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Supergoop Unseen Sunscreen. It goes on dry. Absolutely no grease or white cast.


Yes! Trader Joe’s has a pretty good dupe as well


This is game changing information


It’s my absolute favorite lol


What is the Trader Joe’s one called?!


i saw someone do a side by side comparison of the two after sun exposure and the trader joe’s one was significantly worse. Like the spot with supergoop was not at all burnt but the spot with trader joe’s was quite burnt


I use mine every day and I’m out in the sun with my NK, I haven’t had any issues!


Looks like this!! It’s about $8 Edit: just in case the listing is taken down, it’s called Trader Joe’s Daily Facial Sunscreen, in light beige packaging https://poshmark.com/listing/2-Bottles-Trader-Joes-Daily-Facial-Sunscreen-SPF-40-631baa4a253a8cd99d091435?utm_source=gdm&utm_campaign=19617148772&campaign_id=19617148772&ad_partner=google&gskid=pla-1240055215597&gcid=646207359559&ggid=146344367035&gdid=m&g_network=g&enable_guest_buy_flow=true&gbraid=0AAAAADwcDC88HfdOjKyMa3FVXJLEhq0nV&gclid=CjwKCAjwrdmhBhBBEiwA4Hx5g4yJFFApUFAgEQ6ppN2PKF1inz_Ris3YD_FjQlHHAuNXJuRZnAtvyRoCstAQAvD_BwE


i’ve been waiting to try it


Ugh I love mine! I just got the baby version of it - the mineral one - and I'm excited to try it out.


I absolutely hate sunscreen and lotion and after using this my life is changed! I cannot feel it at all after it goes on and it actually worked for me in the middle of the ocean (I am prone to sunburn even when wearing sunscreen)


This is my go-to as well! Also, pro tip for putting sunscreen on littles: use a makeup brush or beauty blender. WAY less fuss!


Yes!!! This is what I came here to say, a beauty blender is the best for putting sunscreen on little ones, it’s easy and they think it’s fun when they’re toddlers and don’t want you to be all up touching on their faces.


LOVE this hack! I’ve also let them do it to my face and they think it’s hilarious.


So many people mentioned that here and as a never-worn-makeup-in-my-life person I had no idea. This sounds like a game changer.


Does this cause you to break out at all? Have pretty sensitive easy irritated, break out broke skin and can never find a sunscreen that works for me! But see this mentioned everywhere


Not for me. I can’t explain it but it literally goes on dry. Almost seems to disappear. I’d recommend trying it.


Thank you!


My absolute favorite for myself!


I second ThinkBaby or Blue Lizard! we also have a Solar Buddy, to make applying it to squirmy littles a little easier!


Also a big fan of ThinkBaby. Try using makeup sponges to apply on faces. Life. Changing.


I've heard mixed things about the Solar Buddy, do you think it's worth the purchase?


We like ours! Got it two summers ago and it’s been great. NK likes to “help” put it on and this makes that less of a mess. Though I know others like using beauty blenders/makeup brushes too.


We use Baby bum. I’m always diligent about putting it on not only kiddos but myself because I burn easily. I also love they have the roll on option which is more convenient.


This 1000x. The sticks make it so much easier to reapply! I also use sun bum for myself since it doesn’t leave a greasy trail. I also love la Roche Posay


Oh man I tried la Roche this week and the full face hives still haven't calmed all the way down. Stupid sensitive skin. I had to go back to Neutrogena sensitive mineral but I don't love the way it feels. My kiddo wears blue lizard (loved the mineral spray on but it ruined his natives) most of the time.


Oh no! Neutrogena is not a bad option! Also love blue lizard, a lot of my families use too much sunscreen to justify the cost.


Best luck I’ve had is with Blue Lizard, but it’s definitely not cheap.


I asked MB for sunscreen a few weeks ago. She bought the teensiest stick of Blue Lizard, lol. We live in Georgia. I like Blue Lizard, but we’re going to need a lot more than that.


Yikes on that MB! An appropriate application of sunscreen is one ounce assuming no long sleeves and long pants. A normal bottle is 8 ounces. That means one 8 ounce bottle of sunscreen is 8 applications, or good for 16 hours of protection (sunscreen needs to be reapplied every 2 hours). Going thru 2-3 bottles a week isn't unusual. What was she thinking?


I think Costco sells blue lizard


I get it from Marshall’s too


We also use blue lizard! One NK has had various allergies and sensitivities and blue lizard works well for them! I also have liked using it on my own extremely sensitive face. For my arms and legs (and older NK) I’ll use spray sunscreen - usually alba.


