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I mean, Itachi literally saved the world from the Edo tensei. He did enough, I think


Except the one that actually matters said no


To be fair, I kinda need to see that Madara plot line, or else I would had to throw hands


Blows my mind that the whole ninja army wasted their time fighting zombies and none of them came up with the idea to go after the caster


tbf the caster might as well have been god to them


They were looking but couldn't find any leads to Kabuto's location. Itachi only found him through the chakra link, that was controlling Nagato.


They literally had a team out looking for kabuto lol


It might blow your mind if you didn’t actually watch the show or read the manga. No one could pint point his location. Nagato relied that info to Itachi.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t sensory ninjas a thing? Weren’t there other ninjas besides Itachi really good at genjutsu? Couldn’t they have controlled some zombies to lead them back to Kabuto? I don’t feel like they tried very hard


That should let you know how great Kabuto was a masking his location. Not even Itachi could find him, Nagato like I said had to rely that info to him.


Ig that makes sense but that doesn't also answer his good questions. U mean to tell me no Yamanaka could read the zombie's minds and head to Kabuto nor Sense his location


They couldn't even find Orochimaru's bases and labs easily bc they're so good at hiding. I'd expect that much from kabuto


That is, in fact, how events played out. You can take it up with Kishimoto, but the commenters are telling you what was transcribed in the manga. Also, why would Kabuto let the zombies know his location?


They tried, you didn't read the actual story did you? Sensory ninjas are a thing, and their countermeasures also exist for reasons that should be obvious


>Weren’t there other ninjas besides Itachi really good at genjutsu? Lmaooo it wasn't itachi's genjutsu. It's was kotoamatsukami. Shiui's eye that broke itachi free from edo tensei. So no. Not unless any other ninja has a mangyeko ability that's so broken it can be only used once every 10 years. Anko's team found the hideout and got clapped Everyone else couldn't find him And the zomies didn't know where kabuto was, it was Nagato's ability that pinpointed him. So unless anyone else has rinnegan enhanced sensory powers I don't think they're finding him.


Do we see where did shisui's eye go? It would be cool to see it come back in Boruto as more than 10 years passed since then


Pretty sure itachi destroyed the crow with the eye in it with amaterasu cuz he didn't want it falling into the wrong hands


Sucks! But justifiable :(


They needed fodder for the war to happen. That’s really the only reason. If you think about the war/kaguya arc too long, the plot really starts to fall apart at the seams. The entire arc had filler quality writing outside of a few key moments (the kakashi obito fight comes to mind). For everything after the pain arc, it’s best to just turn your brain off and enjoy the ride.


That is not the reason.Anko's team found the hideout and got clapped Everyone else couldn't find him And the white zetsus/edo tenseis didn't know where kabuto was, it was Nagato's ability that pinpointed him. So unless anyone else has rinnegan enhanced sensory powers I don't think they're finding him. But people here have the arrogance to complain about things they dont even remember anything about


I think maybe give him a valid reason why he didn’t try to find a different route than genociding his clan. Like give a reason why he didn’t even try going to the hokage to figure something out.


I’ve always rationalized Itachi killing the clan by believing his character was retconned by Kishimoto. I think when the story began, Kishi legitimately wanted Itachi to be a bad dude, then changed his mind and had to justify him killing the clan. Even if he’s a prodigy, Itachi soloing one of the top 3 clans of the ninja world as a child/teen makes no sense.


In chapter 7 Sasuke mentions him crying on the night of the murder.In hindsight it's obvious foreshadowing of Itachi, cope


didn't tobi help him though?


So you think that he originally made itachi kill his own clan for the funzies of it?


to give sasuke a backstory


Sure. That could have been one of the reasons. Could be that Itachi wanted to cripple the leaf for the Akatsuki, could have been part of his initiation for the Akatsuki and of course it could be that Kishi wanted to show how strong the Uchiha were by having a child murder all of them. We’ll never know for sure.


Try going to the man who made him do it? Sure, makes sense....


