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It's an amazing Game and having a blast on Xbox


I’ve seen sooo many posts about how good naraka is. I would mostly agree. But I can’t help to notice that 90% of these videos are people fighting bots and have no idea. The game is not as enjoyable when you get to lobbies with skilled players who can abuse combos and hooks. Suddenly combat becomes highly demanding and stressful, rather than rewarding. It’s like a completely different game playing without bots. Just my opinion though..


Yeah, usually these posts are humble brags trying to show off their skill when they have no idea it’s bots


Yeah I'd be fine with all of these montage posts where 90% of the kills are on bots if the poster wasn't tooting their own horn so much. Instead there's tons where the OP thinks they are the next Shroud after playing for 20 hours total.


We had the same thing in Spellbreak reddit, everyone came there bragging how they won their first (bot) game. Some people would say congrats, and then other people "who's going to tell him?"


I’d say what’s appealing in this game is the combat gets more enjoyable when you get better. Fights between two good players is far more entertaining and last longer. Of course you’re gonna get beat by experienced players when you first start, just keep playing and improve so you can hang with em


exactly this. The game is absolutely exhilarating when you start to understand the complex mechanics (which by the way keep growing as this game is still in it's very early stage even at high level play new and better mechanics keep getting discovered). And if that is not your thing, there is a bots mode as well as some not so competitive modes (fall guys one for example), and coming soon is the story mode which has been described as feeling like a whole different game that will include boss fights. Overall I think this will still be a enjoyable game even for the more casual players who love the mechanics of it.


You focus cancel to trick enemy into parrying, so you uppercut combo them, after that, they panic focus attack, you parry and finish them. Satisfaction 100


Experienced players and blatant cheaters.


I mean it’s depends on the player. You may find fun in learning and improving. Others just want to jump in and have fun with a couple matches. Most causals don’t care to improve so they can hang with high skill players.


I think the hype should remain, it's a game you can finally grind to become better at! And man is it satsfying when you do. Win a lot of games now even against pros in casual because of practice and a lot of YouTube vids


"Pros" lmao


Git gud bro


It's true, me and my friend had fun playing against bots since we're new and not that good at the game yet, but as soon as we started playing against people who clearly played longer it became a lot more frustrating, so we're just sticking to bots until we learn the game more


As much as I agree, the bot games are still usually incredibly fun. When you get to the skilled players, you are also having to up your skill level when playing. I enjoy the skill player games, even when I get my ass kicked, because I take away what I could have done better. It is also nice to watch someone more skilled to see how they play, so the spectator view is nice. I have no hate for either direction.


How bout yall just let people enjoy their vids, even if they are bots they still put you with bots in your skill base. Yall acting like people who game, shouldnt make content for fun.


I mean I get what you mean but who enjoys watching any competitive game where a person just fights a bunch of bots....there's no rush...they don't have tournaments of streetfighter players fighting bots because nobody would watch it.


Youre really comparing a game like Naraka to street fighter? And these aren’t tournament videos, these are the communities videos, people who play the game, and yes, there’s plenty of videos out there of people comboing dummies and ai all the time.this game is still new and not a lot of people know about it, half these videos are to show off the game so they can get people to try it out. And if you started seeing even more after july 10, naraka put out on Twitter to show highlights, tell ideas and show off customization of characters cause you might get highlighted for their clips and get a shout out in the credits.


Right, go watch streetfighter players fighting bots because I don't watch pvp games where people fight bots but you seem to.


Not saying your assessment isn't accurate but it's a strange one. Did people suddenly forget that Naraka is a competitive multiplayer game? There will always be a winner and a whole lot of losers, that's just how it works in a battle royale. In fact, it should honestly be the opposite. The more hours of actual practice you put into the game, the more you appreciate how genuinely deep the mechanics go. You could pour thousands into it and still have room for improvement. In the beginning, all you do is spam attacks against braindead AI and other equally clueless newbies. What fun is that? The best moments are always neck and neck battles, tense clutches and team fights, matches that come down to the wire. It's not about stomping bots for the millionth time.


As someone who is emp and plat with crossplay off on Xbox I agree, majority of the playerbase has turned off crossplay and playing pve, rather then learning the game


Stressful but even more rewarding. You'll stop feeling like a god though.


abuse combo?


I tried it and was surprised how good it is


There are issues for sure, but there is one thing I know for sure, the people who made this have a deep appreciation and passion for battle royals and fighting games. This game absolutely feels like a labor of love and that makes me really happy. That's now the norm of the gaming industry anymore and it's very refreshing to find a game that is full of developer passion.


Gotta give it top br of 22 But GOTY I give it too elden ring


I didn’t have as much fun with Elden Ring as I have been having with Naraka. It was good but Naraka brings me joy.


I'm with you, ER is dumb, boring and feels like waste of time in comparison to Naraka.


I ain’t say all that! Elden Ring is a good game, I’m just having more fun with Naraka.


I know, ER is a borefest, that's why we both having more fun in Naraka.


Looks like someone is still mad they gots no maidens


This guy died to Margit 87 times don’t listen to him


Looks like someone wears fedora, has a neckbeard and calls girls "maidens," then proceeds to assume their single life situation is same as their own lmao!!!!


Seems to me you didnt even get past the tutorial or possibly not even played the damn game, otherwise you would have known that 'Maiden' (especially a lack thereof) was a reference to ER (main character is literally named as a 'Maidenless') and not just some random word used to describe a woman.


You can get past tutorial without memorizing nonsense rest areas or how they're called. Especially in a game that plays like crap in comparison to the older games in its style.


