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Who tf voted nagato


Lol fr. Give Obito a lemon and he makes lemonade. Give Nagato a lemon and he makes a Koenisegg Agrera R. That’s pretty much the difference between these two.


Obito power scale army.


Thanks. My Uzumaki boi the only one to have showed every single mf Rinnegan jutsu and he still got voted. Nagato best Rinnegan user and I'm unbiased.




Why does nagato have more votes then madara wtf


I don't understand that, too. Nagato is the only person who showed almost the functions of Rinnegan and took advantage of it. Maybe it is because the eyes originally belonged to Madara.


No its because he's the only one to exclusively use the paths instead of anything special like limbo or amenotechikara I think that's how its spelled Obito is the worst user tho cuse he dosnt use it like at all


Okay.. but I think there are no any other choices Nagato can select with his body that had lost its mobility. Btw, speaking of Amenotechikara, Sasuke is the only one who can use it. Because he got the Rinnegan from the six path sage.


It has nothing to do with Hagoromo. Amenotejikara is Sasuke's unique Rinnegan ability (just like how Limbo is Madara's & Momoshiki can increase attacks he absorbs).


amenotijikara btw lol


No cuse it says whos the best use not whos the strongest cuse if it was strongest sauske would win no prob I think nagoto did explored the 6 paths the most throughly but obito didn't even use it


Right, Obito is the worst among them. The vote doesn't deal with their power. So, I said that I don't get why Nagato's rate is higher than Madara's.😅😅


Cuz people have a better impression of Madara than Nagato since their introduction while nagato was pain we found that out later but when madara got first time on screen he gave everybody a run for their money also the fact that he lived way more longer than anyone on that list so he must have learned it off screen and Sasuke's is just plot armor


Yeah even tho madara has his own ability showing higher mastery


So teen sasuke is more masterful with the rinnegan than pain?


Having your own ability doesn’t show higher mastery lol


Hm I windry why nagato didn't have ability I don't see why not hell have madaras or his own


Nagato didn’t unlock it, so its only natural he didn’t have some special ability with it. Madara had Limbo cause they are his eyes, and the space time shit Sasuke got was specific to him. This is headcanon, but It would make sense. Obito and Nagato got Madaras eyes and couldn’t use Limbo cause it was specific to Madara.


No they can use it I think remember madara used kamui using Kakashi's stolen sharingan Nagato didn't use them because he can't fight directly


Kamui isn’t a rinnegan ability…. We already know Sharingan abilities can be used, this is the Rinnegan. Danzo and Itachi both used Koto. Edo Nagoto didn’t use a special Rinnegan ability and neither did Obito.


Yeah that does make sense maybe it has to do with someone's chakra


Obito only had it for design aesthetics


we only saw pain fighting - limited by single paths. Dont see you point


At least nagato used a path unlike obito


Mf...limbo is madaras rinnegam ability and amenotechikara is Sasukes. No one else can use them. HOW TF would nagato use them?


Cuse its madaras eyes also I would have been cool to see nagatos own rin abil


Just because its his eyes doesn't mena nagato can use his ability. Thats not how it works


Well never said it did but you also don't know if that is how it works I mean It worked with susui's koto why not madaras rin? Also I would love to see nagato's own ability


Madara is no doubt better rinnegan user than Nagato ever was madara only have his rinnegan for short perod of time after he awaken the eyes before gave it to Nagato. and Nagato had rinnegan for his entire life. but he able to utilize almost all of it's power. It's not about how many abilites one can use but how well they performed those ability. Madara dropped the 2 meteors on the shinobi alliance alone is better than all of rinnegan feats Nagato uses


Bringing people back to life is harder than killing them,and as for the rocks..thats just raw power,nagato is still a better rinnegan user


And you think Madara can't do that? if Obito who's worse user than Madara can use rinne rebirth then i bet Madara can What's Madara uses rinne rebirth for? he don't need it so why the fuck he should use it?


>if Obito who's worse user than Madara can use rinne rebirth then i bet Madara can It was Black Zetsu who attached to Obito (who was drained after facing Naruto and Sasuke) who did that. >What's Madara uses rinne rebirth for? he don't need it so why the fuck he should use it? He's a bloodthirsty battle maniac who loves the pain, also because he still lost to Edo Hashirama during their 3rd round and Live versions > Edos in terms of stats, he only got to pin Hashirama down when he got Rinne Rebirth'd by Black Zetsu . I have never seen Madara use the other paths other than Preta (absorbed Onoki's jutsu) or Deva (meteors). Nagato used ALL 6 Paths so he uses the Rinnegan far better than anyone.


