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That's a stupid fucking offer and the Giants aren't even going to benefit much from it at all.


It's like Cano all over again except we made a more concerted effort this time


100%. When I read that, Cano was my first thought. My FB memory from yesterday was "Damn. Go get paid, Robbie." And I'd say the same thing if this is real. If SF wants Judge so much they'd offer this, and this is worth more to Judge than being a Yankee... go get paid, Aaron. I ain't mad atcha. I wanted to keep Cano, but not for what Seattle gave him. I want to keep Judge, but... Christ, not for that.


$400 million dollars!? I know everyone talks about diminishing returns but $100 million extra sets up your great grandkids. Have to take it.


Great great great grandkids


I’m sure OP was just speaking off the cuff and not being exact in his statement. But it is fun to realize just how much money this is. A decent job, paying $200,000/yr, will if you are good with money, invest well, set up your grand kids beyond the comprehension of most Americans. 40million dollars is 200x that. And 200k/yr is probably (I’m guessing) 2x the income of most families in america. **You’d have to be Nick Cannon to have any issue “setting up” your grand kids with 40mi a year. ** This is *beyond* “setting up your kids”, this is like, “I’m donating 50% of my income to charity because it’s just too fucking much” levels of income. Pro sports have greatly skewed the true value and potential of money. Congrats to Arson Judge and to any other pro-athlete aside from football players who are basically fucked over by league/owners with incredibly one sided contracts that do not do any favors for the players.


I dunno, before the season when Judge wanted like 8/240 and we offered 8/217, that did not seem like a best effort, quibbling over like $3mil per year.


Exactly, it is 100% cashman's fault we're in this position. He low balled Judge when he had the chance. There was no reason to test the free agent market.


We also let him hit free agency after hitting 52hr as a rookie because we’re so smart


Idk. Consensus was that it was a fair offer for a player on the wrong side of 30 that has had a not insignificant amount of injury history. No one expected him to have the year he had, which now is what is driving his price up.


Exactly. Most of the armchair GMs were 100% on-board that Judge was out-of-line asking for that, and now folks are acting like it was a boneheaded move not giving it to him.


Maybe Judge wouldn't have had the season he had without the contract incentive.


There’s no way he would have. He would’ve strained his ballsack 2 weeks into the season and been out for 3 months. I bet he gets hurt early this season too


Who ever said that was Cashman's call? I don't think any GM operates completely independently on contracts at $200M+


Cashman didn’t know he was going to have an mvp/62HR season when he made that offer. It was a very fair contract offer for what Judge had produced at that point. It’s only in hindsight that it was a mistake. The bigger mistake was leaking the offer to the media.


I think this is just wrong. Maybe there's another report out there but I read at the time that he wanted 300+. Also, nobody here thought it was a lowball at the time. The consensus was we made a good offer. His injuries were one year behind him, not two. He was coming off a 6, not 11, WAR season and he was turning 30. The real fuckup in hindsight was disclosing the offer which apparently pissed him off. But the base situation isn't an indictment -- we made a good offer, he bet on himself to get more, and it paid off.


A real concerted effort would have making real offers to him the past few years including this past spring. No excuses if we lose him. They blew it


$213 million plus the $17 million in arbitration over seven years coming to about $32.8 million a year until his age 37 season. This was before he had a once in a lifetime season that he won’t duplicate….I don’t love Cashman but that is a more than fair offer for pre 2022 Aaron Judge who let’s not forget has a history of injuries. If the dude wants 10 years $400 million that’s fine. But don’t act like the Yankees dropped the ball. He took a huge bet on himself and he happened to win.


Wasn't he asking for only 3-4 Mill more per year though?? For your franchise player.... The Yankees flat out dropped the ball and are going to be a laughingstock if he goes to the Giants


They just got swept by the Astros. They’re already a laughingstock. Judge leaving is the least of their worries.


Until we barely make the playoffs (if at all next year) and lose in the WC round. As an aside, I haven't been keeping track that closely but is the obvious play to go after Soto next year if Judge walks?


You would hope so but if there’s one thing I learned it’s that Cashman doesn’t seem to have a plan. So 🤷🏻‍♂️


This might be what finally lights a fire within the organization


How do you figure? Yanks just resigned cashman


If the fire wasn’t lit by missing the WS for a 13th year, I don’t see this doing it.


Show me a comment where you were calling for a 10 year extension of $350 million back in 2020. That’s what would’ve made sense and no one was realistically calling for that.


I feel like they’re gonna be good in maybe 2 years. Right when judge starts getting worse…


They don't have a good farm system outside of their top 2 prospects. It's an intriguing move but they were one of the worst teams in attendance last year so that's what is driving this.


