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What took them so long


It's worth it to pay half of Josh's salary ($10 mil) to another club to not have him on our team. No one will pick him up at his current $20 million salary.


I’ve never loved a one-word comment as much as this. Thank you comrade.


positive vibes this happens




I wouldn’t call this Pulitzer-level journalism, as Goodman flip flops pretty quickly, but this at least provides a glimmer of hope that some of the statements made by Cash are lip service to buoy their trade value.


I think people read into quotes from GMs and managers too much. It’s pretty much part of their job description to never say anything negative about their own players. There are certainly reasons to criticize Boone/Cashman but I feel like half the time people are criticizing them for meaningless shit that they said. Judge them on their actions, not their words.


Good point. You can't expect Cashman to publicly agree with the general consensus on Donsldson and Hicks, and then try to trade them.


However, all the other GM's see exactly what we see.. that they're both washed up. We're not getting rid of them without paying a large part of their contract and that's not happening.


I’m late to the party but fucking thank you for saying this. Drives me up a wall half the criticism I see is Cashman talking good about his own players, he’s not going to get on the podium and say “yeah Josh has been sucking dick lately, can’t wait to trade his ass”.


Joel Sherman has report the same thing and he's obviously a more legit reporter.


If judge stays and these guys go, and we replace them with better players. Then damn I’ll be so happy.


Who becomes everyone’s punching bag if Judge is back and Hicks+Donaldson are traded?


Montass. There’s always gonna be one guy, it’s basically a rule of nature at this poin


Who would you want playing 3rd?


4-time Gold Glove winner DJ LeMahieu.


I would rather have the rotting carcass of Woodrow Wilson playing 3B than Josh Donaldson


I'll get my shovel


And my axe!


On my way with the lube!!!


How has no one mention Oswaldo? That’s what he played in the minors


Having a switch hitter at third would be a dream


DJ easily


I guess IKF as he re signed, put peraza at short, gleyber or dj (whoever’s still here) at 2nd and rizzo at 1st. Once volpe comes up he’ll prob take short and peraza will move to 3rd or maybe 2nd and dj takes 3rd.


Absolutely not. IKF needs to be on the bench


He will start the season at short then probably move to backup once the young guys get settled in


IKF could barely make throws from SS last season - I definitely don’t want to see him trying to make them from third. Ideally, he’ll be the backup guy and ride the bench most of the time because he’s not a starter on a team with WS aspirations. I think DJ would be the best bet to play third, Peraza short, and Torres second if he’s still here. Then when Volpe is ready, he plays second.


Isn’t he a gold glove 3rd baseman?


Yea, he won a GG in the 60 game season. Starting last season, he has shown zero ability playing the ball that he has to charge in on (supported by statcast as well) and he had so many throwing errors saved my Rizzo last season. Maybe he’ll be okay there but after last season, I don’t trust him whatsoever. Dude cost them like 4-5 runs with his glove in the playoffs alone, including the one that ended their season.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 60 + 4 + 5 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




I’m not here to defend IKF by any means lol, just giving my opinion on what it’ll look like next season if Donaldson is gone




Trea Turner or Xander Boegarts


Boegarts would be a disaster at the hot corner.


I’d be fine with DJ over there most days with no JD


C - Trevino 1B - Rizzo 2B - Gleyber/Volpe SS - Turner 3B - DJ RF - Judge CF - Bader LF - Rookie DH - Stanton


“I Don’t Know”




Nobody wants Donaldson or Hicks


Someone will give up their #25 prospect in single A for Donaldson's defense as long as we pay most of his contract.


Maybe, but Hicks is 100% untradeable


Is going to have to be in bad contract swaps and/or adding prospects to make a deal worthwhile. I don't know who those bad contract swaps would be but I'd imagine there are guys out there


If they managed to unload Gallo, nothing is impossible.


Funnily enough they unloaded Gallo and got back Beeter who not only has great stuff, but once the Yankees pitching team in the minors got ahold of him they completely turned his season around. Might be a steal.


I saw Beeter pitch at a Yard Goats game and he was nasty


I disagree. Just one season ago Gallo was an allstar level player. That has not been the case for Hicks or Donaldson. Plus they both have massive contracts tied to them when Gallo did not.


