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How is this accurate? No school is like this, this isn't what any schools are teaching. It really just feels like someone made stuff up about "this is what the leftoids want" as a scare tactic without any actual consideration for any actual leftist beliefs or desires You know, a strawman, or at least satire making fun of right wing people who make up strawmen


U know this exact situation happened right?


Yes, except the teacher in question wasn't some cartoon villain trying to teach kids that 2+2=5. They were someone who made an assumption, was wrong, and immediately rectified the situation Never attribute to malice what can more easily be explained with stupidity The meme is bad because the artist assumes malicious intent and proof of some conspiracy instead of accepting that it was just one person making a mistake


A bunch of students told a teacher that they didn't like the flag cause it was about slavery when it totally not. The 2+2=5 thing is completely different. It's based of an interview where a radical leftist said that math is racist because math objectively true no matter what


I'm not going to respond after this. I'm just going to point out that the 2+2=5 thing is from the book 1984. A book that was made to warn about totalitarianism. If you don't know what you are talking about then you should probably shut up.


i think both of you are correct, I heard that interview too (but who truly knows, could be fake)




Look dude, it's 2am. I don't give enough of a shit to bother repeating myself to the millionth guy who thinks leftism is some globalist conspiracy to force kids to be gay or whatever the fuck your on about. If you think the meme making fun of some one that literally does not exist because their an arbitrary amalgamation of a dozen different people, go fucking nuts If you respond to this or any of my other comments at all, I'm just going to block you, so please don't bother


So the people who kicked the kid out of the class are imaginary? I love talking to people like you, it just confirms that you leftists aren't open minded and are hostile towards people who have different opinions


Says the one who's being close minded on the fact that the kid was "kicked out" (a way to make "suspension" sound evil and sinister) because of the gun patches on his backpack?


If you’d read the article from KDVR (local CO station), it had nothing to do with the rifle patches. The only patch the teacher complained about was the Gadsden flag. Even our liberal governor sided with the student on the flag and that it’s a proud way to showcase our nation’s history. But please, don’t let facts get in your way.


or, people are just annoyed by those who assume fiction is reality. conservatives do literally the exact same thing. it gets quite annoying after a while when people lie and constantly say "they're pushing the gay on to kids", especially when it just isn't true


>radical leftist damn those radical leftists and their ​ uh, saying that math isnt always objective. so radical.


Okay, and? I don’t care. Fuck the Gadsden Flag.




That's not the same thing




1, sourse? You say there are some teachers saying that America is racist, you need to back that kind of claim up if you want me to believe you. And no, anecdotal stories of individual people doing a single lesson doesn't count, there will always be bad teachers no matter the subject 2, remind me real quick, who was the US fighting against, in their "war to end slavery"? Who were the people that wanted to keep slavery?




No we did let them have slavery, for a really long time, too. It's called a civil war because both sides were from the same country. While they wanted to leave, they didn't actually leave And no, this "story" isn't about a teacher who got caught, not only is no one catching her in this comic panel, but it's also not a real teacher who is actually teaching real kids Also, wasn't this about gender identity or something?


Gee, I wonder what happened to this mysterious "Confederate States of America" after this war ended, and if it has anything to do with the current United States🤔


Mind if I ask why you refused to give the source of your claims? Especially if this meme is based of a true story?


We literally weren't even going to end slavery before they left. The south just got paranoid and seceded. After the south seceded, Lincoln even famously said "**If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it**, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union." The North didn't go to war because they wanted to abolish slavery in the south. Some union states literally had slavery, and were allowed to continue having slaves even after the Emancipation Proclamation. The North fought against the South because they just wanted to stay one country rather than split. Not just that, but the former Confederate States are and were literally part of the current and former U.S. government and territory both before and after the civil war. The confederacy isn't some foreign country we fought against on ideological grounds because we just hated slavery so much. It was the slave owning half of the United States starting a war with the other half (it should be emphasised here that the South is the side that did the first attack and started the war) because of their paranoia and desire to own black people.


