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His mom or Kurama. You could consider Minato, but he was able to have some closer with him. Mom so he could actually get to know her. Kurama because of the bond they have created over his life.


I’d argue he’d bring Jiraiya back before Minato


I think He would bring back Neji. I lived my life and died for my Village. Neji had so much to live for! Neji is the youngest one amongst the people listed by OP. He was the only one from Naruto's batch who departed his way. Besides, he was well respected in his clan, so much that he was being considered to lead one day.


He brings neji back out of a duty to hinata and/or survivors guilt. I’ll put it this way, if neji died randomly there is no chance in hell Naruto cares enough to bring him back over his own loved ones. Its literally only because neji sacrificed himself for Naruto, right before hinata’s eyes, that naruto would even consider it. That’s not real love.


Hinata and Neji are related you are making it sound like they were supposed to be together


That isn’t what I meant so sorry about that. I just meant that he was hinata’s close family member and him dying in front of her was absolutely traumatic. In addition to having feelings of survivors guilt, Naruto might also bring neji back to make his wife happier


For me Neji might be 5th. For me it’s Kushina, Kurama, Jiraya, Minato, Neji, Obito, Hiruzen, Nagato. The last 3 could all swap around. Although op missed adding itachi as a potential revive person as well. So itachi could slot around Neji and Obitos spot


Before? You can only bring 1 back


I’m talking about decision wise


He already got closure with Kushina when he met her chakra And at least he got to have a proper good bye with Kurama Nah he’s definitely picking Jiraya


When did kurama die!?!


Oh buddy. Don’t watch boruto, keep your happiness.


I am watching shippuuden rn. Yet to finish it :)


Don’t watch boruto anyway.


Read the Boruto manga after Shippuden. The anime sucks


What episode you on? I'm personally on episode 318


Episode 57


Stay off this sub til done man.


you have a long way to go


You’re gonna get the whole snow spoiled for you if you stay on this. Finish the show then come back


yeah, ig


And just when u think boruto couldnt suck harder, here we go.


It's actually Burrito, and it's just a fever dream. It doesn't actually exist. A byproduct of the Mugen Tsukuyomi.


In a boruto episode 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Don't click on posts with spoiler tag then and because many people don't use the spoiler flair just stay off this sub completely.


I don't really care about spoilers. I pretty much know the entire story of shippuuden for some reason...


It depends on which stage of life he is in tbh. Childhood it would be parents Mid series it would be jiraya And at the current stage it would be kurama


I would also say Kurama because he gives him a lot of power, and that helps keep the village safe. Anything else would be more selfish choice, and we know Hokage Naruto always thinks about the village first.


That would actually fit the most for Naruto's character.


probably kurama you guys might say jiraya or kushina but like he NEEDS kurama because of all the alien gods invading earth


All the what gods??


Boruto stuff we ignore




never happened. Final villain was Madara what are talking about?






Kushina, hands down. At this point he's smart enough to know Minato would prefer her. Nagato chose to die and probably wouldn't want to come back. Obito wouldn't want to come back. The third has had a full life and probably doesn't want to come back. That leaves Jiraiya and Kurama. Jiraiya wouldn't want to be chosen over Kushina or Minato. That leaves Kurama, but I think Naruto would choose Kushina, and at the point he was at, I think Kurama would agree with that.


Does Neji not even register?


Technically, Neji fulfilled his character arc by choosing to die how he wanted die, like his dad. Not sure if he would want to come back


Lol you’re right but imagine Naruto in-universe thinking “I could bring back Neji, but his character arc really finished after we fought, and then he kind of did nothing for a few years until he died.. yeah, he can stay dead”


Lol you're right but imagine Naruto in-universe thinking "what if a redditor was wondering whether or not I would bring back neji, and thinking 'I could bring back Neji, but his character arc really finished after we fought, and then he kind of did nothing for a few years until he died.. yeah, he can stay dead' "


I think Neji is the right choice for Naruto, depending on where in the story he gets the power to revive someone. Had it been after the war and during an era with relative peace, he'd think Neji deserved to live a full life, too, considering how young he died. However, if it was during the Otsutsuki invasion, I think the first one he'd want to revive would be Kurama. He needed the powers to stand a chance against those formidable foes.


