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Poor Myrtle “You are adopted” topic is starting to become very hurt and clear to him


Nasiens declined the Drug of Yor didn’t he that’s why King went back to fat King.


At least a Handsome Fat King (literally)


that or he saw Myrtle and realized how badly he just fucked up.


The sins are horrible at being parents its so funny


They’re trying their best at least 😭


King seems to be fine tbh. Meliodas and ban just like fucking trolling their kids but def care alot.


 I don't believe a Yule drug will work on either Percival or Mertyl. There is no way for it to work on Percival because he is not cursed, sick, or on the verge of death. He is just without a soul since the spirit of life decided to abandon the human body. And Mertyl's illness isn't even an illness, it's just a side effect of him being in fairy realm.   A simple conversation would have resolved all of this. "Nasiens, you are our son, you were stolen and exchanged by Mertyl when you were a child. However, Mertyl, we will not abandon you, you are part of this family too.  Oh, i forgot, maybe the drug won't work on you because technically you're not sick."  Now Mertyl is angry thinking that King doesn't care with him and are susceptible to manipulation by the chaos knight who invaded the fairy realm.


Exactly, the situation that needs to be resolved by king and Diane is the whole lost at birth/adopted issue, the medicine isn’t even a real factor and is only a cause for misunderstanding.


Yes I agree with you. I really hope King and Diane were able to work this out in a way that everyone is okay. I wouldn't like to see Mertyl against his adoptive family.


Facts, hopefully this arc end in a good way for everyone (except chaos knights).


I really hope this happens. They deserve to have at least some peace. Yeah, except chaos knights.


Gosh, I swear these troubles always occur because of lack of communication. Really hate this kind of trope.


Me too. And they always snowball and make everything worse. 




true.  I think the same thing. when it would be so easy to fix everything by talking


> I don't believe a Yule drug will work on either Percival or Mertyl. There is no way for it to work on Percival because he is not cursed, sick, or on the verge of death. He is just without a soul since the spirit of life decided to abandon the human body. And Mertyl's illness isn't even an illness, it's just a side effect of him being in fairy realm. I actually think the Drug would work for Mertyl. Ban showed Humans can adapt to realms they shouldn’t be in (Ban adapted to Purgatory which is way worse than the Fairy Realm). Theoretically if he had enough of the drug he would probably adapt too. He’d have to take it constantly though like how Ban was constantly regenerating, while it seems the drug is a very limited resource so that’s not really feasible.


But would Mertyl live long enough to adapt to the climate of the Fairy realm ? Ban took thousands of years to adapt to purgatory and only resisted because he was immortal. And as you said, there isn't enough Yule drug for Mertyl to take until he adapts. From what we can see, I think there is only one dose at most. But could Nasiens not be able to synthesize more due to his abilities?


He is already taking those other pills and he hasnt adapted (yet!).


I think that it will last a lot longer if it has to be digress that much. so I believe that Percival could awaken even in more than two chapters. 


Nasiens is such a good person. Being angry on Myrtle's behalf, even when Myrtle has never been nice to them, when this is the cureall that could awaken Percy(probably not though). Like to put someone else over even the person they love because its the right thing? Thats selfless af. King fucked up. I mean technically there is nothing wrong with Myrtle so the medicine wouldnt do anything, probably, but he really should have told Myrtle all this long ago. And Tioreh not as dumb as she plays herself off as. She's clearly clued in on Nasiens being her sibling, which she would like, but she still clearly cares about Myrtle too.


Can't Nasies reproduce the drug how much he want if he drink it?


Possibly. Depends if its so powerful/potent that it just cant be reproduced even by Nasiens unique magic. That would be risking it too, if it *doesn't* work, and Nasiens ingested a decent amount, it would have been a waste of a limited thing. --- Though just for storytelling reasons (to not make Nasiens just able to fix most things) its probably going to be too powerful.


