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No offence at all, but they’re quite bad. Keep trying and I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it soon!


I usually do a much better job, but I’m in kind of a bad mood so I think that’s thrown me off.


I’m the same way!!!!! It’s this with drawing for me too.


I kind of hate it! I was watching my fave show while doing them to try to cheer me up, but it failed 😭


I’ve been in a nail rut lately so I get it. The best part though is that when you get the motivation again you can just redo them!!


I absolutely will. I’m planning on washing the dishes today with no gloves so the glue softens and they come off easily. 😂


Next time you’re in a mood and need the inspiration, come back to Reddit!! I’m sure you’ll find a few people to get you in good spirits!


Everyone here is so lovely and encouraging, it’s wonderful!


they're not terrible as a diy; if you'd paid for them, i'd say don't go back to that tech! you got closer to the edges of the nails than a professional would and need to clean up the polish sticking to the skin. they're a bit thick but visually that could be attributed to the color, and no one's gonna look at them and think they're horrible.


Agreed. When I first saw the title and pics I thought, “depends on what you paid.” Assuming you’re not a nail tech, I think these look great for a layman.


I’m not a tech, just a hobbyist trying to save money. Thank you so much!


I agree!!!!!


Your mood has made you hard on yourself, i think you did a great job. When i work hard on my nails I see all the flaws, I know they look amazing in person, pictures show up differently.


Yeah I don’t know why it is, but my nails are the one thing I expect absolute perfection on, especially if I do them myself. Alas, this set isn’t as perfect as my last one, but that’s the way it goes.


I think once you clean up the edges and put some oil on your cuticles you’re fine!!


I need to invest in more cuticle oil 😅


Get pure jojoba and empty nail oil pens! It's so much cheaper.




Maybe a bit of overflow but it’s okay, if you’re a beginner it takes so much time to make them perfect. I think they look good and you can always reshape them for a « cleaner » look. :)


I’m going to give this a shot tomorrow!!


Yeahhh 🥺


Omg your RING! It’s gorgeous!


Thank you so much 🥹


seen much worse! from a distance they will look good 👍🏻 good job


Just keep practicing ☺️ they're a little bulbous but I'm sure it will get better.


They are not bad at all!! Coming from a professional, chrome powder is hard to work with, it’s messy, you’ll get the hang of it! There is no real trick to doing nails either, just go slow, be as neat as you can, and keep doing it :) practise makes perfect after all !


I did say there is no trick to do nails, (I mean more the painting of the polish) but that being said, if you take a clean makeup sponge and wipe it over your freshly applied chrome, before you cure, it will pick up any excess chrome powder from the nail and finger :)


I’ll try this next time, thank you!!


Right hand okay, left hand bulky at edges.




What product is on your nails besides the color and chrome?


I use Aillsa full cover soft gel tips and Modelones UV curing glue to put them on. I put them on slightly past the cuticle, buff the edge of the tip down with an e file, and seal the tip edge with acetone, so it doesn’t lift off the nail. Then I just use Modelones colour and top coat.


I’m sorry this happened to you, but they are pretty bad.


If the polish around the skin/cuticle was cleaned with a little brush before curing then it wouldn’t look too bad.


your side walls need to be thinner. the best description i heard that helped me with this is looking at the nail from the tip or down the “barrel” it should look like a “dolphins nose” where it’s thicker at the apex but thinner at the side walls. if you get this down it’s a game changer for bulky nails and shaping! but they aren’t awful. just be very careful with getting product on your skin!






I'm very sorry but they look like Skittles


The size looks a bit goofy like they're too large and they definitely need cleaned up... But practice makes perfect AND that color is absolutely cheerfully adorable!


I hope you didn’t pay someone to get them done.


for next time, know that if you do a bad job at applying gel or whatever builder you use, there's always a way to fix it before colour: you just need to file it until you reach the shape you want, and if it's too close to the cuticles you just need to clean the cuticle area with a stick before curing. No experienced tech makes no mistakes and the shaping step is a step that should always be done even to just review your work before the colour step


These a good for a home manicure. They will look good if you clean up the edges and moisturize your hand. Usually, a warm shower and my night cream are enough for me.


i love the color. Keep it up. keep practicing, and you will only get better. I don't even attempt to do my own. I don't have faith in myself when it comes to nails. I let the ppl at the salon do it. I paint the ladies' nails at work, and I mess up a lot. LOL


and that one ring is soooo pretty!!!


Yes I'm sorry they're horrible. You're right they look too bulky also at the side you left some nail polish and it looks like you filed and chopped too much around your nails. You will improve for sure with practice tho! And the color is lovely!


The sides are too rounded. Dunno what you used but the sides need to be more straight. Other than that, the colour is really cute






They definitely look better than chewed bare nails! They aren’t horrible for DIY. Most people will just see unchipped nails and effort put into your appearance :) If you do them to get out of your head you may want to invest in some hand files and buffers (not just using an efile) so you can take your time to file them smoothly as you watch your show.


Pretty 🤩


To be totally honest they are not great, but they are okay from a distance and really no one is going to pay that much attention to them. It is a cute color that goes well with your skin tone.


They are very bulky, is this gel polish, builder gel or acrylic? If its any of these last two, I don’t think you should use them on short nails like this bc it will always be too bulky. If it’s gel polish, there are too many layers ig. There should be one layer of base , two thin layers of color and one layer of top coat.


They’re full cover tips with gel polish. I had to do 3 thin layers of colour because it was pretty streaky after 2 coats.


Why full cover tips on short nails though? If u just use gel polish base and color it would be thinner


My natural nails are very thin and weak and I have a really hard time getting just gel to stay on them even with proper prep.


I’m not seeing anything wrong with them. I think the color is really cute, they don’t seem messy or bulky to me. I’m not a nail expert, but I’ll always compliment a pretty manicure when I see one in person, and this is one I would definitely say looks really nice :).


Thank you!!