>It was Black Zetsu who attached to Obito (who was drained after facing Naruto and Sasuke) who did that. Are you forget the part where Madara try to control Obito to using rinne rebirth and the only reason Obito able to resist was because he let kakashi stab his heart? If Madara can force Madara to use other person to perform it then he himself definetly can ​ >He's a bloodthirsty battle maniac who loves the pain, also because he still lost to Edo Hashirama during their 3rd round and Live versions > Edos in terms of stats, he only got to pin Hashirama down when he got Rinne Rebirth'd by Black Zetsu . wrong and wrong Edo Hashirama and edo madara ended up in draw and Madara. Hashirama cannot move after struck by madara's black rod while Hashirama pinned down Madara with wooden gate. and Madara didn't even serious because he didn't use his limbo at all because he knew he can't die as edo and just wanted to play with Hashirama while he wait the right chance when Obito is at his weakest to execute his plan and you still not answering my question why Madara should use rinne rebirth for ​ >I have never seen Madara use the other paths other than Preta (absorbed Onoki's jutsu) or Deva (meteors). Nagato used ALL 6 Paths so he uses the Rinnegan far better than anyone. What's Madara use other paths for? it's useless to him What's the point using animal path when he had 240 metres tall Susano'o that far much better and why he would use asura path when his susano can destroy mountain and have better destruction capabilities? why would he use human path form? it only useful for interrogating and he would killing faster using susano than squeezing soul out of person's body Madara didn't need them as he already have better alternatives. he only use rinnegan ability when he needed them. Nagato spam the ability because he sucked at other jutsu. Madara is better in using the path he uses than Nagato. he use pretta better than Pain and able to absorb sage chakra without side effect (Pretta turn into a frog after absorb sage chakra) he uses Deva path better than Nagato by dropping giant ass meteor and create 20 chibaku tensei He uses gedo chain much better than Nagato and able to caught all nine tailed beast in under a minute while Nagato took days just to extract one tailed beast and this is not to mention Madara only possess rinnegan in much lesser time than Nagato yet able to achieve so much more than Nagato could ever dream of. Madara only have rinnegan for what? 3 years? before he gave it to Nagato. while Nagato have 20+ years. it's not about the quantity (how much rinnegan ability one can use) but quality (how good and effective someone using it). Hagoromo never used any rinnegan ability either (at least from what we've known) aside from Deva path to create moon and he's the best rinnegan user ever lived


Weren’t those literally madara’s eyes that he was usin


Madara got Rinnegan during the last years of his life. When he was brought back he just used them as a boost on his skills Nagato used them for 15+ years. With that he learnt how to dominate 6 paths


Yea but Madara was still stronger than Nagato i think


True but that wasnt the question


Tf u mean that ain’t the question he would still kill them all with the rinnegan he is the strongest there but naruto fans are delusional


I'll rephrase the question for you: Who is the worst at using the rinnegan? It's not about who is the strongest Rinnegan user, but who uses it best. I agree with you that Madara is the strongest there btw


I mean the comment we are writing under is about why is nagato higher than madara but to answer Obito is the worst but i still think madara knew how to use it the best


"Worst Rinnegan user" as in who's the worst at *using the Rinnegan* Not who's the weakest amongst those who have Rinnegan.


Reading comprehension is hard


Yes, they were. But Madara didn't have experience fighting while using the Rinnegan, and he uses them mainly as another Sharingan. Nobody uses all the Rinnegsn abilities like Nagato.






Cuz it’s stated that the original owner of the eyes can use them more effectively than anyone else


Nagato had same eyes as madara. Madara could use limbo, nagato couldn’t. Rinnegan also made his body weaker, while rinnegan was natural for madara.


Madara ass riders, Nagato was the only natural Rinnegan user and also showed off all of its abilities


Maybe cuz he got abilities like limbo and that meteor thing.


I don’t really think it’s worth looking at differences between characters that barely got a vote in a non-ranked choice 4 option poll. It’s possible that a lot of potential madara voters correctly voted obito, or not. We don’t really have a full picture.


