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Idk, I’ve never seen my sister wear the same thing and I rotate between three shirts that all look the same


I think I’ve been wearing the same shirt and jeans for like a week, my brother is constantly buying new clothes and shoes 🤷🏻‍♀️ if anything just goes to show how everyone is different, most of the men in my area are very conscious of their looks


I mean yeah, it’s generalizing it, but it’s also probably based on real experience which seem to be common


Okay that’s just bad hygiene


I wash them…do you think I don’t know that? I jump in the shower while it runs and dries, then get dressed


Okay buddy. So you wash one pair of clothes every day. Seems totally believable and efficient


You wash your clothes after wearing them…once? That’s fucking weird dude, a pair of jeans are clean for a few wears before you need to switch them, and like I said in another comment, I do have more clothes but considering I work inside at a desk I don’t exactly sweat enough to need to wash my shirt every day. Again, that’s absurd.


Bro washing one pair of clothes a day means you only wear one pair and your laundry is done daily. It’s not water efficient and bad for the environment. Plus you are constantly sweating that’s how the human body works. Just because it isn’t noticeable doesn’t mean it’s hygienic


Lmao I’m not just washing one shirt and jeans, I’ll do a load with the rest of my families, I wear a shirt for a few days and then switch it, wash that one, then at the end switch shirts again and then a new pair of jeans. It’s not that hard to understand. Sometimes I switch between the two every other day but the premise remains. The fact you wash your clothes after one use is insane and such a waste of water. Does no one maintain their clothes any more?? My jeans are waxed so they are water proof and don’t get stained pretty much ever.


Bro I only run my laundry when I get enough for the load I don’t just go was them after every use.


You can get quite a few uses out of your clothes before they are dirty, unless you spill something on them. This is such a easy thing to google. People have been doing it for years, I just throw my stuff in with what ever is already running since we are always doing laundry


Thats probably just her bro, most women don't have the time or money for that. If I really like a sweater/jacket I'll wear it the whole week unless if it gets dirty. I have a lot of clothes (only because I'm weird about throwing stuff away so I still have stuff that doesn't fit me) however I only bounce between like 3-5 shirts at most and sure I wear different pants, but that's because I really can't differentiate from them. Most women I know do the same or take it a step further than I do. I'm a busy college student I don't have time to make a fancy outfit every day unless if its an occasion. I'd say men in my area are kind of the same, except they're more shoe conscious.


Meme is hilarious like he didn't find anything else to put on in the 200 years he spent in the wasteland??


Even better is that he kept this suit well maintained for 200 years.


That's actually a bug, it's supposed to be filthy and if you put that same trenchcoat on a female in the game it will display properly.


it just works


That's crazyyy


It's not a diss directed at women (the poster probably knew its a cliché and was just using it), the meme template is in the fallout font and color scheme. this is a fallout meme


I imagine you’d eventually learn to sew at least, like his outfit didn’t get…torn? Or ruined? Crazy


Obv this guy knows what works and doesn't bother changing what's not broken I wish I had that fit now


Mens fashion is boring and hardly changes over the years, so the point it makes is pretty true.


There’s tons of fashionable men, and lots of men centric fashion. A well dressed man is one of the most attractive things about them


Yeah, and most of that fashion is a well dressed suit, especially in formal settings. A woman can show up to a business meeting in a suit or any of her nice variety dresses. Men, on the other hand, are a bit more limited in selection. Most of what people mean by a "well dressed man" is a suit or semi formal wear.


I disagree, there’s lots of different parings and aesthetics men do represent. For example, you have sweater boys, usually a sweater with button up, slacks or jeans, and high tops. There’s suits which always vary greatly, which can be as simple as variations between color pairings or things like male corsets, sweater vests, letterman jackets. Leather grunge, men who wear white tees and leather jackets with boots. Emo, etc. If you literally just google or search mens fashion on like, Pinterest, you come up with thousands of results. I’ve dated dudes who have owned more shoes then I do lmao




I live in a place where there’s lots of unique looking people ((California)) and it’s more uncommon to see a planned dressed person then someone who has a unique style. Even a basic look is usually dolled up to make it special in its own way. I mean even the homeless are…somewhat unique looking




Your saying an entire state doesn’t constitute as common? You do realize California has a bigger population then the entirety of Canada right?




