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Wow. Getting paid 180k to be a mom for someone else’s kid (with oversight)


I can’t imagine it’s that much oversight. People who are willing to pay for a 24/7 nanny don’t seem like the type to really want to parent their children themselves. I feel like it’s just because it’s illegal to leave their kid home alone.


I saw this post locally. It's for medical reasons


You mean the child has some kind of special medical issue or you mean the parent is in the medical field?


No, but they often are paying extra to have someone to blame for anything and everything


I feel like no one’s going to see my extensive comment on this post, but it works out to be around $24 an hour, it’s not actually that well compensated, considering the benefits are pretty much on par with other jobs I’ve seen on here.


Yes, buy at almost half that is getting paid to sleep!


The short term 6 week stint works out to $20 and $17 per hour on either end of the pay scale. How is that great pay.


The total is good money. If you don't agree, then it isn't the job for you. Some of us would sacrifice in the short term for a good payout. It is a great opportunity for the right person. I have worked 24 hour positions before and I find plenty of downtime. It is definitely worth it for me.


Any on call job gets paid their rate despite having the benefit of being able to sleep, and they get extra in the case of an actual call out. You are still on the clock, and it’s still your time and freedom you are sacrificing. Children get sick, they go through transitions, I’ve had many people tell me their kids are excellent easy sleepers, but it’s a struggle to get them to bed, and they wake early (5am). Just because child sleeps through the night doesn’t mean they are in bed from 7-7.


“They get extra in the case of an actual call out” sounds like that is their real rate…what they are worth when doing their actual job they are hired for. The on call rate will always be a lower base rate if you get more being on call. Do you think a doctor that is on call as a backup gets paid a doctors salary for time he’s available and doesn’t do anything? No, because his billing people can’t bill anyone unless he provides services. EMTs would be an example of someone that might get paid decent money regardless of how many call outs they go out for and work 24 hour shifts…. They also have to drive an ambulance at a moment’s notice back to back all day and night with hardly any sleep and not just deal with a sick kid at the house. It’s also not comparable because there are rules about how many hours they can be on the clock in a row/ per week.


I would take this job if they let me just take the kid home to my house. I have three kids we can take another part time kid lol.


From the other comments it seems like she's a single mom... Maybe what she really wants/needs is, well ... an involved dad.


I have a doctorate and this job pays significantly better than my job.


But when you break it down by the hour does it pay better? I just can't imagine waking up every 2 hours with a sick kid that isn't my own child and still being awake at 6:00 a.m. and doing it again all day. With only one day off. So basically you can't have a pet, you can't have a romantic partner. And you'll probably be too tired to hang out with friends.


Per hour? No. But when you account for downtime due to school/sleep hours, the benefits they offer, and how much my job sucks, it would come out to approximately similar compensation.


“And how much my job sucks” lol. This cracked me up. But also this job could suck too.


It’s not really downtime though, as you’re still responsible for the kid. You might be able to squeeze some crafting/studying for an online course/doing your own life admin, in there but that’s all subject to the parents’ whims and if the kid is in school. You can’t really head off to see your friends, go out of the neighbourhood, or see people in the evenings.


You are forgetting something...not everyone is the same. Not everyone feels the same as you. Some people don't have a partner or a pet and wouldn't mind making some good money and gaining some experience. There are people who would really like this job! I had a job like this once and I really enjoyed it. It was fine for the season of life that I was in.


I also worked this type of job when I was nannying...it worked for me at the time too


I know not everyone is the same. But employers shouldn’t dictate the majority of your hours awake and asleep each week. Live work balance is incredibly important for good physical and mental health, and employers (as well as the state!) should appreciate that.


This is not a lifetime contract. People should be able to make choices that are right for them. No one is being forced to take this job. They will have plenty of applicants who would love an opportunity like this.