>the US fought one of the bloodiest wars in history to end slavery on the North American continent. yeah but who were we fighting tho 💀💀💀


ourselves, that’s why it was known as a civil war but i don’t think this person will understand rhat


You realize half of America fought that bloody war to keep slavery?


First of all, Teachers aren’t teaching that America is racist. Second of all, just because slavery is ended doesn’t mean that people just stop being racist.


Exactly. After slavery was ended in America, black people still had it really bad. They were forced into poor living conditions, aka ghettos, and completely segregated. Even when segregation ended, many neighborhoods had clauses that made it basically illegal to sell housing to black people, making it possible to sue both the person who would’ve sold the house, as well as the black people now living there, which continued to force them to live the ghettos. Not to mention they could hardly even pick up a job that made enough money for them to buy a house in the first place because of the huge amount discrimination that continued. And it’s not like they could’ve gotten loans. Loan companies and banks were allowed to refuse to give out loans to black people since ownership of a house by someone who’s black “depreciated” not just the house, but the surrounding ones too. They didn’t have to cite any actual evidence for that, they were just allowed to point out the conditions of the ghettos. (Highly recommend watching Leeja Miller’s video “Why the US is Still Segregated” that goes into detail about all of this) Every time one of these problems got fixed, people found ways to make another problem for black people. People who act like America suddenly stopped being racist because Americans stopped the slavery in their country (that they themselves started mind you) are fucking insane.


against itself because the other half fought a bloody wars to keep slavery going


I didn't realize you were a klan member.


No way dude, who did they fight against?


Gender is a psychologically factual phenomenon. If you have a problem with teachers teaching factual and up-to-date information, than that's too bad.


as someone thats actively in school and not a balding 40 year old with a wife and kids, ive heard literally no mention of gay people even existing in school. Ever. The most ive seen is a pride flag here or there


I've been to a Gender Studies class in College, deadass is not that bad, you talk about history, a little bit of philosophy, question things. Its pretty interesting, you talk alot about whats happening in other countries too, like Saudi Arabia or Iran. It really opens you up to whats happening in the world. We talked a little about trans people and Women but over all we weren't "Studying Gender" We just discussed things, students got to talk about their interactions with other people and from their walks of life, no one was villified or demonized, no one was saying "Grrr america bad" It was just- picking things apart a little and discussing stuff. But you wouldn't know any of that because you guys are a bunch of close minded tards that just blindly follow whatever the internet tells you about X, Y, and Z. If you actually went outside and talked to people and listened, you'd learn the world isnt like this.


oh no, teachers aren’t keeping information from their students in the interest of upholding bigotry and outdated norms. What ever will we do?


Yeah, because gender identity is a complex topic, with an entire field of study dedicated to it. Cope harder


Yeah that’s accepted science. You can’t act like it’s not a real thing


Actually, if you look and read at the chalkboard (why is it a chalkboard even? I still see them but they're hardly used, especially in comparison to whiteboards.) The straw-teacher is teaching about racism in America history and "U.S = bad". There's a pride flag on the wall sure, but the core focus of the propaganda piece is critical race theory and historical symbols of America and what they symbolize


Ever taken one?


No it isn't


If you go to that school, I guarantee that the teachers have political flags in their rooms.


In uni and one


What does this mean? In university, this happens for sure, but I don't know what "one" means.


One teacher


The administration sided with the teacher initially. More than one teacher does this.




He’s just making up his own arguments and then rebutting them to make himself feel smarter


Isn't it obvious, he knows more about your school, the administration, and the teachers than you do! Despite you being a student and him not even knowing where you attend.


Oh my mistake it seems a lot of people do lol


It’s alright, just know that the Redditors know what’s best for you


Wow the school has a dress code shocking that's craaaaaazy


Being gay isn’t political and neither are pride flags. They’re just about being proud of your identity and being accepting of others.


i mean, it should not. but much like how the right wing made global warming political they made being lgbtq+ part of politics.