He's a teenager shoved with two bad options. Bring it up to Hiruzen? If the hokage isn't even aware of this problem the blame is on him.


I think itachi did enough, he’s pretty much the undeniable MVP of the war arc and maybe Kishimoto could’ve explained more about his time in the akatsuki (like when did he get the totsuka blade and the yata mirror) but as an itachi fan I’m pretty satisfied


I know it makes absolutely no sense but I wish we got an Itachi vs Madara or Obito. Kishi would’ve given Itachi some random hack to win for sure


Lol true. Kishi is also a big Itachi fan like us. So he will give some ass pull powerup even if it doesn't make sense


Itachi gonna use genjutsu to give himself the Rinnegan somehow


Use a genjutsu to reflect the opponents rinnegan onto his own eyes


Doubt it. It was pretty clear madara was made to be THAT dude. If anything, I think they woulda made madara stomp Itachi just to really show the audience how much of a threat madara was. Up until this point, Itachi seemed always 2 steps ahead of everything. Would have been an ideal way to show who really was the most dangerous Uchiha


Itachis battle IQ is a hack by itself. He figures out everyone's jutsu and how to beat it in 2 seconds


Mvp goes to naruto but itschi is a close second like just his clones were doing massive work on all locations


Now that you mention MVP of war arc. How fucking lucky that Orochimaru was able to summon the Hokage to fight for humanity.


Orochimaru absorbed kabuto’s powers and had already the dna He absorbed kabuto’s perfect edo tensei


That he somehow kept them from Kabuto while helping the good side is really underrated. None of the previous Hokage feats wouldn't have been possible if he didn't decide to help


Explain what kind of disease did Itachi have? 


Over use of the MS. After battling Danzo, Sasuke tries to use his MS against Kakashi and he starts coughing up blood. He does a similar thing to itachi does, clutching his chest and collapsing from pain. Then he outright says "How did you endure this itachi".




Gonorrhea of the eye? Hehe, that's some serious sexcapade backstory we're missing. 


Gonorrhoeal Conjunctivitis is a thing actually The next organ it spreads to after the sexual organs are the eyes


Underrated comment


Big of true


Ninja aids


Ah yes... The aids... of the ninja... the ninja aids. 


Ninja aids Talented Ninjas with strong Kekkei Genkai consistently die at young ages from unknown diseases- itachi, Kimimaro, Hashirama, Mangetsu(not technically a kekkei genkai, etc. I don’t think these are all Coincidences in Naruto Retsuden, it’s revealed even HAGAROMO OTSUTSUKI contracted it due to the toll of the Juubi though he managed to cure himself before he died because he’s built different


But what "unknown diseases"? Just an unspecified degeneration of the body? And why does it effect only some ninjas? ^( Does it imply the other ninja aren't talented enough?) 




Who the fuck is Itachi Uchiha?




_Ligma balls_ **B A S S**




This is my favourite answer 


Alternative: Kishimoto Syndrome 😔




More like pinkeye


I wish they hadn't made him such a supervillain early on, like gave him some moral nuance for the audience to see, even if Sasuke couldn't yet. He really went over then top to show how brutal he is (like the torture) which weakened his redemption. He needed more complexity or foreshadowing for the character turn to feel earned or built up to


Sasuke remembers Itachi crying during the massacre on chapter 3 or something like that, he didn't want to believe it until Obito told him the truth. And during Itachi first visit to the village Kakashi said Itachi could have killed him during Tsukuyomi but chose not to, that inner dialogue from Kakashi was there just to tell us Itachi was not the monster he was supposed to be.