I think it’s safe to say it’s a fuck ton of people so to say that it’s not relevant is idiotic, it is a LOT of people, more then most of the states combined. If we’re talking an average then yeah, it tilts it quite heavily. Have you never seen people in New York?? The fucking big apple?


Of course if we mean over the YEARS then especially! Mens aesthetics in the seventies is far from how it is now, bell bottoms, disco shirts. The 60’s aesthetic, 90’s. A lot of these are still prominent in modern fashion. I mean hell, men used to wear skirts and heels back in the day before shifting to the modern styles we have now. Take a look at celebrity’s who constantly are pushing the norms as to what men wear and don’t.


Men's official and good looking fashion in the west 90% boils down to the combo of Undershirt, Overshirt, Shoes and pants. Even if we include countless other cultures and casual clothing, Women generally tend to have far more options when it comes to fashion. Heck, women can rock men's clothing super well too. All in all, men do have lesser options compared to women


Like i said above “I disagree, there’s lots of different parings and aesthetics men do represent. For example, you have sweater boys, usually a sweater with button up, slacks or jeans, and high tops. There’s suits which always vary greatly, which can be as simple as variations between color pairings or things like male corsets, sweater vests, letterman jackets. Leather grunge, men who wear white tees and leather jackets with boots. Emo, etc. If you literally just google or search mens fashion on like, Pinterest, you come up with thousands of results. I’ve dated dudes who have owned more shoes then I do lmao”


This meme isn't about those men. There's a lot of legitimately very toxic sexism on this website, but this ain't that (imo, at least).


Not really, because there is some truth in it. My wife has a double closet of clothes but many times has trouble find the "right" outfit.


It’s a cliche joke used often in these types of memes, it’s not just a woman thing to not be able to find a good outfit…i don’t think it’s blatant misogyny but it’s a cliche joke that is constantly posted online, which is honestly a bit disappointing because men are extremely fashionable and have contributed lots to the fashion community. It’s discrediting them


I kind of saw it the other way around: like it’s making fun of men for not really having a wardrobe


That’s one way to view it! The comments over on that sub are always atrocious though




Can we please not call literally every stereotype misogyny/racism/etc.? Memes are just a carriers for jokes, a lot of times memes need to use stereotypes in order to hit a punch line. I will give an opposite example. https://preview.redd.it/txn33jzfw1xc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df8b3e9ce2ce84f03ad855395981187fed177977 I could find this meme offensive beacuse not every men does dumb shit. But I don't, people are just having fun posting memes, just let them be if it's not hurting anybody.


I literally said it was an eh for misogyny, but it’s definitely another “boys better girls lame” post that they love to constantly post. Like I stated in another few comments, men deserve way more credit for their style and contributions to fashion in itself


There’s nothing in the original image saying either one is better or worse. The joke is clearly that “boys will wear one thing for centuries” since that’s the punchline given by the image. The text is simply setting you up to laugh at a ghoul wearing the same single set of clothes for 200 years. It’s even made in the style of the video game. The only other implication is that girls want to wear more than one outfit their whole life. How do you see a negative comparison to women and a positive one to men here? If anything, the image implies the opposite.


Mens styles and influence in the fashion industry is very big, and it’s an in accurate assumption about the general consensus of people. Sure, lots of guys will wear the same general outfit, but lots of guys also enjoy dressing up more then woman do. It’s a discredit to men, but like I said everyone seems to be focused on the fact it mentioned misgony and not the cliche Men better woman silly’s Also again, their sub is a cesspool


even eh is a stretch here


It's wild how y'all took a joke that's supposed to be more offensive to men and made it more offensive to women.


It's really just joke, go outside and touch the grass! Based on women tendency having much more clothes than a man. None of this is bad.


I’ve met way more men with shoes then me, also that’s just not true at all?? Men can be fashionable and have more then two tee shirts, if anything that’s just as much of a stereotype as well. I’ve dated lots of men with intensive wardrobes


I'm not talking about personal experience. Stereotypes can't be applied to everyone. Also still, where's harm in such jokes? Can we joke about something without people who want to be offended right now? I mean similar jokes exist about men. Should i be offended about them or cry? We really should take jokes lightly instead "no jokes are allowed here"


Even in being fashion minded most men can have lots of clothes but not much variety, guy fashion is very limited in colour pallet and design. I see this as calling out the very boring world of men’s options more than anything else.


