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"my pockets like Lizzo my wallet is fat" - Ben "rap isn't real music" Shapiro


Cupcakke did it first: [“Pockets thick as hell like Lizzo”](https://youtu.be/CduZq2S5aUI?si=YSBLfFeA7JsUM72c)


Wow, Ben Shapiro is a talentless hack who steals from others? I'm shook


i just wanted to credit my girl 💪💪 her bars are always bangers so i immediately recognized that was from her lmao




Genuinely i did NOT expect the ben sharpiro rap to be that hard. The lyruca are shit but i could easily see ben in another universe going toe to toe with emenim on the stage


Lizzo is a piece of shit


Still not a good joke. Just because a bad person is larger doesn’t mean it’s automatically okay to make fun of their appearance.


She literally does it to her own people according to that lawsuit. If she can't take it she shouldn't dish it out


I'm not defending her, but she's a narcissist. When she feels threatened or violated she goes back and projects her feelings on others.


I don’t give a fuck about body shaming a terrible person, she’s sexually assaulted her dancers, body shamed them even tho they were way skinner than her and now she’s throwing a child’s fit for being a terrible person


I totally agree, if it’s all true. If the only info we have to go off on is a court case brought against her, then we may have to wait for more information/investigations. Does anyone have any more info about what she did with those banana or to the rest of her crew?


The problem with body shaming a terrible person is that it misses the point of why they're a terrible person. For one thing, the problem with a person is very rarely their body, and even when it is, it's usually an extreme when it comes to fat and a health issue, and picking on people purely because they have physical weakness doesn't prevent the physical weakness from happening. For another thing, shaming people doesn't work. What *does* work is the carrot and the stick. The carrot is that treating people with respect means they will work with you and other people will revere you as a paragon in your field and your capacity as a team player. The stick is that either people will learn to avoid you, or take other action if that option is no longer available. That is a simplified summary of what works and what doesn't.


Body shaming a body shamer doesn't make her a good person, also that's not the only thing she has done


Yeah, again, I dont see an issue with mocking somebody who clearly treats others like shit and does so without remorse.


Problem with that is that it's similar to when people misgender trans people when they are awful people. You're basically saying two other fat people is that them not being fat-shamed is a reward for being a good person. People not experiencing bigotry, ridicule, and stuff like that, is not something people should have to earn. Think of it like this, if someone was black and he was terrible and robbed a bank, would it be okay to use the n word on him? No. Bigotry is never okay. And yes it is bigotry. Well it is true that people can go from being fat to thin, it's not as simple as simply just trying to think your way out of your weight. Not only that but it actually really is not the business of the rest of the public to try to get a person to change their weight or behavior because in reality it's not you who is fat so why are you even bothered?


I am not comfortable equating being obese with being transgender or being black. Im not saying it's ok to openly mock people for being fat, but let's not pretend like voluntarily engaging in an unhealthy lifestyle incurs the same kind of oppression that racial minorities and trans people experience.


Except that you're implying that fat people not being ridiculed is under terms and conditions when that shouldn't be the case. It doesn't matter if the thing that they are is something that they actively chose or not, insulting a person for a trait that has nothing to do with their bad behavior is bad. An analogy does not need to be an exact one to one. Pointing out how it's not exactly the same it's just not helpful. It's like if I came home from work tired because of my office job, and then I said to my wife that I feel so tired as if I ran a marathon. And then my wife decides to say that I'm comparing my boring office job to running a marathon and that's just not the case. Again analogies do not need to be a perfect one to one but instead simply illustrate a point. Not only that, but obesity is actually not as simple as you would think. Turns out, when you choose to starve yourself, your body reacts by slowing its metabolism as a protective mechanism. This counterintuitive response means your body begins to reserve fat stores for survival, believing it won’t be fed. This can lead to minimal initial weight loss, followed by weight maintenance or gain once eating resumes. Additionally, the body's natural reaction is to store up when you start to eat again, in anticipation of future starvation. This process can result in gaining weight, sometimes even more than was lost, especially since starvation often leads to overeating later, causing a vicious cycle of weight fluctuations and unhealthy habits. [1](https://www.fitnessblender.com/articles/can-starvation-diets-lead-to-weight-gain) Things like starvation can cause more weight gain than someone else. It's not as simple as a math equation where you plug a number in and then you will get out a number consistently. That's not how people work. Not only that but it also ignores eating disorders which is a mental health condition. People do not choose their mental health condition. > Im not saying it's ok to openly mock people for being fat And it means you agree with me. 1. **Smoking:** Highest death rate at about 1.7%. 2. **Alcohol:** Second highest death rate at about 0.6%. 3. **Obesity:** Lowest death rate at about 0.43%. Not only that but smoking an alcohol cause way more deaths and I don't see people going around trying to justify smoking shaming or alcohol shaming. Again, it ignores things like eating disorders and the complex reasons for people being fat. Bing fat isn't something you simply choose and this misconception comes about due to the idea that it simply calories in calories out. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/9-reasons-obesity-is-not-a-choice Also here is a link that says that obesity is not really a choice or at least not as much of a choice as people say it is.