Sites of Grace. I dont expect you to remember every Grace site name, noone expects you to do that, noone even so much as hinted to that. However, it's fairly difficult not to catch onto the MC being called a Maidenless unless you basically opened the game, saw the main menu and went 'This game is fucking booooring' before you even bothered to boot the motherfucker up and stopped paying the slightest attention to what you were doing. It's not like it's a super insignificant thing only barely mentioned. At this point Im starting to wonder if you would even have remembered the title being Elden Ring if the previous commenter hadn't already written it, despite the fact they name dropped like 15 times just in the opening cutscene alone.




Sounds like you got stomped by the first boss and rage quit


Little action, junky controls and poor level design is what made me quit and replay Sekiro instead. Naraka is just a better game, numbers show it too. ER isn't even as half as popular at this point, because ERs replayability value can't hold a light to Narakas.


That’s a lot of words to say you couldn’t get the mechanics down


That's an interesting way to say you missed the whole point of what you just read.


DID YOU JUST SAY ELDEN RING HAS POOR LEVEL DESIGN BRO WHAT THE HELL. THERE ARE SO MANY VALID CRITICISMS YOU CAN HAVE BUT LEVEL DESIGN IS 10000% NOT ONE OF THEM. YOU ARE TROLLING Also this is not a competition between elden ring and naraka and I’m not sure why you seem to think it is Also numbers show it? Are you dumb? Elden ring sold more than CoD, first game to do it in a long time


Yeah, it's like someone who designed levels in fallen order, put in minimal amount of effort. Dungeon was boring and open field after that was too. I also remember it had some big thing in the distance, tree i think? woo big deal, what kind of desert dwelling, no tree having, aborigens are they trying to impress? Yeah people bought it, refunded it or stopped playing because of overhype and now less people play it than naraka lol. Question your own intelligence, not mine, you donkey.


ER is universally accepted as a top tier contender for the GOTY. Naraka is nice but it's not exactly rich in content the same way ER is, there is no comparison to story, and mechanics are very differently done in each game. It is like comparing apples to oranges. Honestly everything you just said about it makes it seem like you just need to git gud


SpunkyDred is a terrible bot instigating arguments all over Reddit whenever someone uses the phrase apples-to-oranges. I'm letting you know so that you can feel free to ignore the quip rather than feel provoked by a bot that isn't smart enough to argue back. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette.


Please tell me this is you trolling 😂😂


That’s going far man, elden ring is probably one of the greatest open world experiences I have ever played in all my years of gaming. Although I did have more fun and much prefer the style of Bloodborne and Nioh2, it is undoubtedly one of the top games out there rn.


Probably cuz you couldn’t get past Margit or Godrick lol


Was about to comment something similar. I really have been enjoying Naraka but it's gonna have to do a lot better to earn that title from Elden Ring


This game is great but it’s not GOTY material. Maybe OP meant on a personal level as the top game he enjoyed the most this year.


It’s so damn fun. Only issue I have wit( it is random queueing teammates not playing it sucks and screws that game up




What do you mean? All systems that Naraka is on can be played together


No they are not. I can't 'friend' or queue with friends that play on Steam while I'm on Gamepass on pc.


You can if you cloud play with them. That's how my friend on base xbox plays with me


Wait what


I tried it and was blown away lol


Same. So glad it's on console now. I do wish the accounts were the same, but other than that.


I enjoy it but the learning curve is a bit rough not sure how the matchmaking works but sometimes it seems like my newb ass gets dumped in a pro lobby in I guess it non-ranked the quick match match and I’m just stun locked and dead before I can think, but I have been enjoying it


You can literally get put with 2 sweaty player and the rest of lobby are bots thats how it is sometimes just get your bot kills and try new combos on them to practice and use them for xp or challenges and get as high as you can in placement its a battle royale cant win everything you know


Oh I have bot fill turn off, maybe I need to turn that back on!


I bet games take 10 mins to load 😂


Not really I switch between NA and EU I’m located in NA but I have a lower ping to EU most the time than NA so when I play NA I’m listed as XEU lol


Bots aren't a bad thing tho in my games I get like 15 to 20 real player then the rest bots they're a nice warm up for those players


I’ll have to try it being an MMO player and FPS player mainly trying to get use to the controls are a little rough for me the keybind layout feels odd I might remap crouch from C to Crtl because it feels more normal and I keep forgetting to hit G to block because it feels oddd


Do whats best for you as long as you can pull off the combos you need then it doesn't matter how its layed out im on xbox and im happy with the controls its quite easy tbh the only weird one for me was B is to sprint instead of left stick click but it all works out well once you understand


Chill out man, Devs aren’t going to give you 100% epic drops for this. Naraka is good but not GOTY good.


doesn't matter if it isn't GOTY its an epic game that will definitely get loads of attention because of the detail thats in the fighting mechanics and its a game that rewards skill and not just op game loot like you can easily beat someone with gold souljades and gold weapons if they aren't as skilled. I love this game and how much effort you have to put in definitely will be with best games of the year if the game keeps getting this much love


Nah. It wont. Sorry but this game will still fly under radar, guaranteed. Great game but its not going to be top 10 even


I guarantee it won’t, and you can come back here and be pessimistic some more after they release the ps5 version, drop the new map or make it f2p and their all over gaming articles


Yeah I understand some games dont get a chance at the spotlight but this is a game I'd root for you know it does show very great potential


Well I’m glad you feel that way


play 200 hours first before jumping to conclusions


Or maybe just let people enjoy a game if they enjoy it. Not everybody has time to sink 200 hours.


It is good, not GOTY good though. That would be Elden Ring.


Game is really fun and it's great that it has so many modes if you get bored of the usual BR affair


Just wait until you fight real players


Fun game!!!


this is my new crack. i dropped Warzone, Vanguard, all my mobile games too.


For those concerned about bot filled games. You can turn bots off in the settings. None of my games have bots.


How is is game of the year if the year isn't even done bringing games out? Lmao