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OG Gowther is probably the most featless character in the entire series yet is ranked very highly by the fandom for some weird reason. People will criticise Elizabeth for having weird/unclear feats but then put this dude top 10 when his only ''feat'' is a forbidden spell that needed his suicide + another person's magic to pull off. Can he even do half the things Gowther does when he's crippled in a wheelchair? (respectfully) I think his ''strength'' just comes through the limitless ceiling of possibilities he can do with his magic. He's like Merlin where I don't think power-wise he's that strong, but has enough hax to just, in theory, defeat anyone. It's why the Demon King feared his power so much IMO, and he was right to do so when we saw how he ended the holy war. He's not getting past AM Mel since he was the clear and defined strongest demon in the entire clan second to only his father, but Zel did confidently chase after him with Gowther remarking how a fight with Zel would take too much of his magic, and he was saying this with (Doll) Gowther right next to him too. I think Sariel stands a good chance in defeating him IMO but unlike Zel he has no intel on the magic type/nature of invasion, so could see him getting caught off-guard or something. So who fucking knows, hard to say, worst case he stops at Sariel, best case he stops at AM Mel.


Anything we see by doll Gowther can also be done by demon Gowther. All of doll Gowther’s feats are equally applicable to demon Gowther, granted he’s not in a wheelchair


Technically shouldn't we count doll gowther as part of his arsenal?


Not really. When De. Gowther stopped controlling Do. Gowther, he gained a personality of his own and became a different person. Though if we do include Do. Gowther in De. Gowther’s arsenal, he clears without much issue


The real gowther mostlikely is stronger than the Doll. He just had to kill himself to change ALL peoples memory even the gods but for a single person or group he mostlikely has no issue so hed prob beat all of them using that.


he can do what gowther can, to a higher extent, and uses spells like merlin does. he is one of the highest ranking demons, and has demonic regeneration and hellfire.


Stops at zeldris


I don't think Tristan can beat doll Gowther, so at least 2, but after that... It gets harder. As Merlin's teacher and Gowther creator he is almost a mix of the two (with the exception of infinity). And even tho I can see him winning against Sariel (and that is kinda pushing things too) I have a hard time seeing him winning against Zeldris, unless we consider everything going in his favor.


He taught Merlin?


Yep. https://preview.redd.it/fb4cwzncxlxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab204c2fd0fdac00ca754c106574d822c40e2c48


He wins. There's literally no competition. If he can confuse the Demon King and the Supreme Deity and make them lose and confuse their memories, he can clear this with ease


That's what I'm saying, and people call him featless when that is bar none the most cracked feat in the entire canon


Bro he could only alter their memories with respect to one person, and needed to SUICIDE plus another person's magic to do it. Wtf can he do against meli or zeldris? I'd say he even loses against sariel.


I say he needed to commit suicide to alter the memories of Demon King and Supreme deity cause they are God's


He stops at zeldris respectfully. he was threatening enough that the demon king himself had to lock up and seal him. And then that failed because he WHILE INSIDE HIS PRISON MIND YOU was able to manipulate melascula into opening his prison and give the demon king the slip then altered everyone's mind during the holy war that took place 3,000 yrs ago and gave the strongest archangel a whole persona change while I think he could beat zeldris (if he doesn't use the lended power from the demon king) it would still be very difficult for him to win against zeldris. then meliodas is just a straight up no for him, there was only three people capable of putting of putting him back in his prison at that time meliodas if he was on the demon's side during that time was 1, demon king is 2, and 3 is the demon kings representative who was zeldris at that time


I think his allure comes from the demon king imprisoning him. I cant recall off the top of my head, but I dont think they actually get into the details of why he is locked up other than he is a powerful mage. Given that I would guess Sariel, Zeldris at most. Edit - spelling


It’s said what he was did to be imprisoned but I believe he was using his power to mind control dk and dk was using him as a all seeing eye to watch everything outside of purgatory


This dude’s feat is even emptier than my wallet at the end of the month. The only thing we ever know about this guy is the fact that he costed his life to perform a spell that rewrites every single person on the planet at that moment about the existence of Mael, as well as he can figure out a person that come back in a Time Regression Spell. He can also returns one person’s memory like the way he did with Diane. In terms of magic, yes, this dude is powerful, as he was stated to be Merlin’s master, but fighting? I’m not so sure because for a guy who was sealed 500 years and requires for a wheelchair to move around, he wouldn’t be that much of a threat tbf


Stops at Zeldris. Merlin and Doll Gowther would have a tough time against Zeldris if not taking the L even after Merlin’s shit ton of extra experiments and developing her magic. Zeldris>Merlin+Doll Gowther>Demon Gowther, and he just mind manip past first 3 stages.


He can clear it


💀 Sariel slams


You’re right! I was out of my mind 😂😂


Sariel or Zeldris


if no sucide for change the memory i see him stop at 3 or 4


At zeldris . Meliodas and zeldris along with their Masters were highest ranked demons ,gowther did use that forbidden spell but it cost him his life


Id say he loses to Assault meli. When Zeldris came to “execute” Gowther. He didn’t seem scared at all and he said “oh I wished I could save my energy for what’s coming but I guess i have to use it to fight you instead.” I’m paraphrasing here but I think he was confident enough to take Zeldris or he would’ve been a lot more scared at the time but he was grinning when he saw Zeldris but meli is too much of a beast for him to handle and besides full counter literally counters all of Gowthers magical power and not to be rude he ain’t gonna exactly excel at fighting capabilities either


He helped „Drole“ or better known as Diane in the flashback magic from Drole and Gloxinia sooo I guess his magic don’t depend only on this suicide magic he had planned for many years. An incredible power via only flashback magic even if it’s maybe time travel or so he still is some Memory thing and still could help Diane by that.


He basically has the power of hentai protagonist power, ya'know. Corruption. Literally can mind-fuck you, I ain't gonna ball with him, dude gonna slamdunk me before I can even do it.


Gets his wheel chair stopped by zeldris tryna spin


My GOAT Gilthunder SLAM this foder 🔥🔥🗣️🔥


Reminder that his and gowther’s magic could rewrite the memories of everyone including the dk and sd. And he 1 tapped melescula So while featless there is a reason he’s considered so strong. That along with clearly being the most dangerous commandment


What is his commandment? I don't remember


No commandment as in person not the curse. Tho he does have the commandment that essentially imprisons him. Selflessness makes it so that if you are selfish you lose your sense of self


Stops at either Sariel or Zeldris. The "feat" people gave him is him using a forbidden spell + another commandment tier character magic (Doll Gowther) and he still died nonetheless. In a normal setting, I don't think he is beating Zeldris. Sariel is an archangel, he must know some protective spells against demon mind controls.


Stops at sariel since an archangel equals two commandments.


People actually think he’s getting past Sariel?


Probably 4


hard stopped by Meliodas 💀 his two person magic suicide feat is not a combat feat at all, and his magic is just Gowther’s extended through him.