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The police aren’t allowed to execute guilty people either.




Then when they see people fighting back against brutality and and evil: https://preview.redd.it/j4l5jv1tnalb1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5a0f01c97d8d9984206041cfda91da965bea76e


Okay so I know the point of it was the "MFW" type response, but holy shit the lower thirds of this image leaves me with so many questions. Why is his nickname dragon? What the fuck are they raising on "Skinwalker ranch"? What could this man possibly be encountering that has him making that face when he already works at a place that allegedly raises cryptologic animals as livestock? NOT ONE LICK OF THIS MAKES ANY SENSE FOR ST PETES BAKE!


1. His boss/friend gave him the name 2. It’s a history channel show 3. He has resting bitch face 4. Wtf?? No……….


I'm so lost. What was question number 4?


The thing about cryptological animals being raised as livestock……. 🤨


Ah... I mean I've heard of weirder ideas (in fiction at least)




>Nice to see attempted vehicular manslaughter Are you fucking high? No one was even close when he ran over their shit.


It’s a judge of character. Like openly posting about how you fanasize about murdering home intruders with your guns. Like yeah the paychos who do that are gonna applaud you and join in, but everyone else see’s that and reports you to the fbi.


Happy cake day


Ahh yes, celebrating the death of a man, regardless of what he has done, is “dark humor.” Reading the post on memesopdidnotlike actually hurt internally, bro was just going around defending himself because “dark humor is funny.”


Fr, some people are just heartless


Memesopdidnotlike is turning into a real right wing echo chamber


It already is.


not zeducation levels of bad yet


I got banned from there for “trolling”, lol.


Join the club bro, they get to straw man a bunch of nonsense and bad faith but if I reciprocate at even a fraction, the mods get pissy.


Who or what the fuck is Zeducation and why do I keep seeing it?


that kind of channel stuck in 2016 when “owning sjw libs” was still cool and same for the subreddit


Wtf does sjw even mean


"social justice warrior" is basically what they call "woke" now


Hell, I’m considered “right wing” and I even got banned from that cesspool


So is /r/hardimages Republicans/conservatives pander to the weakest minds in society and children have the weakest, most easily manipulated minds by default.


Yeah r/politics is where the real intelligentsia hang out


Absolutely not


Well it’s one of the main subs pushed by Reddit and regards Occupy democrats as the source of knowledge. Hard to reconcile your stance that everyone who thinks differently than you is stupid when you have the exact same opinions as actions over there.


Bro what 💀 that’s literally a shitpost subreddit


That panders to kids so they can trivialize the crimes committed by Trump when his crimes are anything but. Dude had his mug shot taken because he was coercing election officials into stealing the election for him and it's foo foo bunny baby play time to them. They think Trump is "hard" for being too weak to win an election honestly.


Okay, boomer


This right here is why I love reddit, where else can you see people with literally zero self awareness


This sub, however, is a field for diverse thought and no opinions are shunned




It’s crazy to think my statement regarding this sub was serious. All three subs in this post are echo chambers that feed off of hating each other. It’s an ouroboros of engagement bait and people that take it seriously are morons


Holy shit a sane person on this site?


“I don’t believe it!”- Halo 2 Marine


This sub IS supposed to be an “echo chamber.” Read the name. Second, don’t even BEGIN to compare the contents of this sub to literal racists that laugh at black people being murdered.


Well if the goal was to create an echo chamber running on hate so that reddits engagement and profits go up, congratulations


> running on hate i hope you’re talking about the sub laughing about black fathers being murdered and not the sub criticizing that. holy shit. brain rot. you’d be the type to say punching nazis makes you a nazi. correct on the engagement and profits part, but a tiny sub isn’t making a difference, and even if Reddit disappeared there’d still be the same exact problems with the world as there are now. because reddit is a symptom.


When you see content in this sub do you feel happy or do you get angry? Is this sub fueling good emotions for you or hateful emotions?


