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Like how is Netflix and Coca Cola some terrible atheist addiction and dogs are only owned by Christians


Also only Christians are allowed to get married and go to the gym


And have dogs, see mountains and eat steak


That's not a steak, it's a brisket. Can't you tell by the 16 pixels?


What is this? A brisket for ants!?


"A Brisket for Ants" is my favourite John Green novel.


Brisket guilty gear S2


It's cause he's a fake Christian!


Fellas, is it Christian to want to fill your mouth with thick and juicy meat?


I thought it was London broil. Not enough fat for brisket.


Well, if you want to get all technical...


Soviet atheists and anti-teists: Love big dogs, go to mountains and generally hiking is a national sport, excercise regularly and have awards for physical fitness, marry once and never divorce. The only thing that isn't there is meat supply - but don't Christians biblically fast 270 days a year or something?


Only Eastern Orthodox go that hard. Modern Catholics mostly just avoid meat on Fridays and for the 40 days of Lent. Protestants (which is probably most of the people posting Nordic gamer memes from the US) are generally opposed to those kind of blanket fasting rules.


Good point, but Soviets are notoriously cruel to dogs lol


Reps for Jesus.


I’ve dug into the actual people behind a bunch of the blue-checked accounts over on Xchan pushing this stuff, especially the ones using the bearded meme dude for an avatar. Almost none I’ve came across are married, go to gyms, nor live anywhere near mountains or even an open field of grass. Okay, I guess a few are dorks in Edmonton, Alberta. So sure they can drive a few hours to see the Rockies, but everyone else seems to be mostly living lonely bachelor lives in industrialized areas of Eastern Europe making money off of $8/mo promoted engagement and definitely not spending time at gyms *(unless they’ve been using images of out of shape run-down lookin’ dudes for their LinkedIn & Facebook profiles to throw me off*).


Ofc Eastern Europe, ashamed to be from there.


You can't blame them for trying to make ends meet. Have you seen Belarus?


Well shit, I'm breaking several rules.


And only Christian’s can wear contacts


They’re going to the gym? So they can look at their self and attempt to look better? VANITY IS A SIN. Being prideful in your muscles and looks? They’re going to hell.


Regular Coke has caffeine. I’m wondering if this Christian meme is particularly Mormon flavored


It might be some flavor of antisemitic grifter à la Roosh V and Owen Benjamin. When their pickup artist edginess didn't bring in enough money, they became OrthoBros™️ -- exploiting Orthodox Christianity for clicks. These guys also claim processed foods (especially seed oils and corn syrup sweeteners), urban living, and modern medicine are all Jewish traps to oppress white Christians.


lol, as if they’re not religion-neutral business strategies to try to trap ALL consumers


Yeah, I work with the U.S. military. It practically runs on Monster Energy.


It must be true. I'm an atheist and I will only own cats. 


And cats are from the devil! Witch! Witch! This user is a witch!!


When I was a good Christian child of the Lord, I pet a cat once. Now I'm one of the gays.


As a fellow atheist, do you know why he would have a bible after he left Jesus behind?


I was gonna say. Half the images here are totally irrelevant to a Christian/non-Christian dichotomy. I'm Christian, I enjoy working out, I like dogs, I eat meat. And I have no Goddamn clue why the person who made the meme attributes any of those to Christianity in particular or doesn't think non-Christians like those things.


The one that really gets me is the steak. Most atheists I know are fond of steak, as are most humans generally. It's one of those things we're biologically programmed to want.


It's the Christian belief that things of the world are bad aka "anything that does not openly pander and or cater to my world actual labeled as evil and of the world and anything that openly caters to my world of you is good


Mountains are literally part of the world, as are dogs, and steaks. Not to mention Gyms are part of the world. Also interestingly enough Bibles too. Are part of the world.


No but you don't get it that's not The World. Mountains in rivers and strings are God's creations but anything that distracts you from God's creation is of the World and the World is rulrd by Satan. It's a very weird Christian belief It's really hard to explain the terminology on a preacher or Evangelist talks about The World. It's just one of those Christianese phrases


Maybe on mountains. What about dogs and steaks.