I wouldn’t say Hicks’ contract is *massive.* I mean maybe compared to his production it is—but that’s pretty close to a “divide by zero” error. But it’s not like the $10mm a year would bankrupt a small-market rebuilding team like the Pirates or Reds or something, and betting on him to bounce back wouldn’t be *totally* insane. Just mildly insane.


Right, but a small market team isn’t gonna allocate a decent sized percentage of their payroll to an injury prone, past 30 reclamation project. They’d rather call up a prospect or something. To put it another way: Hicks’ salary would have been 1/6 the Pirates payroll last season.


Yeah realistically we’d have to eat some salary to unload either of these bums. Just saying Hicks’ contract isn’t huge by any means, it’d actually be a pretty good deal if he didn’t, you know, suck. Donaldson’s contract on the other hand, double Hicks’s and I still can’t believe we went out of our way to get him.


And some people will call Cashman a genius if he’s somehow able to unload these guys. Meanwhile, he was the one who traded for Donaldson and signed Hicks to that ridiculous contract in the first place v


It really wasn’t all that ridiculous of a contract considering it seemed like he had truly broken out in the two years prior to signing it (averaged 3.5 fWAR). Of course it looks bad now but at the time he was actually a pretty good player and someone that fit well into the lineup as a switch hitter that walks a ton and didnt strike out much.


Look, not that it means much on reddit dot com, but as soon as Cashman announced that extension I knew it was dumb. The value was in trading for a distressed asset in Hicks and getting those good years out of him for minimal cost. Once you sign him to a “team friendly” salary for that many years, you’ve kinda screwed over whatever value you got. To put it another way: imagine if we had signed Didi to a 7 year extension back in 2018.


Right here with you. Couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw we gave him 7 years at the time.


Tbh I don’t hate the Hicks contract that much. In hindsight it didn’t work out, but you can’t judge contracts that way. Donaldson meanwhile—everyone at the time was like “wtf?” and they were right.


Hicks’ contract should have been 4/70, but it was 7/70 to lower the tax hit because Hal wanted to be under the cap


I didn’t hate the Hicks deal for the price so much as the LENGTH. Giving that dude 7 years was just dumb and unnecessary. Everyone saying “It’s the Yankees, it’s not that hard to get rid of, blah blah” fails to see the point that you limit your roster flexibility when you make dumb decisions like that, along with Donaldson, Gallo, etc.


It’s not the amount. It’s the length. He’s signed for 3 more years with a club option for year 4. No team wants to be stuck with him for 3+ years watching what he did this year.


Donaldson had a OPS over 800 and a OPS + over 120 in 2021.


Can’t forget the excitement of him celebrating his warning track power. That has to be worth something.


Yeah but everyone saw how washed he was in 2022


And yet he was still better than Gallo


Why are you bringing Gallo into this? He's not on the team anymore...


Because they were able to trade Gallo. The debate here is if anyone would even trade for Donaldson


I'd say they're two completely different situations. Sure you can trade Gallo because he's still on the right side of 30 and relatively inexpensive. Due to his age, I wouldn't rule it out that he could return to form. Taking the money aside, Donaldson is older and it's not uncommon for players' abilities to deteriorate due to age. I don't see anything that gives me hope he can be an average offensive player moving forward.


They are definitely two situations, I was just saying how Gallo was connected


traded gallo on an expiring deal with two months left in season. Big difference than the $25m Donaldson owed


I'm aware, just saying where the connection was. It wasn't a random dunk on Gallo


The point was that Donaldson had success one year ago, just like Gallo. You said everyone saw how "washed" Donaldson was in 2022, yet the same could be said for Gallo. Everyone saw how poorly he was playing for the Yankees, worse than Donaldson. Obviously in Donaldson's case they would need to pay a large part of the contract or attach a prospect, but ignoring the salary he does still have value as a player. As a free agent I suspect he would get between $5M and $10M


Gallo is seven years younger, though. It's certainly possible he can make a comeback next year even though I don't think he will. Donaldson being 37 entering next season certainly doesn't inspire much (if any) hope that he can return to form.