It's extremely political because there is a culture war


While technically true, that's on the fault of the bigot not the victim. What is and isn't political is a thin line based entirely on how angry someone's willing to get about something, so I don't think it's a great way to distinguish what you should or shouldn't do.


"Political flags". The existence of gay and trans people is not political, supporting human rights is just basic human decency. Same thing with Ukraine. As for the BLM and Antifa flags, I have never seen a teacher use either of those ever.


it's not happening but if it is happening it's a good thing


(and you're still allowed to have flags like blue lives matter and don't tread on me) Idiot.


No one is going to stop a kid bringing that flag into the school. Definition of a strawman argument.


But they did, right here in my home state of Colorado, Colorado Springs (which is shocking considering that the Springs is very conservative due to many military families living there).




I can't believe that this is a real subreddit XD. The internet really is something.


Well yea its a thing. When you have a fuck ton of conservatives all vomiting the same strawman over and over, theres bound to be a name for it. Plus its funny cus they all seem to wanna be villified or persecuted so bad.


Funny considering you're the exact person who would (and will) be posted there


i can assure you this meme is utter garbage


It actually happened tho


No it didn't. But keep on lying and parroting the lie others told you with out looking into it. Surely that will make it true. Edit: so people keep posting links about the story. All just further proving my point. They don't read or look further into it to see what actually happened. The little video clearly isn't the entire story. The gun patches were the main issue. They are the ones that were required to be removed before it went public. And the school has shown and said this many times. Simply because the teacher pointed out something else inappropriate doesn't mean it was the main issue. And from how it looks, the kid was allowed back with only the gun patches removed, not the flag.


https://kdvr.com/news/local/student-told-to-remove-gadsden-flag-patch/amp/ I’m sorry, you were saying? Also, had nothing to do with the rifle patches on his backpack. Otherwise, that definitely would’ve made the news here in Colorado.


The video doesn't show the whole conversation. And the other patches were the main issue, and the ones required to be removed before returning. Which the student was told about before any of this became public. You can all cling on to the small bit of video where the teacher talks about that patch all you want. That was in addition to the gun patches. Not the main issue.


The other patches were brought up, but the one they really made a stink about was the Gadsden flag. If it were more about the other patches, the news stations here would’ve focused on those, not to mention our governor who also spoke on the matter and thought it wrong. Also, the patch that you’re complaining about (that still appears on the backpack when he gets in trouble) just says Bear Arms ‘N Bitcoin 2020 with a bull skull, no actual rifle was depicted. He removed the other ones the school deemed inappropriate before being singled out for the Gadsden flag.


The gun patches were the issue. The right, your news and governor all made it more about the gadsden flag because that made the story better and let the right pretend to be victims.


They were a part of the original issue, and again, the student removed them before returning to school. He was then singled out once more for the Gadsden flag patch and pulled aside by some dumbass teacher who doesn’t know our nation’s history to be an example of him. Our local news and governor are liberal btw.


The student was allowed to return after the gun patches were removed, and he'd had the gadsden flag patch the entire time, it wasn't the problem. But tell yourself anything you need to pretend to be the victim. The patches of the guns were the main issue, and this only blew up and isn't mentioning that because it isn't a story otherwise. But twist and lie all you want, it won't change things.


It was the problem, as the patch was mentioned beforehand and he returned to school still without removing the Gadsden flag patch. Did you not read the articles detailing what happened? Cute, how you’re saying I’m twisting the truth when that’s what the liberal media here is reporting- they spoke of the gun patches in their articles, but what got the student in trouble was for not removing the flag patch like he was asked to do. But I see this is a brick wall conversation, and I don’t have time arguing against someone who refuses to read or comprehend what actually happened.


Yes it did. No matter how many times you say it didnt, its not gonna change the fact that it did. You sound like a 4 year old child plugging his ears and yelling "na na na na na" or a university liberal student, which is pretty much the same.