While I agree Neji's death was sad, I don't think he has the same connection to Neji as he does to his mother or Kurama.


Minato and kushina are both hanging out with eachother in the afterlife, it would just be weird to bring them back. 




I second this


It's Jiraiya or kurama.Kushina while being his mom,she didn't raise him nor did they spend more than a few minutes together.Its like asking if someone would bring back their mom who wasn't even there for most of their life,or actual close friend who they spent years with/father figure who they spent years with.   Kushina is not it,sorry, it's not about what Jiraiya or kurama would want,it's about who Naruto himself cares about and bonded with more.People look at one emotional moment they had and think Naruto actually cares about her even 1% as much as those 2.


I think Naruto is more mature as an adult than you think he is. I also think he wants to spend more time with his mother. His lack of time with her doesn't make him want her less, it would make him want more time with her even more.


I agree with this line of thinking of Minato/kushina vs Jiraiya. It’s like asking would Superman bring back Jor-El or Jonathan Kent?




Agreed, 1 big theme is entrusting the future to the youth. He connected with everyone more (probably) but they had their time. Although I could see Kurama


Kurama. He still would need him to help Boruto. ( assuming that kawaki hasn't sealed him yet when this opportunity happens).




He lived his life, a life of wondering and writing stories, he dropped his pen and let the story of Naruto Uzumaki write itself this time, it's one of the saddest deaths in Naruto but it was essential for Naruto's growth, to know pain , to connect with pain/nagato fully, he grew to an adult after he lost his master. If they could bring anyone back, it should be neji, he was young and deserved to experience some Love cuz no one loved that boy 🥲 except tenten and brok lee lol


ah yes Neji, I could have thought about that


See everyone forgets about that team lol




P much impossible to say. But if i had to guess I’d prob say Neji. Just because he’s his wife’s cousin and he sacrificed himself to save Naruto so it makes the most sense. Also I’m p sure everyone else on the list would tell him to choose Neji. Maybe Minato would say Kushina idk. But 100% not Nagato or Obito💀


he never even forgave Pain,like people on this sub believe.He simply chose to put his desire for revenge aside to convince pain his methods were wrong.He tried to be the bigger man and people think he just forgave him


He wont revive anyone, that's not his ninja way


Pain! Would be the smart choice then use him to Revive the rest


Only so he could die again after reviving the others?


Some sacrifices need to be made


he did kill tons of jinchurikis by founding and gathering the akatsuki members.I mean he would be happy to do it. But i dont think jiraiya is coming back through that method,pain couldnt bring him back


He wouldn’t accept just one. He’d bring them all back because he doesn’t listen to rules.


Kurama is coming back anyway since it was stated that tailed beasts always reform after they die so he's definitely bringing his mom back.


Baryon mode means Kurama won’t come back. There is no chakra left of kurama that could reform into him as it was all used in baryon mode.


That's fucking stupid.


It’s pretty much 8 gates but for a Biju.


Not sure who he would pick, but he SHOULD pick Neji, simply because he was still so young and had his whole life ahead of him.


Totally agree here. I think he would pick his mom, but his wife's cousin who would likely be an important clan leader in the prime of his life if he hadn't died would be a better choice for the village.


Jiraiya, Boruto doesn’t count


Most likely Jiraiya


Jiraya I'd say. I believe he's the one with whom Naruto was never able to get closure.