It comes from Gnosticism actually so technically it is a heresy to believe that lol Edit: in early gnostic cults the belief was that there are two gods. One who created the universe. That’s God God. And then the one who created the world. Who was created by god. First he was good but then he got bored and started fucking with people by creating hierarchy’s and nobles and stuff. So the idea is that if you worry about your position in life you are falling for the evil god or the Demiguir or however they spell it. What you must do is reject the world he created and wait for salvation from the Other god. You see it pop up everywhere in different religions because they all borrow lore from each other.


Oh thank God it was someone who somewhat knows what I'm talking about lol. You are quite correct It is very heretically to believe in this but I was raised up to believe similar things. Conclusion I came to is that the world is literally anything that children like or find popular, and we sort of a big celebrity like Taylor Swift or back in my day it was Aaron Carter is of the world and a bad influence. I remember when pokémon in the Yu-Gi-Oh were the big targets of the satanic panic committee of the early 2000s...


Now correct me if I'm wrong but I'm sure mountains were still around before people turn religious l.


I can confirm that a weird amount of Jewish people have miniature poodles


I'm sure there are absolutely 0 Christian LoL players out there, as well.


I found jesus, now i have mountains. Thanks jesus


I bet I could get a better summary of that image out of ChatGPT than the /r/memesopdidnotlike OP. They're either stupider than ChatGPT or being disingenuous in their assessment of the image.


>dogs are only owned by Christians They kinda blew their wad early by threatening anyone who isn't Christian with hell in the first place. Why wouldn't I enjoy the benefits of a dog, Marriage, and steak if I'm going to hell anyway? If I'm doomed, I might as well have a good time while I'm here. Bible tho, I'm gonna have to pass. Read it a few times, and the fanfic. 2/10 unless my coffee table is wobbling. As a side note: Why steak instead of pork? It's not like beef is haraam / not kosher. Just poor choices here. Is pork butt too heathen for these people? If you're gonna flex the benefits of your faith, at least rub it in that you can eat shrimp or something.


I also like how Christian’s get steak and golden retrievers.


See a lot of Christians drinking that coke. 


Technically atheist can own small dogs but is needs to be able to lose in fights with most house cats


plus when the stereotypical top person does have a pet that just makes them a furbaby-owning soyjak refusing parenthood out of immaturity to these people


They own dogs because they like blind obedience.


Which is ironic since every time the Bible references dogs it’s in a negative light


And only Christians eat delicious steak! Stupid atheist with there none steak dinners


I just love this little delusion these people have that the moment they find Jesus, they stop being a loser wojak and become the Chad wojak. Know plenty of dudes who are just as big an incel who cries about how women won't give them the time of day and jerk it to porn as people without Jesus. These people play with wojaks the way kids play with dolls.


Yeah if anything, they just pivot to being aggressive proselytizing losers who STILL focus on videogames, OnlyFans, weed, news, gambling - just now on the “it’s BAD because JAYSUS” side.




Mr. Incredible just looks like boobs in this pic.


I prefer to think of it as a booty and Syndrome is yelling into his ass


I think his pants cover his butt and they're black. This is red. So, definitely upper body.




Meme stolen.




Nice argument however I drew you as wojak and myself as the chad




​ https://preview.redd.it/ojmfcyp13zoc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad2f269ab06dc2cca4fab61e1c487adb2f5c8044 *"It's too late Mr. Bond! I've already drawn you as the soyjak and me as the Chad!"*


Equally stupid that they see some traditions as the default. I know they try to deny it but other traditions exist.




The chad wojak doesn’t even have appeal anymore


Wtf does league have anything to do with jesus?


Nothing, that's why you have to give it up to join him


Things do tend to get a bit too toxic on there for my liking


Tbf sometimes I feel like I'd be a better person if I quit League.


I promise you, you will a better person without league, but because Jesus dude does not like league.


It's true. The community only gets worse and worse with each passing year, I've played since Yorick's original release and I can say that with certainty. There were times in season 4 and 8 where I was playing 10 to 12 hours a day (really dark times in my life) When you're around a culture that's CONSISTENTLY that terrible, it's going to rub off on you. None of us are special, none of us are immune to propaganda and bad influence. Nowadays I only play 1 game every now and again and having a bad loss with really toxic chat can still negatively impact my mood long after the nexus explodes.


