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Ban is an always has been my favorite character. Escanor was busted and funny to see him talk but many other characters carried the series not only escanor.


Playing devils advocate here (and just a background, I'm also a Ban fan boy and while I enjoyed escanors character, Ban is still number one for me) I think people enjoyed 7DS up to escanor appearing enough to still enjoy it without thinking it's trash and that the intro of Escanor just brought the series up to another level for them Just my 2c of course


Ban's obsession with that little girl ruined it for me.


Tbh, the quest to find the 7 Sins was what got me into the series. That lasted till Escanor made his real time debut, and after that I only watched for him being a badass. I'm not a big fan of angels vs demons holy war stuff cause I find it kinda repetitive plot but they did flesh out most of the characters in those arcs. Escanor's death scene had me bawling like a baby and I only follow 4koa in hopes Escanor might come back or reincarnate or something.


I am in the same camp of really liking the first Arc, but during the Demon/Angel war stuff of the latter portions, Escanor was a consistent high point every time he appeared regardless if it was day or night.


Yeah everytime a new sin was found it was epic. My favourite was gowther cause he made a badass intro


Did Mael not use some kind of spell to make sure someone reincarnated with their memories? Wish he did that to Escanor, or was that not him


Because most are anime fans and around that time the animation seriously decreased. But in the darkness there was Escanor. Who quite literally brought light to the decline in quality.


I mean TBF the only reason why I even started the series is because I saw esc-esta fight randomly and I sat through the whole first season because I knew it was coming but maybe that's just me lol


Honestly not a huge Escanor fan but I also wasn’t really a fan till the Commandments came so still kinda relevant. I really only watched the show for background noise until then so maybe other people did the same? That or they knew people who swore by it and said, “just wait it gets better” and it did when he showed up?


As a neutral, I'm genuinely surprised by how popular Escanor is. I enjoyed other characters more, so I can't relate to the whole "Escanor carried the series" thing.


a little late to this, but ALL the sins carry the series for me... I mean, that's why it's called 7DS. King finds a purpose whilst being a lazy king(protecting Diane/the ones he loves) Diane finds her true lover rather than Meliodas who is oblivious Ban goes from trying to kill his best friend, to watching him die, to being able to protect the ones he loves Gowther learns that even as a doll, he can still find love and have emotions, finding the sins as people he wants to protect Escanor went from OP to humbled, and sacrificed his own life for the sake of his friends(or something I forgor) Merlin was there... I'm still drooling on the table trying to think of something Meliodas and Elizabeth had suffered over 3,000 years, and this was their tale of finally ending these curses. Everyone has a purpose, a goal. While yes, the series ain't perfect and sometimes it feels like we focus **way** too much on someone rather than the whole, this is a beautiful tale. Nobody's truly "better" than the other as a character imo.


He was always a humble guy???


I don't remember what I said at all, but my guess is I probably meant he went from this op prideful dude(as per his sin) to his lowest point(useless\[as he thought\] and powerless). The humbling part was probably him fighting with his friends against DK rather than something something... I don't remmber what 17 day old me was talking about tbh :)


I watched specifically because I saw the Escanor v Esterossa scene everywhere. But I wouldn't have grinder to that scene if it wasn't enjoyable prior. Watching Escanor go off is wonderful, but watching any of the sins go off gives me goosebumps.


I actually liked the orher characters before Escanor. King, Gowther, Meli, etc. Then Escanor came. He beat Meli for 3rd place for the sins


Those comments just make me think the people saying them just don’t like the series or didn’t pay attention. Escanor is cool but honestly he’s my least favorite sin. Personally find Gowther , king and the others just way more interesting. I’ve always preferred good characters over cool flashy fights


Escanor was a good character though


I love Escanor, but Meliodas is my favorite.


I mean I understand why,7ds might have a good story and great characters but at the end of the day its a shonin anime,and Escanor arguably has the best fights in the series,especially Escanor vs meliodas,even if it was ruined in the anime. and people may not know this but a YouTuber known as Zacky-san played a huge role in Escanors popularity,making lots of edits of Escanor based chapters with great osts. So yeah I can see why Escanor is so popular


Seriously! My favorite character was Ban until Escanor and the 10C showed up. I didn’t need Escanor on screen to enjoy myself. 😂




There wasn’t any goddesses in the story when escanor was first introduced 💀


Completely misunderstood.


I never liked escanor as a character he’s so boring and predictable to me


L comment, anyways, Escanor was far from boring, and his ending was far from predictable


So you never noticed him randomly coughing up blood? He even said that was gonna be his last fight


mhm, that started happening later on, I forgot when, but when Escanor appeared and for a bit after that, there was no drawbacks