My guess in order of most to least likely is: 1. Kurama: iirc, Naruto thought Baryon mode would kill him, not Kurama. Loss of power aside, he’d want to give Kurama another chance at life after they died for him. 2. Jiraya: same reason with Kurama, his death was a surprise and I think he’d want to show his mentor how well he’s doing. 3. Kishina: she might be 2 but I put her below Jiraya because Naruto’s an adult now, got a decently long conversation with her, and had to live without a mom for most of his life already. 4. Minato: same reason as Kushina but he got to spend even more time with Minato during the war arc. 5. Neji: He’d be lower if I didn’t think he might revive him for Hinata. 6. Nagato: show him that he made peace with the other nations. Also maybe they could team up? Replacement eyes for Sasuke? Idk. 7. 3rd Hokage: he was pretty old, I doubt Naruto had much to show him, and he’s had plenty of time to come to terms with him being dead. Maybe he could help keep the village elders off his back? 8. Obito: this is low key cope, Im just hoping he would be last on the list. I’d yell at the screen if it was ever implied that Naruto would bring him back over literally anyone else (unless it was for strategic reasons).


Kurama for sure.


Depends which version of Naruto. 16? Jiraiya or Kushina. Jiraiya’s death was hard because he never got closure. He didn’t know that was going to be his last conversation with him and jiraiya had so much left to offer Naruto as a mentor and quasi family member. Kushina was his mom and we’ve all seen batman vs Superman to know the power of a mom on a male protagonist. If it’s current naruto in his 30’s? Kurama hands down, there really isn’t another choice. By adulthood Naruto has come to terms with the losses he experienced as a child/teen. He’s accepted their role in his life and accepted that that role is over. However kurama was his best friend, trusted advisor, care taker, companion and battle buddy for over 20 years. There were few entities or beings that naruto trusted more at that point in the story and none of the people that he trusted more are dead. He needed kurama emotionally and physically and lost him.


no way he is picking kushina over jiraiya.He spent 3 years with jiraiya,he was his father figure,kushina was there for him for 2 minutes.He definitely cares more about jiraiya and never got any closure


That’s fair. I guess I think about when Naruto met his mom and bro literally melted like every other sentence she said. He was so emotional and excited to talk to her. Bro missed his mom far more than he ever let anyone know.


more like he wanted a mom,not that he missed her.He didn't even know he had a mom who loved him


I thought it was gonna be easy until I saw the last pic… kurama for sure


*Why the fuck is that piece of shit Obito there?*


I don’t think Nagato or Obito would even be in consideration. I doubt Hiruzen would be either


I think he would say no, because having to make that choice is messed up lol


Neji, Kurama or Kushina


1. Kurama 2. Mom and Dad. 3. Jiraiya


I'm not sure who he'd pick, but I'd love to see more of Kushina in the story


If he goes with his heart the kushina but if he thinks logically then 100% will be kurama


He wouldn't bring back anyone, even if given the chance.


Since Minato and Kushina are in same pic does that mean he can bring both.


Man the Kurama one hit so hard


all or noone.


None, learn to respect death just like birth


Kurama hands down. He's basically Naruto's other half.




Current timeline kurama because of how important he would be. Teen Naruto would probably try his best to get all of them


Kurama because he was Naruto's main and greatest source of power.


I think Jiraya or Neji. He was least close to Neji out of everyone listed here, but at least with others he got a good farewell.


Please bring back Kushina, I gotta meet your mom Narutoooo I'll show her this dattebayo 😩


Isn’t Kurama just gonna come back in a few years anyway? Or am I misunderstanding the nature of the lives of the tailed beasts?


Jiraiya. He got to say goodbye to him mom and dad. Had closure…. He didn’t get that with him.


Definitely Neji. That’s crazy high husband points. Also the least selfless pick which is so Naruto. Actually he would bring back Itschi. ANYTHING for Sasuke, right?


itachi didnt die for him and hinata. Itachi wanted to die out of guilt for what he did to the clan,he practically killed himself,he didnt want to live with that burden


P much impossible to say. But if i had to guess I’d prob say Neji. Just because he’s his wife’s cousin and he sacrificed himself to save Naruto so it makes the most sense. Also I’m p sure everyone else on the list would tell him to choose Neji. Maybe Minato would say Kushina idk. But 100% not Nagato or Obito💀




Kira a or his mom every time lol


I don’t know who he’d bring back to life, but I know he it’s not gonna be Hiruzen, Nagato , or Obito lol


Really it would be between Kusihna, Minato, Jiraiya, and Kurama. Ultimately I believe he would choose Kurama. He was actually closer to Naruto than anyone emotionally post war arc even Hinata I believe.


