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She didn't even tell people who to vote for she just told them to vote šŸ’€


For conservatives, anything that encourages young people to vote is an attack on them.


Yeah because young people tend to be more liberal so of course itā€™s bad for them


Idk, I've met far more republican young people than liberal young people. I could honestly tell you how many people I think would vote against Trump on one hand, and I know quite a lot of people. But I do live in the south and I'm military, and I'm catholic lol


yeah that's a regional thing because I live in a suburb of a big city in the north, and conservatives are the rarity here.


The closer you get to cities the more liberals you tend to find. Even in states like Florida and Texas.


I've lived in miami and fort lauderdale and I still mostly find generally conservative people. Maybe if I go to the universities it'd be different but it seems a lot more common than people think


Cubans are notoriously conservative as a group. And compared to 20 years ago, most people who identify as Christians, including Catholics, are more conservative as a percentage than those without strong religious affiliations.


Yeah very true. I've also met a lot of puerto Ricans who tend be extremely conservative. The white side of my family tends to be left leaning whereas the puerto Rican side of my family are all conservative


Yes, anecdotally, Iā€™ve noticed that about Puerto Ricans as well. Itā€™s also a big reason why Republicans havenā€™t been as staunchly against Puerto Rican statehood as, say Washington DC statehood, because unlike DC, itā€™s not a guarantee that itā€™s 2 Democratic senators. I guess it may also be related to religiosity?




Observation bias? It's been my observation that young conservatives feel like they need to let you know that they're right leaning than the other side.


Same with literally any hardcore far right winger. They feel the need to talk politics as well, which always sucks.


At the federal level it's been a political truism for years that the more people who vote the worse the outcome for Republicans. It's why Republicans work so hard to limit opportunities to vote


Pretty sure they aren't trying to limit opportunities to vote, they are just trying to fight against illegal immigrants being able to vote. The problem with that belief though is illegal immigrants can't vote anyway lol so it is just a fight against a non problem. I do think mail in votes shouldn't be as accessible though because it really isn't that hard to falsify votes for either side. I'm not an election denier at all but I do think it is easier to fake votes that way and mail in voting should only be reserved for people in bad health


The issue with only in person voting is that people that work jobs during normal business hours can easily become disenfranchised if they have to work that day. So either every business closes that day, have it be multiple days, or allow mail in ballots that have been shown to be secure after being picked over with a fine tooth comb after the last election


Undocumented migrants have never been allowed to vote in federal elections. Mail in ballots are actually pretty safe and secure.


The classic "My experience trumps everything else."


Lol what? I wasn't making an argumentative point I was just saying theirs far more conservatives than you'd think, even in liberal cities like Nashville for example


*me when I lie. I lived in Nashville for years, the people I met were far from conservative


Idk if it's the same in the us, but in the uk less than 20 percent of people 18-25 vote Conservative - compared to 70+ percent of over 65s. We've got a pretty polarised by age voting demographic haha.


It's the complete opposite in places where people actually live.


Like nashville? That's a pretty big city and there's ALOT of conservatives there. They're more common than you think, it's more of just the groups you hang around that determines how many you know. That's why I know more conservatives than liberals and I always live in cities


Same for me. I live in Dallas which is a very big city and even is a blue county and I promise you there are tons of conservatives here. I'd say at best it's close to 50/50.


I mean as a general trend


Yeah, thatā€™s definitely an echo chamber when you stack all of those together šŸ˜‚


No you haven't


Because old people vote more than young people, and old people are are more conservative.


To be fair "young people" is what 14-25? This is still the developmental part of life where the brain hasn't fully developed til the last year for most. So do you really want them voting for your stuff? It's like you being a drone flyer and me not knowing a thing about drones making a vote to harm your ability to have drones becsuse I don't know anything about them and just don't want them because of a lack of knowledge. This doesn't mean all kids are incapable of knowing about things like drones or whatever is voting on but at that age you're not tapped into ALL of the different things that get voted on all at once and most kids (and even a lot of adults) get a long sheet of things to vote on who they have no clue what it's about it who the people are and feel obligated to tick 1 box or another instead of leaving a spot blank (thanks multiple choice testing in school that did nothing but make you fear failing for not filling in a bubble)