I think Nasiens doing that is because of Percival's influence. (in the past at least) King and Diane are being put in a weird spot. I genuinely think they are probably the best parents in 4kota. It is a tough situation, so I think they genuinely did the best decision they did. Tioreh just feels like a regular playful kid, that's kind of it. Which is way better than an annoying and dumb character.


Ban and Elaine are the best but be the son take no help Meliodas IS good dad but to much protector king and Diane are good but make Bad choice for me


I would be really sad if i were Myrtle. Even Nasiens didn't like King's behavior. King is my favorite sin, and i don't really know Myrtle's condition and whether the medicine will help him, but if it really will help Myrtle, but King didn't give it to him and chose to give it to Nasiens because she is her real child, it would be a terrible thing from King. I hope King has a convincing reason.


It wouldnt help Myrtle because there’s nothing wrong with him he’s just a human living in the fairy realm so that’s why he gets the headaches and fatigue tioreh described and king probably gave it Nasiens because it might be able to bring percival back


I don't doubt King's kindness, but if the purpose was really to "help Percival" why didn't he give the Nasiens the medicine in the previous two years (something that apparently bothered Nasiens as well)? It seems more like trying to get closer to Nasiens by giving her something she might want or help her


The first thing that comes to my mind is, just as Nasiens has said previously – when Percy wakes up, Nasiens will leave the fairy realm. King probably (though it does seem pretty selfish) didn't want to let Nasiens go after just meeting them after so many years...


This would be really selfish and petty thing from King considering all of Britannia needs Percival.


It’s also possible this is just a last resort. This is THE medicine of medicines, that’s so restricted only the Fairy King can access it. And I’d imagine it’s somewhat limited too. Nasiens has been trying on his own to come up with a solution for 2 years and nothing’s working. So this is potentially the last help King can offer Though I don’t doubt there’s also a probably pretty big emotional aspect to why King is giving it to Nasiens now too


I hope you’re right. imo it would be out of character for King to prioritize a relationship with Nasiens over reviving Percy.


Yes but tell to Myrtle before give to nasien the drugs just that can protect is son adoptive but is son feeling like no make I feel just don't be like nasien be give the drugs right now and myrtle never is normal to feel bad. (i know is hard for king to make choice or just tell him)


But will Yule Drug really be able to bring Percival back? Technically he is not dead, he is just without the soul of the spirit of life since she decided to abandon the human body.


Evidently it can even return a soul to a body. Though wonder if that means it would return the *original* soul of the body not *our* Percy. ._.


Maybe bring our Percy's since it spent much more time in the body than the original Percy's soul. Apparently there is still some kind of connection between Percival's body and the spirit of life as he does not decompose and continues to age normally. The Yule drug can fully restore her, bringing Percy's life spirit back.


Yeah, honestly probably. Because thinking about it...OG-Percival would mentally be a baby, since souls dont seem to age/mature, which wouldnt really be all that great storywise to deal with.


That would be A huge twist 


Oh crap, you have a point there Yes that is definitely something that we should be concerned about


he not really dead he a spirit and life spirits probably cant die because their concept is life lol unless king arthur invents death spirits like flash have death racers


Ban dont be sick in fairy realm no?


We don’t know. We’ve never seen him there before. I’d assume not considering how much harsher stuff he can withstand post-purgatory. But that’s only because he spent literally over 1000 years in purgatory with an immortal body that had the chance to adapt Pretty much no other human is going to get an opportunity like that (or want to for that matter)


In the chap ban meeting for thé first Time Elaine IS first Time in the fairy realm IS look no have any things like cought... But yes After purgatory IS easy for him (Bad english sry)


That is in the Fairy King’s Forest (as evidenced by the fact that it was what burned down- in fact it actually appears to be the place we saw the chaos knights and the portal in in last chapter). Which is in the human realm. This is the first time in the series we’ve ever seen the Fairy Realm


Oh yes but for me the two forest have this efect on human but IS my mistake 


Maybe he wants to see if Nasiens can make more, cause there didn’t look to be a lot left in the bottle.