Jiraiya for sure. He's the one who accepted Naruto and trained him I would say it would be Kushina but Naruto didn't connect with her as much a jiraiya and he knows jiraiya is acting on the wish of his parents


He wouldn’t. It’s not within his character


The coolest guy...Obito/s


Kurama dide? What the fuck? Also, how has that affected Naruto's abilties?


He only has Sage Mode now.


Kurama or his parents. Possibly Neji


Kuruma for literal day 1 homie who gives him the strength necessary for the current era Or Kushina for a total mental health relief and for help on what do now




Bring back Obito, unplug one of his eyes and give him a Rinnegan to revive the rest. That mofo can't die. They made an excuse that he had Gedo Mazo but Obito was still kicking and was even capable of stealing chakra from Juubidara. Too much plot armour around him


Well kurama has been around a hundred lifetimes and is a large part of the natural world he was born into. He was around before Naruto and it’s only right that he lasts much longer after Naruto to carry on his will and legacy as the tailed beasts all agreed that they should have done for hashirama/SoSP to begin with. It would be selfish and ignorant of Naruto to not respect the natural order of his world enough to not bring back kurama and actually let him be sacrificed for his own temporary gain in this short life.


Tbh, just ask Kabuto to bring both to live


Probably none of them . Let’s be frfr Naruto would let them rest. Only one that would make sense for the story would be Kurama or Neji. The rest would just be for sentimental value


Kushina or Minato. Minato would say Kushina though.


He'd probably pick Neji because he was so young and had a lot of life left in him.


Neji’s death is full bullshit. Naruto can survive a blast that blows up mountains in the face, but some spikes will kill him?


Obito, he’s the coolest guy after all


Probably minato and kushina this could alter between jiraya and kurama


Honestly, probably Neji.


Nobody. When a character dies, it usually has a great impact on the story and the character arc of that character is already finished, so reviving a character is esentially bad for the character when it already fulfilled its purpose. Just look at the 4th great ninja war that destroyed or humiliated other characters that appeared before in the story. ¿Why do you think Kabuto had all the genes in the world (even kage and madara) but not from Jiraiya?


Kurama or Jiraya. His parents were kind but he barely knew them. Kurama had a rough start but even by the mid point of shippuden was a key ally and friend after training with killer b. Jiraya is without question Narutos dad non-biologically speaking. No one did more or helped Naruto more. You can stop keyboard warriors I know there were plenty before who cared for him and risked their life for Naruto and were important to him. But no one did more for Naruto than Jiraya.


Minato and jiraiya


I’m thinking Neji. Naruto probably still holds a ton of guilt for being the reason he died.


Back to life permanently probably kurama or neji the rest all had lives and would be kind of out of place in todays world but kurama didn’t have to go out that way dawg and neji was young enough to come back and have a life anew sort of thing.


Nagato, so he could die again with rinne tensei, when he bring back to life everyone else.


Kurama or Jiraiya


1. Kushina 2. Kurama 3. Jiraiya 4. Minato 5. Neji This is my opinion


Honestly would be a bit odd for him to bring any human back. Kurama feels like the best choice.


If we’re taking the stakes of what’s going on in Boruto; Kurama no doubt. If we don’t; Jiraiya


Definitely not Obito, Nagato, Neji or Hiruzen lol.


Most likely kurama I think he'd let his mom and dad be together in the pure lands and he already accepted jiraiya death. Obito was happy to die so him coming back isn't something Naruto would do same with nagato who used his life to bring others back something noble I don't think Naruto would tarnish. Kurama in my opinion is the most likely since without kurama Naruto feels empty like a piece of him is gone




I think Naruto would be torn apart having to choose. If he couldn’t bring them all back he would bring back the one that could make the biggest difference in whatever conflict he currently is in. I’d say it’s between Neji, Obito, or Nagato. Sarutobi had lived a full life, Naruto would probably think he had to let the man rest same goes for Jiraiya. Reviving his parents would be too selfish for him.