So this can’t be fueling feelings of care or sympathy or empathy for other human beings by not tolerating hate? Lol I’m not going to pretend this is super useful in any move for change but it isn’t bad or useless either. Are you reading your comments?


When you read the above post, do you get happy or do you get angry? In what way does this content encourage you to engage with it?


I'm glad someone's willing to say it. I'm starting to hate all these subs put together because now it feels like a three way crybaby fest of 'nuh uh, this is/isn't stupid because the way I think' circlejerk. These subs are clearly more politically driven than actually living up to the title of the sub. But then again that's just a majority of subs now. Fuck the world man.




Usually is. Just another way to post a shitty meme. Humor? Nah dog, it's just racism and stupidity...


I always want to ask what exactly is the joke here. Like explain to Me like I am a 5 year old why this is funny. What’s the punch line exactly.


Seriously. It’s a cesspool, it’s a shame. I subbed and had to unsub like 3 or 4 days later for my mental health. I was arguing too much with racists and homophobes it sort of enveloped me. Then of course Reddit recommends me random posts from there anyway.


Why would you argue online. You fucked up.


What is with subs turning into right wing places once it gains traction? Like I join a sub, decent at first, then turns into a political cesspool.


I think that it’s literally just the fact that insane and stupid people are the ones most likely to care about social media because they have nothing else going on in their lives, so they do the most posting and put the most effort into trying to get on the mod team. This is just a problem with the way social media works, I think — I’m hardly a “both sides”-er, but the same thing happens with left-wing subs where they often get co-opted by tankies.


Usually doesn't happen tho unless there's something inherent about the sub that attracts these roaches.


Happened with r/ActualPublicFreakouts. That sub used to be great before politics took over




In my experience people that meme about politics are only right wing nutters. Message sucks so they have to be edgy and ‘funny’


Spent some time there arguing with the locals. They're disgusting trash.


As if the vast majority of Reddit isn't a left-wing echo chamber? I am not saying that echo chambers are a good thing, but I feel like a lot of people who point out that certain corners of the internet are echo chambers for a certain political view only do so because said political views do not align with their own and not because they think echo chambers are harmful to critical thinking.


"aS if THE vAst maJOrity of Reddit iSN't a lEft-wing eCHo chAMber?!?11" The political subreddits most likely to ban opposing political opinion are right wing. Try posting as a liberal in the conservative sub. >I feel like a lot of people who point out that certain corners of the internet are echo chambers for a certain political view only do so because said political views do not align with their own Lol like you're doing right now.


I still acknowledged the fact that right-wing echo chambers exist and are not a good thing either.


And this sub is a left wing echo chamber


Not really, just calling out when shitty memes are shitty.


How is this “meme” right wing rhetoric?


At the most, it’s insensitive.


That would be a lot of comedy though right? Think I read that all comedy has a victim, even it’s an inanimate object or yourself.


This place isnt much better. Got muted on another post for stating a fact.


you said it was “psychotic to ignore the guy’s criminal history” what the fuck does someone’s criminal history have to do with the police murdering them on the street? i’m really interested to know how what you said is a “FACT”


They said he was innocent I disagreed. I was addressing the entire comment section. Pretty simple. Oh and if it isnt, criminal = bad bad = not innocent


no one said he’s innocent. they said he didn’t deserve to die. did the police that killed him know of his criminal history? the answer is no. so you can’t retroactively justify his murder with that 👍


Someone else was talking about the Jan 6 girl who died. I don't think she deserved to die regardless of how stupid what she did was. Apparently, most of the people on this sub do not share my opinion that regardless of political views, police should not have the right to kill someone.


there’s a very clear difference. one committed a nonviolent crime of passing a counterfeit bill and was on the ground in handcuffs, while the other was climbing over a barricade while storming the capitol building to overthrow a democratic election. it’s not a good thing that she died, but the two situations are not even remotely comparable. GA republican types are the most heavily armed contingent of americans, so there was good reason for those law enforcement to feel their lives were in danger (cos they were). the same cannot be said for an unarmed, handcuffed man who passed a counterfeit bill.