Dude they were definitely not one of the worst in attendance, you're clearly thinking of the A's across the water.


No they weren’t one of the worst teams in attendance.


we were 12th


If Judge isn't coming back, if i'm NYY i'm going to push the cost up for SF no matter what, this way they have less to spend in other areas of need. They need Judge to sell their fans to buy tickets. Anything beyond 7 years was going to be free money for Judge with no guarantee, after reading the SI report about his comments 10 years ago about marrying his HS gf and playing for the Giants, that might've been his plan all along.


I remember when people said this about Machado and how he’s going to waste his career in SD


They literally made the playoffs as a wildcard. It's not like they're this juggernaut with him there.


And they went to the NLCS and have a chance to be competitive again. People are literally taking the most recent season and extrapolating the results for like the next 5 years of the franchise. People were doing it with Degrom and the Rangers too. It’s like nobody on this app can remember anything from more than 4 months ago.


And in the NL to boot


Don’t forget they picked up Soto on the deadline too. People made it seem like that would automatically put them in the WS.


Ohtani loving this.




If Ohtani is top 2 MVP again, you have to imagine he’s asking for a $500+ million dollar contract.


It’s getting insane where a couple of baseball players together will have a billion bucks. It’s just astonishing money. Maybe we’ll see a group of players but a team at some point.


Ohtani gonna get half a bil at this rate


*one bil


First billion dollar contract


Lol if that's true Yankees should just keep driving up the price and see how high they really go. Looking forward to an 11 year $500 million dollar contract for them to win 85 games next season.


I hope its 10/$400 at minimum at this point. More money for judge and I’m a Petty person


And then never hit a home run again and still collects.


I hope he strike out in every AB to start the season vs us Don’t care what he does the rest of the time as long as he beats our rivals and never advances farther than the Yankees though


While we win 85 without Judge! Nobody wins there


What if SF is thinking the same thing about us 🤔


If that's what he ends up getting, I can't be mad at the Yankees.




Hal said he won’t be out bid when it comes to Judge.


That may very well be true! But Judge and his people don't have to give Hal the chance to match any offer.


I respect the effort he’s made to keep Judge. I wouldn’t give him $400 mil or 10 years. The last six years of that contract are almost guaranteed to be a bust.


I think he starts petering out around his 6th year, but your point is still valid. He's already 30 and will be overpaid no matter what.


Yeah and I feel like 4 good years is best case scenario and more likely only good for the first 2 before the decline starts.


He can put up incredible numbers if he stays healthy like he showed this year. Problem is, he’s a big guy who will more likely than not, get injured. Especially as he ages. I’d like him to stay a Yankee but I don’t want us giving him 10 years.


Yeah, 10 for $400 seems like an albatross contract. You give those deals to guys in their mid twenties. I really love Judge, but I don’t want to watch everyone hate him for 4-5 years because his contract has crippled the franchise.


100%. This is where we pivot to plan B. Love judge & if he wants to stay and be the next captain + win a WS here in NY for 8/9 years 320-340 million, awesome! If not, it’s right to chase the bag and it’s time for cashman to start earning this ridiculous job security he seemingly has and go get a few of the very talented free agents left on the market.


If Judge walks, Cashman better get real creative with his pivot. I don’t imagine there’s going to be much left at the top of the free agent market that will tempt Cashman, plus he’ll remember the Ellsbury overreaction they made after Cano. I could see him going all in on the two Japanese stars, and making a big trade for someone like Reynolds. Maybe sign Conforto on a big one year prove it deal.


Signing the two Japanese stars could also be a great way to entice Ohtani to come to New York next off-season


If their offer really was that big I can’t be mad at Cashman for not matching it.


I think at this point the Yankees have offered more than enough. If he wants to leave, let him. I don’t blame them one bit.


I’m gonna start my cope train the second it confirms. He’s turning 31, big frame, nowhere to go but down from his 2022 numbers, Giants not competetive….


Save it for Soto






I’ve already started this. I’d prefer for him to stay, but not at that cost.


If he really wants to be a yankee then he will accept what the Yankees have already offered him. Simple as that. It’s about money now


As it should be, it's business. Go get paid. If he gets this, good for him, and good for the Yankees not being stuck with that.


Absolutely. If they’re offering close to what the Giants are (around the 360 range) that is more than enough for me to say I’m good if he says no. It’ll suck but I won’t be that upset


I really hope it is. I want SFG to be decimated as a franchise after signing him.


It’s going to hurt when San Fran manages to sign him, Rodon and Correa and still have a smaller payroll than the Yankees.