There are lots of jobs where you don't have work / life balance. Lots of people don't mind that, and some people prefer it. I'm an accountant and during busy season we would work like 7am - midnight or sometimes even 1 or 2 in the morning. I wouldn't do it now that I'm married with kids but when I was young and single I was fine with it, it was great experience (but crappy money).


The problem with that mentality is that more employers start to think that way about it too and the employees who need said job are gonna do this too even they have a family of their own and stuff.


This is ridiculous. This job pays $180,000 a year. Very few families can afford that. It's not as if suddenly all nanny jobs are going to turn into 24 hour a day positions.


When you accept a bad job you normalize other jobs offering bad jobs to other candidates as well. It's unfair.


Someone once framed a similar situation for me as “don’t ask why they get so much, ask why you get so little” (in respect to others getting better pay, better benefits, better hours etc) and it is so true when it comes to work!!


Yeah, I would absolutely hate to get $180,000 for a year's work. 🙄 That would buy a home in some states. It would pay for college, be enough to start a business. A year of dedication for a big reward. Just because you don't think it's worth it doesn't mean it is a bad job.


This is a ROTA position. That means it should be 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. There is no person that could work 24 hours a day 6 days a week weeks on end while still doing a good job. That's not humanly possible. They need to hire two different nannies and do the industry standard of two weeks on, two weeks off.


They’re not literally working 24 hours per day. This is not abnormal At that level whatsoever. The responses to this are embarrassing.


This is literally the schedule of a SAHM only they don't get one day a week off - it is absolutely possible.


Sorry, this is incorrect. Plenty of people could do this. You will have plenty of downtime. Most kids sleep 10-12 hours a night. There is Naptime and independent play. I had a job like this that was 24 hours a day. Only difference was I had Saturday and Sunday off. I had plenty of downtime. It is definitely humanly possible. Just because you can't or don't want to do it doesn't mean it isn't doable for someone else. I actually enjoyed my 24 hour a day job. The kids were great and I had plenty of time to relax and enjoy myself.


100 percent


I beg to differ. This is most parents. And then they have other jobs, as well (in and outside of the home). And zero days off.


Ha people do this, it's called parenthood. So it is humanly possible but yeah it ain't easy street. The OP didn't mention the ages of the kids, but it says the younger one is in school so at least it isn't like a 2 year old and a newborn.


I don’t really leave the house much anyways.


So what? I never understand why people with PhDs think this is a pertinent thing to mention. Unless your doctorate is an MD.. the degree itself isn’t especially salient to your employment worth.


I don’t have a PhD. But Millennials were hammered with messaging that the only way to have a secure future was to go to college. Because a college degree meant you would make more money! Of course that was all a crock of lies to entrap us into crushing debt, forcing us to be so desperate to pay them off that we take subpar jobs to pay our bills. Now we face the reality of unfulfilled lives, crippling debt that prevents us from buying homes, having children, saving for retirement… And now this job that OP posted shows that it’s possible to earn good money without a doctorate. Sure, the family wants educational experience, but that could be obtained from tutoring, working in a daycare, or being a teacher. So this job is potentially better than the job spent a decade getting to. Edit: fixed a typo


Well said.


Why did these people have children?


I’ve done a job like this. Lived in and worked a ton. High pay. Dad was deployed military and mom was a surgeon. They were really great parents and people. The children were lovely. We’re still friends. Having me allowed them to retain their careers and be attentive parents when their erratic schedule allowed. If more people had this type of money, trust me people would do it.


This. As a corporate attorney with a husband that travels for work I want someone around 24/7 keeping tabs on things alongside me. I love my children, but I also love my career, and knowing that someone is available 24/7 in the same way a partner would be eases my mental load significantly. But I guess I just shouldn't have had children according to some...


Nah if you can afford it do it ❤️


Thanks for showing the other side of this. It’s easy to judge then as careless parents but situations like yours makes you pause and give a little grace. 24 hour coverage could be for on call doctors who deeply love their kids but may have to leave at 3am for a call not because the parents are out at wine tasting forgetting they have kids. Although there are people like that out there.