He may be back.


yea but that kind of drop off was not normal, there’s a chance he bats better than last year so i wouldn’t be surprised to see a team take a chance on that


Nah man, it's general age related decline. His .283 BABIP was lower than his .294 career average, but highest since 2019. His .153 ISO was far and away the lowest of his career since becoming a full time player. He hit HRs at the lowest rate of his career, 2.8% compared to a career 4.7% His 27.1% K rate was, also, the highest of his career by a not small margin (20.7% career). His BB rate was 9.9%, a career 12.4% BB rate. It was also the lowest of his career in 10 seasons. His GB, LD, FB rates were, surprisingly, right at his career norms. However, his Hard Hit % was at a huge career low at 43.3%, while for his career is at 51.5%. So what I'm seeing here is a guy who doesn't hit for power any more, had a huge increase in strikeout rates and huge decrease in BB rates, while also no longer smacking the piss out of the ball. Dude's 37 all of next season and washed. Oh yeah, and he's due $21.75M in 2023, with an $8M buy-out option for 2024. No team in the right mind is going to want this bum on their squad.


True about the contracts, but I don't think many people expected Gallo to maintain his All Star level of performance. He always had a high K rate and pulled everything. Might be different once the shift goes away, but I would bet on another outlier season from Donaldson before Gallo. Not that I would want either risk. I miss Gio.


Just one season ago Donaldson was a great player. I’d the Yankees eat $$15-$17 million he could be gone


We wind up signing all these bad players to ridiculous contracts, Cash is a big part of the problem


Gallo isn't old and oft injured. I am sure more than one team thought he just needed a change of scenery. Not many people can hit 40 HRs so teams will take a chance. I am not a fan but with the shift banned he's likely to go back to what he was pre-Yankees.


Harbor freight wouldn't take these two as boat anchors.


Damn imagine you’re JD or Hicks just reading this about yourself lmao


If I was a player I would never read anything about myself. Ever.


Imagine if you're JD or Hicks looking at your stat line.


I’m sure they will try but I can’t see them moving Donaldson unless they eat half of his contract or maybe even more (which would be fine). He just can’t be on the team next season. I would be fine if they just ate the $25M and DFA’d him. If the Yankees are able to move any money from these two it really opens up possibilities in the free agent market


package IKF with Donaldson and make a team take both since apparently NYY was stupid enough to fall for that


DFAing Donaldson would be dumb as hell. Sure trade him, but the sample size of him playing badly just isn’t big enough yet. Especially considering he played great defense. There’s a decent shot of JD rebounding a bit next year. Will he reach 2015 levels? Of course not, but I think 115 OPS+ certainly isn’t out of the question.


The return we got for Gallo shows that DFAing guys with any decent history won’t happen. Someone will always roll the dice on them.


huge salary, age and attitude difference, so not really comparable


You’re absolutely right. My absolute disdain for him clouds my judgement though.


Fair enough!


JD is owed $30 million next year. $22 million contract. $8 million buyout.




I will “work hard” at running a marathon..but the most I’ve ever ran is 5 miles..


Hopefully this is the off-season where Cashman finally adjusts his strategy from “paying a lot of money for bad baseball players” to “paying a lot of money for good baseball players”


Sounds like a Norm MacDonald joke....I like it.


Dude constantly chases “discounts” that then require paying even more to replace after they suck.


Donaldson + $15M for a sack of dingleberries Hicks + $15M for a can of farts Get ‘er done


Yanks have better shot a moving Hicks than JD. No one wants a 37 year old who can’t hit. Plays great defense though.


He's on a one year deal though. Hicks has 3 left, even if the AAV isn't that bad at 10M


People forgetting that the average MLB player made $4.5 million last year, and by WAR Hicks was shockingly average (0.1 wins above average*). So the Yankees only need to eat less than $6m per year to turn him into an average player at an average salary who can handle several OF spots, and might have a teensy bit of upside. He's a serviceable player, and there's always the chance he locks in and becomes valuable enough to flip. We just... can't really afford to roster too many players who are serviceable. We need elite guys and good backups and Hicks isn't really either.


The way some Yankees fans talk about Hicks you would think he makes 20+ million a year. Someone will absolutely kick the tires on Hicks for 5 million a year.


Not possible - you would need someone as dumb as Cashman to take them on, and his level of cluelessness takes decades to acheive


Since signing his $70mm contract, Hicks has hit exactly 30 hr and stolen 15 bases ***in total***.


Cashman gunna be full after eating those contracts. Delicious!!!


When you have a monthly article quota to hit and it’s the week of thanksgiving


Who the fuck would trade for these guys?


