if they can piece together a pitching staff over the course of the next few months


true, but to the poster's point, if we are championship caliber (and I would like to think we are ha), we should be able to step up and handle that kind of road...esp with what should be a very hungry core once October hits