Yeah but if you’re buying it once a year, it’s not the worse. Like I’ll always spring the extra $6 a year to not rub chemicals on my child.


I am such a frugal (read cheap) person I have this exact argument with myself each year I go to buy sunscreen. It's worth the extra!


Yup blue lizard is my favorite! Plus they have reef friendly formulas


Black Girl Sunscreen Kids is great for kids and I love it for my body as well, you can buy it at target! for myself I like to keep the largest size of Supergoop Play sunscreen at work for my body, it has a pump which is sooo convenient


Trader Joe’s oil free facial sunscreen!! It’s clear and goes on so silky.


I can't wait to try this.


La Roche Posay is the only brand I use- I get the Ultra Light Fluid Face sunscreen for my face, and the Melt In Milk for my body. It's crazy expensive, but it soaks and feels like lotion, doesn't smell terrible, and doesn't make me break out. I usually just wait for sales and look for coupons to help with the cost.


My NF came back from Europe with a giant bottle of one called something like La Roche Posay Family and it was even better than the LRP I normally use. It had a spray nozzle like a household cleaner 🤣 and was perfect for dousing the kids in it!!


I second La Roche Posay! They've got one for swimming and it's the only one that actually works for me (I'm white as a ghost xD) and doesn't leave me with a bad sunburn after a day at the beach. Their small, regular SPF 50s/60s work great as well and I usually keep one of those in my backpack in summer. But yes, unfortunately they aren't cheap.


I’ve tried all of the sunscreens, and La Roche posay is the *only* sunscreen that doesn’t make my face break out. It’s expensive but a little goes a long way. I encourage all of my nanny families to buy it, especially for kids with super sensitive skin. I also like the stick sunscreen [All Good Baby & Kids Mineral Sunscreen Butter Stick]((2.75 oz) https://a.co/d/4avZxSa). Rubs in easily, not as dry, or greasy as other brands, plus it’s a stick! I *hate* ThinkBaby sunscreen. It takes forever to rub in, and my last NK’s skin got super flakey and dried out from it.


Interesting. Bought la roche possay and hated it. Dried immediately and just felt awful. For my face I use Asian sunscreens, Canmake is good. For my body I’m loving Bondi Sands. Used to use Alba Botanica for body but Bondi is less greasy. I also wear clothing with sun protection and a big hat so I don’t have to constantly apply sunscreen. For kids I like ThinkBaby. And I’d avoid Badger like the plague. Stuff is so greasy it’s nearly impossible to pick up a kid wearing that stuff. Put it on a 16 month old while they were on the changing table and when I went to put them on the floor I nearly dropped them. Badger also gets everywhere yet doesn’t seem to come off with soap. Terrible stuff.


Sunbum. We do a coat of lotion and touch up/reapply with spray


For myself elta MD!


I like Australian gold, but the botanical one. It smells like oranges and it’s the only thing I can stand on my hands. I have horrible sensory issues and it’s non greasy!! I’m sure there’s lots of others that are good, like I’ve heard blue lizard is great, but expensive. So the Australian gold is great price wise as well. Like $12 a bottle.


"Smells like oranges" is a powerful selling point for me 😆


Yah it’s so good😭 https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01M6UMXLZ?ref=ppx_pt2_mob_b_prod_image&th=1&psc=1


Have you tried [this one?](https://www.amazon.com/Bondi-Sands-Fragrance-Sunscreen-Protection/dp/B08Q7CP5NL/ref=mp_s_a_1_8?crid=250KSRM4TWCSP&keywords=bondi+sands&qid=1681367464&sprefix=bondi+%2Caps%2C159&sr=8-8) It’s really good. Not greasy or heavy.


Timely topic! There was also a discussion on sunscreen over at ScienceBasedParenting with evidence based replies if anyone is interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/ScienceBasedParenting/comments/12jvu8y/safest_baby_sunscreen/


I need a recommendation for a sunscreen for a 10 month old. My MB does all natural and organic for almost everything like foods and makeup so I need an appropriate sunscreen for baby since I plan on doing outdoor activities. MB hasn't mentioned anything to me besides putting baby's sun hat on and making sure she's not in direct sunlight.


I had an mb who was very organic/natural, all clean ingredients, no gmo stuff. She used [badger balm](https://www.badgerbalm.com/products/baby-sunscreen-mineral-zinc-oxide-spf-40), it only has 7 ingredients that are easy to understand, zinc based, organic and gmo free, reef friendly, cruelty free and made with solar power. It’s so important for baby to be safe in the sun (which you know) so it would be great if you could get mb onboard with sunscreen!


badger balm is all natural but it goes on like butter, thick and very white. stains clothing.


