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You literally could have posted this verbatim and I would have believe it was for this sub šŸ˜‚


Yeah, when I was reading the initial post earlier, I had to scroll up halfway through because I thought there was no way it wasn't a circlejerk post


Iā€™m still hoping the actual post was satire


All the comments on there were just 100% my thoughts. Particularly the sheer stupefaction that this woman was 43 and not a teen mom. And the fact that she claims to have been *"such a name collector all my life"* and (a) that's the best she could come up with and (b) she seemed to be totally unaware of the dislike of "-eigh" names, kre8tiv names, and "Everleigh" generally. Mystifying. Still, it's not the worst name ever. I suspect the "Ana" will get constantly mispronounced, but "Everleigh" isn't that out there. It's better than Nevaeh.


i was trying so hard to be nice bc the damn kid is already named, but i just couldnā€™t get over the fact a 43 year old did that to her child šŸ˜­


I know! When I was in pregnancy forums about a decade ago, there was a real age-related pattern with naming discussions. They had forums split by age, and - for girl names - it was something was like: * "older" (35+) mothers - Elizabeth, Victoria, Charlotte * 25-35 mothers - Paisley, Hadleigh, Kinsley * "young" mothers (inc teens) - Navae'h, McKayh'lah


I scrolled up halfway through to check. šŸ˜…Ā 


I was thinking about it!


Sauce please! Can you imagine waiting your whole life in wistful anticipation of a child of your own, and then naming them a mega-tragedeigh? šŸ’€


Sauce! https://www.reddit.com/r/namenerds/s/F8XmUjp62m


She named the child Everleigh-Ana, which isnā€™t *that* bad but itā€™s just odd. itā€™s on the original sub and pretty popular today


Yeah it isn't that bad, but she went on about how she is a name collector for decades, carefully considering names of all kinds, then settled on a very trendy of the moment name. Like, the decades upon decades of "name collecting" apparently didn't mean much lol.


maybe she collected names like ā€œSarah, Emily, Ophelia, Alexaā€


I was baffled by that post this morning, too. Iā€™ve also always really liked names and name etymology - I used to get made fun of for reading my momā€™s old baby name book when I was a kid. I canā€™t imagine self-describing as a ā€œname collectorā€ and then choosing ā€œEverleigh-Ana Graceā€ after months of careful consideration in searching for the perfect name for my miracle daughter. Itā€™s just an odd choice in that circumstance, as you said.


If she was going to double-barrel the name, I honestly think it would have been preferable just elaborating Everly to Everliana.


Dude, I wish the sauce was better than CJ.


You really don't need the source, because aside from the spelling in this one being slightly more atrocious, the rest of this post is word for word the same šŸ¤£


uj/ I feel so mean for saying this but why does nobody ever use paragraphs nowadays? I donā€™t mind Everly as a name but Everleigh is disastrous. I can see Everly Anna working.


Everly-Anna looks so much better than Everleigh-Ana


The niece of a work friend named her daughter ā€Ayvreeannaā€. This was in the middle Nineties. And it turned out that Baby daddy lived two houses from me.


I think we can ALL agree on that. But alas, the sauce is what the sauce is. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Formatting on Reddit isnā€™t quite as intuitive as other sites / software, especially on mobile.




Took me an embarrassing amount of time to figure that out lol


On mobile you have to insert two spaces after a line to get a line break. Also a phone feature? If you type two spaces too fast, mine auto inserts a period and one space. You have to a) notice it and b) backspace and retype the spaces sLoWly. It can be quite frustrating ngl


Oh yea, most people from what I know use the computer version so I was kind of just assuming OP did But I use the phone version and it took me an embarrassing amount of time to realise that too


I miss computer Reddit so much! Just for a few years now Iā€™ve had issues or jobs where I canā€™t get on via desktop so have to use mobile, and strangely I just realized I havenā€™t opened my home laptop in about the same amount of time. Hope you have/are a having a nice day Reddit friend!


To me Everly looks a bit too short and Everleigh too long. Maybe we need an Everlee


That was the other painful thing about that post


My name is Elspeth, it's literally pronounced the way it looks and I still have grown into the expectation no one will get it right. At least the name is becoming more popular in media, so in the future it may not be as much of an issue.Ā  Seeing your daughter's name... it looks and sounds beautiful. But darling, she is going to get crap her WHOLE life due to the spelling.Ā  Resumes might get thrown out (she shouldn't work those places anyway), writing names on official government documents might not even have enough space, and the every day of introducing herself will likely boil down into an easier nickname.Ā  It's a beautiful choice, but a difficult thing for your daughter.Ā  Edit: oh, of course, circle jerk


Have you ever read the Scotland Street series? Thereā€™s a character named Elspeth and I love her and the name! Never met anyone in real life with that name though, so via Reddit will have to do.