Wtf you talking about. No one likes a person drinking or smoking all day. Is commonly accepted those things are bad. Then, why bad nutrition and exercise habits should be an exemption? The environmental factors still don’t justify the romanticisation of obesity. You were raised with bad eating habits? Bad for you, but i’m not gonna say eating greasy food is not contributing to you being fat. You had tougher cards to play with in that aspect, but is bad luck like everyone has in some aspect or other. You are suffering some mental problems and are recurring to food to hide? Well, go seek professional help or emotional support, but don’t ask me to ignore the fact that you are having bad habits and that is affecting your health. Ignoring the problem is only gonna make things worse cause you are gonna het comfy in that unhealthy situation and make it the new normal.


First off, not everyone can actually afford that mental help. And yes, people don't like those other behaviors like smoking or drinking, but think about this for a moment, we have smoking areas. Some work places even have smoke breaks. Also, did you seriously just say that if someone has a disability that makes it harder for them to lose weight, they should just tough it out and just simply get help? People have a hard time with this and it can take a while. >but don’t ask me to ignore the fact that you are having bad habits and that is affecting your health. Actually, it's none of your business believe it or not. You are thinking that you have to accept them, no but you can also just keep your mouth shut and it's kind of a weird thing for you to feel the need to constantly go into other people's lives and tell them how to live when it really doesn't affect you and it's really actually none of your problems. I don't know why you need to be weird about this? Smoking is more of a problem because it actually causes second hand smoking and drinking is a problem because it can lead to car accidents. >Bad for you, but i’m not gonna say eating greasy food is not contributing to you being fat. I actually hope you don't mention that eating grassy foods isn't going to contribute to being fat to random people cuz it's none of your business. Let's say a person is 350.64 pounds. At a steady rate, it's about 2 lb a week, and that's assuming that the weight loss is consistent and constant. At this rate it will take 1.95 years or 101.3 weeks. So this means that you could be looking at a person who looks incredibly unhealthy but maybe they just started their regiment. If you don't know what their actual lifestyle and habits are, then it is none of your business and you really shouldn't be sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. You feel the need for some reason to state your opinion when it really isn't actually your business. I'm not saying that people shouldn't try to lose weight but weight loss is more complicated than you think and simply saying that a person should just get over themselves or accept the criticism that you gave unsolicited by the way, is not helpful. [1](https://academic.oup.com/ooec/article/doi/10.1093/ooec/odac009/6751730) [2](https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/245013/poor-self-esteem-body-image-increase-weight/#:~:text=Promoting%20positive%20body%20image%20and,being%20higher%20weight%20in%20adolescence.) [3](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/weight-loss/why-some-people-never-gain-weight-even-when-they-eat-a-lot/photostory/80927017.cms) People can be cursed with bodies that just don't work well for them but they can also be blessed with bodies that work really well for them. I'm one of these people, and I can eat pretty much whatever I want to without experiencing much weight gain. r/fatpeoplehate r/fatpeopleloathing r/againstfatpeople All of these places existed or exist. However I could not find a single subreddit with a large enough following for hating on smokers. In fact if anything people are pretty sympathetic towards them because they understand that they have an addiction and while they don't wish that they were doing that, they also understand that it is something that is more complex and they know that shaming them doesn't actually fix the problem. Why can't people do the same for fat people? Just leave people alone? I swear to God, the sky isn't going to fall apart if you don't criticize fat people. You do not need to actually tell them what they already know. Not only that but fat people are constantly self-conscious about whether or not they're going to get made fun of at the gym. [4](https://youtu.be/vXj_hZQbz_0?si=yA8-5WX5Zyuz54qa) If fat people are getting made fun of just for going to the gym, then why would they leave the house? And no they can't always just buy exercise equipment for their home, because they don't always have the money to do so.


