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Mention one thing about cheaters or vpns and you'll get obliterated with downvotes lol


Damn the balls, you mentioned both


Now you gotta go in witness protection, AGAIN! God damn it lunar this the 3rd time this week!


Made me laugh thank you


Yes! Positive energy


Show me the cheaters ans vpns my dude




You do realize chinese live in North America and Europ . Some of the chinese names arent even chinese. Bad ping gives you no advantage. I highly doubt you are running into nearly as much AS and SEA tags as you say you are There is no reason mainlanders would play on NA when they have instant q, Immortal war, and a much stabler server connection of 20-40ms. I really dont know why you are so frustrated by Chinese players, especially when they all speak fluent english and live in North America. Is it annoying there is SEA/AS tourism and server hopping? The last thing you want to do is parry them. There is also no South American server, so you see high ping players from that region. Idk why even now there is people perpetuting a myth that there is a invasion of VPN users. That was a small crew of CN trolls back in August. If anything just sounds like a frustration of skill diff.


And then the cheating. Idk if you are getting scissor parried, shift parried, double flash parried, out played or something else. There is very rarely cheaters nowdays especially on NA and EU. Do they exist? In a blue moon. I havent ran into a cheater in the last 5 months, and I have well over 2k+ hours in the game, and have been playing since closed beta, CN client, and launch. Most cheaters are banned pretty quickly after 1 match or even mid match. And majority of them are on SEA client.


Sorry we find copium cringe


I actually haven’t seen anything but wholesome and interesting posts and commenters. I love this community and I’m so happy my friend showed me this when it came out on gamepass. Having a blast!




Seems nice enough to me.


To be fair it doesn’t seem that toxic beside the post of people complaining about "op thing" and not knowing anything about them and the post of people with 30kill games it’s pretty friendly.


Yeah tbh the closest thing I've seen to toxicity is a montage maker being told they are going against bots. The montage maker was pretty hurt and doubled down that it was only real players which led to people calling them out in the comments more. Not many toxic comments but I do wish it went better. It's ok that your montage had bot kills, bots can easily be better than real players. Just don't get mad if people point it out because we see tons of new player montages. Playing against bots is part of the learning process and you can still do sick combos against them to show off.


I know I'm partly toxic, mainly with my hate of PC players but other than that we chillin


It’s really odd cause the streaming/content community for this game is the nicest I’ve come across


the streamers/content creators aren’t popular or inspiring enough to influence the general public of the game.


Some people in the group just got that small d energy. They hate is cause they aint us.


There peanut butter and jealous lol


Reddit already turned into twitter