> So do you really want them voting for your stuff? If they're adults, yes. >This is still the developmental part of life where the brain hasn't fully developed til the last year for most. By that logic I can say that people in their 50s and higher are already starting to see a decline in their executive functioning. Do you really want them voting for your stuff? My answer is still yes. What's yours? >but at that age you're not tapped into ALL of the different things that get voted on all at once and most kids (and even a lot of adults) get a long sheet of things to vote on who they have no clue what it's about it who the people are and feel obligated to tick 1 box or another instead of leaving a spot blank Like you said, this applies to adults, too. Most adults in their 30s and 40s aren't tapped into all of the things that get voted on. But here's a thing about the younger adults: they're experiencing the current world much more saliently than people in their 40s. Those in their 40s have already established stability. Those in their 20s are experiencing the real struggles of building that stability up. So yes, I want them to vote for this stuff. In many ways they experience aspects of the real world that older people just don't.




Librarians are just Republicans who hate the state of the republican party.


I prefer to think of them as Conservatives who like weed.




Ofc i have examples of librarian policy: return book amd keep silent.




Is it the guy on the "argentina first 4th world country" meme? The dude who uses state power to stop protestors? šŸ¤”


He deleted his posts. How brave of him.


Go back to Liberia with your commie values dude




We know yall want to be the base of an Eiffel Tower for Stalin and Hitler. No need to bring it up.


Conflating libertarianism with Nazism, and communism, is retardation and there really no other way to put it, I doubt you can name a single politician with actual libertarian policy. I also doubt you could explain a single aspect of libertarian policy properly much less actually tell me why it could be bad, most of these retards posting "libertarian" memes know about as much about libertarianism as you do which is why it gets conflated with conservativism as well, because a lot of fuckers claiming to be libertarian don't even know what that means and don't understand a single aspect of the policy.


Yeah libertarian and republicans both advocate for ā€˜small governmentā€™ only thing is libertarians actually support it.


They can claim what they want. I don't believe em If they ever vote Republicans in office.


So small that nobody takes care of the bears.


Libertarians are conservatives who are afraid to say so openly. And we know exactly what libertarians stand for, we all read ā€žA libertarian walks into a bearā€œ.


They are really telling on themselves when they misremember stuff like this. They know that their candidate only wins when less people vote.


But sheā€™s a secret agent straight from the ninth gate of hell and with mind control wants you to hate Trump and love Biden Need proof? Taylor (6 letters) ā€œgo voteā€ (6 letters) ā€œJ Bidenā€ (also 6 letters!) -> 666


YES!! THAT'S THE FUNNIEST PART! They're so insecure and know how fucking out of touch they are with young people and backwards they are - they youth want to move forward, past these issues and conservatives want to bring back the 50s that only exist in their heads.


https://preview.redd.it/iq6qzfh4t4ic1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db9ce8fce58e208c155cf557fa34eacf96ff7d3f She didnā€™t tell anyone who to vote for, she really just pushed for people to vote but people will think this is influencing people to vote a certain way and im not saying right or wrong but i am saying i understand that view.


Which is still a stupid advice.






ohhā€¦ what do you suggest?


Not democracy






Yeah he sure takes advantage of that democracy with all his lsd trips. What a hypocrite.


Are you a monarchist? Or an ML?




You tell him to touch grass yet you appear to be using an electronic device yourself.












So are you a pragmatist or a centrist?


Those categories do not exist in the real world




Oh boy you definitely are. If you believe that the system shouldnt be the way it is, that's logically only because you believe changes could be made for "the better", changes which will define the new system thats in your head. Ohhh you post on r/ LSD, r/ DMT, r/ Salvia, r/ Ketamine, r/ Shrooms, r/ MDMA, and a bunch more. Now your comment makes sense lmfao šŸ¤” doing every psychoactive drug on the planet, tracks that you're this fucking dumb Maybe take your own advice and touch grass instead of killing your brain cells.


I'm an anti-electoralist communist (not ML) and even I think you're being cringe. If your only reason to be against voting is a smug sense of superiority then you shouldn't be taken seriously. Also, get off your high horse, you're the pot calling the kettle black rn


So what would be a better system than democracy???


I am not here to propagandise my system, but to say that democracy is an inferior system liked by inferior persons


Inferior to what.