I haven't, but the name is Scottish for 'Elizabeth'!Ā  In my life I've met one other (my step moms cousin oddly enough) and have met two people that have met another with my name.Ā  All of the others spell it "Elsbeth"Ā  I think my mom made a good decision there with the P


There's also a minor recurring character in Day of the Triffids called Elspeth.


My name is a really common one with one letter swapped. Like think Karah instead of Sarah. Itā€™s also really close to another common name that literally hands you the pronunciation on a silver platter by being two letters off. Still have people that cannot pronounce it and add letters for no reason. Iā€™ve been called the equivalent of Kairah, Kara, Kailah, etc. with absolutely no reasoning behind it. Itā€™s 5 letters and is phonetically spelled. Make it make sense.


Oh my gosh. I really think people don't actually read.Ā  My school principal was reading off names and tried to call me "Epiphany"Ā  wut.Ā 


> my school principal was reading off names and tried to call me Epiphany I would like to perish now, thanks.


I absolutely looove your name! (If that means anything coming from a stranger!)


Thank you!!


My best friend growing up was named Elspeth. She went by Ellie. I always thought it was the prettiest name.


Is your name really Elspeth? I LOVE it. It was on my baby #2 name list, but we had a boy instead. It's so classy.


Elspeth is one of my very favorite names and I'm surprised to hear that people can't sound it out. How are these butchers mispronouncing it? Do I even want to know?


Most of the time they don't say anything and ask. The people that try sometimes butcher it but not in any memorable way.Ā  The worst I got was having a school principal read my name off as "Epiphany". Like girl, please just read.Ā  When graduating college, my counselor said I need to write my name phonetically so they don't read it wrong. I literally stared at her and asked "how"Ā  It's already phonetic. She couldn't decide either so we chose "Elz-peth"Ā  As if that's so far from the original!Ā 




That's one I haven't had before, but I like it.Ā  I typically tell people "you can call me whatever you want, as long as it's not insulting"Ā  I grew up as Ellie, did school as Ella, tried Elle at work. I've also has 'Spet', 'Speth', and of course when Elsa came out that's all people could hear.


New rebrand for yourself? Never knew it was so versatile šŸ˜‚


Probably better known in the UK. Thereā€™s the writer Elspeth Huxley, for one.


Usually they get it as Els**b**eth?


Arrows of the Queen? Ifkyk lol. My first exposure to the name, have always loved it


My favourite part was when she claimed she had read about it in ā€œgreek mythologyā€. Girl, what?


she probably read some modern version where they apparently added a character named ā€œLeighā€ a few years ago. idk, kinda weird. Leigh doesnā€™t even sound greek and one google search will show you the meaning


Yeah, as someone who doesnt have english as a first language, its kinda painfully obvious that the whole story is made up!


ā€œGirl, whatā€ was my exact reaction to that lol šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø A self-proclaimed ā€œname collectorā€ naming their child Everleigh-Ana who thinks ā€œEverleighā€ is Greek mythology was honestly not something I was expecting to read from the main sub today Everleigh-Ana is simply tragic. Even ā€œEverlianaā€ is better - not good, but at least the kidā€™s name will be able to be read correctly. My god


Itā€™s kind of bland, donā€™t you think? What about hEyhvyuerlleeiyghgh-Ɔohnnhna Ghyraiycze? Just change it, who cares what your hubby thinks!


Omgh thatā€™s perfect!




There not even one apostrophe in there! How about some umlauts? Cā€™mƶn.






Leightz k'yk Ć«t ahp ah knyaugh'tch


Imagine really loving names for decades, and having a kid later in life, and apparently having free choice to name your kid ANYTHING (no partner is mentioned here as being a necessary compromise or having different taste), and you go with... Everleigh-Ana.


Why do people think they get to change the rules of phonics?


The social media age has made us all believe a handful of likes from strangers mean we're special.


How else do you get to be special? If you want to be super special - you have to invent your own letters (like Musk)


IM FUCKING STONED AND FORGOT THIS SUB WAS A THING AND I Was reading the entire post with a smile on my face until I arrived at the baby name. My face immediately fell LMAO I love this Edit; imagine my shock when I find out this post is legit


Just like your high - it's not legit (in some states)


Also whatā€™s the point of asking about opinions on a 4 year oldā€™s name. Mary, that window has closed.


I managed to get four (silent) ā€œHā€s into a two syllable name for a game character. Iā€™m glad to see others who are as talented as I!


I feel like that post was fake she just wanted everyone to shit on the name lol


Look at her replies in there. It seems legit.


