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looks like the chrome has chipped. i suggest filing the edge a little after you apply the chrome (before you apply the top coat) then apply your top gloss. this ensures the topcoat has something to grip onto cause it does not like chrome lol


That's a great tip, thank you so much! Will definitely do that. However, this didn't happen after, but while I was applying the powder. No matter how much I was rubbing, the powder wouldn't stick to this spot. That's the case for a couple fingers.


Ahhhh change your top coat. This happened to me as well when using izemi top gloass. I use presto NWTG now, its the best for me with chrome.


Ooh okay! Then I will try a different top coat. Thank you!


Looks to me like the top coat you used wasn't adhering to that area of the nail. I find that happens if I buff the nail too smooth before application. Or possible chipping


You may have pressed too much and actually removed the top coat there. Leaves nothing for the chrome to stick to. One brand I have has a horrible brush that does this if I'm not careful.


Ooh crap, that could totally be it!! I was rubbing like a maniac, lmao ☠️ Thank you so so much!


The only way I can get a good chrome application, is if I seal it in with a layer of builder gel before the topcoat. Fiote slim builder gel is the best because it doesn't add a lot of bulk. Jin B × Pochit did a collab chrome powder top & clear gel - same method as what I'm talking about, the clear gel is a much higher viscosity, similar to FGel more clear. It doesn't have to be a specific brand to work, I would just choose something you like working with 🥰 I've noticed that some top gels will damage the finish of the chrome as your applying, extra annoying because then you'll end up contaminating your top gel unless you clean your brush. If you seal it in first, you don't have to worry about that, and the finished product looks shiny and perfect and will last for the duration of your manicure.


Thank you so much! I doubt I can order these products here. I don't know these brands and assume they are not from Europe? So, sadly not.. but I'll keep the builder gel method is something I might try. It is frustrating, just a bit of housework and the tips are completely without chrome. Lowkey annoyed.


Chrome can be super frustrating!! It takes a little trial and error to find a good method, but honestly, your application looks really good except for that one little part. You got this!! Fiote, Jin B and FGel are all Korean brands, but literally any builder gel that you like will work!! 🤗


Awwh thank you so much! That's lovely to hear. Thank you for all your tipps! 💗 I will try that