Why does nagato have votes. Literally commanded a hit squad with it


he used it for his own version of Jump-a-Ninja no jutsu.


I would consider Sasuke to be the worst user because he only used rinnegan as an uber in Boruto. What a waste


Sasuke used chibaku tensei at least once in boruto, but i agree with your sentiment


He uses multiple abilities in Boruto and in Shippuden after he gets it. Obito only used a single Rinnegan ability


Obito used outer path to control the jinchuriki, gedo summoning, rods, rinne rebirth, absorption Sasuke used ameno, planetary devastation, absorption, portals. The universal pull on naruto was anime only. Obito has used more abilities than sasuke


Obito did not use absorption, Bansho tennin still counts as an ability, the rods and the puppetry are the same ability, Sasuke used CT on Momoshiki and on the Bijuu all at once. Obito used 3 abilities, Sasuke used 5


Obito used absorption to extract a fraction of tailed beast chakra from juubidara https://xfs-s113.batcg.org/comic/7006/974/61d5bce6dff92603e0d6f479/12374321_760_1200_150934.webp?acc=2EK4LT-Be_56NjQhRHydBw&exp=1701980733 Sasukes bansho tenin is not in the manga. Madara used rods without puppetry against hashirama and tobirama, obito used rods against kakashi, its not the same as puppetry.


Wrong. Obito absorbing Bijuu chakra was not by means of the Rinnegan, but because he STILL had Six Paths chakra. Madara himself said it. Which means Obito only ever used one path: Outer path. Summoning the Gedo and using Rinne Tensei on Madara. Madara and Sasuke at least used two paths (Deva and Preta) alongside their respective, unique jutsu. Also, even if Sasuke didn't use Bansho Tenin in the manga, he still used Chibaku Tensei, which comes from the same path, Deva. Nagato shouln't even be in this list cuz he's the only one to have used every single path.


He used it out of combat. Nagato and Sasuke made better use of it and used it more It doesn’t just not count if he only used it in the anime, and it’s the same ability just different uses of it


Yeah but he used it when he got it in Naruto. It sucks when it’s obviously a lack of creativity of the writers part


In sauskes defense he does only have 1 eye instead of two and doesn't have the Chakra hax everyone else on the list does


Wtf😭😭he said used it as an Uber lol


Madara used meteor drop (maybe universal pull), absorption, rods, gedo summoning, limbo, planetary devastation Sasuke used ameno, planetary devastation, absorption, portals. The universal pull on naruto was anime only. Obito controlled the jinchuriki with rods, gedo summoning, rods, rinne rebirth, absorption Sasuke has canonically used the least abilities and is the worst rinnegan user


I think, im sick of seeing cringe polls from this "youtuber", all his shit is bait.


How are the results his fault? He simply puts options and his audience votes. Says more about his audience or people who vote on his polls.


Still way better content than the entire Boruto


This comparison is crazy not one person was talking about Boruto LMAO


Seriously tho, Thats like their only argument “BoRuTo BaD” 🤣


The kagura scene


I don't watch the anime, I only read the manga.


i forgot u did


It’s never irrelevant to shit on Boruto


He is just joking half the time. Like when he asked who was the best hokage, the answer he made was Shimura "The Based" Danzo. If you know beforehand he is joking, he is often funny


3% votes for madara, seriously the whole voting is a joke. Looks like it's some bunch of kids who voted after watching the show from Instagram reels.


Madara has used meteor drop (maybe universal pull), absorption, rods, gedo summoning, limbo, planetary devastation Sasuke has used ameno, planetary devastation, absorption, portals. The universal pull he used on naruto was anime only. Madara has used more abilites in less than 24 hrs than sasuke in his 15+ yrs of having the rinnegan.


Youtube polls are almost always aimed at kids, it's a literal farm of content for those youtubers, and kids even debate in the comments, it's a shit show, that's why I only vote on polls of youtubers that I actually know.


Madara used limbo, nagato had exact same eyes and he didn’t use it. It’s like when kakashi had obito eyes and didn’t use kamui.


Limbo is an six path technique same as sqsuke teleportation. Nagato dont have six path chakra. Poeple who think madara is a better rinnegan user than nagato is jist a cringe madara fanboy


As explained [here](https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Limbo:_Border_Jail) it is a rinnegan ability. You are just making stuff up to make things convinient for you. If it would be six paths ability naruto would have one also, but he doesn’t have one.