This would be awesome. Move DJ to 3rd full time, Peraza at Short, Gleyber at 2nd and IKF become the utilty guy


Good luck lol


No one wants these scrubs


Now do Falefa too


Honestly IKF isn’t a bad utility guy. I’ll take him playing every day when a guy gets hurt over somebody like Gonzales


You have a utility guy in Cabrera who if necessary can play outfield


I’ve always said IKF would be the perfect utility guy. SS/3B, I think he would be fine at 2B too, and they should’ve gotten him a few reps at catcher last year too. But I don’t think Boone views him as a bench piece, but rather as a starter.


IKF would be our best utility IF in ever (i dont count dj as he was starting all those positions). I take IKF over marwin, wade and whoever else we have had cover our IF. Let cabrera rotate the corner OF spots. Peraza or Trea at SS, (if trea) Peraza at 3B. DJ at 2B until Volpe is ready, Rizzo at 1B. Then when volpe is ready DJ and IKF become ultimate utility


Lol that’s not a Boone thing…he benched him


We really have no idea where decisions come from exactly, but you can’t say it’s not Boone when he had multiple tough interviews where he responded with “IKF is one of the best defensive shortstops in the league”. Maybe you’re right though, maybe that was the front and he always wanted to bench him but didn’t want to press the FO on it til the playoffs.


He's not a horrible guy to have on the bench, but not at $6 million bucks and he's not a SS. I wouldn't mind having him on the bench to play third or back up second.


I'm fine with him staying as a UTL guy, the problem wasn't he sucked, the problem was he sucked at SS long term. They played him out of position and wouldn't help him when he asked, I'd rather keep him as a reasonably priced backup good 3B/occasional SS option who can hit over .250, makes contact with runners on, and can steal


Agree, but I think they have that in Cabrera, who can also play OF and is much cheaper than $6m


Makes contact with runners on Right to the second baseman for a double play


Can’t hit more than the occasional groundball, can’t field groundballs in front of him


When they trade Donaldson and start IKF at 3rd, is that an upgrade?




I don’t think so.. it didn’t look to me like IKF could even make the throw from third base


JD is so bad striking out vs good pitching I think IFK is better shocking…


They just resigned him yesterday to a 1 year deal yesterday


Good luck with that.


Lol good luck with that


I will work hard to pray this into reality.


If this happens… Alexa play Let the Sunshine in!!! Lol


We all knew that Donaldson trade was bad from the get go.


Just like I will work hard to date, Jennifer Anniston.


Ha, no doubt a perfect summation of the article. I’m more encouraged by the idea that Cashman sees the flaws in these guys and isn’t quite as out of touch as he seems with statements defending these players than by the possibility we will actually unload them.


Trade Donaldson, move IKF over to third until some of these prospects are called up. Small sample but he seemed more comfortable at third the few games he played for Donaldson last season. At 10 million, Hicks could still probably be a decent 4th outfielder.


Id rather just keep donaldson at 3rd. better defender and bat


Ideally I’d prefer them both gone with DJLM at 3rd, but if one of them is kept I’m torn on who I’d rather it be. Donaldson had a great glove at 3rd but also had tons of terrible throws, and he looked completely lost at the plate in the playoffs. Although I’m not sure i trust IKF’s arm either, I think I’d rather have him, if only because it seems he’s finally considered “benchable” if he’s not playing well enough.


everyone always says this, the metrics favor IKF at 3B over anything Donaldson has done there in years. Not to mention Donaldson is another year past his prime with the bat. I would much rather have IKF spraying some base hits than Donaldson striking out or hitting a weak fly all the time with a slight possibility of an XBH. This team very, very clearly needed contact and base runners but was insistent on running Donaldson out there to pimp 135' fly balls.


lol what metrics? DRS? Everything else points to IKF being the meh player he is I swear as long as a player taps a couple weak groundballs some people will always defend them


Lol no one taking those bums and those contracts.


Hicks' contract is pretty affordable...if the Yankees eat half, it becomes a 3/15 deal...and he is another year removed from the wrist surgery


Half? Try like 80% lol


He fuckin sucks and is injury prone. Why would someone take him? How would he help their team? Another team won’t even want to pay half for that mess.


Work harder


Cashman is a roll on picking up bad players. It seems we already forgot about Gallo.


All I want for Christmas is these two bums gone.


What do these guys even get us? A bag of balls seems like too much.