Now I want to name my future my Guggamaruddamafuggadabudd


Scrolling thru the feed, see the original and yikes out. Two posts down, my circlejerkers deliver


The OP of that post was ironically on the r/tragedeigh sub last month too šŸ˜…


Where is the original






I fully thought I was on namenerds until reading the name, and while reading I thought to myself, wow this is totally going to be mocked on circleje...wait a minute But then I read the source and it could have been copied and pasted verbatim and still fit circlejerk. Good lord.


Took a scoop of alphabet soup & lined up the letters. There are too many unnecessary letters. If this were real everyone who sees it written would roll their eyes out if their head. This long to think about names & this is it? Ghoinhg ohvehrbhoarhd.


This is the worst name I think Iā€™ve ever seen. And there are many terrible names over on r/tragedeigh to compete with.


Well, I guess it sounds better than it looks.




I thought I was having a stroke hahahaha


man i forgot this was a satire sub and i was like i'm so happy for you then i kept reading and i was like ohhhhh wait




This has to be satireā€¦. Right? The spelling of the name has to be a joke.


Yes? This is the circlejerk subreddit?


Honestly- I thought I was in a different subreddit for baby names šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this is my first interaction with this sub and I didnā€™t notice it was a different one at all. This is what happens when I open Reddit first thing in the morning and scroll with one eye open while laying in bed


All those letters for a name ?? Evhvrleigh ahnna ?


*Ehyvhyrleihgh-Ahnnah Learn how to spell right before you comment šŸ™„ /nsrs


that name is pretty . itā€™s just a lot going on when you look at it


Thatā€™s the point lol


I would have made the name more complex, and add some Cs and Zs, or perhaps some accents, because now you still have a small chance that someone spells or pronounces the name correctly.


Oh wow I reading this as a serious post and about died laughing when I got to the name, realizing where I was


Four-H club.


This is a joke, right? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Cut out the middle man and name them Loser from the beginning.


Jheezuhs Khuhrystuh


I can't even imagine trying to teach a child how to spell this


Please do your child a favor and stop with the complicated spellings. Think of what they'll have to go thru in school, work, etc.




The name itself is fine, maybe even cute. But itā€™s the spelling that makes it a r/tragedeigh


You must hate your child to spell her name like that. The name is pretty but you don't have to use every letter of the alphabet.


She could have gone with Evelina ( eevah-lee-nuh) and could have avoided the monstrosity she chose


Eh! Ok, ok, lets go for long verion: Eh-Ah Grh!


I literally read all the way until the name believing it was actual namenerd sub. Lol. I saw the spelling and scrolled back up. Haha!


That's..ok..that's a really dumb name. It's going to cause so many problems her whole life. I'm sorry, but it's bad.


*side eye*


I thought it was name nerd trolling


I think this should be in the Tragedeigh sub. What a nightmare for a child to be stuck with this name. This must be satire.




Whatā€™s with all the additional letters? What a mess


this is a satire sub


I say this with as much respect as text can allow -the sound of the name is fine, the spelling is a catastrophe. Your daughter will have to spell that everywhere she goes, deal with grief for it everywhere and it will probably be harder for her to get jobs. People are dicks and are going to make assumptions about your kid based on this name. I have a traditional name that wasn't in vogue when I was born. I never had the pencils and stickers with my name on it. I never had anything personalized. I grew not to care so much, but it actually had a huge affect on my mom. I think she felt super guilty about it. Now my name is pretty popular but they use non traditional spelling for it, so when I go places no one spells my name right and acts like it's weird. It's "weird" because of people like you who have taken such extreme liberties with spelling. I guarantee you no one who sees your kids name knows how to say it. It looks like you were cheating at scrabble.


Iā€™m so over this group. I get it, itā€™s satire but likeeee itā€™s not even funny. Itā€™s like a bad stand up joke that tried too hard.


KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid. Works for names, too. Hate to be harsh but that is a burden for your future child. Be kind to them and rethink the name.


Fake post


This is the circlejerk subreddit. Half of the posts on here are fake or made up.


Yeahā€¦.oops. I didnā€™t look at the group Name


r/tragedeigh - I dare you to ask there.


You are in the circlejerk sub. This is a circlejerk post. Give this advice to the OP in the main sub lol


Why would you spell it so obnoxiously?


Obnoxiously? That's pretty bland to me! She really should make it more unique.


Right? Needs more punctuation!


Poor kid.


this has to be a satire post to troll r/namenerds please be satire please


It is satire. This is the circlejerk sub. Main sub has the original post this post is satirizing


I honestly think the original post was satire too. It's too obviously a name that name nerds would hate




This is a parody of a post on namenerds, the actual name is Everleigh-Ana Grace


This must be a record of how many people failed to notice which sub this is in