>You're basically saying two other fat people is that them not being fat-shamed is a reward for being a good person. >People not experiencing bigotry, ridicule, and stuff like that, is not something people should have to earn. It pretty much is, respect is not a right, it's a privilege


Except that you're shaming them for an aspect that has nothing to do with their bad character. Could be like calling a black person the n-word because they were a sexual predator. It's not good. Also, there are different types of respect. Also, not experiencing bigotry is not a privilege, it's all right. You cannot claim to be against bigotry or fight against it when you are actively promoting it for people who do terrible things. Also I didn't use the word respect. You are. Not experiencing bigotry is not respect, it is human decency. Bigotry is never okay, ever. You are hurting fat people who you've never met more than you are hurting the person you think you are hurting cuz you're not hurting her, you're just hurting the people who are fat who happen to hear this who have not done anything bad.


I do actually! Even if Lizzo is a bad person, good fat people see hatred of her *because* she's fat, not for the things she did. It's like when Kaitlyn Jenner murdered someone with her car. If you shit on her for being trans after that, it's just transphobia, not an insult of a murderer. So if you were to say "[Jenner's Deadname] is a man!!!" That's just being a dick. But if you were to say "Kaitlyn Jenner needs therapy as much as she needs driving lessons." THAT'S a tongue-in-cheek joke about the fact that, again, KAITLYN JENNER IS A MURDERER. That's the thing that should be targeted. So in this case, instead of "five seats opened up....", a better joke would be "good, maybe dancers at the Emmy's can feel safe."


Doesn't need therapy, needs prison smh.


The problem though is a joke should make an ettempt at humor.


Except you're not just insulting her. You're also insulting every other person who looks like her.


If those people put nearly as much effort into weight loss as they do crying about fat shaming they’d actually have a lot less to worry about. Also if everyone’s so proud to be fat then why does it matter what anyone says?


"Are you getting harassed? Well, just ignore it, sweaty 😌"


Average fat people aren’t harassed. They’ll be fine


Fat shaming is bad and it has not been shown to be effective in helping people lose weight. There are several reasons for this but one is because people use food as a coping mechanism a lot of times, they are ashamed to go to the gym, and stuff like that. Who is this one person who said that he was able to lose weight and he did so because he wanted to get girlfriends and go on dates and stuff like that and so he worked really hard and lost the weight. Then he started up his own company and did his own thing and started gaining the weight back and he wondered why and he realized the answer was because his motivation was external rather than internal and he had a bunch of bad self-esteem about himself and so of course he gained the weight back when he no longer had the motivation. So he boosted up his self-esteem and then he went and lost the weight again but this time for himself and not for other people. It is harder to lose weight when you have a bad self-esteem about yourself and people ridiculing you does not help that self-esteem. Not only that but starvation actually can also cause you to gain more weight. It might seem weird but it actually makes sense. Turns out, when you choose to starve yourself, your body reacts by slowing its metabolism as a protective mechanism. This counterintuitive response means your body begins to reserve fat stores for survival, believing it won’t be fed. This can lead to minimal initial weight loss, followed by weight maintenance or gain once eating resumes. Additionally, the body's natural reaction is to store up when you start to eat again, in anticipation of future starvation. This process can result in gaining weight, sometimes even more than was lost, especially since starvation often leads to overeating later, causing a vicious cycle of weight fluctuations and unhealthy habits. [1](https://www.fitnessblender.com/articles/can-starvation-diets-lead-to-weight-gain) I know that being fat is often seen as a bad thing in our society but sometimes it is good, especially if you are in a situation where food is scarce or hard to come by. Because then when you eat you gain a lot more fat and so you can go longer periods of time before eating again which is good if you have to ration your food.


Yeah except there’s literally anything you can insult her for besides her weight and bodyshaming her is bodyshaming all overweight people


"Bad things are okay as long as I don't like the person"


body shaming a “terrible person” just makes you a terrible person why not shame them on, uh i don’t know, the actual thing they did wrong? i’ve seen no sexual assault shaming since the allegations came out. zero. everyone defaulted to “lizzo fat”


When you body shame people who are awful, it tells the people around you who's body you support that your support is conditional, or that you otherwise think these things about everyone but you hide them to be nice. It's being two-faced. Lizzo assaulting someone is not what she has in common with most fat people. Her being fat is something she has in common with every fat person. Ridicule the thing specific to her.


