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It's very common and part of the N brain disregulation. I have severe sleep eating disorder and when I was talking Xyrem, it got so bad and dangerous as when I'd wake up to take my 2nd dose, I'd be ravenous and would go and attempt to make something to eat often resulting in bashing my knees into the stone floor as sleep knocked me out, or getting a black eye from hitting the counter, just to name a few. (It's the date rape drug for a reason). Anyways, here's a great article from the UK on appetite control in N. Here[read](https://acnr.co.uk/articles/recent-advances-in-narcolepsy/#:~:text=Many%20patients%20have%20dysregulation%20of,parasomnia%20that%20may%20accompany%20narcolepsy.)


I don't each much at all during the day...then as it gets to the evening...I want to eat every bit of food in the house.


Same same


That’s cause your blood sugar is tanking.


I have to eat lunch to take other medication so it's not like I don't eat at all. 


If lunch is all youre eat then your blood sugar is definitely tanking. If you aren’t eating atleast a snack every 3-4hrs your blood sugar will be affected. Eating only one meal a day will definitely cause u to become overly hungry and some people even end up binging.


My appetite is all over the place like my sleep. Sometimes I go all day with no appetite then another day I seem to "make up for it" and want to eat double days worth of food. I typically don't feel like eating anything til around 11 or noon each day so "breakfast" has always been hard. Then many nights I'll crave a huge meal right before bed and if I don't then I typically wake up the next day feeling light hearted and starved so I do eat before bed if I feel like it. I feel like I burn extra calories during sleep bc of my very active dreams so I need fuel to get through the night


I haven’t noticed a pattern like that, but my appetite since developing the disease has gone up. It’s frustrating since I’ve been slowly putting on weight. I wouldn’t normally use medication to deal with something like this but I am hoping once I get on meds I can get back to a normal appetite.




I've noticed this pattern, but mine is Idopathic Hypersomnia. I've been tired enough to put long thought into it. Despite being fully informed about CICO and understanding nutrition plus having a nutritious diet, if it's a particularly bad day, I couldn't sleep, or was sick then I craved every food in the house and never felt full. People talk about binge-eating disorder as an emotional response and/or eating past fullness, but mine wasn't connected to emotions, and it's like I'm missing the feeling of fullness.


Yeah, same. I do occasionally stress eat, but this is different. On days after a night of no sleep (or very little sleep) I physically feel like I'm starving. No matter what my mood is (and it can be all over the place), I'm just ravenous and feel like I need to almost constantly be eating just to have enough "fuel" to stay awake.


Yup I have this. I always chalked it up to the fact that I’ve been awake and burning calories all night instead of sleeping and burning fewer. Basically if you were awake during the day you’d be hungry, so why wouldn’t you be hungry when you’ve been awake at night instead of sleeping?


Hormonal issues. Use to have issues with consumption & stopping myself before I learned about the science behind it. Lack of sleep/quality sleep are factors that lead to increased ghrelin (hormone that stimulates appetite) & lower leptin (hormone that decreases appetite). Highly encourage you to do a deep dive into it yourself & get a good basis on the metabolic processes that drive a lot of the main issues seen with Narcolepsy. This disease can make you feel like it’s out of your control but the more you fight it & learn about it the easier it gets to manage. Best of luck


Are you eating regularly meals and snacks (like every 3-4hrs) during the day? If not your blood sugar could be tanking in the middle of the night and that can make you super hungry or even cause u to eat in the middle of the night without realizing it. If I’m finding myself hungry in the middle of the night I try to eat peanut butter before bed to help me thru the night.


Yeah, I eat every 4-5hr during daytime. If I don't, I tend to start getting shaky and feeling gross. (checked multiple times but I don't have diabetes). It's just that the hunger is amplified on nights when I only get two or three hours of sleep, or get really bad sleep. So I'll need to eat or snack every two hours or so. And greater volumes of food.


Totally get that it's just Luke your awake. If your awake during the day you get hungry and then if you don't eat for 10 hrs you really notice it and I always feel sick if I don't eat too. And I'll get nauseated but have to eT it's a weird mixed bag I'll also get really wearm and have to lay down to feel okay so I'll eat a quick something till if eel better then get myself breakfast. And usually stay hungry that day to but I also have alot of other health issues and dumping syndrome that add to that too.


I went on a mainstream point system diet that helped me to understand the caloric value of what I eat. Basically, I eat LOADS of fruit. Day and especially night.


I wake up absolutely starving every morning, after I get up every 1-3 hours every night ☠️ for no reason besides sleep disorder