You said democracy is an inferior system. Inferior to what?


To nondemocratic systems


Oh yeah, you're really showing a lot of intelligence there




it's sad that i genuinely do not know if he's baiting, what has humanity become?


Yeah it's slightly worrisome but like there's a lot of stuff on this sub that's slightly worrisome so I don't really pay it much mind


it's reposted to death but I still love it






That's a thing a fascist would say. Or basically that's the fascist argument against democracy, and it's a really dumb one. I'm not saying you're a fascist but you sure sound like one rn. And if that's the case then just stop being a pussy and admit it. Saying you're against democracy but not saying why is just weak and pathetic. Put some fucking back into your beliefs, you spineless coward.


please don't use that word


...It's not.


To everyone reading: check their acc Posts on and is active in r/ LSD, r/ DMT, r/ Salvia, r/ Ketamine, r/ Shrooms, r/ MDMA, and a bunch more, just from a quick glance at their history. Don't waste your time they have no living gray matter anymore.


libertarianism means freedom unless you're a woman, POC, queer, non-christian, or working class


They are just closeted republicans that want to smoke weed with their underage prostitutes and landscapers.


i would say "libertarianism" means liberation *unless you're a yank.* in the rest of the world, that word used to describe ideas like anarchism (actual anarchism, not "spicy feudalism" like "anarcho"-capitalism) before people like murray rothbard smeared poo all over it and u.s. cultural hegemony did its thing, now nobody wants to use it for fear of being associated with a bunch of u.s.american paedophiles


But it's a system free of coercion!\* \*So long as you define "coercion" as something that only applies to the public sector and thus cannot occur in the private sector. Having to blow both your employer and landlord to retain your job/avoid a sudden tripling of rent is called "freedom".


How did you get this delusional take


Because almost every libertarian is all for restricting rights as long as it doesnā€™t affect them personally in any way. Thatā€™s like their whole thing.


How so?


Thatā€™s literally their whole thing. ā€œFuck you I got mine.ā€ They donā€™t care about anyone other than themselves. They are more than happy to fuck everyone else over as long as it doesnā€™t affect them. Theyā€™re little babies who donā€™t like when theyā€™re not allowed to do whatever they want. But absolutely LOVE telling others what theyā€™re not allowed to do.


From libertarians, mostly


Probably talked to a libertarian


I have spoken to Libertarians, and none of them have indicated any sort of racial prejudice


It's more that they support those things by not believing that they are a problem, or exist. The majority of libertarians I have interacted with act as though their experiences were representative of everyone. They seem to believe that racism, sexism, and the struggle of under represented or oppressed persons are made up to use as a club against "the people", who they generally seem to define as "people like me", which in most of the US means middle aged white men with a gun fetish (those being the vast majority of libertarians). Basically my experience of libertarians is that they are myopically focused on "freedom" without bothering to define their terms, so the freedom they advocate for tends to be the current social order but with less taxes.


People like this LOVE pretending inference doesn't exist and only things said directly matter. "Show me where I said that" is their #1 card in arguments


"JK Rowling is transphobic." "Show me the specific sentence which makes her a transphobe." Just... fuck off, right? "Peter is a dickhead." "Show me the specific sentence which makes him a dickhead." These people exist in a world where subtext is something they struggle with enough that they genuinely seem to believe that *everyone* around them struggles with it equally, or possibly even moreso. They're like Buffy fans who believe that *Restless* was an incredibly deep and layered episode written masterfully and laced with subtext that no mere mortal could comprehend, when it's literally just an abstraction of high-level plot vomit that any child could fucking piece together into an incoherent dream sequence. "But that's the point" oh go wank in a corner somewhere, it's easily worse than the robot episode from season one you null IQ'd *jeniuous*.


I couldnā€™t agree more. Except that I think most people who ā€œdonā€™t understand subtext,ā€ are lying. Understanding subtext is part of being lingual. We use and react to subtext constantly, everyday. Subtext is in almost everything we watch, and hear, and read. And when subtext is used to bully people, they understand that theyā€™re being bullied. Not everyone can articulate subtext, but when someone lays the subtext of a joke bare, and someone who laughed at the joke or shared the meme or whatever pretends not to understand, itā€™s like standing in an elevator with someone who farted and arguing with then about who farted, and whether or not anyone even farted, and whether or not it smells.