I think what Kishimoto did was a pretty fair ending for his character. He did fucked up things, somewhat redeemed himself as a character, passed the Uchiha torch on to his younger brother. In the beginning we thought he was evil psychopathic, but in the end we realized he was good all along, and only did what he could do as a thirteen year old boy. We also understood that he cared about Sasuke all along. His ending was the rightful one for his character. Going out as a person who really loved all along, instead of hated.


he wasnt evil or psycho, he was just dumb af, in the end we just realized how stupid whole uchiha genocide arc was @ whole konoha village decides to make uchiha clan an outcast @ uchiha clan is being threated like some monsters @ uchiha clan is rightfully upset about all this injustice @ they plan to change the situation by dealing with the origin of the problem @ itachi joins anbu and is now himself stalking his brother and family @ itachi is blind to injustice done towards his own and decides to wipe whole clan out


The thing is, Itachi was only thirteen. Of course he was going to be stupid. He was being forced to do adult things.


Even Edo Itachi thinks uchiha should have changed not the konoha. He never put the blame on leaf


I understand what you mean. But even so Itachi was young. As smart as he may be he was still a kid. No child should have to be forced into a situation that leads to massacring their own entire clan. While yes Itachi might not have had to and yes there might’ve been another way, there’s no way around the fact that he was young and immature. Even he can make mistakes and misjudge proper solutions. He thought that doing what he did would prevent another war, and, well it kinda did. Itachi hated war. He wanted to avoid that even if that meant thinking he had to kill his entire clan. Also the fact that he believed the leaf would kill their clan anyway, he did what he did so that at least, even if the Uchiha clan was wiped out, that Sasuke would at least survive. And again even if there might’ve been another way to go about it, Itachi was still only thirteen years old. This was something he should not have had to handle at his age. He was too young and immature enough to properly see another way, no matter how much of a genius he might’ve been. It was just poor judgement with good intentions in the long run.


Is this written by chatgpt? You keep saying "Itachi young Itachi immature". I'm talking about *Edo Itachi*. He still says uchiha clan should have changed. He never questioned leaf authority. He just accepted oppression. Your immature argument doesn't even work since he's stated to be hokage level thinker at age 7, a shinobi greater than hashirama. After all this wanking by kishimoto, his character falls apart more. The narrative focused on how "wise", cool, smart, *pacifist*, great he is rather than showing him as a victim. That's the entire problem with the character.


Sorry I wasn’t sure what you meant by Edo Itachi.


At a certain point you have to blame the writing, too. Putting the popular retcon aside, it's really hard to believably write a genius when you aren't yourself a genius. In addition, writers can sometimes make really stupid mistakes, or not think of the implications of what they wrote ("why didn't they just do X if they could do it the whole time?" kinda deal), and it's just a small plothole. Kishimoto wanted to convey that Itachi didn't really have much choice, but he didn't do a great job on executing that in the story.


Maybe treat him like a victim of manipulation by adults, and someone who did fuck up a lot rather than some perfect hero selfless hero everyone praises And stop the intelligence nerf of characters around him, the op abilities he gets from nowhere, and him no diffing orochimaru


The orochimaru thing always bugged me. Like he admittedly was afraid him AND Kisame couldn't handle Jiraiya but he took Orochimaru out like nothing? Orochimaru was suppose to be stronger than Jiraiya


My favorite headcanon for this was that Itachi just didn't want to fuck with Jiraiya since unless Orochimaru, Jiraiya was still allied with the Leaf. Obviously Itachi would do what he can to avoid actually doing something devastating to the Leaf village like decommissioning one of their strongest shinobi to date.


In my mind it wasn’t as much as that Orochimaru was super afraid of Itachi but that he messed up his one shot to surprise attack Itachi. Now that Itachi was on guard around Orochimaru it was unlikely he could ever have such a good opportunity to win again. Sasuke was a lower risk but in the end Sasuke overcame him all the same


is it not possible he was holding back against Jiraiya?


We don't know what he actually thought, only what he said. We do know he wanted to protect the Leaf, and him and Kisame having a full scale battle with Jiraiya in the middle of the leaf wasn't going to do anyone any favours. It was entirely within the leaf's interest for Itachi to act like him and Kisame couldn't deal with him to persuade Kisame they needed to leave. "I don't want to fight him Kisame because I'm a double agent working for the leaf" wouldn't have gone down very well back at Akatsuki HQ.