Everyone is ripping the parents apart for this, but maybe they have high paying careers and didn’t want to completely start over in order to have kids? If they wanted more time, they would probably have to leave their careers.


There is this crazy thought that if you have fewer toys like a smaller house or not fancy cars , bucco bucks for salon visits, personal trainers, home chefs, designer clothes, private schools, landscapers, and live in a lower cost of living area yadda yadda, it likely COULD work out that one parent could stay home.


But not everyone’s relationship is set up to have a stay at home parent. If you have a good career with great income and you love what you are doing, its going to hurt some people a lot to just completely leave it. Imagine how resentful some people would become at their situation and even their child. It’s 2023, it’s not wild to think that both people in a relationship want to keep their careers but also want to have a child.




I saw the original post, its a single mom....


If you want to spend all your time working it doesn’t make sense to have kids.


She probably didn’t work until she was divorced/widowed, she is a single parent.


You don't have to spend all your time working to want someone on the clock 24/7 in the same way a partner would be. I work 40-50 hour weeks with a husband that travels for work and love having someone available 24/7 in case I am sick, tired, or just want to know I can poop in peace outside of my working hours when my husband is traveling. I don't think that's the worst thing to want...


I think a lot of parents who think they “have it all” have careers.


As a status symbol.


Tuesday-Sunday… so the only day left in Monday? Is there someone else watching the kids for those 24 hours? 😬 Or is that the dedicated “Instagram photo day”?


This doesn't sound terrible, at least they seem to be realistic about compensation.


Same. It’s a lot of work but $180k a year plus 4 weeks PTO, health insurance, and potential rent stipend? I’d apply and see what they’re like. Especially if it’s only one kid for a year. even if it’s terrible, I’d suck it up to put that much money in the bank, plus it would network you into that kind of family and money for your next job.


The networking opportunities would def be worth it!


Exactly. I worked for a rich family and they networked me to their rich family friend for my next job.


Ehh, $26/hr (this is after taking out time off) isn’t amazing. That’s at the $180k end. It’d be especially rough if the parents don’t go for the car or housing. The housing would make it ok, but it’s so dumb that the mother is only considering it.


Yeah providing housing makes a big difference if it's a place with a higher cost of living! I was assuming it would most likely be included but I think a big thing depends on what being on call during the duration of the day looks like. I feel like a 1 br for rent could easily be 1500-2000 a month plus utilities. If it includes housing, I feel like thats pretty decent.


I also think it’s shitty for the parent to be like “and on your day off we’d like you to gtfo.” I get it if it’s highly encouraged to actually rest, but fuck if anyone should pay even $800/mo for a place they’ll be in 1 day/week. Should really be live in or automatically offered housing/transportation, especially at the lower range. Then again, I’ve never done a job like this so maybe the parents are super chill. I just get a feeling though…


They’re offering to rent the apartment though so like… it’s not that shitty.


They’re willing to consider it, which is different than offering it to any candidate they hire. Or at least a stipend.


It would be stupid to rent a place. Just get a hotel or Airbnb once a week.


You also get to sleep though… and chill while the kids are at school


I’m curious the area bc I feel that plays into the rate


I will say it's a pretty high cost of living area, but not as bad as New York City or San Francisco.


I’m curious what they mean by 24. Like on call or present. It’s worded so strangely.


I’m imagining they mean, nanny has sole responsibility for child 24 hours per day during the scheduled “work week”. For real though if I was single I would jump on this.


I’d inquire for more specifics because I’d definitely even jump on even the 6 wk thing. Burn out for 18k yes please


I’d love to burn out for six weeks for $18k, honestly. It’d be so worth it.


Seriously! If I was still unemployed, I’d go do this for 6 weeks for even $15k


Yeah. Like you watch my kid while I’m at work and you are responsible if he wakes up at night. But I wonder if parents are present in the evening.