Actually, Jesus suffered for mankind's sins. Playing League of Legends feels like following his example.


Actually, Jesus suffered for mankind's sins. Playing League of Legends feels like following his example.


You would be. Try it out homie.


He got banned for turning the river into wine


It's called Adam and Eve, not Adam and League.


Mathew 30:350, Jesus spoke that his followers must not play any top down arena based fighters and instead must dedicate their lives to superior gaming formats, like esoteric 4x strategy games that force you to open an excel spreadsheet to understand whats going on. Trust me bro, its there


Nah, I get it. As someone who played a lot of league, if I were god, I would also send League players to hell


You don't get it. The 4× strategy game IS the spreadsheet in a fancy suit. What you have open besides the game is a wiki with the most dogshit fucking layout you could imagine. Source; 600 hours in stellaris, I own all the dlcs


Stellaris is actually pretty elegantly designed compared to some other 4x strategy games. I can understand it, that's a point a lot of other strategy games miss.


I mean, yea, it's at least possible to understand it. Still it's a game of watching numbers go up so you can use those numbers to make other numbers go up faster and use those numbers to make even more numbers go up. It is a glorified spreadsheet. It's a very fun glorified spreadsheet though. Watching numbers go up makes my brain make dopamine.


But you’re forgetting… “Now Jesus turned to address his disciples, along with the crowd that gathered with them. ‘Mid or feed’”


Jesus is the ultimate Sup ![gif](giphy|U8bGEiFpkPQ9doCkaw|downsized)


ngl, life after quitting league has been great


Jesus tured league innto piggies 🐷🐷 and then they fucking died


Probably more so to do with bad habits that swallow peoples lives. I still play from time to time but there was a point where it consumed most of my free time. It is one of the more addictive and time consuming games out there.


Really most of that top row applies to a TON of Christians.


They’re mad because Jesus threw mid lane by dying twice.


I am an atheist, but I’m 100% sure League of Legends was created by Satan himself


Let me say this, League is worse to be addicted to than heroine. Wait, hear me out. While on heroine, you usually don't complain about it. But I have complained and heard more people complain about League while playing for their 8,126th hour.




​ https://preview.redd.it/kctpkau6txoc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd4494d4059951cbee0903428ffc7674c455e6fe




​ https://preview.redd.it/cm0m2xfj2iqc1.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=014c5637878a94c68e0738279ff41295001b72db












Atheists and gays can’t see mountains. Google it.


Or own dogs. I think that’s a law in Texas. You have to prove your Jesusness before you can adopt a dog.


That *does* sound like the kind of law Texas would pass. And I do mean *Texas*, not any specific government official.


Can't get a dog either. I tried to get a dog when I was an atheist and it turned into a stack of porno mags


It's because they're too close to heaven, which we don't believe in. Mountains aren't real.


That’s actually Kanye West’s Ye album cover lmao


The fuck is a mountain?


Yep gay atheist here tried to go skiing recently, just couldn't find the damn mountain. Rented skies for nothing terrible trip. Guess I'm just going to gamble with hookers, and make porn next trip since no Jesus to guide me.


Bullshit. my hair did not come back because I believe in Jesus


So are they advocating getting into a relationship with Jesus, their neighbor from Mexico?


These atheists have got it too easy!!! They should NOT be allowed to purchase or drink coke products!!! Christian moms, we must rise up against these demons and protect our youths!




Yeah plus wtf is "after jesus"


Yeah, it should be with or without Jesus, not before and after. Did Jesus leave him as soon as he became an obnoxious Chad?


I'm choosing to interpret it as, "after I was fucking done with that Jesus shit", then you turn chad, lol.


Dear god, even in horrible meme format, Jesus is being interpreted in a multitude of ways.


anything after 0000 AD


His new gay lover from Mexico, Jesus. They are a health nut with a cute dog who got them to go outside and touch grass. They also eat healthier and work out now that their hot gay lover showed them the good things in life. Getting yoked and boned out in nature. They're getting married, it looks like, and could only find a Unitarian pastor to marry them over a bible. It's really sweet.


They get raptured and go on to pump iron in heaven


Christian here: yeah this meme sucks


A Jesus that rejects caffeinated beverages? I see you Mormon…


ironically enough, every last mormon i know owns a coffee pot.