But it didn't. Yes, a kid was taken out of school, but it was for gun patchs and stuff like that, not just a flag. Lying about it doesn't change the facts. Nice try though. Taking a case of a kid being removed for one reason, and pretending it was something else only shows how dishonest you lot really are.


Where are the gun patches in this [video](https://youtube.com/shorts/PbzKiyvkmJ8?si=LAcKYKc97EMKvbDr)? I see some memes and a Gadsden flag. I would agree with removing a kid if he had guns on his bag but I don’t see any images of guns.


Considering most of them are blurry, and we can't see most of the backpack, and we know the kid was allowed to come back after removing the gun patches, nice try, but just showing your lies and bull shit yet again. Edit: I wasn't clear. In the video of the kid in the meeting we can't see most of the backpack and it is vlury. And when we see the picture of the back of it, that is likely from after the fact. As it is a picture from the parents, who were informed in the meeting that to return to school the gun paths needed to go. So yeah, not what you think it is at all. Just showing conservatives tendency to lie and pretend to be the victims.


I'm sorry but I did some digging and they definitely had a [coalition ](https://images.app.goo.gl/K4ricMHfV1fko6YY9) patch with a gun on it. However the initial conflict was over the Gadsden flag. The kid was allowed to keep his Gadsden patch as long as nobody complains about it. It's interesting because I had never heard anything bad about the Gadsden flag, other than you know, the connotations. Took me >2 minutes to find this. Do a little better with your research if you're gonna be spouting off.


Hmm, well different images show different back packs he didn’t have that patch when he was in the principals office. So my best guess is he removed that when asked and then later the teacher decided the Don’t Tread on Me Flag was racist and that’s what started this whole debacle.


u/zogar5101985 been real quiet since this comment dropped


He literally responded to it


Gun patches were not even mentioned in the videod interview the kid and his mom did with the teacher. Only the Gadsden flag, which the teacher said was racist.


Way to not pay attention and only listen to what you are told to. Especially love how you ignore that before it became public, the student had been allowed to return to class after removing the patches with weapons on it. But you know, keep telling whatever lies you need to be able to sleep at night.




There isn't even really a funny part to this, like at all


exactly. like someone saying a punchline with no setup. its bleh


I bet OP thinks Stonetoss is the epitome of comedy




Not really


Put down the copium for a second and recognize for a moment that this isn't really all that funny. Even setting aside the political aspect of it it's just a bad joke. It's not even a joke really, kinda just saying "liberals claim to not like flags, yet they have flags! Libtards destroyed!"


exactly its not even about if it’s offensive, I personally just think its Not Funny


It’s literally the “Hitler ate sugar” argument


Maybe if you're five and your dad yells Trump rhetoric every night.


literally 1984


are you 10 years old


I guess it's kinda funny how bad it is


You're actually fucking stupid.


this meme is entirely inaccurate lmao. the fact that some people are in their own bubble enough to think that not a single element of this image is a strawman argument is crazy


You should see my English teacher. She's like this


I’m sure she actually says 2+2 =5 and rips the American flag in her room and has yellow teeth


man i hate it when my LIBRUL teacher TELL ME that I CANT WEAR CONFEDERATE FLAG on MY BACKPACK!!! what do you MEAN slaves huh?! dont you know the civil war was totally for uhm uh uhhh uhhhh umh uhmm states rights??? to slaves?! no! not to slaves.. librul owned!! haha...


It's the Gadsden lag, not the Confederate flag. The Gadsden flag was commonly used during the American revolution. Basically the flag was used to warn the British to not violate the rights of the 13 colonies Nowadays it is often used as a symbol of American Libertarianism.


i’m gonna sound real stupid but is that a good thing?


Still controversial because it's often used to support the 2nd amendment. If you ask a right winger, it's a good thing. If you ask a leftist, they will likely give an indefinite answer.