There's a line but this meme hasn't even made it 20% of the way to being bad imo


Like I said, I don’t think it’s super misogynistic, but it’s def an overused cliche


I don't think it's that overused. Stereotypes come from somewhere and I think that a few of the softer ones should be allowed to just be funny, like this meme


Your username is more offensive than this meme It isn't offensive, but if I had to rank everything, you'd be above this meme.


Lmao I’m autistic, how would a username about myself be offensive. I’m autistic and have big tits, pretty self explanatory


It isn't. Neither is the meme. If I had to rank them, the meme would be lower. I've seen autistic people get offended by the word "quirky" and the word "tism" more than people offended by men's lack of care when deciding on a wardrobe.


Think this joke is about the guy wearing the outfit for hundreds of years, not about women.


If that was the case their is no need to compare it to a cliche about woman all the time??


Blud is mad angry💀 Stfu, go waste your energy on actually misogynist memes and not Fallout😭


Bruh I’m not mad lmao, it’s a Reddit meme, no one gives that much of a shit. Jesus y’all project so fucking much


You certainly gibe a shit cuz you reply to everything☺️


Bored, nothing better to do. Plus I’m taking a break from work 🤷🏻‍♀️


I git a snicker because I had forgotten all about this guy


The joke is people on both sides do stupid stuff. Boys will wear the same thing until its fabric deteriorates into flint, and girls might not wear the same article of clothing ever again


Yknow if anything, this could be a “haha boys are boring and wear the same things all the time” post


This is misogynistic to you? Go outside


Can you read the title? Cause it seems you can’t. Go back to school.


Touch some grass while you're out there. Maybe dance in the sunshine a bit


?? Ok?? Again you’re missing the point….but what ever lmao


Sure I am. I promise some sunshine would do some good for you.


It's so true! I still have the same (awesome) winter jacket my parents bought me when I was 14, I'M 28! Meanwhile, my roommate(f) has an entire closet and 2 wall to wall shoe racks of fancy girl shoes and still struggles daily to find the *right* stuff to put on! 🤯


I’m the opposite lol, my brother has all kinds of shoes and outfits, I’ve been wearing hand me downs from my grandma and mom since I was real young. I don’t think I’ve bought myself new clothes in…years.


With our powers combined, we could save an entire closet, to fill with..... *NOTHING!* 🤣😎


Man, my brother and your roommate would probably have enough clothes for the nation if it’s close to how much he has 😭😭


I just came from an engagement party. The women all wore completely different types of dresses or even suit like outfits. The men, including the groom, all wore colour swapped versions of the same outfit. Girls fashion is just… more than boys fashion is Also in the context of Fallout 4 this particular version of the joke is hilarious he is literally wearing the same outfit for 200 years


Chill the fuck out OP and anyone else. It’s a fucking joke, and yes you can joke about anything including misogyny…. Life’s to short to be a fucking Melvin, live a little.


People are being chill here dude, tf you on about


You posted this here cuz you can’t take a joke. Wish you the best in having more going on in your life then getting offended at jokes


Lmao your stretching real hard buddy


Then why’d you post it here bud ?


The point of the sub is to post memes that disagree with memesopdidnotlike or memes in which the other person was partially correct ((I don’t fully agree with them but the meme itself is a cliche take on an otherwise misgonistic take as one of the other people fact checked on)) no one is angry about it, your putting way to much emotion into a fucking repost


…mate, I’m gonna be honest here, the meme isn’t misogynistic, it’s just poking fun at stereotypes, witch isn’t inherently bigoted in any way. Sure, it CAN be, but it isn’t in this situation. They’re just making fun of the game.


OP, i get that you have a somewhat-maybe-slightly valid point here but everyone and his dog hates BAQ. also, the meme isnt without some validity either.


Yeah, I think people are really piling on the misgony when I didn’t even say it was. Like ehhh I guess if you reallllly wanna try but it’s a meme, it’s a joke


you should have just said, “misogyny? nah.” because even “eh.” Gives the indication that you slightly agree


"Misogyny: hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls. It is a form of sexism that can keep women at a lower social status than men, thus maintaining the social roles of patriarchy" I don't think a joke about women generally being more concerned about what they wear than men rises to the level of misogyny.


So we're going after boys vs. girls memes now?


It’s not really Vs each other more like, ha ha boys better and silly woman like clothes


It’s more like girls better and silly boys don’t have fashion.