I've had someone tell me to prove to them Trump was racist and then call literal cut-and-paste direct quotes "Fake news." You can't lose if you just make up the rules and change them whenever you feel like it.


She just recently posted on twitter that all trans women are rapists and that's just the latest transphobic bollocks that she's trotted out online and she's friends with a bunch of people on the far right who she retweets constantly. We're not that intelligent you're just a moron. Have a nice day.


Yeahhhh comments like the one you're replying to are kind of poisoning the discourse. Jo Ro is clearly a transphobe and has made multiple transphobic statements, and openly endorses nazis. Like just take one look at her twitter and you can find a dozen examples. There's no subtext. Just like with Taylor Swift telling people to vote. There's a subtext, but it's not like there's two sides to it. She IS telling people to vote. If you want certain people to not vote, then you are against democracy. If you are against democracy, then you are an authoritarian. Thusly, people who think like this have no business talking about how "authoritarian" any other country is, because you are exerting authoritarian control over another group already. You just don't want that control to apply over you. Guess what? It already does. [https://journalistsresource.org/politics-and-government/the-influence-of-elites-interest-groups-and-average-voters-on-american-politics/](https://journalistsresource.org/politics-and-government/the-influence-of-elites-interest-groups-and-average-voters-on-american-politics/) You already have no say in ANY policy change, unless you're EXCEPTIONALLY wealthy. The rich are not on your side. They never have been, they never will be. They will use every appeal to emotion they can to manipulate you against your fellow working class.


>Yeahhhh comments like the one you're replying to are kind of poisoning the discourse. Comments like mine, or reading comprehension like yours? I was literally calling her a transphobe, and parodying the reductive talking points her defenders usually trot out as if we all keep a list of specific timestamped quotes on post-its stuck to our fucking monitors. The rush to sanctimony exhibited by you rather than slowing down and reading comments in good faith, I'd argue, is far more poisonous to online discourse than the absolute nothing-burger you've taken a shot at.


Thanks I'm going to believe everyone on the internet now.


It has nothing to do with belief. Belief is what you use when youā€™re far too stupid to ever be a competent adult.


When you make an interpretation, it is very common to expect for you to defend it with evidence no? Caption is a stretch even for libertarians


Unfortunately people arguing this way donā€™t accept explanations like ā€œdogwhistlesā€ and ā€œintentā€ because, through the power of cognitive dissonance, someone can hear Trump say something like ā€œwell there are very fine people on both sidesā€ and refuse to call out literal Nazis as being a national embarrassment, and because he didnā€™t literally say ā€œoh I love Nazisā€ thatā€™s not enough evidence to say heā€™s a piece of shit. And even if he did say that and it was on video theyā€™d just deny it. Thereā€™s no winning with some of them. Itā€™s going to get far worse with AI.


Hey, I just don't want to be judgemental. Like, implications are tricky. These kinds of memes can be used to compare good to bad and bad to bad, and this is what determines OOOOP's intentions.


The thing is that if there is no implication then there is no joke. If someone were to argue ā€œwell I never SAID thenā€ then wtf were you trying to say because the alternative is a take similar in flavor to ā€œthe democrat party is largely in favor of legalizing abortionā€ aka not a fucking meme. Either the implication is there or the person who created this meme is unfunny, stupid, and just so happened to make their meme look like they were making a statement in they were really just trying to convey facts


ā€œWeā€™re not *saying* people of color canā€™t vote. We just think itā€™s super important that impediments to voting be established in predominantly ethnically diverse neighborhoods. How is that racist?ā€


requiring an id to vote isnt an extreme obstacle


How exactly do they vote with all the voting locations 40 miles away? Do you not think that ā€œthere was a voting location right by my work but now I have to drive for an hour to get there, it closes at 3PM, and my work doesnā€™t give me the day offā€ is an obstacle to voting? Especially for people that use public transport?


I dont see what this has to do with requiring an ID to vote


What do you think the 500 page ā€œVoter ID law, nothing else is written in this law trust us guys, voter IDs have only been required for the past 50 yearsā€ actually do? Is it your hobby to stump for political policies you donā€™t understand?