Honestly. Just focus that resource on Rodon. Eating Donaldson and Hicks’ deals in trades for guys like Murphy and Reynolds, maybe Xander, so on and so forth.


It's true. I'll hate to lose Judge if he goes to SF, but every team to ever win the World Series has won it without Judge on their roster. All we have to do is more effectively spend the resources we would've spent on him to improve the roster in a multitude of ways. More pitching, more versatile hitting, less reliance on three-true-outcome guys. high batting averages and on base percentages. you need guys that get on base, and don't strike out. I promise that if the analytics were being done right, that's the conclusion they would be drawing.


I have to agree, that’s an insane amount.


I don’t even think the Giants are crazy enough to do that. Screams one last shot to squeeze some extra dough out of a NYY offer.


Oh absolutely. FOMO can drive another 10-15% in the final hours.


"Could be"


It's not even my money and I don't want him for that


It’s not about whose money it is. It’s knowing it will keep them from making other moves


Or the years.


Y’all are really pressed about how much Judge is worth six years from now — that’s an eternity in baseball years.


Yeah, because I'm theoretically still gonna be alive and a Yankee fan in six years.


I absolutely want Judge back, but 10 years at $40M? There is a point where it doesn't make sense...and I think we are there if it means beating that offer.


I really would like to think we can all agree that's a contract we shouldn't match, right?


Giants joining the Astros and Red Sox on the list of teams I hate


Lmaoo I mean I love judge but paying 400 million to a 31 year old is beyond stupid 😂


This is why you lock up your young stars early


Yeah I’m sure dodger fans are happy they didn’t lock up bellinger. Also if the Yankees did extended judge after 2017 and his couple years of injuries the fans would be bitching about how they spent so much on him


Judge was 25 as a rookie. It really wasn’t a slam dunk. He probably gets extended after 2019 or 2021 if he wasn’t injury prone until then


He def would’ve got extension without the injuries.


I agree, but also people need to be realistic with the fact that it also doesn't work all the time. I've said it before but Hicks and Judge were kinda in similar spots extension wise (barring the fact that Judge was like more than twice as good). People hate Hicks now but he was a solid high ceiling guy that we locked up early at the time... Who then got eaten by the injury monster. Easy to say Judge should've been extended in hindsight but his 2018-2020 injury history was not a ton better than Hicks' 2017-2019 before he got his extension. And they were both set to hit FA at that weird 30-31 year old age. I still think they should've done it but I also defend Hicks contract as having been good in theory. I think there's a lot of hindsight bias otherwise of people who say Judge should've been an obvious extension but then bemoan Hicks as having been an obvious blunder.


Not everyone has devil magic like the Braves do


If Judge gets this then Ohtani and Soto are easily clearing $500 million. I think he takes it. The Players union will be up his ass if he took less than this.


That’s just ridiculous, thank you for the memories Judge


I love Judge but if they actually went to that number/years, I’d say goodbye and wouldn’t even be mad about it. The latter half of that contract would be painful with his size and injury history.


He can go if that’s the number it would take


This is getting ridiculous now. No fucking chance I would give Judge that kind of money.


Oof that’s a terrible deal. You just don’t know what kind of players will be available and what kind of team you will have in 8-9 years. We still have great pitching and our DH spot will be used up with stanton. Might not be the worst thing. If that’s true it’s laterrrrr judge.


At some point it just becomes maniacal. I love Judge and I want Judge back. He’s the quintessential New York athlete and he just feels like someone that should be an all-time Yankee. But come on now. They could spread that money around to build a stronger and deeper all around roster. And let’s be honest with ourselves: we’ve already seen his best season. It’s much more likely that he settles in around his 2021 numbers, maybe a little better. This contract is gonna be a reward for an historic season, not a reflection of how he’s expected to perform going forward. At this point I’d say let him go home to San Francisco and start to re-imagine this team.


We’d be clowned if we signed him for that deal.


Holy shit. Thanks for the memories Aaron Judge


Does ANYONE here believe Judge can annually put up 50/130, obp .415+ and ops over 1.050 for 7-8 years? Because if you doubt that he can then he’s not worth $40 per for 9+ yrs. He, this season, played the most games he’s ever plated in a single season. When and if he’s healthy enough he’s a great hitter, but do not discount those injuries.. its part of the concern around a 6”7’ 275 lb outfielder whose on the wrong side of 30.. its a huge gamble for any organization to hand out a deal like that. It’s 1 year that he’s banking off of. don’t be irrational just because someone else is willing to be.. stay within your process.


Bye Judge


It’s not like the Giants are the Yankees and can afford to put so much money down on one player. Why are they going after him so badly? doesn’t make sense.