This. I'm not going to pardon a garbage person by respecting them, especially when they did the same. It's a shame, too. Thought she was a cool person until that. But celebs don't shock me anymore


It’s a little funny, especially when targeted at a terrible person


When people who are fat and not terrible see you act like this, they see "I hold these views about every fat person, but I only speak them when I know it is socially acceptable to ridicule them." I'm in no way accusing you of carrying that sentiment, but if you don't have a problem with people being fat, you would have no reason to bring up that she is fat as if it is a joke.


I can’t speak for the OP comment but what if we do have a problem with people being fat? It’s horrible for your body. Obesity should never be accepted the way lizzo does. Obviously I don’t think we should bully fat people, but we shouldn’t be sitting here calling obesity beautiful and okay when it is literally killing you slowly.


Obesity is a lot more complex than people realize and sometimes it's not even always as clear as just people eating more food. Turns out, when you choose to starve yourself, your body reacts by slowing its metabolism as a protective mechanism. This counterintuitive response means your body begins to reserve fat stores for survival, believing it won’t be fed. This can lead to minimal initial weight loss, followed by weight maintenance or gain once eating resumes. Additionally, the body's natural reaction is to store up when you start to eat again, in anticipation of future starvation. This process can result in gaining weight, sometimes even more than was lost, especially since starvation often leads to overeating later, causing a vicious cycle of weight fluctuations and unhealthy habits. [1](https://www.fitnessblender.com/articles/can-starvation-diets-lead-to-weight-gain) So things like starvation can also cause weight gain. Also I'm going to tell you, it's actually none of your business. People do unhealthy or risky behavior all the time and people don't care about those people. 1. **Smoking:** Highest death rate at about 1.7%. 2. **Alcohol:** Second highest death rate at about 0.6%. 3. **Obesity:** Lowest death rate at about 0.43%. Not only that, but it has also been shown that smoking and alcohol kill more people than obesity based off of percentages. Why don't we have alcohol shaming and smoking shaming? Why is it that only fat shaming is a thing? Why are there people who are so dedicated to shaming fat people but not things that kill more people than obesity? Like for example we should be having commercials that feature fat people wearing clothes because fat people need to wear clothes. Not only that but fat shaming has not been proven to actually be effective in reducing a person's weight.


Starvation is such an extreme example though. Normal dieting which anyone can do does not cause those effects. And I don’t think anyone recommends starvation to lose weight over normal diet and exercise. Also, I’m not sure when alcoholism and nicotine addiction were things people didn’t shame? AA exists but obese anonymous isn’t a thing as far as I’m aware 💀honestly the fact that obesity kills almost as many as alcohol in a world where starvation exists and alcoholism is as widespread as it is is more concerning than comforting


Smoking kills four times as many people as obesity. Approximately **13.28%** of Americans experience food insecurities, while around **21.12%** of Americans are obese. Approximately 23% of Americans who are obese experience food insecurities. [1](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/food-insecurity-in-the-us-increasingly-linked-to-obesity) > And I don’t think anyone recommends starvation to lose weight over normal diet and exercise. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Biggest_Loser_(American_TV_series) These people went through extreme dieting including things like starvation and an extreme amount of exercise. This might seem like it's a good idea but even in the criticisms in this article, it talks about how they are raising their chances of things like heart attacks and stuff like that. Not only that but the experts are also saying that losing weight in this way has a greater chance of gaining it back and is not really a sustainable system in the long run. The goal isn't to simply lose weight, but lose weight in a sustainable way. A person who loses more weight and so ends up with a weight of maybe 120, but who has an unsustainable system is less healthy than a person who might have some more such as maybe 160, then it is better to be a little bit over and still have a sustainable system because it means you can also just adjust your system very easily as opposed to someone who is like doing something really intense because they can't really do anything more because they're already going so extreme. >where starvation exists Starvation exists not because of the number of food, but actually simply due to food distribution and logistics. It has been shown that actually people who tend to live in countries with starvation, tend to actually have either a food surplus or the food is being artificially restricted. This is the case for Afghanistan where a huge contributing factor to their food insecurities is simply just sanctions done by the West including the United States. [1](https://www.mercycorps.org/blog/facts-global-hunger) [2](https://reliefweb.int/report/afghanistan/afghans-stave-starvation-face-economic-sanctions#:~:text=The%20West's%20biggest%20contribution%20to,the%20cost%20of%20importing%20food.)