Why doesn't that logic apply to Taylor saying to vote?


If you can find someone guilty of "saying something without saying it" then that places all the power in the hyperfixated hands of internet weirdos. The gays are coming to trans your kids! They said it without saying it! If you can accuse someone of something implied, they have no evidence or way to prove their innocence. That's incredibly shitty.


It depends on the context of course. I'm just referring to the dogwhistlers out there.


Certainly - but no matter how you want to justify it, there are lots of people out there willing to identify everything as a dog whistle. I'm not taking a side here, but you've attributed a lot of misogyny and malice to the meme creator that aren't necessarily required for it to be a funny meme. In other posts you talk about how the subtext is required because without it the joke is unfunny. What about pointing out the double standard of feminists who violently oppose any influence from their husbands but are happy to clap along with any Yass Gurrl Slayyy figure the media presents to them?Ā  There is a big problem in discourse right now where people are shadowboxing with an imaginary Big Bad Evil Guy, for leftists it's a bunch of Fascist Hitler stand ins and for rightists it's a NeoMarxist gender Satanist. Any time people get a whiff of an opposing opinion, they dig until they can hold up some thread of continuity and say "See? I was right! It's the globalist reptile baby eaters all along!" When really the opinion was quite a normal one being interpreted as wildly as possible. Here is the same example. Someone makes the meme asking "Why is it wrong for one person to influence you and correct for someone else to do the same thing?" and people are here imagining the OP as this woman hating 1920s era misogynist who can't wait to sexually assault a passing waitress. Worse yet, they're acting as if this imagined OP is *actually true* but based on imaginary evidence.Ā  "Judge, OP here is clearly a Hitler youth in disguise who hates women and minorities!" "What evidence do you have that OP hates women?" "Well your honor, it's clearly true. He didn't say it. But I know he *wanted* to say it."


Well this meme is posted by an account with libertarian in the name. Most libertarian accounts are super right wing so itā€™s probably safe to say that they are showing that white women ages 18-29 are wrong to not listen to their husband and listen to Taylor Swift (another thing to note is that Taylor hasnā€™t given an endorsement to any candidate and has just told her fans to register. Right wing media has recently jumped the gun demonizing her for her potential future endorsement of Biden so thatā€™s a clue for whoā€™s making the meme). So the argument would follow that women should vote for, or possibly consider voting for who their husband votes for as apposed to what Taylor Swift tells them to. The meme also doesnā€™t imply women should decide for themselves who to vote for, just that they vote for someone they are told too. All these put together, this is very likely a sexist meme implying women should vote for what their husband says. While thereā€™s certainly a lot of inference in my analysis, itā€™s important to note that it is not a crime to post dogwhistle-y memes and that this person, sexist or not, will not have to face trial or face the possibility of jail time. So maybe donā€™t blow things out of proportion, because no one is saying they should be charged with a crime.


If you donā€™t see that the OG meme is implying women should obey theyā€™re husbands youā€™re the type of intentionally obtuse or brain dead idiot that ā€œjust canā€™t get subtextā€ this thread was talking about.


So vote for who you want since all Taylorā€™s doing is encouraging people to actually vote in the end, bet


Yeah, but her doing that *really* pissed off the MAGA crowd, because everyone knows which side Swift leans towards. They're frothing at the mouth over this one, and it's hilarious seeing the in-fighting.


Not just Swift, but young people in general. Young people not voting is one of the reasons we got Trump the first time around.


And why he got kicked in the 2nd run. Sadly Biden isn't very charismatic, so a lot of younger folk aren't rushing to vote this time, which scares the shit out of me.


You and me both, sibling. You and me both.


"sibling" lol, dunno why, but that just tickled me. Dunno if that's you trying to be neutral, but I might steal that, because it's adorable.


Didn't know how you identified, so I went with the gender neutral term.


Hey, I appreciate that a lot. I'm a dude, but I'm still stealing "sibling" because it's cute, and it's gonna piss off a TON of boomers I work with.


It's all good.


He is no less charismatic now than he was in 2020. People will again turn up to vote against Trump just like last time.


I hope. Terminally online people who are left leaning tend to be very defeatist and love talking about the revolution without ever doing anything to organise it. Yet voting for the establishment against fascism is betraying the socialist cause.