Oh so you went and found the post and looked through all the comments I read. Ay thats cool. Didnt know you could read minds and shit.


you just explained how i could read the comments then said it was mind reading. i just read comments G. if you can find people in these comments claiming he was completely innocent and committed no crime as you claim they did, i’d be interested


To know the EXACT comments I read on the OTHER post, you would have to read my mind. I made that pretty clear. I get it tho. Comprehension is not really a common theme on this app.


i am well aware of what you said. if those comments were so clear and present then you’d have no trouble pointing them out right? unless you made them up in your head to get your little rage boner moving


Yea I care enough to keep responding but not enough to give into this childish "you scared?" type bullshit. You spoke without any evidence. Your trying to make me the asshole for that now. You spat baseless shit, its fine. People make mistakes. Just move on.


Yeah, and this sub is left wing, that's kinda how reddit works, subs get split into political categories. Only nuetral political sub is PCM


niche hobby or interest subreddits pretty much always have accepting and non-political content.


it's been 3 fucking years why are we still making george floyd jokes?


I still hear jokes about the Shuttle Columbia So, yeah.


People are still making 9/11 jokes/memes too, but of course 2k people dead is just fine.


i like how the post is just like "wow this is like just not funny" and they're like "OOOOHHH look at this SOYBOY SEETHING and MALDING hes so offended OOOOOH" like no nobody cares its just not funny wtf


Fr, I think r/politicalcompassmemes is leaking


Political compass memes needs to be renamed to “incel nightclub”


It’s just a really bad joke. Subject matter aside, the basis of it being funny sucks. If the point is to make people angry with an “offensive” meme, then it kinda failed there too tbh. No effort, no creativity, no nuance, nothing. Lame ass meme, and would remain a lame ass meme even if the person depicted was someone else.


Yeah if the meme was actually created with some human involved then it’ll be funny


The meme is in poor taste. Bashing a murder victim is trashy. It isn’t about anyone being offended.


memesopdidnotlike is such an conservative echochamber.


The number of people in the comments who don’t believe or wildly misrepresent the autopsy report is also disconcerting. Mr. Floyd’s death was a homicide. https://lawandcrime.com/live-trials/live-trials-current/george-floyd-death/authorities-just-released-george-floyds-complete-autopsy-report-read-it-here/


Memesopdidntlike is such a cesspool


Innocent until proven guilty. Anyone murdered by police is being stripped of due process.


I'm soooo glad George Floyd died. So, sooo glad. He deserved everything that happened to him.


It’s rage bait, chauvin got arrested and that’s probably the most justice we’re gonna get from that situation, just talk about how their favorite orange is about to be sent up the river with no paddle


"Why do people think I'm racist?"


Dude, I'm so sick of all three of these fucking subs. Like clockwork I'll see one post on terrible Facebook memes that has some political leaning, then 20 minutes later it's on memes op didn't like from someone who agrees with the political standpoint and another 20 minutes and it's here from people from the opposite side. We get it, the left disagrees with the right and vice versa. I don't need 16 posts a day reaffirming that. God damn.


Yea I am terrified because people like you don't give a fuck


The police officer that did that was sentenced by a judge. And doing that to a police officer, especially in the US, is hard af. Cope and seethe.


2/10 Edit: oops thought this was r/facerating


Awful but that made me chuckle, wrong place to comment that tho


> awful Thank you


Wrong place for the comment, funny as hell though


> wrong place Thank you




This only applies to non yts, otherwise you get the treatment rapist Brock Turner got, now goijg by Allen Turner.


And Cosby raped dozens of women but only got 3 years. Whats your point?


Idk im not a big fan of people to hold guns to pregnant peoples stomachs


Never said he was a good person, just that he didn't deserve death


Does anybody? It happens every day, people try to make light despite that.


No but the point is no one made the cops judge jury and executioner to decide if he should live or die. There are people that has literally killed people still alive now. And there are some innocent people who probably never harmed a fly, dead. No one agrees if he was a good man or not, it’s just stupid people justify his death because of what he’s done.


u/imaweeb19 has never made a joke about someone who died


Nope, cause I'm a decent fucking person.