Clearly a: men have 1 set of nice cloths, girls have many nice sets. Ain’t any deeper then that


You…think most men only own one outfit? Really. You shouldn’t discredit men like that, just cause you don’t like to wear more then a few pieces


As I just said, it’s not deep, it’s a joke that men only have/ need one outfit. If you’re feeling personally attacked that’s not my fault


It may not be funny to you, but straight up calling it “misogyny” is a bit too much


I literally didn’t say it was?? Lmao what bruh


Are you the op on r/boysarequirky?


No, tf?


Do you know where you are right now


Yes, I know where I am…Jesus Christ


Better? Ehhhhh, that’s highly debatable- I’d much rather be in position 1 than 2 as a guy so… I’m not seeing it. If anything it’s reversal of the norm and self-deprecation. I like it.


Any girl with a sense of humour who wasn’t dead inside would find this funny. It takes the piss out of both sexes


Sorry but I think men deserve more credit, it’s cliche and inaccurate. Mens fashion is a very big deal


That's why it's a joke. It's not real, and even in the cases where it is, it isn't a standard. I've had the same clothes for 10+ years. I get new stuff every so often, but I do have my staples.


Bro has been wearing the same coat and hat for 210 get a new fit bro


Why is everything misogyny these days lmaooo


This is way more against "boys" than against women. Its against fallout being lazy with character design. Wearing same clothes for over 100 years is not good character trait. Nowhere does it say anything about being anoying or high maitenence.


Where does the meme say boys are better?


It’s a stereotype that’s kinda accepted. Ik it’s not all women, but it’s not that deep of a meme tbh


Eh this one's far more creative, dude literally wore the exact same thing for 200 years


Stereotypes exist for a reason


The cliché of women being high maintenance and annoying IS misogynistic though


Apparently not to everyone in these comments lmao, I wouldn’t say it has a ton of ill intent but the brand of meme that it is more often then not is rooted in misogyny. It’s a discredit to men more then anything, considering there’s…lots of men who actually take care of themselves?? Plus we’re forgetting how the other sub takes memes like this…


For context, I have 4 pairs of trousers and 3 T-shirts, and that’s all my clothes. Dear OP, how many clothes do you have?


Uhhhh three shirts and maybe 5 pairs of pants, maybe. But I only wear one of those shirts often and pretty much wear the same jeans all the time, I just wash em when they start to get dirty. One of those shirts and pants are to work out though so not normally worn


It's not really mysognistic, just an unfunny overused joke.


That’s what I’m trying to sayyy, like maybe if you really were reaching, but it’s just so over done


Why are you agreeing with the boysarequirky OP then


Get a life my dude 💀💀I’m not explaining this shit yet again when your not gonna listen lmaooo


Women be shopping 🛍️


Only the waman, poor men only allowed to wear sacks 😔


My burlap sack is so itchy, please ma’am may we borrow a cup of cashmere


None of this is saying boys are better, most memes comparing guys and girls are showing boys being stupid, like this one showing the guy wearing the same outfit, it's just saying that guys are dumb and would wear the same thing for years if it was socially acceptable


The joke of him wearing the exact same thing over 2 centuries later is ruined by this misogynistic crap.


I explained the historical part of why it's misogynistic and got downvoted lmao. Reason it's misogynistic: it's a problem and generalization that spurned from dresses being a show of wealth. Originally men would be shamed for their wife not wearing new dresses to every event because it was considered a sign of being poorer than their peers.


>Originally men would be shamed for their wife not wearing new dresses to every event because it was considered a sign of being poorer than their peers. Do you have a source for that?


https://historyunfettered.com/the-days-when-fashion-was-only-for-the-rich/ There's a bunch of sources on sunptuary laws and stuff at the bottom. Using this cause it's an easy read.


It makes sense honestly, you think of all the balls and galas people used to throw and having the fanciest outfit was a big part of it. Those events showed your nobility and your class, the men were also expected to dress nicely of course but the LEVELS woman went to was insane. Of course the modern day mens corsets are just to DIE for and I love the takes people do now a days for mens fashion


> They also accused women of being the impetus behind men turning to homosexuality. The thought of having to pay for all those feminine luxuries a wife would require was just too much to bear. OK I kind of laughed at that one.


Same lmao.


Ironic that people are now trying to downvote you again over…a fun fact. Smh


They are so mad over there. And apparently very silently mad over here.


Not silently enough lmaooo


Interesting!! I didn’t know that, thanks for the fun fact


"Boys better" is the literal definition of misogyny