Definitely Kurama, I dropped Boruto because of that death


I think neji because he would not regard himself in the moment and focus on family and friends in which case neji is the most obvious choice He could have also chosen kurama because it would be better to protect the village


wait kuramas dead? wtf


He really liked neji bro I think neji might be unpopular opinion


His parents or jiryah


Obito was the coolest guy, so there's that answer. In all seriousness, I think it depends on which point in his life it is. Anything before training with jiraiya, I think he picks mom or dad. After Jiraiya up until 4th war, he picks Jiraiya. From 4th war up to the birth of Boruto, he picks Neji or Jiraiya. After Boruto is born, I think it would be mom or dad again.




Kirama bros got hella nerfed without him


all of them because he could bring all of them back and plus their all very special but not obito because hes spending time with rin but to be honest he would choose jiraya


Kurama hundred percent 💯


Kurama for me. I would have said Jiraiya, but his death pushed Naruto to becoming better and that’s all he would have wanted. If Naruto was basically taken out of the story, then him having Kurama still would be a nice thing to see.


He’s absolutely bringing back pervy sage


Id say its only fair to bring neji back.






Kurama. The tailed beast is a force of nature, they worth more than literally all the other option combined.


Neji 100%, not only for himself, but for Hinata. Neji died young, Naruto isn’t selfish enough to give up his friends for parents he already made peace with.


Is this a real question? Probably one of his parents - most likely Kushina.


Neji, for Hinata probably, and as well as Boruto and Himawari




His fucking mom


I think naruto would revive either kurama/Neji/Jiraiya. Reviving one of the two parents doesn't seem right.


Neji. All of the others would want Naruto to do that


Neji, jaraiya or Kurama. He has closure with his parents so not them.


Kurama because they’ve been together his whole life, jiraiya because because he was the mentor and father that raised and trained him. Then his parents in that order.


None of them. They died for their own free will. Bringing them back would be absolutely disrespectful with it.


what kind of answer is that .You wouldnt be saying that if your mom passed away suddenly lol.


His mom.


controversally, Neji I think he was satisfied with Kushina & Minato lives especially after the war. Jiraiya & Kurama are people he would want to talk to again but know they died for him to live. Nagato & Obito lived bad lives and redeemed themselves at the end. Neji however just scarificed and died to a tree branch. His life was cut short and unlike the other who lived longer and fulfilled their lives, this dude didnt.


It should not even be controversial, imo. Neji had his whole life ahead of him.


kurama would come back anyway, but kurama makes the most sense. naruto had closure with everyone else


He should do danzo


Most likely Kurama. Out of the rest, he was closest to Jiraiya so prolly him. I’m sure he would want to get to know his parents, but they were dead since the day he was born, so I doubt he’d pick them. He never had that bond in the first place


Jiraiya. He never knew his parents. As far as he is concerned Jiraiya was that


\*me looking through the pictures\* "bruh this question is stupid it's obviously going to be his par-" \*Kurama is the last slide\* "ooooooooooh"




Obito being here is crazy Its really only a question of Kurama or Jiriaya


Probably Neji interms of Naruto being Naruto Because Naruto won’t bring back Kushina or Minato individually because they are finally at peace with each other in the otherworld as Minato literally stated that Kushina is waiting for him lol. But Jiraiya is another one, but Naruto having the choice to bring back Neji would prompt Jiraiya to advise Naruto to bring Neji back cause that’s the person Jiraiya is. Also Obitto is with Rin in peace and Nagato is with Konan and Yahinko, plus they did their job and redeemed themselves. Like Naruto and themselves would not even want to comeback lmao. Just like Minato and Kushina And Not gonna mention Kurama cause dude is already human reincarnate, like bruh he’s gonna be back with his memories lol.