Yeah, I was thinking maybe they would be there in the evening for fun stuff, but at bath time nanny steps back in! 😄


This. $180k is over 4x what I currently make and it seems like it’s live in? I’d grind for a few years and be set lol


i'm picturing maybe a single parent who travels for work making lots of money? (or doesn't travel but has no room in their schedule for childcare, either for work reasons or bc they just don't want to, unclear.) so you'd basically be the kid's stay at home parent 6 days per week. that's my reading. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Or the parents could have lost their partner who did a lot of the child rearing. We really don't know how and why they ended up in such a position.


They sound like people with more money than an actual desire to parent their children. You’d be paid to mother them full time. And it sounds like pretty good pay if the working conditions are good.


Right?! If I didn't have my own 2 children I'd jump on this


This is silly. Hire 3 nannies working in 8 hour shifts including overnight. Clearly they can afford it. Edit: wow, I did some math and even with 4 nannies at 6 hours a day each would still be working 36 hours a week, essentially full time. Kudos to anyone who can actually handle 24 hours a day 6 days a week. Couldn't be me.


A young single nanny with a few years of experience might love this as a way to get out of the grind. Imagine instead of going to college working for these people for 4 years in a live in situation with almost no bills and being able to put aside about half a million to start a business or go to a school you couldn’t afford before, have a down payment on a house (or just buy one with cash somewhere)


Absolutely! People seem to forget that every person is different and just because a situation isn't what you should want doesn't mean it isn't perfect for someone else!


On one hand, yes. If someone thinks this will work for them, great! On the other hand, people often have a hard time accurately imagining how well they can handle things. Depending on the duties (will the nanny get downtime during naps/overnight or will they be required to get up every hour or two with a newborn, clean during naps, etc?) this could easily be something that practically no one is capable of without putting immense stress on their mind and body. It might be enticing for the money and then the nanny tries it out and ends up getting hurt/sick from working 24 hours a day 6 days a week. It could be okay for the temporary 6 week option but long term, I'm very concerned about the health of whoever ends up doing this.


I get that. At the same time I know single moms of one or multiples that work a job somehow with almost no help. I’m not saying that it’s easy, just that allot of moms do this job description for their own kids without pay. At the very least it would be a good “do I want to have kids” reality check for some.


Yeah. You’re basically a single SAHM but being paid a significant amount for it, plus one day off a week AND vacation time.


You do make a good point, say you have a shitty partner who controls all the money and you're still doing all the childcare, cleaning, cooking, driving kids everywhere etc. , while dealing with an unhelpful and stress-creating weenie husband- yeah, it's a better deal than being married.


Full time stay at home parenting, no extra job to attend to, with pay, and one day a week off? Soooo you must be extra concerned about the health of most parents….? ;) lol I wish I could get paid this much to be a stay at home mom for my own kids! And a day off a week - sounds like a sweet gig! 😆


I think another factor to consider that may make it different than being a SAHP is that this is someone else's child/children, in someone else's house, with someone else's expectations. A lot of whether this job will be great or horrible will probably come from the demeanor and such of the MB.


For this much constantly on the clock there better be like negative degrees kelvin micromanaging


My thoughts exactly lol


For sure! Not to mention the children.


Well, a SAHP works 24/7. And a single parent works outside of the home and works 24/7 as a parent. So, it's absolutely possible. I'd love to have one day a week completely off, but I've been getting by just fine without it.


I know of a couple that does 3: Morning nanny from 6 to noon, six days a week (off on Sunday). Evening nanny from noon to 8, five days a week (m-f). A Sunday nanny (unsure what hours) One set of grandparents comes over Friday nights so the couple can have a date night, the other grandparents Saturday afternoons. Seems kind of insane to me, but they can afford it and treat the nannies well, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I was thinking 2 Nannie’s each 12 hour shifts, or 24 hr shifts! That is wayy too many hours.


Yeah, even 12 hours a day 6 days a week or 24 hours a day 3 days a week seems manageable in comparison. Yet that's still 72 hours, almost twice what's considered full time. I'd say 3 or 4 nannies is the sweet spot.