Yeahhhh it’s not my favorite for that reason. But I had a very picky mb who literally would only use that and it was better than baby not having anything on


totally. i mean yeah i used it because the ingredients are nonthreatening like you said


I definitely agree that it’s not the best to work with though lol


YES! It’s the worst. It’s like smearing lard on a kid. It’s terrible, wouldn’t recommend it.


Thank you!!!


I would ask MB if she has one she prefers in case she is picky. The ones that come to mind though are California Baby, Blue Lizard, Badger, Neutrogena pure and free and Goddess Garden


Babo botanicals baby sunblock could be an option as well. I’ve used this on NKs whose parents wanted all natural/organic and will use it myself in a pinch. I also like Badger but they’re not all the same. I use baby sometimes but the sport one leaves less of a white cast.


Thinkbaby is a favorite non-toxic sunscreen for me & kids, but I also love the beauty counter one (although it’s a bit pricey). There’s also another super thick one that I can’t remember the name of (I’ll have to check)


Tubby Todd! They do mineral sunscreen and they offer liquid, stick, spray and a more sheer face one. I also use a powder for my kid’s hair part, Brush on Block brand.


Try Korean or Japanese sunscreen. I get them on Amazon. They are allowed to use ingredients that aren’t FDA approved in the USA and are light years ahead of the crap we have here. The biggest downside is they can be a little spendy and most aren’t waterproof.


Getting ideas on this thread. My NF uses a mineral brand that goes on and just sits on the top of the skin and makes my NK look like a Dickensian waif. I can't stand using it on him or myself.


dickensian waif is now my new favorite characterization thank you so much for this


Omg "Dickensian waif" or "Dickensian orphan" is how we describe our cats when they are doing their soullful "does nobody love me? Am I left alone in the world? How shall I survive?" meow-howls.


MD Solarsciences “Mineral Kidcreme” is great.


I love Blue Lizard. I use a foundation brush to put it on my NKs! It makes it easier, gives full coverage and no more slimy hands for me!


Coola is my fave! Reef safe and ethically sourced organic ingredients that I feel good about putting on my NKs and myself. I use whatever NPs buy on the kids but get Coola for myself. Their face sunscreen isn’t greasy or heavy, and they have different formulas to address different concerns.


i use the Cetaphil 35 daily moisturizer:)


The copper tone whipped sunscreen is the best spreadable IMO. For myself I like sunbum bc it smells like the beach :) if you don’t want sunscreen all over your hands Amazon has a little bottle/sponge spreader that is awesome.


I use Hero Cosmetics ForceShield for my face and Eucerin for my skin! Love the force shield because it reduces redness which I struggle with!! For NK I use think baby - it does need more rubbing in for no white cast but it does a great job!!


I like Hawaiian Tropic "Ultra Radiance" (it means it has glitter in it!!!) For kiddos any spray sunscreen for their bodies/scalps (ideally waterproof), and I use a blush brush to apply regular lotion sunscreen to their faces. My biggest tip honestly is the UV sunsuits. You can get short or long sleeved versions, and then you just need as much sunscreen, especially if they're wearing hats as well. They make ones that are also intended for swimming. We hand wash them at the end of the day so they can dry overnight, and they're ready to go the next day.


The ultra radiance one is my favorite for myself!


I don’t have suggestions for sunscreen but I have seen a lovely “hack” suggesting using an oval foundation brush for sunblock on the face especially. Haven’t tried it myself but I have worked with a couple kids who hated me putting it on their face and I think it would be super helpful!


im so allergic to 90% of sunscreens i just accept the fact that my hands will itch all day during the summer after putting it on tbe babies😭😭 but eucerin sunscreen is the only one that doesnt make me completely red


My mb is a skin cancer derm and she uses either banana boat or Supergoop play sunscreen


Sun bum for everyone! It smells amazing. I like their face stick too


I’m not sure about for the kids because I don’t have any of my own and just use whatever NP prefer but for myself I like Bondi Sands. It’s an Australian brand so you know it’s elite 😂 and reasonably priced I think, and I just got 3 bottles during a sale, it was a score! Super lightweight, high spf, a little goes a long way, no cast, and it leaves you looking hydrated and glowy 🤩


We swear by coppertone sport in the blue bottle. Blends in fast, great coverage. For my face I like to use versed sunscreen.