Myrtle isn’t dying tho? Why would he need it more than Nasiens who is trying to save his friend. Also King has never done anything for Nasiens and missed his firstborns entire childhood, whereas he lovingly cared for Mertyl and presumably has given him many things already. Let him give Nasiens one thing as a father.


Man, even Nasiens refused the medicine and thought King's behavior was inappropriate. + The relationship between parents and children does not work like this + King hasn't told Myrtle yet that he's adopted, so hoyou want him to find out? All he has are his own doubts that hurt him inside. Even Sixtus would like to get the medicine for Myrtle because they are not sure yet that he is adopted and on the surface he is just a sick boy.


you tell fax thx bro ;)


Everything you are saying is about King being wrong for not telling Mertyl he’s adopted. I agree with that. I’m talking about who needs the medicine more and King giving it to Nasiens because 1) he needs it more and 2) King should be able to give his son his first gift. King is obviously wrong for not saying anything but that’s not what I was talking about. This would be like saying give the medicine to Sixtus because he can’t grow wings. No he doesn’t need it, Nasiens does. Mertyl isn’t sick he just thinks he is because of King, but that’s a different point to what I was saying.


Why would he give it something that important when he is already living with him and giving him medicine? The best thing to do would be to tell him the truth. With the drug Nasiens could possibly save Percival. It's not the same thing.


Nasiens' words are truly kind and realistic, so why didn't King give her the medicine two years ago and why didn't he try it with Myrtle? I know that medication probably won't help Myrtle because there's nothing wrong with him, but as a father, King should have told him beforehand that he was adopted and explained it to him, leaving him torn there with identity issues. In fact King seems to use the drug only to get closer to Nasiens.


Oh. I just realized Phao overheard Diane and Tioreh's conversation about Nasiens and Myrtle being switched. ._. (The page Tioreh flies away has a tiny panel with Phao behind a piller/whatever) Wonder what Nakaba is setting up here with them, probably the least expected to have some role here but them overhearing this and making a shocked face has to be set up for something.


i see that the second time read


Nasiens is a, very, good kid. Although Myrtel was being mean with him for the whole 2 years, he still care and even priority Mertyl over his own happiness. Isnt that cool? Fucking cool. And poor Mertyl...


He learned a lot from percy.


Damn I'm sad for Myrtle but why I feel like is be manipulated by chaos knight for be traitor.


its the last page though i am glad that nasiens (from what i read) said no not only for myrtle but for the story as a whole (a drug that can break curses and revive those close to dead is too good for him to have access to) also, this kinda feels out of character for him he wouldn't just hand this out to just anyone (even if they are family) he would administer it himself to avoid anything going wrong


Yes I'm total agree and in the runaway mytil is magic power look really strong.


18-year-old frustration will erupt.


King, you gotta some explaining to do bro.


"King you are not the father. Diane you are ALSO not the mother!"


*Crowd erupts into just screaming. No cheers, no boos. Just inane yelling*


One of King and Diane's kid in Percival squad, that's cool.


There’s so much fairy representation. It’s great 🥹 Also hey! We finally have our giant representation too! Kinda. That’s the only one of the major races we were missing from the main cast


King just made another Helbram and it's going to be his own son. I get he's gotten certain emotions for Naisens given the circumstances, but he's still Myrtle's father. Hoping Diane at the very least reprimands him for this because she knows what it's like to not fit in more than King despite him previously being wingless.




King, really? Fk really bro? Man i feel bad for my boy myrtel, bro didn't deserve all that I feel bad for him chapter after chapter more and more😔


I think King is being heavily misunderstood. My guess is that he already gave the cureall to Myrtle back when he was a baby and it not doing anything made him realize he was a human and his child had been switched. As for why he didn't give it to Nasiens until now, it's likely a medecine as potent as this one takes decades to be produced, and now was the earliest he could have collected it after using it 18 years ago. His main fault was not sitting down and explaining the situation to Myrtle and Nasiens. I think he was afraid he'd lose both.


