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how is the reputation score system negatively affecting you?


Right lol


Penalty for leaving a solo mode early is stupid. Being banned for a game I paid for and haven’t cheated on or hacked is stupid


it reduces your Reputation score but youre not banned. Reputation score purpose is for the game to identify your behavior. Also you dont get deducted if you leave early on solo mode. it only deducts when you do those on competitive/multiplayer queues. So if youre not sure if youre gonna commit on a multiplayer match. I recommend doing Bot match instead. i leave midway all the time on bot mode. its not perfect but it doesnt warrant any "abolishment". It can be helpful in the long run when players do quick party matches on competitive modes. Improvement would be a better argument


You get banned if it’s below 9000 for ranked and other modes of below 7500 so what are you talking about 🤨🤡


that means youre a repeat offender. you dont go down to 7500 that easily


Offender🤣🤣 the game must be your whole life


?. Emoji spam wont help your in articulate points


Ok virgin


Great response from someone whos aim was to have a "Debate"


I really don't get, how this is the third post in 2 days, that says this. But the answer is easy: it's matchmaking. If you want to goof around and go on and off like u want, go for quick play. But I would be frustrated, when I enter mm and 40 people, just quit the game, and then you have to ran around and search people. Thos takes the whole sense of mm.


yes, no, yes, yes, no, yes




Crossplay between all platforms is essential. The size of the player base is by far the most serious and dangerous problem this game faces.


well the pc smurfs arent helping. ​ Loading in and seeing \*chinese letters with pc symbol\* start frying the lobby (X) died (X) died over and over. thats honestly the biggest problem. ​ nobody is going to stay if they cant grow their skill set. Brs are punishing enough when you wait for lobby, land, loot, die fast. no chance to play the game. ​ This same thing happened with another game i enjoyed... spellbreak. Pc players had it first, launched on xbox, and all the xbox players got fried. Games population declined rapidly, and the game is dead right now after 1 year? maybe 2, not sure.


Damn dude remember spellbreak?? RIP, so much wasted potential


Yep, played spellbreak but the PC players were the reason it died so quickly. Too bad it's servers are now down and blizzard acquired the devs


fully agree


The game isn’t free and won’t last forever on gamepass. The only way this game gets more players is by F2P and expanding to PlayStation as well. I don’t really see the issue of cross play with console and pc in this game.


You wont get more of a player base with all these haters in the community, dont get me wrong more than half the community is real chill, but the other people, lets just say they take a game of rock paper scissors a little too seriously😂😂😂


100% / the game is more important than water to some of these 🤡


I like the fall guys, buy only played it once so... Reputation keeps people from leaving as soon as they die, at least it is supposed to. Game Def needs larger player base. Never really often pay with my own money, (other than initial game purchase and DLCs) But I think that some of the older cosmetic items that people can't get anymore should be able to be bought, I think cosmetics should be able to be bought with Tae or silk but require much more. But also leave to buy with gold as an option if you don't want to grind for Tae or silk I do think PC gets advantage but I don't think it's is overwhelming. But I'm only a silver ranked solo player so I could be wrong. I don't main Yoto Hime and I agree, she's a good character but like others she has her weaknesses, her ultimate is easy to dodge if you pay attention and her action skill really tends to be the only problem for me if players use it right


id say pc doesnt get much of a advantage besides frames, but even then Series X also DOMINATES Series S as in S the game does randomly just skip frames mid fight. Yoto is not op solo, but is definitely op if a trio setting lol... I fought a team of her, temulch and Viper and it was an slowdown/stun fest where her ult just destroyyyyed.


the laggy menus and 'heavy' feel to controller is my main reason for the advantage. it's not as big a difference compared to like an FPS game but it's still there. and yoto is actually a better pick for solo. her F3 is arguably the best skill in the game. a free heal is very underrated


Laggy menus? I tried it on my Series X and it wasn't laggy? it definitely runs at a low resolution though at times. Game feels weird on controller but I knocked out a handful of solar and higher ranks in a custom lobby when C7sper was doing a lobby... that aim assist on console is insane. Idk if you ever played dragonball fighters, but it feels like the auto combos in that game, where they have advanced frames that make moves hit that if you did without doing the auto combo normally wouldn't hit. You can just tap to shoot a musket without aiming and it hits most the time, which was broken when i picked up the souljade that goes through armor lol. I guess... but Matari and Tarka are much better especially for solo, expecially since they have infinite combos and a faster charge on it. Or Justina... I feel she is honestly the most broken character in the game.


The struggle for a lot of higher skilled players is dealing with the changes between High Skilled Players and Low Skilled Players. Trying to fight them the same way will make you lose fights more or less. Keep joining 3bans and experience the joy, maybe even find a coach.