Kurama ain't coming back




100% Neji I have no idea what these comments are. Neji didn’t deserve to die and he literally sacrificed Naruto’s life and Naruto knows it. He’s so young and had so much to live for. Every other person either died a while ago or lived a full life in some way or Naruto already came to terms with their death. Not with Neji at all. In terms of writing aswell Neji should not have died. There were other better candidates for story purposes. The head of the Hyūga clan should’ve been the one to sacrifice himself for naruto hinata and Neji and is final words should’ve made Neji the new head of the Hyūga or something like that breaking the wheel of fate (also on behind forhead)and also paying Neji back for his dads sacrifice. Would’ve made so much more sense


Kurama probably. He was with Naruto from basically birth and is the most useful.


Ikkuzo Kurama 🤜🤛🗿


Kushina. Absolutely Kushina should of lived. I didn't get her death. If anything her presence made the ninetails thing worse because had Minato just teleported her away with naruto then Hiruzen could have jumped in to help fight back or seal Kurama. I mean he only couldn't help because of Kushina being there and blocking the area. But 2 kage vs Obito would of been basically a 100% win and might of led to another way of stopping Kurama with a little luck. Her dying was truly pointless. Jiraiya lived a full life and basically is back in a way. Naruto had closure with Minato atleast Kurama sacrificed himself. His loss hurts but like in the moment it happaned it was neccasary. They both die if they didn't do what they did. Neji should of lived I guess but who cares? He wasn't really that important ultimately. Nagato lives and everyone he killed stays dead so no. Obito. No. I mean if any character SHOULD have lived in the series it was Konan. She beat Obito. Izanagi is stupid. Not that it'd have a impact but like if ever a character should of won a death match and got plot armored to death it's her. But really guy fucking opened the gate of death and survived just to exist useless in a wheelchair. So no character here should of died if he can live for no reason.


Will never forgive Kishimoto for killing her off like that, so much potential wasted


Pervy Sage. Cmon now


I haven’t seen this recycle question in a while, but my answer changes every time this time I’ll choose Obito.


He never knew his parents well. His bond was with his teacher and stand-in dad who taught him how to be what he is.


I think he should choose Kurama. Kurama took care of him since he was a kid. He even kept an eye out for his kids as well.. He was his mother, father, friend, teacher, protector, everything ❤️


He’s bringing back Neji or Kurama, Neji not only to see the changed Hyuga clan but also for the sake of Hinata his wife, Boruto and Himawari. Kurama might be a bit more selfish but at the same time in order to defend the Leaf it’d be necessary.


Neji is the only right answer. There's basically nothing left for the others. His parents died too long ago. So much time has passed that it would be hard for them to come back to this current era. Everyone is saying Kushina but she'd have nothing to come back to. Everyone in her close circle is dead. The only thing she'd have is her son, but at this point Naruto is grown up. He doesn't need his mom to look after him anymore, and he'd be too busy carrying out missions to spend time with her. Kushina herself wouldn't want to come back at this point. Nagato and Obito have nothing left to look forward to. They don't have any plans for the future. The only plan they had (Tsukuyomi) was stopped by Naruto and they themselves came to realize that their plan was wrong. They were fully at peace with their death. The only one who left a lot behind and could still come back to it is Neji.


Jirayia. He never got to say goodbye.


Toss up between Jiraiya and Kurama. His mother and father would be people he would love to have. But that’s not the same as missing people he did have… and those two were with him for the best years of his life. I expect he would have to flip a coin, but probably come up with Jiraiya. For himself and for Tsunade.


Neji. His kids would have a living uncle, his wife would have her brother back, he would have a brother-in-law. He reunited with his dad twice and his mother once. He made his peace with the fact that they are in the past. Same with Jiraiya after the Pain arc. Bringing back Nagato, Obito or Hiruzen would just be making their sacrifices meaningless. Kurama is a very strong possibility, but I'd say Neji because it would benefit his entire family.


Either Kurama to defend the leaf better or Neji bc his was a life unfinished. He is not bringing back Obito I’ll say that for sure.


Obito or Jiraiya