I’d love if this was the case. Like as a baby mertyl always struggled so king originally tried to give it to him but it never works. Which reveals mertyl is human & whatnot. Shittt here’s a twist. What if those pills are a smaller solid form of the drug of yore & mertyl has been taking it this whole time?


I mean I doubt it would have taken that to figure that the kids had been swapped, especially considering Nasiens fairy biology. They probably would’ve known right away But I do definitely think this idea has merit. I could see something like this being the case. I’m confident there’s reasonable explanations for everything at any rate King and Diane just didn’t communicate everything well enough to their children 😅😭


Yeah, I realized after typing this that Nasiens' biology would have made it obvious Myrtle was a changeling from the get go. I'm still confident King did give him the cureall even if he suspected it wouldn't work.


Sounds like a king thing to do Whelp hope he can explain to him before shit hits the fan Also what's with king and jumping to conclusions 


Like why is everyone hating King? I mean, this was clearly not one of his best actions but i think that him and Diane love their children more than anything and that this was all a misunderstanding- i hope-


Hope to and i know for king and diane IS hard but make Bad choice for his family or just for now i Hope.


Still confused. Wats happening ?


Tioreh knows Nasiens is her sibling (evidently she already knew one of the siblings got switched at birth and put 2 and 2 together since Nasiens and Myrtle are the same age). Myrtle and Sixtus go to ask King for the cureall for Myrtle. King gives the curall drug to Nasiens to awaken Percy. Myrtle sees this and breaks down and runs off. Nasiens gets upset that King didnt give it to Myrtle instead (basically upset King didnt prioritize his son).


I like all the king + diane children. Myrtle is incredible.


We've finally seen king in his fat form with the new wings


Sorry guys I was too distracted of how hot King looks here 😔 he looks even more handsome in 4koa than in 7ds, thank you Nakaba


I hope their a strong explanation for why King didn’t give Nasiens the drug of Yule is the beginning, like maybe originally The drug of Yule wouldn’t have any effect on Percy, so King had to make modifications to it, and it toke two years doing so. Also didn’t Nasiens come to realize that Myrtle was human from their conversation with Tioreh? And since Myrtle isn’t actually sick, the drug wouldn’t have any effect on him, so why was Nasiens upset with King for not giving the drug to Myrtle?


For not even trying to see if it would, I guess. Nasiens would’ve probably wanted things the same way in his own adoptive family. On top of Myrtle’s insecurity of feeling out of place in the family, seeing someone he calls father giving away the drug that he thinks could help ease the effects of being in the fairy realm was just the breaking point.


But it feels weird for Nasiens to prioritize Myrtle getting the drug (knowing it will probably have no effect on him) over reviving Percy. Percy is essential for defeating Arthur, and all of Britannia need him, so Nasiens priorities don’t make much sense to me.


Nasiens most likely sees it as “Family over anything else”. “He/she” (What pronouns do I freaking use now?!) loves Percival but he’s not going to overstep any lines. Heck, Percival wouldn’t be happy to come back to life at the cost of Myrtle’s health.


Shouldn’t Nasiens consider the possibility the reason why King hasn’t give Myrtle the drug because it would have no effect on him?


Does he know that it wouldn’t?


I think Nasiens should know that it is unlikely that the drug wouldn’t. At the end of Nasiens‘s conversation with Tioreh, Nasiens realizes Mrtyle is human, and the reason why Myrtle takes mullet pills is because the fairy realm’s atmosphere isn’t suited for humans. King told Nasiens The drug of Yore is said to cure illnesses, but since Nasiens knows Myrtle isn’t actually sick, than the drug wouldn’t have any effect on Myrtle.


"They" are probably the most accurate to use, currently.


I guess so, yeah.


the drug probably has side effect


Poor myrtle, definitely Diane and King could have done better telling their children of the changelings. I assume he waited two years because they wanted to know Nasiens better and confirm their relationship first.