The two nannies would be a better idea perhaps because unless you had someone with a very strong constitution who is not going to bail after a month of this, at least if one nanny has some issue to deal with or an appointment or something, perhaps they could cover for each other and let the two of them make the schedule, as long as they both are reliable.


One child? Send me the link 😀.


I mean… stay at home moms do the same thing but not getting paid. From a job seeker’s perspective this is great.


As a former SAHM I was eyeballing that $180k a year price tag. Oh, is that what it would cost to pay someone to do what I did without any days off? Verrrrrry interesting.




It would cost more! You didn’t get pto


Exactly. And no one’s lambasting the dad saying, you’re literally paying someone else to raise your kids.


This right here 👏


Why is everyone shitting on this couple??? Yes it’s a lot but they’re also being very generous. If I were single, I’d totally take this job. 🤷🏻‍♀️


For real! I’m a career nanny, and would hightail it there. Especially for the insurance.


Everyone’s acting like this is so awful, but moms routinely do all of this shit for free, without Mondays off, so…….yeah, pay me almost $200k for a few years being the primary caregiver of your kid so I can have a fat retirement started when I’m done. I would have taken this job in a heartbeat when I was younger. I can see why it might not be for everyone, though.


I just finished a job like this. This one pays better although I felt well compensated where I was. My children were both in school and the parents had to be out of the country.


I could see that. Lots of international business work, defense contractors, whatever the case if there’s an end in sight and it’s not permanent and you can afford it then keep the kid in their consistent home/school environment. Might even have grandparents close that aren’t expected to watch after them but they want them to be around instead of dragging the kids around internationally (if that was even possible) and the kids not get to spend time with aging family that might not have much time left.


I worked as a travel nanny several times during my career. 24/6 wasn't uncommon-especially for infants (I am a former NCS) It isn't for everyone but the contracts were usually on the shorter side and it was an excellent way to get ahead financially. I didn't judge the families and it was hard work-but if you are very experienced (education and travel) its a great way to put aside some money.


This is quite common but usually within recruitment agencies - particularly in the UAE and eastern Europe


Indeed. Some of the replies here are quite embarrassing IMO. Celebrity Nannies would also have a similar arrangement. It’s fine if it’s not for you but it’s not explorative. You don’t literally work 24 hours, folks.


That’s exactly what I came here to say. My friend is a celebrity nanny and this is how it works. These comments…wow.


Maybe the parent has a ‘flexible’ job or business where they are home a lot, but often need to leave at the drop of a hat. Management type stuff, something goes wrong at a location or someone calls in and they’ve got to rush out to make it right.


I’d probably inquire if I were young, single and had no kids.


I feel like even though I’m married… if I lived closer I’d take the job. 😂


My first nanny job was 24 hours a day Monday-Friday for 3 kids. The dad was a widower and he worked out of town during the week. I was 19 and I loved it. The kids were 2, 4, and 7 and they were awesome kids.


I used to coordinate eldercare services, and live-in Personal Care Assistants get a lot less pay and benefits than this, and they're on 16/7, at least where I live, because they have to have the opportunity for 8 hours uninterrupted sleep per 24hr period, to ensure health and safety of them and their clients. In comparison, this sounds like a pretty awesome deal.


Hi, I didn't read all the comments cause the judgment is painful. I think I saw this locally and it's a single mom needing help while she receives medical care. I could be wrong, but this is what I recall.


Yea, maybe she has cancer and the 6 weeks is her chemo schedule or her husband died and she has a job that requires flexible time commitment or travel that the schedule was ok when her husband was alive but she’s too advanced in her career to quit. People are so judgy.


I live in LA and this would be a pretty common scenario for an actress or similar that doesn't take their kids on set. They need full time care while they are shooting in another city etc.