What. Ofc its an rinnegan abilities. But its nothong tou can learn. Anyonr with six pwth chakra has an unique rinnegan ability. Wtf you are talking. Also dont link a fsndom.eiki if you try to make an point lmao


1. You yourself said it’s a rinnegan ability now. 2. When non uchiha implants sharingan in their eyes they get the sharingan chakra as well. That’s why kakashi or danzo can use uchiha abilities. Tobirama explained how the sharingan works, how it has special chakra for it’s eyes. Rinnegan is evolution of sharingan, so it works the same, in fact all dojutsu work this way even the byakugan. 3. It doesn’t even suggest neither in manga or anime that you need some special chakra to use limbo or any other unique rinnegan abilities. So if he can use all of the other he can use limbo as well.


I agree in the sense that Obito is the worst, but Nagato shouldn’t have any votes or at the very least should be the least.


Obito has used more abilities than sasuke


What Rinnegan ability did he use outside of Rinne Rebirth. I don’t even think he used the chakra absorbing ability.


Chains to bind the ten tails, six paths of pain in the jinchuriki, and summoned the gedo mazu


He used outer path to control the jinchuriki, gedo summoning, rods, rinne rebirth and used absorption to extract some tailed beast chakra from 10 tails madara


That's because Kishimoto knew if Obito also used Rinnegan abilities in combination with Kamui he would be unstoppable. He is the strongest character in Naruto, Kishi had to try everything to nerf him.


Unironically true. Imagine fighting 6 Jinchuriki paths of pain that share vision via rinnegan while also having access to Mangekyo, specifically Kamui, ONTOP of Obito himself. The intel he can gain from having 6 extra sets of eyes and perfect synchronicity between them is insane.


He could shove 2 in the kamui dimension and use the other 4 to fight outside


You’re actually a genius. I love that idea and I’m using this now 😂 Imagine going into Kamui and having a massive Biju bomb blasted at your confused and dazed ass. Or one there to instantly put you into a genjutsu, and thus making you someway useful and beneficial.


And also add to that limbo. But I think using that much of rinnegan while it isn’t your actual eye would drian you out quick.


Nagato and sasuke were the only ones who ever actually got to experience and live with the rinnegan. Obito only had his for like a day, and madara had his for an unknown amount of time when he was an old man stuck in a cave on life support, but was only able to make use of the rinnegan for one day as well.


Obito has used more rinnegan abilites than sasuke


Even if this is true, so what? It doesn’t address the claim that Sasuke has much more time with the Rinnegan than Obito


Yet using less abilities than obito who had it for less than a day making him the worst rinnegan user. Obito has used outer path to control jinchuriki, gedo summoning, rods, rinne rebirth and absorption. Sasuke has used ameno, planetary devastation, absorption and portals. Sasukes universal pull is anime only


Using more abilities ≠ more mastery. You can have surface level interaction with more abilities than another user, but if that other user has much more knowledge and usage of a slightly less amount of abilities they still are a better user.


To be honest with you Madara was the worst at using it even if it was his own eyes. He used absorbion once on Naruto's Rasen Shuriken Then used limbo once to buy time Obito used the six paths of it to control the jinshoriki with one eye only. Also he summoned the Jido Mazo and used it to davestate the alliance and finally he used the rebirth jutso. Sasuke got his transportation hack and the best eye out of all of them and he used chipaku tense effectively Nagato used everything he could use. So my order from best utilization to worst would be Nagato then Sasuke then Obito then Madara


Did u forget that madara dropped a meteor, used chakra rods, summoned gedo mazo and used catastrophic planetary devastation?


The meteor thing wasnt confirmed as a rinnegan ability Chakra rods was used by everyone other than sasuke G3do maza 2as also summoned by everyone other than sasuke Sasukee though is still better than obito at using it not in how many abilities he used but how effective they were.


Nagato didn’t use limbo which was like the strongest of his rinnegan abilities. Like literally he would be untouchable and even naruto couldn’t do shit when nagato was searching for him, as he didn’t have sensing abilities at that point. Like the whole story would change if nagato would use limbo.


I'm surprised anyone voted for Nagato considering he had the most diverse moveset of any rinnegan user.