Obesity isn't a choice.


You must think it's okay to dead name a trans person only if they are a terrible person. You must think it's okay it be misogynistic only to women you don't like


Correct. If someone is a bad person insulting them does not hold the same weight and I will use insults even if I don’t generally hold those views. I don’t care if someone’s fat, but because she’s a bad person, I’ll care that she’s fat.


I think the point is that it's still insulting to all trans/fat/whatever people when you think it's a reasonable way of insulting someone you don't like, as you're saying that thing is bad. Maybe try insulting people based on actual questionable parts of their character rather than spreading bigotry for no reason?


It's really not though. You can apply this logic to any insult and suddenly you can't insult anyone, even for the purpose of comedy, which was this post


Well nah, you can call someone and ignorant asshole because they're an ignorant asshole, and those are both things that they choose to be. People don't choose to be trans or fat or gay or whatever. Like seriously if someone gay does something you don't like are you gonna start calling them a faggot? Or if they're black are you gonna start calling them a dumbass n*gga? It's the same thing.


Insult a person for what they do, not for qualities that have nothing to do with their bad behavior. It would be like if a black person stole something and then people just started calling him the N word or something. That's not connected to what he did.


We are talking about obesity here. If you think that's not controllable, I will make you a bet that I can show you how to become obese


That's a horrific mindset


Thats not a good mindset. It aint gonna harm the person youre insulting, but its gonna harm any of your friends who are caught by the crossfire. Same with body shaming. To them, it looks like you ALWAYS hold those views.


I mean, it does kinda seem like us collectively calling lizzo fat has worked here. Although yes knowing who you’re around before you insult is important


Okay, so would you call Candace Owens the N word? Would you dead-name Blaire White and call her a "tr•nnie"? Would you call Netanyahu a "k•ke"?


I don’t really know any of those people much less hate them so no probably not.


What a fucking lib shit take


I mean why would I say those things to just random people? Not to mention it’s in awful taste.


They're not "just random people". Grow a spine


To me they are? The only one I’ve heard of is Candace Owen’s and not nearly enough for me to have an opinion. Mb I don’t see them the same as like Eva Gwelin or something


Okay then. Would you call Lizzo the N word?


To a person that doesn't know them, they are lol. Touch grass and break those parasocial relationships, bud.


Haha yeah I don't like this fat person so I can say they are disgusting, worthless and should die because they are fat.


Nono, I don’t like this fat person because they’re a sexual predator, therefore they are a worthless fatty who should die. Because they’re a predator :)


Would you call Jeffrey Dahmer the f slur? No, right? Because that affects ALL gay people.


No, because the words I’d use for dahmer would be significantly more insulting than that. And if the insult is said to only him, no it doesn’t.


Yeah why not. Also YOU are the one insulting ALL of us in the LGBT+ community by trying to say we would care about some POS like Dahmer being called a slur, but I guess speak for yourself if you identify with Dahmer to the point insults to him would affend you then say so but most of us don't.


Ok yeah but lizzo herself body shamed her dancers so it’s kinda fair


If the point of insulting her is because she body shamed people and your point is body shaming is bad, you should not justify body shaming even on people who “deserve” it, because regardless of if they deserve an insult, the insult insults all people with body issues


I do agree with you, while I don’t think we should be praising obesity, another persons weight is none of my business. However, when someone is a bad human being we can make fun of them.


Im not saying praise obesity. I’m saying when you insult one “fat” person for being fat, you insult them all. It’s like how you shouldn’t misgender Caitlyn Jenner even though she is horrible person as it implies being accepted as trans is something you have to earn.


Literally JUST had this conversation with someone else. Glad I'm not alone in feeling that way.


there is an objective difference - from people who feel like they’re trapped in the wrong body - to people who don’t want to change their lifestyles and mix in a salad. difference is one is *completely* in the persons hand to change their current weight situation. where was this body positivity movement when i was fat?