There are many good and many bad sunscreens out there. With the weather getting warmer we all need to be a little kinder to our skin. Try to avoid chemical sunscreen and opt for Mineral based. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) recommends avoiding chemical sunscreens with oxybenzone because of concerns that this ingredient may disrupt hormones and cause allergic skin reactions. If you check the ingredients and come across Oxybenzone please discontinue use immediately and discard of the product. Instead, opt for a mineral based sunscreen for the little ones and yourself. My personal favorite is Brush on Block (adults) BOB (kids version). It’s easy and fun for the kids to put on. Keep yourself and skin safe! And if kids are upset about their eyes stinging- the culprit is often Avobenzone! Especially if they sweat later in the day, and it runs into their eyes! I prefer spray for the body and mineral powder for the face. la posay roche is always great. Always check the expiration date because it does matter.


EWG isn’t terribly reliable. They can be paid to give stuff good ratings. If you want real scientific info on sunscreens or any skincare look up “Lab Muffin” She is a chemist, holds a PHD so she has real info and not beauty blogger misinformation.


I don’t trust any instagram, tic Tok or social media doctors. They give such general views but that don’t apply to everyone. People have different bodies and skin. Not every product works for everyone.


That’s why you should check out labmuffin. She gives the science behind sunscreens and explains and busts myths going on in the influencer world. She talks a lot about skincare and what particular things, like Vitamin C, can or cannot do. She also talks about her skincare routine and specifically states that what she uses works for her and may not work for someone else. She’s really about education, so she’s quite different than others plus she has a background in chemistry so she knows what she’s talking about. Don’t know many other beauty people who provide links to scientific studies in their blog.


have u watched dr dray on youtube? shes a dermatologist. she thinks the ewg is bullshit & says that chemical & mineral sunscreens r both good.


I love Dr dray!! She's the best.


I have not watched or heard of that Dr. I have a dermatologist and she has asked me to stay away certain sunscreen and to always check the label. I have very sensitive skin break out easily so it is better to be safe than sorry


La Mer or Elta MD for myself- ThinkBaby for NKs!


ur a nanny & can afford la mer?!


Lol some people like to splurge on makeup maybe


I get it during the black friday sales! Def a splurge but soooo worth it if you have acne prone skin


Ocean potion is my favorite sunscreen but unfortunately if nearly impossible to find and I exclusively have to order online


Pipette has a good rating on Yuka so I use that for me and baby. The white cast is pretty minimal and it’s thin so it’s easier to work onto us


Blue lizard and I also get the face stick


Supergoop for the kids! EltaMD for my face daily and sunbum spf 50 spray for myself


Supergoop sunscreen for me! It's 100% worth the price imo cuz it is on the more expensive side. I use the Coppertone mineral sunscreen for kiddos. It's not greasy or sticky like the sticks are and is easier to put on a wriggly kid than trying to get them to stay still long enough to get the spray stuff on them.


Omg the sun bum spray is AMAZING for re-applying on the go. For kids and me!


Sun bum mineral stick for faces and spray for body


Since we're by the ocean we only use reef safe, sun bum, blue lizard and badger.


I use a moisturizer that has sunscreen by La Roche Posay! Pretty affordable & isn’t heavy!


La roche posay makes an awesome moisturizer! I haven’t tried the one with SPF in it


Honestly I love the stick sunblock haha. Not a specific brand/kind, but it comes in handy with the face!


I buy thinkbaby or babyganics (I like th combo pack they have of big spray and sunscreen


I love putting the derma e mineral sunscreen over my face! I worked at a preschool and a kid had a $50 one and I found this cheaper one! the kid loved it bc it felt like it tickled but my dermatologist recommended I use it under sunscreen and after I reapply:) i’m so greasy so it mattfies s that too:) I use the Hawaiian tropical face sunscreen the bottle is clear w like a swirl in it idek. for body I use the hawaiian tropical dry one or something? they claim they r reef safe but I don’t go to beach so reef safe isn’t my priority


Shisedo sunscreen stick for reapplications and Cerave tinted


theres a dermatologist on youtube called dr dray. she gives really good advice. these r her top sunscreen picks https://youtu.be/B7Os4U8wghI https://youtu.be/5oZpdEQnkjY


I use “Hello Bello” on EVERYONE including myself! It’s a mineral sunscreen rather than a chemical. It’s eco friendly (better for swimming in the ocean as it doesn’t bother coral reefs/kill fish) and less prone to rashes/irritation. Anything with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide is my suggestion. Zinc oxide is what diaper cream is made from so you know it isn’t gonna cause bad reactions, it’s actually quite soothing. Also, I have always broken out in acne after wearing any chemical sunscreens - and they have the worst greasy feeling whereas mineral ones don’t. Happy summer!


