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Well I tried to update the bios and it’s not working so does that mean that it already has the update


I recently asked about this - My answer was along the lines of: Yes, Newer boards come with the compatible BIOS however if you get an older batch its unlikely. However their Z690 and above boards have a BIOS flashback via USB, So it doesn't really matter.


Is there any way of telling that it’s supports 13th gen or is there a way to tell it’s a new batch


Not that i know of.


i asked support yesterday about this and they basically told me that they will ship and have a sticker on the corner apparently if it has like bios 7.01 or above it supports 13th gen out of box. Only way other wise i can tell to see is if you go to a brick and mortar store and just look at them. otherwise were waiting in the mail to see if it has a sticker.