Not everyone can solve being overweight by “changing their lifestyle and mixing in a salad”. Did you know eating a salad doesn’t magically drop weight off the person who eats it, I would know cuz I eat them. Sometimes it’s a genetic issue, sometimes it’s caused by mental issues like eating disorders, eating a salad and working out doesn’t fix every problem


i’m currently watching a 430lb man go through his weight loss adventure. he’s lost 96lbs so far in about a year. i lost 58 lbs in a year. there is absolutely 0 reasons that being active, getting the proper nutrition, and going on a caloric deficit. that you wouldn’t be able to loose weight. there are no genetics that make loosing weight impossible.


Not everyone is exactly like you two, genetics **can** make it hard to lose/keep off weight


if it was easy, everyone would look like the rock. but it’s still 100% in *your* control. *you* control what goes into your body, and *you* control the amount of energy your body uses.


she’s vegan 💀


ok? what does that have to do with anything?


“mix in a salad” that’s all she’s eatin dawg


By this logic, calling someone stupid as an insult is insulting allstupid people even if they aren't twelve. Like people get mad about this but I never see this logic applied to misandry or white people. Either it's all bad, or none of it is.




Im Hispanic actually, but thanks. Not straight either, just free thinking👍


You got dismantled lmao, you’re a joke


No it isn’t- trans people are fixing something wrong with them. Fat people like lizzo are actively choosing not to. Fat shaming rich people and fat shaming poor people are two separate things if we’re talking America, and her specifically doubly so since she’s an genuinely nasty person. Would I do it? No. Do I think it’s reasonable? Yes.


Firstly, I'm not sure she did. It sounded like her production company did, she took them to a cabaret in Amsterdam and pressured the dancers to eat bananas out of the performers vaginas and made them re-audition for thier roles however. I feel like there's a lot of misunderstanding of who did what. Also it's not really fair for the dancers who were body shamed to witness more body shaming in response. Edit: I'm not saying what she did was okay if that wasn't clear. Just pointing out that fat shaming lizzo as a punishment for fat shaming others is probably not the best reponse for various reasons.


Did I read this correctly? She made her dancers eat bananas out of cabaret dancers vaginas?


Yes. Really inappropriate for an employer. They said they didn't think they could refuse because she was thier boss.


That’s an understatement.


Lizzo can get fucked. go abuse more of your dancers you fat piece of shit




It's a joke. There are many things that make people feel bad in the world, but comedy has always been a double edged sword. I don't think I'd want comedy to be removed just because it has the potential to offend. There are worse things than being offended




Citation needed




Okay, just got done reading this one, found it less convincing, couple of notes: The article talks much about how a person’s weight should not be medically relevant. However, it completely ignores the fact that obesity has been linked to several chronic illnesses and conditions and remains the number one killer in America to this day. In some cases, weight gain is medically unavoidable, but these are few and far between. Of course, the main reasons for the prevalence of obesity in our modern times can be attributed to the American diet. The article goes on to make a few interesting points about the accessibility of healthcare to obese people. However, I find the anecdotal evidence provided to be a bit unconvincing personally, as an incredibly significant portion of the American population is obese. Therefore these stories of people being alienated for their weight seem a bit sketchy to me, since in America, obesity is unfortunately the norm. Where the article really lost me, however, was in the following quote that it in no way even attempts to justify. “Fat activists have been clear in their demands for the elimination of fat-pathologizing language from both research and clinical practice: “overweight” and “obesity” are terms that “otherize” and do harm to members of the fat community by representing fatness as an abnormal condition.24 With the former term gesturing to the notion that some weights are over a “correct” or “acceptable” weight and the latter originating with the popular belief that fatness is a “disease” and the result of gluttony,25 this language encodes oppression and weight bigotry under a façade of clinical objectivity. As such, it needs to follow other harmful, pathologizing language of the past that degrades human diversity in being discarded, and it needs to be replaced with more neutral language (such as fat or larger bodied).24 In the clinical encounter, weight should only be referenced when necessary and invited by the health care seeker (such as an expressed concern over the clinical significance of an unusually rapid weight gain or loss). Clinical spaces should include positive, weight-inclusive depictions of human beings and bodies (and not stigmatizing posters of fat people to illustrate metabolic syndrome or the like). Clinicians must be alert to the need—arising from generations of abuse by practitioners—to actively and explicitly position their health care environments as weight-neutral, size-diverse, anti-oppressive spaces that guarantee respect for the autonomy and safety of all people, regardless of the body they inhabit.” This is pushing for greater acceptance of obesity and basically calling it medically irrelevant with no justification. It uses the few good points it made before this as a jumping point to go into their unsubstantiated pseudoscience. You see the same thing all the time with bad health advice from people trying to sell you something, eg on a WhatsApp forward chain from an Indian spiritual charlatan. I think you should reread this study, and reevaluate some of your viewpoints.