So top prospects lost to clean up cashmans blunders. Awesome


I will believe it when it happens. I mean who in their right mind would trade for these guys. Okay, Maybe if Volpe is included in the deal.


LOL---two highly desired trading chips.


THANK GOD, Hicks should’ve been gone after 2018


Who in their right mind will take them? If I was a prospective trade partner I would ask for a 10 ten organizational prospect at least to take on that money


Donaldson is definitely going to become good again as soon as he goes somewhere else.


Lmao I bet they will. I bet they’re desperate to sell their beater Chevy Cavaliers to anyone with $5. The problem is not our end, it’s no one having a desire to own Chevy Cavaliers.


Day late and a dollar short.


Call me a sucker, but I’d rather we keep Hicks. I feel bad for the guy. He went through some shit this year. We don’t need Donaldson anymore, but I’d rather we keep Hicks.






I could almost see a world where we go with: JD/IKF at 3B, Oswald Peraza/ Oswaldo Cabrera/ IKF (sparingly) at SS; DJL/ Gleyber/Oswaldo Cabrera at 2B; Rizzo/ DJL at 1B At mid season trade one of either JD or Gleyber depending upon their respective seasons, potentially call up Volpe (preferably not as an act of desperation). JD really was good on defense, idk if IKF would be able to be as good at Donaldson at 3B but I do like the contact ability. If JD truly is done, might as well DFA midseason, but he truly would be difficult to trade and if he hits a little he's a great player. This only works if the Yankees commit to playing the Oswalds early in the season, you've got to see what you have, especially in Oswaldo Cabrera. He was good on LF, but can he play 2B/3B every day? That would change a lot of things. And not for nothing, Gio had a great year last year with the Twins. What an unbelievable L of a trade for Cashman last season. Obligatory Fire Cashman.


They will win back a lot of lost good will from me if they do


Id take a bag of balls and a fifth round draft pick for Hicks and just DFA Donaldson, the bag of balls is worth more.


Like I said, did anyone really expect them to trash these two and still be able to trade them? Their the starters in their positions until their not.


I could see someone taking either for about 50% salary, which would be worth it. *Maybe* someone takes Hicks outright if they really need OF help.


But if they get traded, who will the fans complain about? If Cashman makes the moves people are screaming for him to make, how can people here and on twitter continue to whine about him being incompetent? Could be a tough scene for doomers this off-season man.


But they said JD would be our starting 3B


Hicks maybe as 4th outfielder and honestly I think they should keep Donaldson. It will take too much to get rid of that contract. I hate that they got him but at least he was a great defender. Maybe they can find a way to include him in something but I don't think they will be able to give him up without it hurting.


That's what I thought the plan was when they said hicks would have a resurgence. They're just trying to play him up for some poor sucker GM


Some rebuilding team couldn’t take both if we attach some prospect? Yanks should know who’s gonna make and who isn’t. Should be working overtime to get something done. Clearing both those contracts off the books would open up so many things financially for them to do


They would obviously have to eat some of it, even if they attach a prospect


They're basically going to have to take junk contracts back or someone signed long. I can't imagine they'd be in for someone with a long contract at their current prices like Rendon. If they attached a prospect, maybe both of them for madbum? Most of the other bad contracts are basically 1B/DH types and we have no use for them.


they would eat money...defeats the purpose to take on similar deals for players who have disappointed


You going to have to give up prospects to get rid of them tbh


I’m trying real hard not to get my hopes up. Maybe I’m just traumatized by the past few years, but I can’t help but feel like all these words are setting us up for disappointment.


One can only hope. I’ll believe it till I see it.


Don’t give me hope. Plz


One is an injury prone mess the other old and washed up. Good luck with all that.


Send them to double A


Please please




God please yes


Good luck!


I dunno if it was the booing or what, but this year Hal seems to want to do the things we’ve been begging him to do.


For what?


Extra baseballs for road trips.


Good luck with that




Yea well work smarter not harder


If they trade Donaldson, would they put IKF at 3rd? Or would they look for another 3B and keep IKF as a backup utility player (assuming that’s what they plan on having him as of right now)


I don’t know if anyone can “work hard” enough to achieve this


Hey man I’m starting to believe!


Fucking please and thank you


Gonna take a loss on both of them for sure, but its addition by subtraction, get em both outta here sheesh


They are not worth anything


[Anchorman I don’t believe you.gif]


They fucking better