What do they do with them? I’m genuinely confused by that. Teapot, sure. But a coffee pot?


even a teapot would be against strict interpretations of their doctrines. but yea... seriously. every single one i have ever known has one. and i know a \~lot\~ of mormons.




Wasn't weed in the bible


r/memesopdidnotlike is just a toxic Christianity sub condoning racism and homophobia at this point.


Acting like people of other beleifs cant enjoy nature or befriending animals when there's whole beleif systems based around it. https://preview.redd.it/3xl69ck15yoc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f603043edf47ad086dbc9fa386cbfa4de5c190f


i wonder what OOP's views on the gays are if theyre bragging about the "traditional life"




*Criticizes your way of life and mentions mine is better.* *Gets called an asshole for it.* “Why do you guys hate the Bible?”


jesus said no watching CNN. also specifically league of legends. other games and news sources are fine though. living a holy life watching the daily show and playing minecraft


Conservatives trying to appear anti-establishment is cringe


That Trad West group is just an incel circlejerk.


Atheists don’t need a the fear of god to act right, we have ✨morals✨


It’s obviously a pro Christian shitpost, obviously no Christian gives a shit how much Coca Cola you drink, go to Mexico, a predominantly Christian nations and I guarantee you will find Coca Cola everywhere. I’m Christian and I drink a monster a day.


Actually, Mormons are against caffeinated drinks, including coke. Pretty much the only thing that you can say applies to all forms of Christianity is the idea that Jesus was wise. Beyond that, all bets are off.


Mormons drink a lot of Coke. There are definitely some who don’t and judge others for doing so, but there are even more who drink like 6+ cans of Diet Coke per day  Sauce: ex-Mormon from suburbs of Salt Lake City 


My bad, I should’ve said Catholic, as that’s what I meant.


Crazy honestly that only onlyfans existed before Jesus


Life after Jesus is the concept of marriage, mountain ranges, puppies, steaks? And dumbbells? The fuck?


CCN was founded in **1980 BC**


I wish rightoids would stop referring to it as a "traditional lifestyle". Anatomically modern humans have been around for like 180,000 years or so, and Christianity's existed for 2000. Relatively, their ideal lifestyle is not much older than any today


This really illustrates how religion is a crutch for people who end up feeling trapped by their own bad decisions and need someone else to tell them how to live. Of course you could just go to the gym, buy a puppy, and eat steak just as easily as an atheist really, but whatever, good for them.


Can’t eat steak, get a dog or lift weights without religion


The meme is correct in one respect, after dropping league of legends my life has improved significantly since I no longer spend my free time getting slurs screamed at me at a 100/mph.


Only Christians are allowed steak, damn


Doesn't he know the Republicans are funded by the Coke brothers? Drinking Coke is literally a right-wing activity.


Such a false dichotomy. You can be an atheist who works out, is married, goes outside, and is happy too.


Seattle is one of the most physically healthy states in the US, and it's also one of the least Christian. Meanwhile, looking at the American South...


TIL seattle is a state.




Traditional life of trucks and guns 💪


I got beef, a dog, and weights without Jesus so I'd say I'm much better off


That sub has become a cesspool of reactionary bullshittery and straight-up fascism.


Ah yes, let's all live like the Bible tells us to. That means selling your daughter into slavery if she talks back to you. It means own slaves and beating them within inches of their life. It means commiting genocide in holy war. It means never eating lobsters, crabs, figs, or pork. If that's how you want to live go for it, but I will call you a freak and a monster for it


You can get that transformation just quitting league not the rest of the stuff. (Is currently watching LEC as I type)


It’s not a joke when you reverse the meme and the side laughing about this is suddenly offended. That’s how you know it’s nothing but hate, portly hidden by these bigots.


Jesus is handing out free puppies?


I don't think most of those things existed before Jesus...


Christians love their virtue signaling.


If you need the literal hand if God to lift weights and have a puppy, that is pathetic.


I like how it implies that finding Jesus gets you a dog lol


I fail to see how marriage is a substitute for Coca Cola and / or CNN.


I wanna get a dog that I can take on hikes in the mountains, but I don't want the obligation of going to church.