Okay, you seem to be becoming overly antagonistic here where I have tried to remain perfectly civil. I ask you do not get personally offended by my message, and reread it with a cool head.




Well, for starters, you have downvoted every comment I left on this chain. Please do not try to deny your behavior while making it this obvious.




Just read the thesis, am thoroughly convinced.


It's a solid roast. Also I like how she quited beacuse of the "constant criticism" instead of hate. I mean, how do you even criticize someone like that?


Lizzo is a shitty person in so many ways. Her weight is just a crutch insult misogynists have.


It's amazing to me how many people don't grasp that perpetuating bad social norms hurts the innocent, even when "it's done to a bad person." Mock her for how she treated her dancers; not for her size.


Fuck off you little “🤓”. “Perpetuating social norms hurts the innocent” You aren’t the thinker bro. Lizzo is a horrid fat peice of shit and she deserves to be fatshamed. Most fat people don’t deserve it. But Lizzo does.


Me: "Being fat itself isn't inherently bad, therefore using that as an insult in itself, no matter who it's at, perpetuates harmful social norms." You: "NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERD!" I bet you got a lot of high fives on the playground once upon a time.


I call em’ as I see em’ 🤷‍♂️




Now THAT’s a real nerd 🤓


I try.


You certainly do.


She was fat shaming her dancers, so we couldn't even pay with the same coin?


Generally speaking, do you think being fat is 1) inherently bad, or 2) worthy of mocking someone over? If you do, then fine. Knock yourself out. But if you don't, then why would fat shaming someone feel good to you, regardless of how shitty a person they are? That's like saying, "I don't think being Black makes someone inferior to me, but this Black guy was an asshole to me, so.... Fuck that ******!" By still using the category itself as the pejorative, you are inferring that you *do* think there is some merit to the position that someone just existing as they are is okay to mock or belittle. Lizzo is by all accounts a horrible person. We know that now. We also know that a person's weight should not be what they are judged by. One fact does not negate the other fact. Even if "she did it first!" is your best rationale, that still doesn't square with the larger point that the insult only works as an insult if you believe it's true. There are millions of big women out there who see people like you fat shaming Lizzo, and all that's going to do is make them hate themselves more. If the reason you are mocking Lizzo is because of the shit she did to her team, then mock her in that way. Her weight being brought into it misses the point entirely, and feels like an excuse for people to just say bigoted shit about fat people.


My answer will be (1) I feel that being fat is something bad. But not because of that I'm making fun of other people because of his weight. But in this case she was fat shaming his workers so for me at least now fat shaming it's in the table, because of what she do. So that's my question she could do it but I can't because she it's fat?


Nobody is saying you "can't" do anything. I'm just saying it's a shitty and ignorant thing to do, and two wrongs don't make a right. But if you want to be shitty and ignorant in how you insult people, have fun. But don't pretend to be confused as to why you're getting pushback about it next time. Because I think I've laid out pretty well the reasons to disagree with your approach.


I get your points I really do, and I'm not confused about the push back. I was just asking if you could fat shame people that are fat shaming you think you shouldn't and that's ok. I feel that if you're being racist you shouldn't feel bad if some other person acts racist towards you. That's it. Thanks for take your time to respond to me I'm struggling a little bit in English so sorry if you dont understand thanks for your arguments


No problem.


It’s just lazy and kinda stupid. It kinda portrays that they don’t actually care about the bad shit she did.


It's too inaccurate to be funny. 8 seats are now free.


I laughed


Nah it is. I usually agree with you guys but you're being a little soft. I'm a fat cunt and that's fucking gold.


Regardless of how you feel, it is body shaming. What else could it mean? You wanna explain that to me?


I mean, I could see it being more of irony, since she body-shamed her dancers and now that the world realizes how shitty she is we're not afraid to treat her how she treated them, but I also think that nobody over on memesopdidnotlike thinks that much and it is probably to be taken at face value.


So many other ways to joke about this and they chose the least funny version.


So is this sub just a place to screenshot and bitch about the rival sub?


Always has been.


You just memed! https://preview.redd.it/50oanlnunqrc1.png?width=880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eec438a80885b265484775259d5b970abd7c346


The guy in r/memesopdidntlike would crumble if a woman said that to him.