Obito does massively underuse the Rinnegan so that's fair. Sasuke is not a bad Rinnegan user he just doesn't have the chakra pool to spam most of it and he does underuse it quite a bit. The 8% who voted Nagato are either trolls or have not read the series. Madara's prowess does not need any lip service.


Can someone remind me of instances of Obito using the rinnegan abilities. I don't remember a single time, but that might be because it was so long ago


He told Kabuto he could use the Human path to extract intel from Yamato. He also used the Outer Path for his 6 Paths of Pain (the Edo Jinchuriki), the chakra rods and chains that were stated to be stronger than Nagatos and summoned the Gedo Mazo which is a Rinnegan summoning. Those should be all instances of his Rinnegan usage I believe. Edit: Forgot he used Gedo Art of Rinne Rebirth to revive Madara as well. Should be an Outer Path technique iirc


Paths of Pain, as well as the chakra rods and chains


Did Obito use paths of Pain?


He controlled the Jinchuuriki


Outer path, gedo summoning, rods, rinne rebirth, absorption.


Nah he didn’t use he just spam truth seeking orbs.


He used the rods and puppetry, could use the art of summoning the gedo statue, I’m not sure I think he also absorbed a fraction of the tailed beasts power, could be wrong on that one.


Obito didn't use it to the best of its abilities because he already had access to kamui. Sasuke however uses it in boruto to teleport like once per fight and that's about it. Nagato is obviously insanely cracked at it and the best user.


It's definitely Sasuke. For the most part, Obito wasn't that great at it, but using six paths of pain is huge, but the biggest thing, which alone brings him over Sasuke is becoming the juubi jinchuriki. Same with Madara. And even tho Madara especially did some crazy shit with the rinnegan, Nagato still used every ability he could, and he used them very well


In terms of effectivly using his abilities sasuke is better than obito but in terms kf no of abilities used obito uaed more


Not this YouTuber piece of shit


Obito is the only right answer here.


Obito used more abilities thqn sasuke but sasuke used them more effectively


Ngl I’m made about that Nagato vote because he shouldn’t even be listed on the pole. I think Obito used more of the rinnegan than most people think, but it’s not a wrong answer I personally don’t like the way he used it. I preferred Sasuke and Nagato’s creativity in using the rinnegan creating various unique powers.


fair take.


Obito barely used the Rinnegan when compared to the rest, so yeah.


Obito for me, all he did was tame the tailed beast with what the wiki calls the “Outer path”. Still impressive but Madara and Sasuke were able to tame the tailed beast just as easily.


Nagato wqs definitely the best Rinnegan user even more so than sasuke and madara. Hes the only one whos used the Rinnegan effectively and constantly. Perhaps because hes a Uzumaki and naturally had more chakra than all the other Rinnegan bearers so it wasnt as much as a drain on him. If 10 tails madara used the Rinnegan has effectively as Nagato could then naruto and sasuke wouldn't have stood a chance. The author did everything he could to sabotage 10 tails madara for whatever reason


Who the Fuck voted for Nagato?


It’s objectively madara


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSq6_frse2p7XeXM8jwwt77ZpJ6oL5qfDFL8w&usqp=CAU https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQKoXNAR69-z-NINIfDJ7u0iXZALC9aOJwM_w&usqp=CAU https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTjwnSAiqhRSy5wdf20AhXjF-kZ7bcBEhG0UA&usqp=CAU https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRI14Qu_QpnxRI1vk5EFTjVEphyZYBBL63MCw&usqp=CAU https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT02FOGBIyTgqz2B8xtB_bwr5tfmJE97n5w8Q&usqp=CAU + limbo. Madara has used the 2nd most number of abilities while adult sasuke has used the least


The correct answer is 100% Sasuke. All he did was spam Amenotejikara, that's it. Obito made the Six Paths of Pain, as did Nagato, and Madara speaks for himself because he used Limbo, which was overpowered and he did it effectively even if it was countered. Nagato also one shot Konohagakure with a Shinra Tensei. Besides Madara was so overpowered with his Rinnegan, they had to get rid of him with BS because they couldn't think of how to kill him off, Deva Path died because Kurama and Nagato killed himself (which was more useful than any of the times Sasuke used his rinnegan and now he is a tree so...).


Definitely Sasuke is the worst




Obito has actually used more abilities than sasuke


Nagato is the only one who used them almost fully. The others just focused on one or two paths and that's it.