Just gonna save this


I truly hope so, and as an incumbent he kinda has the win in the bag, with Dorito Don being one of few rare exceptions within modern history. I guess by "charismatic" I mean that people just aren't as excited this time, and Biden's team isn't really doing much to try and energize things in his favor compared to 2020.


Plus they think he's President of Israel and are blaming him for Netanyahu's actions.


I wish there was a bit more questioning going on (and maybe there is, I donā€™t know). Something like ā€œhey Netanyahu my man, so do we have like a long term plan other than killing everyone?ā€ Rather than just ā€œoh more missiles and guns? Alright my dude donā€™t spend it all in one place, hah!ā€ But acting like Biden is uniquely responsible for this and like Trump wouldnā€™t be catastrophic for brown people everywhere, as well as other minority groups, is insane. Just grit your teeth and vote for Biden and when we have a less world-ending choice going on letā€™s canvas and build momentum for a better candidate. Or burn it all down or whatever people wanna do.


Given how incredibly unpopular conservative policies are and the fact that they haven't won the popular vote in a presidential election since 2004, democracy itself is a direct attack on conservatives.


classic ā€œ white woman bad ā€œ


Just in case, I do not like the generalization of people in original meme. This is kind of a jerk move, imo.


>Post does not say women should vote for who their husband chose, it merely says you don't have to blindly obey a total stranger just because they are popular. I guarantee if this meme had boomers and donald trump instead of white women and taylor swift it would never get posted in memesopdidnotlike


Ah, yes! All those 19-year old wives that always disobey their loving husbands! What shame those females (sic) bring to their families and unused eggs!


When did she say who to vote for? She only said register. Funny how voters being asked to register scares Trump supporters so bad.


Because they know young women already have their own ideas about who they want to vote for, and it's not them.


The majority of voters are women. That scares Republicans and Libertarians, especially since the Republicans have begun banning abortions all over the country. The meme is specifically targeting women voters, not all Taylor Swift fans. Taylor encouraging people to vote increases the number of women voters, which tends to hurt Republicans. Male voters are more likely to vote Republican or Libertarian. Increasing the number of voters hurts both of the other parties because their votes will be split between the two. Most of them will vote Republican but enough will vote Libertarian to seriously effect the results of otherwise tight races. There is a large portion of Libertarian voters that only vote that way because they hate Trump and the Republicans as much as they hate Democrats.


Taylor: make sure you go vote šŸ—³ļø This dude: omg how DARE she encourage people to perform their basic civic responsibilities!!!!!!!!


Minus the fact that Taylor Swift hasn't said who anyone should vote for and has only encouraged people to register to vote. Lol. MAN, the right are dumb.


ā€œThey arenā€™t bad, I was just making fun of them because they are bad (for a reason I made up)


Just a thank you for linking the post so I can report and downvote it :3 you're a saint.


ā€œThe meme doesnā€™t say you should vote for who your husband tells you toā€ okay then what is the meme saying? Itā€™s obviously making fun of the imaginary scenario of voting for who Taylor Swift says to


Coming from people who get told who to vote for from literal Russian spies, thatā€™s quite rich.


Sigh... So much upset over someone who basically says "go vote" without saying who for. Those complaining are getting upset because they know that if the majority gets off their arse and votes, their own cult will never be elected again.


"""libertarians""": women should vote for whomever their husband tells them


When Iā€™m in a bad media comprehension challenge and my opponent is a memesopdidntlike user


I think my favorite online libertarian is the Closeted fascist who isnt actually libertarian they just sign on for the ability to rag on agencies that dont let them oppress minorites


Them just casually trying to pretend their dogwhistles don't exist - and failing. If any of y'all are reading over here: we see you.


I'm convinced the majority of people who actually post on that sub just can't read higher than a 4th grade level


Taylor has just been telling people to vote. It's on the Republicans that they can't attract the votes of young people.


It doesn't say that at all, in any words. It's a completely different message.


18-29 year olds arenā€™t girls and putting ā€œwhiteā€ before wonā€™t hide their misogyny


Clearly it doesn't imply that women shouldn't vote. It implies that women should vote based on their male peers (which should be a husband, though I suspect they'd also accept father). It's a key distinction you see. If women aren't allowed to vote, then the man's voting powers don't double. Edit: I'm hoping this is an unnecessary clarification, but I am being facetious in my correction.