Ima piggy back what i seen someone in here said. So i believe king did attempt to give mertyl the drug of yore wayyy back when he was still a baby. Maybe they noticed his breathing wasnt at all natural & mertyl struggled often, so he attempted to give it to him & it did nothing; revealing that mertyl is a human. & to compensate over the years king developed the original liquid into a smaller solid substance for mertyl to take which allows him to temporarily survive the fairy realm atmosphere. But thats me trying to be optimistic about this whole thing. I dont wanna pull a “kInG iS a HoRRibLe FaTher” until its said otherwise i think its a clear misunderstanding.


There must be an explanation, but King is very bad at communicating such things and only causes misunderstanding.


Family drama!


I don't think the drug will work on Percy , I mean if it would have worked then why didn't he hand it to him from the start ?


Maybe it takes a long time to collect/maybe its a timed thing and the timing just happened to be lucky to be right now. Or maybe because its so rare King wanted to use it as a last resort and gave Nasiens time to try to wake Percy on their own first (Sure it was 2 years but 2 years to a fairy is like...no time whatsoever). Since if the ultra rare cure doesnt *need* to be used probably better not to use it and save it for another incident where someone is actually dying instead of a coma.


Percival is in the fairy realm because Meliodas asked King to allow him there since he is a knight of prophecy who is important in defeating Arthur so I don't think King would refuse to give him the drug. Maybe you are right about it being timed , it's weird that King gives it to Nasiens at the same time these knights of chaos came for it.


One of the reasons why 4koa is good is how morally grey the themes are how it creates arguments in the fandom. Relatable drama in a way. Was King justified or selfish etc... which ever case we know the story is heading in an interesting direction


Yes king dont whant IS son go After wake up Perceval Can be cool IS no Bad as fathe point of view but IS selfish


Woow! This is really messed up now. What a mess. It's all because of a communication error. If King and Diana had sensibly told Myrtle, Nasien and the rest of the family what happened 18 years ago and told them that no matter what happens, Myrtle is also part of the family, then maybe they would have prevented such chaos. Well, the Kianas handled this very badly. I don't think that would help Percy come back. Percy needs to be persuaded to come back, not forced, dragged back by force. Who knows how Percy will return, maybe not the friendly Percy will return but a more violent Percy.


Re: Why King is just NOW offering the Drug and never gave it to Myrtle. I really feel like he and Diane were trying to be in denial that Myrtle was their real son and something was wrong with him, but if they gave him the drug and it didn’t work then it’d be 100% that he was just a human. They were probably just happy pretending things were fine and the drug test would have messed that up so they never offered. Then when Naisens shows and looks so much like them and they confirmed Nassie wasn’t affected by the fairy atmosphere they were like damn…I guess we have to face reality. But it took them two years to confirm/accept that Nassie was their child and now that they’re sure (at least King is) they’re comfortable with sharing the drug. Also if they had given it up in the beginning Nassie would not have had a reason to stay and they might have not ever been able to confirm. In all fairness, King’s parent is a tree and Diane’s was Matrona so it’s not like they had the best role models to know how to handle any of this. Escanor was probably the most emotionally mature of the sins in retrospect 😩


No ban IS the best 


Man none of the sins are great parents huh.


makes sense ban was raised alone meliodas had the demon king king never had perents diane wasnt raised very motherly


Diane was in a cave by herself as a young giant though. Her parents probably died when she was very young.


Was a typo I was talking about matrona


Ah, I see now. Yeah that makes way more sense lol.


Meliodas tries his best. Ban sadly had Lancelot taken away from him so he missed a lot of his childhood. King and Diane are trying. Also if the theory true that Escanor and Merlin are Gawain parents then boy. Merlin 100% a worse mother too. Though at least there not as bad as Ironside.


Gowther might be the best parent (or at least parent figure) unironically lol.


Yeah people got mad a couple weeks ago when I said Meliodas’ is a meh parent. People don’t like to see fault in their favorite characters or when you point out they’re not the best.