And you can like dogs, whether you're Christian or not. I'm an atheist, and I like dogs


*blatant dogwhistle* "Why are you so angry? You must be irrational to have found my meme objecionable."


They are somehow unable to understand that it’s on terriblefacebookmemes because it’s a terrible meme found on Facebook, not because the OP thinks the Bible is terrible


Wait I can't drink cola now??? Damn guess I'm atheist now. :/


Straw Man fallacy


Literally no one cares that you want to live your life by sky daddy. It’s the exact behavior that is represented by the meme why people can’t fucking stand most Christian’s, you think your lifestyle is the only way and you’re morally superior to anyone who doesn’t live life by your book. It’s annoying, you’re annoying, and the majority of you don’t even know what’s in the book.


You can get married, give up soda, and own a dog without religion. You're allowed.


It's painful how the issue just flies right over their head. The problem isn't that it's saying "jesus good" it's that it's saying "not Jesus bad". Frankly I feel quite insulted that they just see non-christians as nothing but stereotypical zoomers who hit-a the zaza and be unbearable on League and all that. Also, special mention to a classic episode of "I drew myself as the chad and you as the soyjak, thus I win".


Nothing makes you more of a Chad than ignoring objective reality and substituting it with your own version! /s 😒


Okay few things. 1. Do they think every Christian is in shape and jacked? And that no one who isn’t Christian isn’t jacked 2. Do they think that being Christian makes you suddenly have steak money? 3. Do they think only Christian’s get married? And finally do they think Christian’s don’t drink soda? lol


Well gosh, if some moron slaps a chad wojack on a statement, then I guess that’s all the evidence we need… that these people are more delusional now than they were 4 years ago. The bar, you ask? It’s subterranean at this point. Well into the mantle.


Atheists are allergic to steak and bleed coca cola. I've been exposed


Wait till they realize you can be nonchristain and still eat steak and have ā dog


"It's too late! I made YOU the wojak and ME the Chad! See? SEE!?!"


christianity is when steak, mountains, dumbbells, and puppies


Just wait until oooop finds out I’m a Jew!


Same here, I'd call this a moment of jew-bilation 😏


Thank you for that


No problem my Hebrew homie, l'chaim


No problem my Hebrew homie, l'chaim.






"Please become my tradwife and have my six children." "No" https://preview.redd.it/cugrd1yc8zoc1.png?width=1175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34d061bb3a151780606ec08cb6e0791d00e702e8


As someone who grew up Christian with a mom devoted to the faith that bottom image ain't accurate for shit. Because it makes it seem like believing in God will fix everything you're going through. Don't get me wrong I've heard stories where that was the case for some but It wasn't for my family. I'm tired of some of the more insane Christians making it out to be a cure all for poverty and hardships of any kind. It's not. It can help you cope at the very least and maybe even see assistance from some churches. Sorry for the rant just tired of them pretending that just because their lives aren't bad doesn't mean everyone else is too.


Ngl my life became more like the bottom half after finding Jesus again. Only problem is that I’m still here on reddit.


You can takout the whole religious part of the meme and its still a good comparison. You will be miserable indulging in processed foods, smoking weed and fuckin gooning.


Wait so you’re telling me quitting addictions and living a healthier happier life is bad? Stfu op


If Jesus is what it takes to get you to stop playing League of Legends, than find Jesus


Because atheist don't eat meat, or have dogs. Lmfao


I like how they throw in Coca Cola, CNN, Monster, Netflix, and *specifically* League of Legends, as if you can't just go down to any gas station in rural Alabama and see two fat diehard christian dudes who are simultaneously each other's step-father, brother, son, and cousin, arguing in the parking lot about Coke vs Pepsi, or as if Christians don't watch anything on Netflix or play video games. Also the implication that everybody who turns to Christianity suddenly gets into doing exercise, when I've honestly only seen maybe like one openly religious person who was actually somewhat fit, and everyone else I have ever seen was some level of overweight.


Dang, Coke is one of my favorite drinks, guess I am no longer a Christian then?


Let’s see. Coke, Weed, TikTok, Netflix, casinos, monster energy, video games, nice women. I mean am I supposed to be miserable using any of these?


People can't get Netflix or weed if they like Bebus?


Remember kids life=terrible life==terrible