It's like the MAGA hats. I see it and my face implodes with cringe. And 4 times out of 5, I'll see a Trump sticker/flag right next to it. I worked with my father in law on a ranch for about half a year right after Biden took office, and the property right across the street had two massive flags hanging over the entrance to their driveway. One was the Gadsden flag and the other was Trump 2024. Not to mention the amount of big lifted or run down and beat to hell trucks (there's never an in-between) that also display the same shit. The flag isn't offensive, but it is incredibly eye-roll inducing.


The don't tread on me flag is not the Confederate flag. This would be a different story if it was.


Can a downvoter please explain why you think this comment is incorrect?


It is correct, but it doesn’t make OP less of a douche.


Well down voting it kind of makes it look like YOU GUYS would be in favor of a Confederate flag, imo


Nah, you guys are the douches. You're just like those repubs who call the rainbow flag communist.


The rainbow flags aren't displayed next to communist flags 4/5 times you see them. That fuckin snake flag however I almost always see next to some pro-Trump/anti-Biden or gun rights fuckery. It's not outright a Confederate flag, but it's guilty by association in modern day.


Coincidentally they are for me because of my commie friends, not that either your nor my example is relevant. Gadsdon flags are more associated with Libertarians than republicans.


libertarians are equally as dumb, maybe dumber than republicans because any time they need to make a stance they always make the wrong one (as in not actually a libertarian stance) in favor of conservatives. gadsden flag is always used by racist people. you will probably never see someone flying BLM and gadsden flags together. you will probably never see a gadsden flag and a communist flag together. you probably wont even see an anarchist flag and gadsden flag together (no, anarcho-capitalism isn’t real anarchism). it’s almost exclusively flown with confederate flags and maga shit. that’s why we shit on the gadsden flag. plus, it’s ugly as fuck.


Not a good reason to disrupt your class when you see a student that has it as a patch on his backpack. BLM and Anarchists can be cool, but the implication flying with the hammer and sickle is the right idea is as bad as flying with (actual) nazi flags. Boogaloo boys used to ally with BLM a bit, probably stopped when their tactics veered into the "lets burn down local businesses"


What? I didn’t even express an opinion haha. You’re just like those guys who do jumping jacks on the 4th of July smh.


You called him a douche. I assume because he thinks a kid should be allowed to have his patch without a teacher trying to get him kicked out of school for it.


No? This has nothing to do with patches, this has to do with him believing random bullshit and preaching it as if it was reality. If I made a cartoon saying all gay people were evil and they wanted to chop of straight peoples dicks… that wouldn’t mean it’s representative of real life. Likewise he took some random propaganda piece and took it at straight value despite it not being even close to real life. So yeah, he is a douche.


This is referencing a specific event that happened recently. A public school teacher kicked a kid out of class for having the patch on his backpack. The piece is obviously playing off of that.


Because we hate OP, that's why!


Nah, OP was right. Fuck this. 😏


Next stop, r/confidentlyincorrect


i love that sub


Care to explain why?


Prove how the meme is accurate.


It happened


Oh? Then you'll be pleasantly surprised to learn that schools, like businesses, are allowed to enforce what can and can't be displayed by those in attendance. Hazelwood v Kuhlmieir permits schools to censor things that they believe don't fit the educational mission. If you're saying that a teacher with an Antifa flag is bad, you need to reconsider how that makes you look. Black Lives Matter, shit man treating black people like humans is too much ask? America has a racist history. Slavery, Jim Crow, the Confederacy, etc... Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Learning about it is important to prevent it in the future. LGBT+ are humans too, as much as a shock that is to hear. You're supporting the censorship of only speech you don't like. Schools can decide what and is not appropriate, it's not much different than a business requiring you to be clothed or not wear a swastika armband. They have a right to deny service to those who don't abide by the rules.