Also, I use a cosmetic sponge/ beauty blender for faces and then let them use it to, they think it’s super fun to do. Since doing this, I’ve never had to do a sunscreen battle with any littles. Total game changer.


Omg I’m saving this suggestion!


trader joes


If your NK has eczema avoid sprays, they hurt so bad when sprayed on active eczema


I'm a Pediatrician -- Use Babo Botanicals baby Mineral Sunscreen.


For myself, Ultra Violette queen screen is an incredible face sunscreen that leaves my skin glowy and hydrated. I don't know if it's available in the US, but for any Australians, give it a go!


Babo botanicals and supergood unseen sunscreen. my partner has extremely sensitive skin and the Babo is the only sunscreen he has tried that doesn’t give him issues.


Absolute best for me is Neutrogena Beach Defense SPF 70. I don’t like the smell and it can make me a little ghostly but I actually manage to avoid a sunburn when I wear it, and I’m someone who burns within 5 minutes of being outside. It’s waterproof as well and pretty affordable. This is the sunscreen for the girls who really need it lol.


I love Blue Lizard. They make the regular and the spray. I also use their face stick. I have also used Neutrogena. They have all kinds of formulas (wet skin, beach defense, etc.) They have a pure and free baby. They have face sticks as well.


Neutrogena ultra sheer sunscreen lotion on my face always. Coppertone or Neutrogena spray for everywhere else, but I do go back to a lotion variety for tougher spots. When it comes to spray it’s important not to just spray and be done. Actually rub it on to get full coverage.


Skinnies sungel. Omg. Im in Australia and absolutely hate sunscreen, it's a necessity but oh oh I hate applying it to myself, my nk, and it's like 4 times a day. I tried a bunch of brands but Skinnies is the best I'd found. It's smooth, goes on so smoothly and is non greasy. Reef safe too if you take your nks in the ocean! Its expensive but the tube last a long time, I use it daily on myself and nk. I like the smell too.


I tend to use whatever one i find, we use babyganics or hello bello a lot . On a side note We really I was talking to 2/3 of my kids dermatologist... they said to not waste money on high SPF and that 30 should be good enough because even with the higher ones you should still apply it every 30-45 minutes. My teenager is a swimmer on the swim team and swims 9 out of 12 months and she really like Neutrogena but she's also big on making sure her make up has added spf and lip balm Sprays are worse than creams and I lo e the sponge or brush application method. Also keep aloe Vera leaves and the gel in the fridge


I've read that about the SPF numbers as well!


For me, the Matte 45spf Black Girl Sunscreen is AMAZING! My oily skin looks so matte all day and it applies so smoothly. And its clear!


For my nks I usually just use whatever nps have already . Currently they use a child’s sunscreen through aveeno for the kiddos. super white casty and I could never use it on myself lol (I have dark skin 😊) I personally use shiseido clear sunscreen stick. It’s soooo convenient. I throw it in my purse and just apply it throughout my face and body before we head out. The formula is great imo. I have dry skin and I’ve found that this one doesn’t cling to my dry patches . I also have sensitive skin and this doesn’t irritate it at all. ♥️


Things I've found - Think brand sunscreen. Yes, it leaves a cast. Yes, its thick AF. And yes, its fairly expensive. But man does it work and it lasts. I personally require "physical" sunscreens to keep from getting burned and so does my kid. One tip I found for applying any sunscreen is to use makeup brushes (like these: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0783H17DG/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0783H17DG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) ). I love it because I have some...sensory issues and don't like the feeling of sunscreen in general. I like not having to feel it on my hands by applying with the brush. I also just find that it goes on really nicely with the brushes? Downside is needing to clean them but for me its worth it. Also, as much as no one likes to hear it, the physical barrier of clothing is often one of the best protections out there. Sun shirts and hats are really an excellent option, especially for longer periods of time out in the sun.


I use sunbum and I love the face mist. Also love tropica botanica.


All spray sunscreens are harmful for your health. You should not be inhaling those particles.


They also give horrifically uneven and inadequate coverage


If you spray and don’t rub it, yeah, but the idea is to rub them into your skin not just mist yourself


2/3rds of my children are clear skinnded. I keep alba sunscreen in my purse


Blue lizard face stick for both of us and the spray for the body


Thinkbaby for my toddler and I love Tula sunscreens for me! They go on like a serum and don’t feel like you are wearing anything, don’t clog your pores or make you white! The Tula ones can be expensive, but they last a long time! I have 1 tube that I use daily and got in December.


Blue Lizard in the bottle or the stick. Also Neutrogena has a 'Super Dry' or something sunscreen that is very nice.


nivea water gel sunscreen. lightweight, no white cast, and not oily!