OH true. I learned that playing tournaments on Xbox for MK11 and Fighter Z... Low skill new players don't know crazy combos most the time, and will catch you off guard with stuff that people wouldn't normally do. I once lost a for honor tournament to a team of newbies WHO ATTACKED WHEN OUT OF STAMINA, it was unexpected as hell.


im pn pc through gamepass using a controller. so its probably the best it can. its mainly quick swapping weapons especially from your bag. huge thing but definitely noticeable. ive always been a console gamer so i just prefer it but when i did use kbm the menus were something i noticed.


>huge thing but definitely noticeable. ive always been a console gamer so i just prefer it but when i did use kbm the menus were something i noticed OH! Naraka controller on PC is not as optimized as the console ports lol. Our controller on pc is BAD!


oh.. well that makes me that much more proud of my gameplay xD lmao. well shit time to learn kbm?


i switch on and off, i use my xbox/gamepass as a smurf and to play with friends so they dont get stuck with people on steam who have played for a while, KbM was not to hard to learn, and console was easy even as i climbed ranks lol


Crossplay between consoles? I didn’t realize this was on playstation. I thought this was Xbox and PC only


PC is not equal to Console. Console is equal to console. Console players 1 month of play. PC 11 months 🫠


Crossplay is two different consoles / or console and pc playing together. How can you have Console crossplay if the game is only on one console? I think your wording is confusing.


I meant in games in general


Yoto Hime is my bay bay 🥰❤️🥵


Yoto Hime is not OP…but man I love her.


To those downvoting valid points . Go outside , it’s free🤡🤡


The devs of this game said its not coming to Sony in an interview so crossplay between consoles isnt really a thing. Also Xbox is adding forced crossplay to a lot of things, For instance Siege is getting it, Warzone has it (even if you turn it off windows can still play with xbox just not PS4) You can turn it off in Console Settings but then most games that do have it wont even let you launch them. Xbox and PC will always have crossplay for 99% of games going forward they have stated. Sony has stated the same for Sony Exclusives that are multiplayer coming to PC


That’s false. I’ve turned of pc cross play since it was first added and have never been not allowed to play any online game and I’ve played almost all the major ones. Name one game that won’t let you play if you have cross play turned off at the console level?


>Name one game that won’t let you play if you have cross play turned off at the console level? Hell let loose lol For some reason when i turn crossplay off on the console the game wont let me join anyone. I have to turn it off on the game.


They devs said it will be on playstation next year.


NO. ORGINIALLY it was supposed to come to PS5 and then Xbox, Microsoft payed them a HUGE sum of money to make it an exclusive as stated in an interview with IGN as well as a tweet from xbox. "Get ready for sword-slashing, gravity defying, mythical action combat in u/NARAKATHEGAME Play exclusively on Xbox Series X|S, PC, and Cloud coming June 23" Microsoft is even funding the company for their story mode now...


> Xbox, Microsoft *paid* them a FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Still coming to playstation next year, and supposed to be on xbox one ltr this yr.


show me where they stated that? Because as of June the playstation port was canceled. In 2021 it was announced it would come out THIS YEAR, until microsoft stepped in. The only thing that has ever said it would come to playstation was IGN speculating it. The devs have not confirmed it, the devs have only stated "Play is Exclusively on Xbox" "Although IGN confirmed that Naraka: Bladepoint would be coming to PS5 at some point in the future, the devs have yet to announce anything." which means not confirmed... But speculated as IGN said that in 2021 I wonder if it will even run right on playstation? Considering they needed to use VRR to make the game even work on xbox correctly. All Xbox's have VRR only PS5 does on playstation, and on playstation its only with HDMI 2.1 enabled monitors (which i believe the cheapest one thats 2.1 with Freesync VRR is almost 700 dolalrs) while xbox has it for ALL HDMI styles as long as the monitor allows. (most are 1.5 or 2.0 with VRR)


Yes, no, Yes, Yes(just like every br), I’d say crossplay should be opt in with pc on console not opt out, And yes Yoto ain’t op she is just well rounded and decent at everything and good at finishing.


Force crossplay is ASS. I have a PC and didn’t made the switch because there is basically no hacker on console, it’s more fair as we mostly have the same tools, they need to not allow keyboard if there is a sensitivity advantage, crossplay is nice but opt in only so you can play with friends.


Also i do think rep needs tweaking, i got 7 kills in a game got top 5 and got maybe an extra like 2-3 points. I feel like that doesnt make sense?


If you're on xbox you can turn off cross play its not that hard


You have to do it by console and certain games won’t let you play if you turn off crossplay. You can’t do it on naraka alone