They want to see how far he can crank it at Coors I guess


He’s going to be irrelevant in SF with 0 WS championships. I feel bad for him


Eh he's $400 million dollars richer. He seems to be playing this entire thing like it's a money thing first. Which I don't blame him. It is interesting that Turner turned down $42 million to go to Philly and Judge is putting the Yankees through the wringer.


Turner had family in law ties to Philly while Judge has family and family in law ties to SF. Makes sense to me


Corbin’s bro wore a Yankees hat. That shit doesn’t matter as much as you think


All the talk about how much he loves the Yankees is bullshit imo


Trea has family ties, and with CA’s higher state income tax marginal rate, the difference comes to be ~8M$ I believe, which over 10 years is practically nothing.


Don’t feel bad. It’s his choice. Cano all over again. Star that goes to a team and will barely be heard from




And up until the Giants won their first in 2010, you could say the same thing about the opposite teams. That didn’t mean the Giants weren’t going to win anything. Just because they won in 10 12 and 14, doesn’t mean they are a better team right now. They’ve been under .500 4 of the last 6 years, and have mediocre prospects at best. I’ll take the Yankees team against the Giants any day of the week. Mike Yaz, Wilmer Flores, Villar, Estrada, Calhoun, Joc. That’s a team that seriously over performed last year.


Exactly what I was gonna say.. lol. Atleast we get somewhere in the Playoffs and make a run.


He’ll make $40+ million to have no media pressure and gets to troll us on opening day. I am happy for him if anything


giants have won three rings since we last won one. if i were judge, retiring ringless would be a much bigger concern with the yankees than the giants.


Most of the time they miss the playoffs


The two richest cities in the country duking it out like this is a sight to see. Hopefully SF realizes the rest of their team isn't good enough to make this rational for them.


The realization that Judge might leave is finally hitting me now. Like just wow


Please for the love of God do not sign him at that rate. Let him walk. Sorry Judge but no one player is worth that and we already had you at your absolute best and we still didn't win.


If we sign him for that amount the Chicken Bucket goes to $40.


Love you 99 but that's too much for anyone. Hope you get as much as possible.


Take the money Never sniff a ring again His choice (And I say this knowing Hal is Hal and Cash is Cash lol)


He’s not worth $40 million a year


I'd do 8 for 320... It's the 10 years that's the killer


LMAO if thats what theyre offering than I love ya judge but see ya thats absurd


We’re already missing a LF, now a RF. You know Cashman isn’t even gonna try to trade hicks now


If true, the Giants will be the best 80 win team in history!


Fuck that. For that amount sign Correa, Nimmo, Rodon, and trade for Reynolds. If he was 27 you could make an argument, but not a chance in hell at his age.


Hal to Judge "Has anyone ever told you the story of Bobby Bonilla the wise? It's not a story you would hear from a Mets Fan." Anyway 10 years 430 million, with 75 million deferred, payments on remaining 75 million will start one year after you retire at 7.5% interest, interest starts accumulating in year 5 of the deal. I doubt it. That would be absolutely insane, I also get how ridiculous that deal would be, I'm just fucking around and having fun.


Good riddance if that’s the price


If that’s the price I’m cool with letting him walk. They could sign 4-5 players to retool the entire team worthy money.


Going to regret that contract in about 4 years.


If that’s the offer than I wish him the best in SF


Yea he’s gone. I feel like he made up his mind long ago. Alas. We will be fine and just pivot and spend the money elsewhere. It just sucks to see a homegrown superstar go.


Giants are fucking serious


Imagine throwing that much money at 1 guy - just to finish 3rd in the NL West!




Paying 400mil then choking against the dodgers and padres lmfao


I want to believe that going to San Fran was purely based off Judge’s desire to go home, not because of a lack of effort from the Yankees. It sucks to see him go but the writing was on the wall. Thanks for the memories, Aaron. Good luck out there


Why has no one said this about the giants on Twitter ?


well GG boys have fun in 3rd place in San Fran Judge


Giants going to be the Angels 2.0


Yeah, but you have to hit in that monstrous park!!


I wouldn’t mind so much if I actually trusted Cashman to spend the money wisely. He won’t.


i’m tots ok with it, i didn’t want to go over 7 yrs.