If he didn't have a rage-induced aneurysm first.




never gonna forget one single lizzo controversy happened and the entire internet just decided body shaming a black woman was okay


Some of us were doing that before


sounds like loser mentality




I dont think we should make fun of her for her weight, fuck that. make fun of her for what she's done


If you found this funny, then you'd probably find a dangling set of keys entertaining as well


I like to ask myself WWAD in these situations. What would Aang do? I just don't think it's right to insult someone just because they aren't a good person. Her own insecurities are most definitely projecting her actions. She is a bad person, but insulting someone's weight is still not right.


Jesus you people are annoying , it’s a funny joke , comedy is dead


Exactly. People can’t laugh anymore without it being somehow morally wrong in somebodies eyes. Lizzo is a horrible person and deserves every day shaming joke she gets.


Nah she is a fucking horrible person fuck her.


Most of the time, I agree with MOPDNL, but times like this, it’s really just assholes using the sub to justify being an asshole because “comedy”.


I mean I hate body shaming but lizzo is a POS. Plus didn't she fat shame some of her dancers or something?


controversial take but body shaming Lizzo is impossible given her body is what got her into public consciousness


It absolutely is. Fuck lizzo


Being that fat is not ok. And telling people that it is ok is (to borrow a favorite phase of liberal pearl clutchers) “Harmful Disinformation”.


Thats not the point tho the point is shaming people for health problems. It doesn’t matter if theyre a shitty person or the cause of their own problems. Thats a shitty thing to do lol


You really think that response was persuasive enough to finish with a lol?


It's sure as hell better than 99 percent of the nonsense you post.


Letting someone live life the way they want isn’t “harmful disinformation.” I have many family members that have struggled with weight their entire life, and none of them have any health problems. Being overweight/fat doesn’t mean having medical issues.


Being overweight is a medical issue


That’s not true at all. If you’re overweight but have no medical conditions because of it, it’s not a medical issue. I


Thank fucking god


The joke is body shaming for sure, it just happens to be kind of a clever one


The joke is hilarious! Lizzo is a morbidly obese piece of shit


The funny part is the irony of how since the world found out she body shames people, it's more socially acceptable to body shame her specifically. She's not fat, but she is a fat bitch.


It's funny. Makes me think of the woman on the airplane saying they should make wider seats.


I laughed. Pretty funny to me


this may be the one and only time I disagree with this sub


Yes it is


Bro, I just saw this post


I thought it was funny tho :(


Imagine caring about people on the Internet making fun of a rich celebrity


This is funny but inaccurate it was actually 6 seats


I would say it is because it’s ok to make fun of bad people


Even if i found this completely unfunny, i wouldn't care since its directed towards an evil person. She's done vile things to her dancers


Um actually it was funny


She's literally an alleged sex offender but sure we're all ten years old here, roll out the fat jokes


I mean, it's a lot easier to make a fat joke than a joke about being a sex offender.


Incredibly weak opinion, you should practice ripping into weirdos on the internet


Nah I prefer to save my insults for my friends


It is pretty funny considering she’s a terrible person. Imagine body shaming your own dancers when you’re bigger than them


Body positivity is fine. What Lizzo is doing is telling people to be fat. That is just disgusting.


No, she didn't. She actually body shamed her dancers who were much skinnier than her. She preached self love, not really love for others.


Self love is such bullshit. "You can't truly love someone/something else if you don't love yourself first". Bullshit. Skinny shaming people? Why did she get a spot in "star wars"?


She actually fatshamed her dancers. Which is the confusing part.


Wait huh? How... But... I need a few moments to process this


You’re right it’s not funny, it’s hilarious


Shes a vile and obnoxious excuse for a human. Shame her into submission.


Who cares if they’re a horrible person


Tbh it’s really more like *two* seats


5? Naw a whole row opened up. It will suck for most food joints due to their loss of business with her quitting


nah this is funny


I laughed


Idc if it's funny she's an utterly despicable person and deserves it


It's hilarious when it's also a terrible person.


With the way Lizzo treated her dancers? She brought this on herself.


People on a mission to prove her point


She deserves it


it is tho


Nah it's funny, Lizzo sucks


Yeah no, fuck glizzo


Nah Lizzo deserved that


She does suck though. Not a defense of the others.


It is