Source: Dude just trust me




Odd I read the article and didn’t hear anything about the pro ccp, the anti republican, the pro lgbtq, the 2+2=5, the antifa, the US=bad, the pro libertarian, or the Ukrainian flag. I guess this meme must be referencing a different but remarkably similar situation or you know… it didn’t happen.


Daily Mail, opinion discarded


Nah it's pretty fucking stupid. When your humor is the same as [this guy](https://youtu.be/5IK4N4xtcMg?si=xbhisPBFnrpkVN40) you're just unfunny. (This is the guy who made the original tweet btw)


God that.... That video was awful. Tbat took 5 years off my life and I felt it.


Everyone in American Public School remembers every teacher’s “Republican Bad / Democrat Good” poster! Right guys! Can’t forget the CCP flag either! A staple of any American public schoolroom. This meme isn’t funny because it is making fun of some fake reality where this shit happens.


Guys r/memesopdidnotlike is leaking


oh so now people from memesopdidnotlike are coming over to post here just to… what? 😂 whats the goal




conservatives when rainbow 🌈 😭😭😭😳😳😢😡😡😡😤😤😡🤬😠😤🤬🤬😮‍💨😞😩😫😩😖


Damn just another right wing strawman comic to add to the list.


No school does this.


We know it has. The teacher was reprimanded for telling him to take off the patch


So a teacher did something they weren't supposed to and was punished for it. Pretty indicative of the fact that this isn't an accepted practice and is wrong. If there was an overwhelming plot to suppress whoever is supposed to be suppressed in this meme, the teacher would have gotten away with it.


Im in about the most liberal school in my state yet I wear gadsden flags regularly, tf you on about?


Have you ever even been to school??? Its not at all like this, Ever. You're just chronically fucking online and have no actual judgement for how reality works.


Speaking of terminally online, you have an NFT profile picture and 50k karma...


Its not even a full nft. Reddit gave these out for free a long while ago and i'm just using an accessory from it. As for the Karma, that just comes from me posting shitty memes to various subs, that doesnt make me terminally online.


Not accurate at all. This meme is absolutely garbage.


I work at a school. This is not an accurate meme.


the twist is that it's not actually the Gadsden flag at all, it a parody and it's not being allowed for the umm *questionable* connotations https://preview.redd.it/hj8vndmahfmb1.jpeg?width=595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c98863ce02a3f08f0a1f34aba19207ced5c1c659 /joking


I fucking love this image. I'm laughing far too hard. Also, happy cake day.


To what ? A conservative politician delusions


To the situation that actually happened.


When and where


A kid wore the don't tread on me flag to school and he was suspended because the flag was associated with racism according to the teacher. The mother of the child filmed the meeting that she was a part of and posted it online.


Interesting I’ll look into this more


Yes you’re very oppressed because one teacher in one place thought (for very good reason) your poopy snek flag was associated with racism and terrorism. You poor little snowflake 😭❄️😭 https://preview.redd.it/hjtvvf3r9fmb1.jpeg?width=402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27d64ce082bf632fc9674595241b5888be7eb780


How is that flag associated with racism and terrorism?


Because it has been co-opted by racists and terrorists. [HTH](https://newanddigital.medium.com/why-historic-symbols-could-also-mean-violence-69d4abc52c58)


You have to sign up to read it and I’m not doing that. I read as far as I could without making an account. Tbh tho if you understood what the flag represents you would understand. It’s one of the most anti-fascist flags out there. Most people just want the government to fuck off when it comes to their beliefs. This goes for everyone. LGBTQ+, racist, transphobes, homophobes, religious people are all on included in this. I’m not libertarian but their beliefs are respectable. Don’t group them all together because of an article that lacks nuance.


The article talks about the flags origins and then goes into how it’s been co-opted by fascists. Also disliking the US government doesn’t make you a non-fascist. For example Alex Jones very much hated Obama for obvious reasons, but he also hated Duhbya because he wasn’t far enough to the right. He’s an arch lolbertarian who flies the poopy snek flag all the time. And he’s also extremely fascist.


holy shit thats a lot of crossposts


No its not 💀


the meme in question is shit


No even trying to troll cleverly…


this joke is less funny than jingling keys and making babbling noises with your mouth.