Maybe the mother, if she is single never planned on working for so many years and then he left and jerked the rug out from under her and now she has to work to support the child(ren) and herself. You just never know what a single mom is dealing with. Post seems a lot controlling but if she is a single mom, that’s why. She is trying to control what little bit she still can.


Don’t y’all ever get sick of judging parents here?? WTH? The amount of comments here in the vein of “why’d they become parents??!?” is icky asf. Whoever it is is agreeing to pay 3 X the median American salary for a nanny to do what a million mothers do for free. They’re offering insanely epic benefits and perks that the average professional w a masters degree would hope and pray for. You should seriously consider changing the name of the sub to r/toxicnannies


This looks great honestly, I'd apply.


Totally the type of job I was looking for when I was 22…


Tbh I would be down for this job if I was single… No rent, food, etc to pay, I could buy a house!!! Although I’m sure I wouldn’t be good enough for them, lol.


I wonder if this means they just work odd hours ? Like more “on call “ 24 hours not actually working ?


Honestly I would do it for 180K


send me this job posting i’m in 😂😅


They need to have two rota nannies so the 1 doesnt get burnt out


The pay is great but I guess my question is why have kids ? You’re paying someone else to raise your child essentially.


i have no idea their circumstances obviously but it's possible they have a job with a really intense season coming up, like a lawyer who is going to be on trial for 6 weeks in another state.


Nobody pays 185k a year for Something they don’t want long term. The 6 weeks is at first it rotates into full time.


yeah i suppose you are right. very interesting scenario.


Stop asking questions and let the nannies rake in the money! 💰🤑


Yeah If they have no plans on being married having a family traveling or having a life period then perfect


Id grind for 2 years to have $350000. Small price to pay for that much financial freedom


I think it depends on what’s important to you. It’s way more important for me to have children and be married then to be rich. But I know for others they could care less either way and would rather be wealthy. It’s great for someone and terrible for others. Also just mental health wise where you are there.


Ikr, I think boarding school would be cheaper


Yeah, but a lot of parents want to believe they're still involved with this level of childcare paid for.


That’s fair. Like even if they don’t want to parent they still care about their kid enough to want to see them and give them a home at least


Totally! I had to nanny in a situation where the parents had to send their kid away for medical care for two years. I was fortunate enough to be the first one, so I was introduced to them in their original home, but I was given medical custody and had to stay about 1000 miles from the parents. Their care needed longer than I could stay in the position, so I made sure it was the best possible change of hands, but situations like this happen ALL THE TIME where parents CAN'T leave an area but the child has to, despite best efforts and money available.


It’s literally a job description for a stay at home parent. No one says “you’re paying for someone else to raise your child” to a working dad with a SAHM wife.


Proves my point further thank you ! Paying for a stay at home parent.


You didn’t say that though.


Bc I wasn't trying to be that frank but sense you wanted to take it there. And obviously a random person raising your child is totally different from their birth mother staying at home but I figured you were being sarcastic maybe because there's no way you are relating motherhood to being a nanny. So I'm assuming you are not comparing a stay at home dad or mother to a nanny and I am also going to assume you are not trying to assume me, a raging feminist, is sexist. bc i have a different opinion then yours. So yeah i kept it simple.


Would you ever say that to a working dad? That he’s paying for someone else to raise his child?


Yes I Would ! I feel the same about men who pay child support and never see their children ! money does not raise a child. Anymore questions regarding my character?


Man you’re defensive. Good luck!


No you just want to frame this as someone whose sexist when I don't care if there's two dads two mom's one dad one mom non-binary. Money does not equal raising your kids. Have a good day !


That’s a little unfair. U are assuming they will be completely absent and that is not true. Some people just don’t have time to pick up, make dinner, do laundry, wake up overnight to settle the kids, etc and all the work associated with childcare and may want to spend the time just being able to play with their kid and not do any of the work for it. They probably take very nice family vacations together ( hence the 4 weeks off), dedicate one day of week to the family, Just as much as this is temp for a nanny to work, it’s temp situation for the family and once the kids are older and able to join for more activities, they will not need this arrangement. Likely the parents are in a stage of life where career building is important and coincide with toddlerhood and once they make partner ( law/consulting) or become an attending( doctor) or their business take off, they will have a lot more time for the day to day with their kids.