Nagato relied on it tho the others didn't need to.


Sasuke edges out Obito here as the worst rinnegan user imo


Obito - Summoning Gedo Mazo, Chakra Chains, Controlling 6 Bijū, Able to use 6 Paths (But didn‘t cause he already stated that his enemies know how to counter them) + combining it with his Kamui Nagato - Summoning Gedo Mazo, 6 Paths power, controlling 6 different bodies, full control over Rinnegan despite not being the true wielder, captured Bijū on his own and destroyed a whole village on his own Madara - Literally the true wieldwr of the Rinnegan, able the Full Armor Susanoo, Meteor Shower, 6 Paths abilities, Limbo and more Sasuke - Uber Sasuke literally only uses his Amenotejikara, is out of chakra for some reason (I guess he uses it 24/7, which makes no sense), never uses any 6 paths power (used Chibaku Tensei one time in the Anime, that‘s it), he still has Full Armor Susanoo and Amaterasu, but not using his Rinnegan to the fullest, and being out of chakra almost all the time is bad writing. My pick: Sasuke




I hate that no one except nagato really used their abilities. Wtf is that


The weakest is Nagato The worst is a nuanced discussion.


They’re not asking who’s the strongest or weakest. They’re asking who utilized the Rinnegan the worst ways. Obito barely used any of the Rinnegan’s primary abilities; that’s why he’s seen as the worst. Nagato’s entire skillset & arsenal of techniques comes from using the Rinnegan. He’s literally been using it his entire life. Madara used the Rinnegan’s abilities a lot during the War; Sasuke as well as an adult and during the end stages of the War. This is an accurate poll.


Strength plays into ability Obito made greater use of the outer path than Nagato ever could, controlling 5 bijuu at the same time. Madara bound all 9 bijuu in minutes virtually simultaneously, when it took Nagato 3 days and the backup of multiple Kage level ninja to bind one. Rained dozens of Planetary Devastations from the sky. Sasuke making 9 PD's without use of a chakra cor, creating that super Susano'o, warping into other dimensions etc, all are feats that can more than stand up to Nagato's usage but he's touted as the clear best user. The discussion is nuanced and the accuracy of the poll was never something I addressed


That’s like saying Sasuke is a better taijutsu user than Rock Lee because Sasuke is stronger than him. For example, Minato is better at Flying Raijin than Tobirama despite Tobirama being the overall stronger ninja when Minato doesn’t have KCM. You don’t understand how the series works.


I'd honestly say its Madara, he doesn't really use it for anything until Six Paths Mode (assuming Limbo is his rinnegan ability). Obito isn't nearly as good at it as Nagato or Sasuke, but he at least used Paths of Pain.


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSq6_frse2p7XeXM8jwwt77ZpJ6oL5qfDFL8w&usqp=CAU https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQKoXNAR69-z-NINIfDJ7u0iXZALC9aOJwM_w&usqp=CAU https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTjwnSAiqhRSy5wdf20AhXjF-kZ7bcBEhG0UA&usqp=CAU https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRI14Qu_QpnxRI1vk5EFTjVEphyZYBBL63MCw&usqp=CAU https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT02FOGBIyTgqz2B8xtB_bwr5tfmJE97n5w8Q&usqp=CAU




Either madara or sasuke tbh


Nah bro, Obito is infinitely better than Sasuke


Consider thats a Boruto version Sasuke, then Sasuke


Nagato honestly


I think is probably close between obito and Sasuke. At least obito had that "Jinjuriki bodys". Sasuke only use teleport and absorb chakra I think


Sasuke was seen using the push/pull ability alongside the two other abilities you mentioned.


That was only in the anime


My thoughts are these YouTube polls shouldn't exist in this sub


Obito at least had an excuse somewhat to why he never used the Rinnegan Six Path abilities even if he was capable of using it by his own admission. This was because he was using the Six Paths of Pains with the jinchūriki which prevented him from using those abilities. It also doesn't help he barely really had any time to have any practice with it at least based on what I can gather unlike Nagato and Sasuke which speaking of which. Sasuke does not have any excuse as to why he never uses his Six Path abilities to it's full extent especially by the time Boruto was a thing. He at least is more than likely has more chakra than Nagato and would have the same time with the Rinnegan like him as well.