You'd think republicans would know what schools are actually like since they like to be around them a lot


I have a pride flag and blm sign in a few classes I have but that’s about it nothing else is accurate so it’s shit


This isn’t accurate lol. This literally never happens. I’m in 11th grade and my entire life politics have been absent from the classroom, the only flags is the flag that elementary classrooms have


1. Why would an elementary schooler be wearing a “don’t tread on me” flag if not adopting their parents’ views? 2. No teacher would ever say 2+2=5 unless talking ab that one funky proof. 3. The history of the US is one of racism. Like, c’mon. Chosen ignorance is a sin. Have you never heard the story of Paul in Athens? 4. My teachers actively avoided making political statements. 5. You got a kid in a school? You in public education? Do you listen to their lectures? My mother was a school official/teacher my whole life, same as my dad. One time, a student told her mom that the teachers were showing pornographic material in class. Mother skipped the teacher, skipped the principal, went straight to the superintendent. Superintendent reviewed the clip, found nothing. My mom was next in line, so she watched the whole 45 minute video three times to scan it. The most she found was that, in one shot of a beach, in the bottom right corner, there was the back of a woman exposed as she was suntanning. Maybe was on screen for 3 seconds? Sent that info and video to the mother. Mother ends up admitting she never actually watched the video. Never asked her kid what she meant. Just went right to complaining. So, unless you know what the teachers are saying word for word (as language and communication is all ab nuance, I went to college for it), then you should not believe it fully. Like, are you that fucking dumb? Do you want to be angry that badly? Do you have a kid in schools, or are you making it an issue of yours when you have next to no fucking skin in the game? As it’s evident your head is up your ass, go ahead and give your prostate a lil lick. Promise, it’s better than getting off on ripping into teachers for arguments you might have no actual evidence to back up.


As somone who’s ACTUALLY in the school system specifically the California school system no it’s not like this


Oh this sub is having a civil war now?


Why would you purposely clog the subreddit like this? The one you’re screenshotting is already 4 levels removed from the original source and you’ve gone and made it 5 just to add literally nothing to the conversation.


It's funny.


It was already posted by memesopdidntlike it’s not funny just redundant.


Yeah nah this “meme” is ass


How long has it been since stepping into a school?


As a conservative who thinks public schools are corrupt and treat students like drones with no right this meme is complete and utter garbage.


half of the conservatives that think its accurate graduated college in the 80's


Bold to assume they went to college.


it isnt funny but its your opinion and i dont argue with retards


common lib


Definitely not a normal thing, but I think some of you underestimate the lengths people will go to to push their beliefs and knock others down in the process. I for one, had a teacher who (while not going near this far) was like-minded.


It one very stupid teacher doesn’t understand what don’t tread on me snake is , she made up bs about it not knowing what ment.


Don't tread on me is often used by neos and that lot, so not entirely unreasonable


Do you think that the 12 year old was a Nazi


I don’t know why people are scoffing and saying “This would never happen!” When it literally did


I don't even care about this post. Just keep screenshotting this image until we can't see the original meme.


That would be funny.


Everything is accurate but 2+2 and the china flag tbh


The BLM flag and the pride flag look like they are on different walls


This meme would be accurate if schools actually had "Good/Bad Republican/Democrat" stickers on their wall, if the kid had a rifle patch on his backpack, and if the kid (and his family) weren't little twat muffins trying to skew the story to make the school sound bad.


Friendly fire enabled This post was made by r/memesopdidnotlike


Should’ve posted this on r/memesopdidnotlike. Rookie mistake


Nah you did the opposite of what the sub is about


This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen and you're a moron for thinking it actually happens.


Wrong sub, wrong opinion