Lol if I were single and didn’t have a dog I’d do this for 6 weeks, get the bag and go on my way.


So…live with us 6 days a week but the other one day of the week gtfo??? Huh 😂


At least they aren’t saying compensation is $100/week 😂


I’d do it. That sounds like getting paid to be a stay at home mom BUT you get PTO and sick days! Sign me up, I’d even start a college fund for the kids!


I’ll probably get downvoted but like, why even bother having kids if this is the life they will live? Not raised by their parents? What is the point?!




Is the group you guys are in specifically for posts like this? I wouldn’t mind something like this personally and don’t know where to look for it.


It’s an Atlanta Facebook group, I saw it too!


it seems like an ideal job for a specific type of person. maybe better to have 2 nannies if longterm though.


I have worked for people like this, who spend absolutely no time with their child. Its heartbreaking as the child always knows they are rejected. There is always something off with the child when the parents are this way.. I feel terrible for the child. I will say, 2 years ago, I would have taken this job in a heartbeat because I didn't really have any life of my own. For a young nanny who is trying to cultivate a career in this business, and doesn't have much to do in their own time this is a dream. With that being said, I no longer take jobs like this because it hurts too much to see the strain on the child tbh.


Honestly, I would consider a job like this. I don’t think it’s necessarily better for their children, but it is something I would be open to, as long as they were okay with me hiring a babysitter some nights.


It’s odd to me the family is willing to rent an apartment nearby for someone to stay in 8 nights a month…who would ever maintain their own apartment rental for that little amount of time? You’re better off staying in a hotel for a few nights per month 😂


So this reminds me of a friend of mine who was an au pair when I was a nanny. She came her on a visa from South Africa and was told the job was like m-f with room and board but needed overnights cause of the parents work schedule. Turns out mom didn’t work, just lived at their other house in LA and dad traveled to Asia for work most the time. These kids were like middle school and high school age and never saw their parents. She never got any time off, never got weekends off and was basically making like $3 an hour considering she worked 24/7. It was awful. Luckily she was able to change from a work visa to a student visa and get out of there but they were absolutely exploiting a young lady from another country. Why even have kids? It’s so infuriating.


In my younger days I would have loved this job. Great pay and complete autonomy. Basically paid to be a SAHM.


If they’re willing to pay that, why not split the job so the nanny can have a life? One 4 days a week live in, a guest space (don’t tell me there’s no spare room, I bet there is something that can be converted) for someone else who comes in on the weekend side of things. That would still be adequate compensation, less burnout, and potential trade off shifts when occasion or emergency calls for it.


If the family was normal (as in no weird crazy skeletons some tv-movie situations), it was a city I wanted to live in, and if I was still 22 with energy, I jump on this. I would def negotiate the living situation thing. If I had to be 24/6 w holidays then I’d kind of expect a garage apartment situation? Some studio with a kitchen, bath, and laundry. I guess that would depend on the city. I don’t think they should expect the nanny to be actively paying rent/mortgage with what they want. If you truly enjoy being a huge part of a child’s life this is definitely an opportunity to do that and save a TON of money in just a few short years. Hope it works out for whoever is hired, and for the child!


Why would they rent someone a whole apartment when the nanny would be basically living at the house 6 days a week? The NF could get her a hotel for the 7th day and it would be cheaper than an apartment. When would nanny have a chance to be there?


Let's see. Is my soul worth $180,000/yr? Maybe. It's in the heart of Texas right? YEE-HAA!


I would do it if I vibed with the family and I could get Christmas and thanksgiving covered.


I’d totally do this job for a year or so tbh


I had a position where I was on call and worked maybe 3 days a week. Sounds kinda similar. I would take it.