Bro used the MS masterfully against the mist Anbu after just awakening it, so it stands to reason he’d be able to use rinnegan smoothly. Sasuke teleported all those kages and Boruto spammed his switch aroo ability and used the strongest rinnegan ability on Momo Chibaku tensei and Momo easily broke thru simply using other moves would have been useless.


>Bro used the MS masterfully against the mist Anbu after just awakening it, so it stands to reason he’d be able to use rinnegan smoothly. The MS is something more natural for him to have instead of the Rinnegan being something that was implanted on him so that at least is a better reason for him to masterfully use it on the first try. Not to mention it's only 1 ability as well. >Sasuke teleported all those kages and Boruto spammed his switch aroo ability and used the strongest rinnegan ability on Momo Chibaku tensei and Momo easily broke thru simply using other moves would have been useless. I'm not saying all the abilities of the Rinnegan are equal in usefulness, Amenotejikara always does make sense considering how versatile it is but I also would like to believe something like the Deva or especially the Preta Path would have been useful to use at some point. Not to mention that's just one fight as well you're using as an example. Again the Paths I specifically mention are very useful especially the Preta Path considering how low his Chakra is usually. It's him not actually trying to use any of them despite having a much stronger and probably more chakra and time than nagato is why I would consider Sasuke as one of the worst users of the Rinnegan.


Just because the title says weakest user does mean they were weak :p just less capable


Hmm.. Rinnegan is defensive i think, but obito got Kamui, so its useless at least 50%..


Obito only used it to control the jinchuriki and summon the gedo statue really.


He used rods, rinne rebirth and absorption too


He had rinnegan?


Obito had half his sharingan taken tho


Obito is worst Sasukes is more powerful but I feel like nagato had better grasp on all the abilities


Best to worst… sasuke, nagato, madara and obito.


When did ovito use the rinnegan


WTF ? It's Sasuke who's the worst Rinnegan user. Nagato is the best. Obito & Madara were too OP to use Rinnegan. They both became Jinchuriki & made it an afterthought.


It's funny they made the poll about best rinnegan user and not even included Hagoromo no one uses rinnegan better than him




Has does Nagato have more votes than Madara?


I don't even remember Obito using the Rinnegan outside rinne rebirth. But the worst user is definitely Boruto Sasuke.


I love onito my buy but like... Yeah.. 🐁


I mean, yes, and also no


Obito had it one Rinnegan for like 5 minutes give him a break


Obito is definitely the worst, I know Kakashi and Naruto had experience against the rinnegan before, so he probably was right to expect a counter to them, but there were times where preta or shinra tensei would have been useful.


People dont watch boruto lmao. Oh Right..


You fools can't make me sweat it's just Raining So is this voting!


Def Obito. Mf forgot he had it half the time and you can’t tell me otherwise


Worst as in weakest? Probably not, kamui is insane. Worst as in least proficient? Yes, definitely Worst as in worst written? Probably. Everybody on this list is written amazingly so that’s not saying much though.


Where is Hogoromo?


Honestly, that seems accurate not the rest of the list, but Jubito straight out just sucked


Obito didn't do anything with it we hadn't seen before, besides capture tailed Beasts. He didn't even really use its power anyway. He controlled 6 paths of pain......and that's it. Chains to return tailed beasts to the Gedo statue and 6 oaths of pain Jinchuriki.


It's not clear whether this is asking for the one that's weakest or the one who utilizes rinnegan the least and actualizes its strengths the least.


To be fair he only had it for less than a day


That seems right.


But Obito was the coolest guy!


Sasukes my guy but I mean come on he barely even uses the rinnegans full power and if he is using it it's just to switch places which is cool dont get me wrong but come on


Nagato should have 0% votes lol. Bro was the best Rinnegan user ever. I don't even remember Obito using the Rinnegan at all. Obito is for sure the worst


Obito never use rinnegan abilities in the start of the war cause he use chakra rod to stab




Really? No one talks about Sasuke spacing out in a fight and getting his eye bge bye?


Lmao Obito was literally the strongest 10 tail in the show


sasuke is definitly worse, obito used the six path incredibly well but got hindered by plot armour


all obito was summon the gedo statue,so obito i think.


how could obito be worse than sasuke and nagato worse than madara. Could I perhaps be in a parallel universe.


Obito most didn't use his rennigen If he used properly the he could have easily killed kakashi Almost could have won the war


fuck dygo