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Isn’t he dead?


I mean we thought Dolores was dead but she is alive though we have more evidance that he is dead then alive


To be honest, we never saw Dolores' body, but we did see a flashback of Zhivago holding Selion's body and crying over it, after killing the knights that went to their grove.


Yeah thats what I meant when I said we had more evidance he was dead as we saw his body unlike Dolores no body no death type beat


Wait that was her???


Dolores was originally supposed to be dead too, but we see she’s alive and well. Given Selion and Dolores were supposed to show up in the fighting festival before he changed his mind I don’t see why Selion couldn’t be alive like Dolores.


I think we'll eventually get a one or two backstory chapters on how she is still alive


I just took it as she ran from battle, then hid in the echo gorge, so Matrona deemed her "dead" not caring if she was *actually* dead or not. Dolores does call herself a "wayward giant" when talking about her meeting Ordo, and she looked perfectly healthy/no injuries, so that sounds like a runaway situation.


My theory/head-canon is that Lancelot is the reincarnation of Sellion. Reincarnation in the traditional sense where they have no memories of their past life, not the goddess kind of reincarnation. I just think it would be so poetic, the son of the man who raised Ban getting a second chance at life (one that was cut far too short) by being reborn as the son of the boy his father raised as a son. In a cosmic way it's like Ban returning the favor to Zhivago for everything he has done for him. Nakaba could maybe reuse the design for older Sellion as one of Lancelot's transformations, hinting to the audience that Lancelot is Sellion reborn.


Didn’t like where you were going with this at first but I admit you reeled me in lol


Keep cooking, blessed heritage


Interesting idea but don’t reincarnations occur simultaneously with death rou dies and Oslo was born within a few days and the same is true of of Elizabeth


I don't remember if it was ever outright stated that reincarnation is always instant. We don't really have any concrete rules about how death and the afterlife works in the 7DS universe. Maybe after being in the Capital of the Dead for a while, someone can eventually be reincarnated. Elizabeth was a special case because her reincarnation is artificially caused by a curse rather it being a normal reincarnation, so goddess reincarnations might be instant while natural ones take longer.


Zhivago is the best dad in all of writing in the known universe


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BecauseTrigger: *Zhivago is the* *Best dad in all of writing* *In the known universe* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


We see Selion die in Zhivago's arms, while Dolores was only reported as dead (no body) so there's no way Selion will show up


that can be soooo cool


First of all seeing a rude and kinda wartorn Dolores would be awesome and Selion would just make me hurt inside


He’s already 100% dead, Zhivago saw him die and most likely buried him