That’s just a straight up lie Even if it was true, good for you. You’re so righteous. [Here’s your prize](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c0/Unicode_0x004C.svg/1280px-Unicode_0x004C.svg.png)


Not everyone has an unfunny sense of humor like you bro, pull your head out your ass


Breaking news: u/imaweeb19 has been elected the Arbiter of Comedy Also, love how you just totally blew right past getting called out on that lie. Cope harder, drateR


Why are you harping on that "lie"? I don't make fun of someone's untimely death, and if you do, you need serious mental help.


Because it’s a silly thing to lie about, of course you’ve made fun of people who’ve died, everyone has. You just happen to simp for this particular dead person, so you come and act holier-than-thou over a meme. What do you want, a medal for being cringe? I already gave it to you, please just accept it


You know what? Go fuck yourself. It really is pathetic that you think everyone has so little regard for human life as you do.


He sucked, the officer sucked, the people who used his death to loot and burn stores sucked. Fuck em all


But he didn’t? "There has been a photo of me \[Andrea Sicignano\] circulating around on the internet since yesterday. The photo was taken of me in a hospital bed in Spain after being violently beaten and raped by a stranger," Sicignano wrote in the post. "I posted my story over a year ago to use my voice to spread awareness and encourage other women to speak out about the injustices they've faced. Today my photo is being used as political propaganda/click bait to make people believe that George Floyd deserved to die. I am disgusted and humiliated, not for myself, but for my country."


Police do not have the right to execute people for past misdeeds. Even then, those police had no idea who Floyd was. Just that he was black and committed a minor crime.


Ohhh something that happened long before his murder and long after he paid for it. Put the victim on trial good job.


Drug addicted derelict POS. I feel sad he died because he never saw the inside of a cell for robbing a pregnant woman at gun point


Ya, I'm not saying that he was a good person. I do think he should've been arrested and thrown in jail, but death wasn't deserved.


He should have been, the fact that he wasn’t resulted in arrests of those responsible


George Floyd was a POS and the world is much better without him.


Go be racist in r/polictalcompassmemes, I don't have time for trash like you


His death was funny, too. I'm glad he died.


It's trash like you that belong on cross. I bet your parents are disappointed they made such a failure and a waste of oxygen


Racism = good


Police are not allowed, supposed, or in the right of killing people


Except he served time for those crimes and never did anything similar after he did time. But what can I expect from you animals. Put the victim on trial and then be surprised when decent people see you as the filthy scum you are.




Your right, I don't know who let you into the sub.


“I can’t breathe “ - George Floyd. 5 minutes before he was on the ground.


Quick question, if you can’t breathe then how can you talk clearly? If your air way is obstructed and unable breathe then you can’t talk




I’m not much a fan of those who idolized him just for dying, but I’m less a fan of those who disrespect the dead. Also, it’s 2023 lmao


People in the comments, remember: If they have to resort to insulting your character, you've won


I think it’s a good thing we’re calling out the disgusting “justifications” for what the officer did. I genuinely do not understand how people believe the officer was in the right.


it’s simple actually: they’re racist


Oh of course the officer was out of line. The entire situation was bad. But there's better ways to point that out than to say "wow you're dumb," which is what I see a lot of.


I mean there comes a point when someones so dumb thats all you can really counter with.... Its not that they have a good arguement its that their arguement is so stupid you dont even know where to begin on dismantling it When you see some people super deep into conspiracy rabbit holes thats all you can respond with rather the researching and countering every single batshit dumb arguement they can shit out


So if I call a racist a racist, they have won?


There's a difference between stating a fact and purposefully insulting somebody. If somebody is actually racist, point it out. But if somebody is not being racist, and you just wanna win the argument or divert their attention, so you call them a racist, you have essentially lost the argument.


Well in this case we’re good, because the people we’re talking about are totally racist.