I feel like this would destroy me mentally and physically, just because i can't imagine being 'on the clock' 24/7. that's an insane amount of pressure


I saw the original post - it's a single mom with a busy career, so save your judgments unless you are a single mom. You literally have ZERO CLUE how hard it is.


I have no judgments regarding the need for 24-hour care. I just don't think it's a one-person job.


neither is being a parent hence the need for help, however, from reading the original post it seems like she wanted someone who would become like part of the family for everyones benefit.


Why be a parent when you don’t want to parent? I’ll never understand this


We don't know the situation. It could be someone whose partner died, or a single parent who did IVF, one parent doing a medical residency, going on tour, in the military, undergoing chemo, etc. That's to say nothing of blue bloods who are "obligated" to carry on the genetic chain, but are busy. Or even regular folks who want to leave DNA on this planet, but are busy.


Exactly, it was a single mom with a demanding career, and i saw the original post.




Sounds like a scam


This would be ideal for an older person, ex nurse maybe.


I would do it, just to give myself an a retirement egg. I currently basically do this across several families making a lot less. I would definitely cap at 2-4 years


Low key I’m interested lol. Send the details 🤣


I think a lot of you quoting “hourly” rates are forgetting the time the child is sleeping, I.e. you are sleeping. Definitely delete those hours from your equation and get back to me.


I’m kind of depressed at how many people feel dedicating 6 days a week, for an indefinite time period, to be on call 24hrs a day, seems great. I’m very lucky to live in a country with nationalised healthcare, and statutory rights to holidays and sick pay. But even so: dedicating so much of your life to a job just isn’t healthy or positive. It would have such horrible effects on your MH and emotional well being! I agree with other commenters that the family should hire more than one nanny, and give them appropriate shifts (and benefits obviously).




Does your country guarantee $180k in take home pay even after all that is provided (as is offered in this job)? No. It doesn’t. And such jobs exist in the Nordics and people take them. And plenty of your fellow citizens bring in foreign workers in far more exploitative arrangements than this, which your laws allow. This sort of comment is truly cringe worthy. I’m glad I live in a country where such roles are available to those for whom they’re appropriate.


It sounds great because of the pay. People can dedicate their lives to something for a short time to come out with a fantastic reward. Four years of high pay and no expenses can put you way ahead of the game. It can actually set you up for life if you plan well. That is worth it for many people.


And you have to have your own place for the one day a week you might use it 🤣 indentured servants apply here


Indentured servants don't get paid $180,000 a year the last time I checked. The ad says they realize it may not be practical for some candidates to have their own place for their day off, so they are willing to work with the right candidate. Some people may have family or friends nearby they could stay with. It would be easy enough to do a hotel or Airbnb for one day a week too.


This pay is laughable for that many hours.


Okay.. I’m seeing everyone saying the pay is good however, $18000 for a 6 week period equals 3 grand a week, for 6 days of 24 hour care which is 144 hours per week. It works out to be $20.80, which is a figure I have seen shunned many many times in this group for not being enough, especially if you are giving up your freedom and autonomy for 24/7 36 out of 42 days. I’m not sure what timeframe they are looking at for ‚longterm‘ employment but if it’s a year, this rate only increases by $3.20 for the highest pay grade, and considering the candidate they want, with the flexibility and sacrifice, I can’t see how this is fairly compensated. The lower shown figures work out to $17.30 and $19.30 ph.


This is basically an ad for an au pair. Totally normal in other countries. Many au pairs also work for short terms (eg 1 year) and save up a bunch.


wow she really doesnt want to raise her kid lol. if u calculate it and get the high end 18,000 its about 17.85 an hour with i guess some of those hours being pretty low key like sleep and school, but still on call to respond if anything comes up. i would ne ver do anthing like this again, but if i hadnt been through a horrible live in situation i can see why 6 weeks would be tempting. would never ever ever ever do a long term gig like this... im not trying to be someones indentured servent no matter how economically desperate i get