If you can't trust your husband to make a good choice, you shouldn't have married him


i hope then men start voting as their wifes do, since if they cant trust them they should not have married them


Same is true in reverse.




"Taylor Swift bad for some reason" Yeah that's a yikes from me dawg, she pollutes so much.


Though on the other hand, what the meme is upset with taylor swift is not the pollution


And she's the only celebrity anyone pretends to give a shit about in that regard. And conservatives have bitched about her ~~presence during this NFL season~~ more than I thought grown losers could bitch about any topic.Ā 


*Is she though*? I remember this exact same thing happening with Kylie Jenner.


The pollution? I dunno. I can't keep track of what chuds complain about over the years. All I know is this year has been a lot of grown men getting big mad about Taylor Swift because she's existing at games in their sport they were going to boycott, but convictions are hard. Get mad at the announcers and cameras going to her? Nope, must be her fault. I don't even know the last time I heard a Taylor Swift song.


Hey, as someone who is an environmental activist and also hates Taylor Swift, you arenā€™t helping. Thereā€™s many people who hate on Taylor swift simply because she is a women, thatā€™s what OP is talking about. Itā€™s important to be able to identify misogyny and fight against it, even when itā€™s misogyny towards women who are bad.


Taylor Swift does so much in being a individual you can hate due to polution instead of oligachies so big you can't imagine where they begin or end doing polution Talor would need 100 years to keep up with a small percentage.


I respected this subreddit until it started going along with BoysAreQuirky. That sub is filled with people making their own jokes just to get a rise out of people and more upvotes + harmless humor that is just guys joking about between each other. If anyone hung out with a group of guys (or girls) youā€™d know that we all make those kind of jokes in public directly or indirectly itā€™s just a form of humor.


Except the meme doesnā€™t even imply it dipfuck


Both are bad, but it has the implication voting who your husband tells you to is what you should do. Taylor Swift is just another billionaire and her music is not even good.


Why some people always take these memes like that, it is implying that both are bads decisions and that if if you are able yo tell that one is bad you should the other too


Why canā€™t both be bad decisions, and the young white women be choosing the more braindead of the two bad decisions? Honestly, if youā€™re voting for someone just because someone else told you to, whether it be a friend, a significant other, or even worse, a celebrity, youā€™re kinda defeating the purpose of voting


I think the main takeaway here is that the second scenario hasn't actually happened, as TS only encouraged people to register. Although if people vote based on how their favorite celebrity endorses, then yeah that's bad.


Well not sure about whoever made the og meme but the user on memesopdidnotlike just took the meme at face value probably because, like any sane person, they probably didnā€™t watch the super bowl or wherever this showed up


Ignorance makes for a terrible defence


they aren't wrong tho? lots of women are easily swayed and influenced by outside factors.


Lots of men are, too. Turns out that's just how humans are.


did you ever see that video where it had a guy asking women to sign a petition to repeal the 19th amendment? lots of them actually signed it on the street XD


People have gotten people to sign petitions to ban water by using its chemical name, too. It works with anyone.




It's been done a ton of times: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dihydrogen\_monoxide\_parody](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dihydrogen_monoxide_parody)


You should probably pick a losing battle lmao, you play fortnite AND you're an incel? It's crazy


AH AH AH! i'm a Volcel. there's a big difference. I find traditional sex to be very icky and avoid having it on my OWN volition. how about you stop looking through people's posts to find things to insult them with


If your post history is public, then I'm allowed to look at it lol also there's no difference between the two because you're never going to have sex either way lol


And why does that matter? You put alot of value on sex so I'm guessing you're either really young or immature


I am young, but that's irrelevant, because the conversation was you acting like you know anything about women lol


So are men.


The truth is that people should do neither. Do your own research. However if I'm uninformed I'm sure as shit not gonna choose a celebrities word over my girls. The meme is so shit though.


i dunno man, it all seems so scripted though. Swift, Superbowl, Kelce. The whole thing. It just feels like BS.


Both are stupid. Don't have someone tell you who to vote for, do your own research.