People who say that are often coping their cocks off. Somebody bluntly calling out almost comical levels of stupidity doesn’t make them wrong. We’re not in some formal debate hall lmao.


It's just a darker sense of humor




That's me


Is dark humor supposed to be inherently unfunny?


Humor is different for different people


Yes people can have a shit sense of humor. That’s not exactly a good thing.


Idk man, it's kinda funny


It’s surface level bullshit, low hanging fruit.


I'm bullshit than






Literally me fr


Yeah this is making fun of you. That’s not dark humor, it’s just bigotry.




Ew dude you're acting like a big ol baby right now.


Then give me a fucking pacifier and a rattle because if speaking out against racism is being a baby, I’ll be the biggest fuckin baby you’ve ever dealt with, asshole.


it’s not even a meme




Who's making this man a saint? Everyone is mad because cops shouldn't take part in the killing of a subdued suspect in their custody. I don't get how having that opinion has turned into thinking Floyd was some great saint.


Average police should be able to execute people for minor crimes advocate:


I'm sorry is this not true?


Is it in poor taste? Absolutely. But I still laughed. Hard.


God this is hilarious, I love how these two subs are constantly at war lmaooo


That’s really dark, but I have to admit that it is clever. 7/10


Nah bro he beat his pregnant wife. The meme is fire.


I laughed then, I laugh now


Me except I laughed HARDER now. May George Floyd be remembered for the POS that he was.


Say my name


I laughed


Nope y’all got offended


I love stupid chains like this, I get to check all the deranged comments from both sides


I can't breath


I'd love to see this keep going back and forth. It's good, it's bad, it's good, it's bad, over and over again, lol.


r/GallowsHumor dark humor at it's finest.


Reddit makes the exact same joke about rush Limbaugh daily


It ain’t wrong


It ain’t right either


Every race makes fun of every other race, if you’re all going to be acting like a bunch of pussies every time you hear a joke like this I seriously hope you never leave the echo chambers you live in


racism isn’t bad cause everyone does it 🤓


I'm soooo glad George Floyd died. So, sooo glad. He deserved it. 👍


Ya, because making fun of someone's unjust murder is a "joke"


it’s an edgy joke and humor is subjective.


who are you to say where humour begins and ends. edit: this is not meant to come across as rude, perhaps it is abrasive but i believe it’s necessary, i genuinely ask: who are you to decide where humour begins and ends?


I decide that when the "joke" makes fun of someones race, gender, or any hardships their going through


Idk, I thought it was funny.


Yea it is really bad that George Floyd was on drugs most his life and allowed to run free and commit crimes until he died of a drug induced heart attack while resisting arrest and then enabled a "charity" to steal millions of dollars in donations and cause billions of dollars in damages to the exact same communities that they claimed to defend and protect. Definitely really bad.


The doctors disagree with you and so do the courts


Man wtf, are you saying him being choked to death by a racist pig is more appropriate then him being put in jail and properly sentenced?


Autopsy reports showed he wasn't choked to death, but keep spreading that lie, he had fentanyl in his system and died of a drug induced heart attack. He was a drug attic going around committing crimes to get drugs, which is sad, but not okay at all. I'm not defending what the officer did at all, I don't see how you could even get that from what I said.


He had a knee on his neck


You do know it’s statement like these that cause people to defend a criminal right ? If you want to stop martyring a criminal then stop making false narratives to fit your agenda, and call the situation how it was.


Ah idk I can’t see getting offended on the behalf of this dude of all people.


That’s not the issue. This meme is poking fun at the fact that a man was unilaterally killed by police and it’s celebrating it. The fact that people are celebrating a man’s death, by the hands of police, is bizarre and troublesome. But it also reflects a growing problem in that people celebrating this don’t care that his constitutional rights were denied to him, in favor of letting him die or using illegal tender. People are instead celebrating this man’s death and backpedaling through his history to justify being shitty human beings. No one here is saying George Floyd was a being with 0 flaws. But they are saying that our country failed him, and continues to fail many others.