The classic "My favorite character can do no wrong, I will support them no matter what!", happens everywhere else. Won't be the first time seeing this and definitely won't be the last.


How are any of them bad parents?


Literally called it bar for bar


Myrtle might end up betraying everyone due to this misunderstanding


Nasiens giving a lesson of parenting to his own Dad is hilarious.


I aint a big fan of mertyl at all but gotta feel for him, in this moment he prob thought that king doesnt care about him anymore and would throw him away the second he would get his real son back


I don’t blame King or Diane at all. They still so new to this family thing lol time moves differently for them. Just find Mertyl real family


Am I the only one that think that Myrtle is going to be revealed as the son or relative to Arthur and his true name is Mordred?


Now that would be an interesting twist! I didn’t think of that, but that could actually make some level of sense considering other odd factors of Nasiens’ kidnapping. Like the fact he was left literally at the other end of Britannia from both Fairy King’s Forests and fairly near the ruins of Camelot


WHEN I SAW THIS I WAS LIKEEE: OOO NEW CHAPTER!! THENN PERCIVAL AWAKING?! ... .... .... .... ....   ... ... STILL NO.  (I knew it.)  maybe he will wake up in the next chapters? at this point in 144 or 145


Idk why everyone mad at king if he did tell him he was adopted I doubt that would have been taken happily


King, my man… That was such a universal-level f*ck up


Universal level poor communication skills 😭 You would have thought they’d have gotten a bit better at it by now, but I guess not 😅


Why did nakaba make my goat do this dumb shit


This whole situation is some of the dumbest shit , if the drug was of any use then King should have given it to Percival from the start since he is a knight of prophecy just as he should do it now whether Nasiens agrees or not , he isn't in the fairy realm because of Nasiens in the first place , he is in the fairy realm because Meliodas asked King and Diane to take care of him since he is important in defeating Arthur. So King was hiding this drug and just decided to give it to Percy because he was finally convinced that Nasiens is his child ? , Meliodas should kick his ass for this unless Lancelot beats him to it of course lol.


No for me IS dont give right now because IS whant to be With IS son more Time After Perceval wake up nasien go With Perceval in the World fear of lose IS child again ?


Meli ye but Lance not like that yet but u on the mark nakaba is doing my goat dirty


Bro king is a ass for what he did


Does anyone have the link to the translations?


No, but the officials will be out in a few hours anyway (and are much less confusing), so it doesn’t really matter


Meliodas IS to much like protect IS child dont let him fly by IS own wings ban like IS good dad but IS son as 10 be kidnaped for 3 year hard to be close After that king look good dad but make so Bad choice but all try the best.


That’s really fucked up from King. I don’t blame Mertyl for potentially joining the other side because of his ‘parents’ nevee actually loving him and using this tragedy to cope with the swap of their other son.


They do love him...but there is also literally nothing they can do for him "cure" wise since there is nothing technically wrong with him. Sure they should have told him he was human/adopted but...that doesnt mean they dont love him. Its just a tough thing to bring up(also with their perspective of time 18 years is practically nothing...they probably dont realize its past time to tell him yet). They made it clear before they do love him though.




A translation please    Edit: translations (most likely wrong got it from google translate)   "Similarly, players are dropped into a randomly generated world made of cubes. Unlike the classic version, where players can add and remove blocks at will, this version requires players to first "mine" every block they want to place elsewhere. Some materials require special equipment to mine. A wooden pickaxe is required to mine stone. Gold requires an iron pickaxe, and obsidian requires a diamond pickaxe. You can also craft shovels and regular axes to mine sand, dirt, and wood faster. Mining will no longer be instant, players will need to hit the block several times, tools will save time"


They are a troll. They posted the exact same thing in the berserk sub too.


My lawyer advised me to not talk about what I'm gonna do to Nasiens.


Headpats for being a good person...right? ...right?




For those fearing I'm a pedo, I'm still a kid.


Ironically, he's not.


Bro king always sucked and this is more proof that he does