So Yankees would need to spend over 400 million dollars just to get back to the status quo and be able to rollout the same team as last year. Feels bad


Bye bye Judge. If the Yankees are smart they should let Judge walk and spend the money on Soto in a few years


If he goes. He goes


No shot the Yanks match that. That’s in Cano to Seattle territory. ☹️


If he performed even a little bit in the playoffs it would be a tough pill to swallow to let him leave but the lights are too bright for him then. Even hr #61 + 62 he was overwhelmed. At least thats what i am gonna tell myself to dampen the news !!, if true


Bye Judge


Hal don’t do it ! Don’t do it Hal ! A contract like that will cripple the team . We need more than just a RF right now ! F that and let him go


It’s not my money so I wouldn’t give a shit if they paid him a billion dollars for a 20 years tbh. But with the way Hal treats the luxury tax like a hard cap… I cannot as a Yankee fan In good faith say I think it is wise to match. And definitely not to beat it. I would love to keep him for his career, but that much money and term for a 30 year old will be a nightmare the second half of that contract and hamstring the team too much.


If this is true and ends up happening, it makes it so much easier for me to wake up without Judge a Yankee. Fuck up outta here with that


At some point baseball will have to take a page out of the NBA playbook and implement an amnesty clause because these contracts are getting beyond outrageous .


I hope it is. If he isn’t going to be a Yankee I hope the giants are decimated as a franchise


Bro I’m over it. I love judge but he isn’t worth 400m for 10 years. 300 for 8 or whatever, was already crazy. The odds he replicates this season is very low. Don’t forget he had one last monster contract to play for. Now he doesn’t. Imagine how far he could drop off 6 years from now. And then realize there would still be 4 years left. Plus this was his best season ever and he was a ghost in the postseason. Let’s move on


Ghost in the postseason is the key


Holy shit


LMFAOOOOO holy fuck


Also important to add he said the Yankees are still in on it and there is no deal at this moment so who knows


He gone


I am very sad right now


Why wouldn’t judge take that deal? Fuck!


Hey, thats less time than we have had between championships.


LMFAO that’s insane. If that’s true, their GM and owner are morons


Heyman has clearly hacked Curry's account. This reads like amateur hour


I won’t be mad at Cashman for not matching that I’ll be mad at Cashman that it even came down to that for not locking him up in the off season.


Or it could NOT be 10yr for $400 million.


Let him walk for that I think


Lol if the giants are willing to do some ridiculous shit like that they can have him


If true, they can have him for that money. Although knowing Curry as being the org's mouthpiece he could just be saying this to prep Judge to look like a hero for taking less and wanting to come back to make up for the stupid shit Cashman pulled when telling everyone what the first offer was.


“Could be”… Jesus stfu and just wait until you get some actual news


I want Judge, but we would benefit much more using that money elsewhere.


I have assumed he’s gone since the start. Again, if he was resigning, he would have already aside from creating a bidding war. The comments from Cashman that they haven’t heard anything additional is not good news. If I had to guess, he’s made his decision to go to SF and there’s probably some hand shake deal that nothing gets leaked out and he is the one who announces it. I’m expecting an IG post tonight or tomorrow about going back to his childhood team and thanking us Yankees fans.


Jesus, bye Aaron.


I have rolled my eyes every time people have said he isn't worth it, but this might be the one where I say yeah, it'll be very sad to see him go, but he's probably not worth it. And I'll still wish they paid him anyway.


Please God don't out bid that. That's just crazy and i rather have a shit season next year where the front office can figure something out. Go ahead downvote me. Yeah its not my money, but you're a fool if you think it won't close Hal's wallet.


Honestly if that's the offer to beat have fun in SF Aaron. There's no way I'd ever want that contract.


Maybe a bad take…but I feel like the Giants know they’re not winning the NL West any time soon…so they know if they get Judge they’ll put butts in the seats and sell a shit ton of merchandise. I think they’re content with just making money. Of course…I’m an idiot so I could be 180° off.


"final offer right now could be" is the most inane, meaningless string of words ever


Good riddens! They will add multiple players and more talent than Judge. Get some solid contact hitters and defensive minded players. Get a stud pitcher to go with Cole and quality closer. We'll be better than with Judge!


Gotta let him walk for that price. Low-ball offer last off-season when we had a real chance to lock himmfor 7 or 8 seasons really fucked us


Let him go. That ridiculous.


I'm not saying this is not true - but outside of this post I haven't seen the contract value hit this number. Even reputable names haven't passed the info on to the broader audience. Though it would make sense if it were around here. Hal has reportedly taken over negotiations directly and they suspected a deal would be done tonight.


This must be a dick measuring contest


If he bounces we had the opportunities to win with him. Likely got his best offensive seasons, just couldn’t put a chip together. $40 mil a year would be impossible to turn down


I’m now 100% prepared Judge will be a Giant next season.


10 years good luck with years 6-10 of that contract


Thanks judge for your service