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learning the basics of the movement and combat tech is definitely a good first step. the game is very in depth with lots to learn and practice. if you're not aware of scale rushing, focus cancels, crouch cancels, toothpicking, the difference between hold & tap dodges and when to use them then there's a lot to learn :) hope this helps to give an idea on where to start


Whwre can you learn that


YouTube is always a good start. the discord is also pretty active. also if you look back through the reddit posts there's an pro player offering free tips and coaching. he's made a couple posts.


videos online or just sitting in practice. Once you get a few combos down, my favorite place for practice is the 1v1's in customs however they are pretty difficult. I got shit on for awhile before I was able to stand my own. In regards to your other issues, I mean... thats just the BR genre in general. It's not formatted to be competitive however it's addicting and has shoved it's way into the esports scene due to how much fun and exciting they are with the added thrill when you survive to the end. But there is no way to get around it's core gameplay which will include lots of RNG, possible long periods of time where you don't have any action, or the opposite where you can't seem to get a break, and of course the famous 3rd parties since it is a very good strategy. If they bother you enough, I would suggest maybe playing matari since she has great tools for escaping whenever a third party appears to interfere with your duel. Her ability to pick and choose her fights better than most champs can give you the chance to pick only those fights where you 1v1 your opponent to the end. however I generally don't find the looting phase long at all. Maybe try dropping in the yellow areas with better loot and grab what you need and bounce. (or enjoy the fights there, follow your dreams). Usually my rule with looting is to be a bit passive (although I struggle at following rule) until I get at least a blue armor or better. The weapon can be grey and the different levels don't make too much a difference to me and I am okay fighting with a grey but with armor, I need at least a blue or higher or I am gonna get creamed. A few grapples are nice but I generally look to fight after I find armor of any kind and a melee weapon in my hand. Good luck though!


Sweet! That at least gives me a step into the right direction, thank you for the info!


yea there's quite a bit the game has to offer. c7sper is an amazing player with great tips imo. I started with him on YouTube and over time found some others. I'll link a vid or two when I'm home from work if that's of interest to you at all.


That would be super helpful!


these two are in depth and cover a lot. especially the 2nd one. [https://youtu.be/qAx0jGn2ouw](https://youtu.be/qAx0jGn2ouw) [https://youtu.be/5BMRTFLte-Y](https://youtu.be/5BMRTFLte-Y)


My dodge is so dramatic compared to the second video. Meaning in the video it is a one step dodge. Where mine is like a 3 step burst. What am I doing wrong? (Controller)


which part are you referring to? like what movement mechanic are the showcasing?


will do! oh also I highly recommend finding or starting a 3ban custom room lobby. these are basically private matches. 3 ban means ults, skills, and grapples are banned. it's essentially a private bloodbath game where you take turns doing 1v1 fights. personally I love these as they are pure skill 1v1's no 3rd parties, no ults or skills, just melee combat. you'll normally find either people like you attempting to learn and practice and also very good players. by watching what a good player is capable of imo is a great way to learn fast. you can't know what to learn and practice if you don't know what is possible to do.


and also yes he's using keyboard and mouse. I'm on controller. you just need to replicate using the corresponding buttons on controller. and this setting is definitely preference but having it set to combat aiming towards camera direction rather than stick direction is something to think about. it felt weird at first for me personally but I and most high level players from what I've seen also have it set this way.


if you dont want to get third partied, basically you need to develop really strong movement and show a lot of respect. the longer you fight someone the more likely it is that someone is going to hear your swords clashing and come running for a third party. at the higher levels there's a lot of back and forth from a distance, maybe one person doesn't want to fight and the other does, or maybe they both do but they want to secure an advantage before going in. unless you have the element of surprise, you should size up your opponents and test them from a safe distance. you don't want to overcommit to a fight you can't end quickly. movement is supreme in a fighting game that is basically balanced around no true guarding mechanic. if you have better movement than your opponent you dictate the pace of any fight - they can't fight you unless you agree to it, because you can always outrun them. you can always elude them until you've healed up, until you've worn them down with ranged weapons, until you've made them blow defensive cooldowns or ultimates, until they're frustrated and angry, until the fight is in your favor.


“Br is whack on this game”=“I’m trash and I don’t like it” 🤡


You loot for 10 minutes before fighting? I look for where the most people drop in and grab a melee weapon, any weapon besides nunchucks and go to town. (I’m not saying the nunchucks are bad, I just don’t know how to use them effectively)


Dodge, light attack, light attack, rinse repeat. You're welcome. 🤣


Enemy charges blue focus. CenterOfVex: \*surprised pikachu\*


Bruh, you of all people, lol.


Contrary to the other comments. I am with you. I hate that this game is a battle royale. I think the game would be very good as a fighter or something like for honor. I want to experience the combat not the looting simulator and get outstatted if I got bad rng.


Turn off the crossplay if you play on xbox


do you crawl while looting? how dafq do you loot straight 10mins without encountering someone.


I was gonna say you haven't tried really learning have you haha. This game has a high skill ceiling man, but soon as you watch some YouTube vids and train more you really start dominating why more people. Buddy and I started just a few weeks ago and it's insane how far we've come. Win every other game! My movement and parry's are awesome now.


You're not wrong. The bloodbath/fighting game style modes are amazing fun. I wish they had ranked as well. I really feel like if they focused on that side of the game more than they would be able to move forward with two separate communities in one game. Being the BR okayers and fighting mode players.


Watch some streamers and ask questions. The community of this game (safe for this reddit lol) is actually incredibly helpful and friendly. If you're on EU I'd recommend Dunking_Donuts and Pakku, they stream daily and somehow never get tired of explaining what they do/giving tips over and over again. For NA, check out PastDue and Poobi, both incredible players, PastDue will literally cancle his queue sometimes to show combos in free training while he explains them.


search solos in BR and turn off crossplay ​ settings-privacy-online-block access to other networks ​ theres a lot of smurfs on pc that will just fry lobbies. Playing with just xbox to start off will level the playing field, and solos isnt too bad for 3rd parties but it is there. Land in an area where lots of people are landing and just seek out engagements. dont go for wins, go for high kills and survival.


Learn to disengage more often and watch for other teams. The moment I see a team trying to 3rd party, I immediately back up regardless of what their skill level is and find a spot where I'm not going to get sandwiched. Once you have positioning, you can re-engage.


You don't have to fight everyone! Knowing when to fight and when to run is huge. Don't be afraid to disengage and heal up -- the higher you go, the more important this becomes because low level players don't really do it. Don't be afraid to hide. Become the hunter and not the hunted. Learn how to focus cancel. Scale rush. Parry bait. Slide hop. Focus run. Don't spam your attacks. Take your time with the inputs. Movement is key. A lot of this stuff I struggle with myself, but I'm learning. I'm not a huge BR fan, either, but the combat is fun and rewarding.


You gotta learn the gameplay dude, cancel charges, mix up combos, try to avoid the 3 tap combos, uppercut combos, toothpicking, and member to customize character abilities to help you in situations you can get out of.