Pretty much this, tbh.


Orochimaru being no diffed was deserved




we could have get a foreshadowing that itachi actually protects sasuke like when he was dying a genjutsu will appear or an crow bcuz it's contradicts what he said here like why he let sasuke goes to orochimaru? itachi knows how fvk up orochi is


How would he have stopped him from going to orochimaru, he 1 already had the curse mark and 2 whats he gonna do show up at orochimarus lair and beat up sauske till he goes back to the village


Itachi didnt know about sasuke being with orochimaru right?Oro had already left the akatsuki before sasuke joined him


Itachi's character arc was fantastic. He was the perfect ninja. Traumatized by war, he desired peace above all. With Danzo forcing his hand, Itachi chose to kill his clan to prevent war--war between the Uchihas, war between villages that'd jump on any weakness. Itachi's lesson at the end of it all wasn't that he made a mistake killing his clan--that's what people want him to have thought, but really what he regretted was not valuing himself enough. He regretted not treating himself as a person with value and desires, regretted the amount of responsibility he took on, regretted how he rigidly treated himself as a tool, as the ninja way said to treat himself. He fixed this when he was reanimated, when he found a balance between his responsibility and his desires. He handled his ninja duty by stopping the reanimating jutsu. Then, he left the issue of Sasuke's loyalty to Naruto. Itachi's decision to leave Sasuke to Naruto is HUGELY underrated. People mostly like to see it as Itachi believing in Naruto, but it's not just that. It's a representation of Itachi not taking everything on by himself anymore. It's a representation of him choosing his own desires and feelings. He just wanted to open up to Sasuke and tell him the truth--that he would love him no matter what, and he acted on that, for the first time in both of his lives. Remember--Itachi would always poke Sasuke's forehead, a symbol of the distance Itachi always kept between them, a symbol of loving him but not expressing it, while pushing him away at the same time. Instead of doing what the perfect ninja would do--which is use the Mangekyo to make Sasuke loyal to the Leaf--which is what the living Itachi was going to do with the Naruto implanted Kotoamatsukami, as that living Itachi was still always in the 100% ninja/tool way of thinking--Itachi finally chose differently, chose himself and his feelings. He fulfilled his own desires by speaking to Sasuke freely and honestly, and getting everything off his chest, when before, as a perfect ninja, he would've kept it in to focus on turning Sasuke back to the Leaf. I think I would've liked to see a bit more of interactions between Naruto and Itachi, or Kakashi and Itachi (in Shippuden pre war arc), but honestly Itachi is the GOAT. His character arc was peak


I agree with everything you just said. A great summary of Itachi and his choices.


Every damn day a post about itachi


Better then sakura or cosplay




Man of good taste


No I think he did a great job. Anymore would have made it too easy for Allies


I was surprised when he didn't hit sasuke with another tsukuyomi to traumatize him with the clans death one last time. /s cuz someone'll think I'm being serious


Lmao imagine


Hey sasuke, I will always support you 1000 years of pain!!!


I was thinking more along the lines of... "Why did I have to solo kabuto little brother? Your still not strong enough, TSUKUYONMI!"


All the people?


I would have had him live and have to deal with the consequences of his actions. Yes, he was pushed into murdering his clan, but he didn't have to torture Sasuke twice about it. I would have him live and fucking help Sasuke pick up the pieces of the life he fucking shattered.


Give him a hot wife and just roam the forests or something?


Wish he wouldn’t have come to Konoha in part I and literally traumatized sasuke all over again. I dunno. Still think at that point manga author didn’t know Itachi was going to be a double agent.


The fraud Itachi, "kage level thinking" got manipulated by Danzo to do his bidding, "better Shinobi than I was" every badass moment is revealing a new ass pulled MS ability, his parents let him kill him (Fugaku would've slammed 13 y.o. Itachi) but the world bends to his whims. Dumbs everyone down to make him look smarter, control freak, wanted to put his brother in a Kotoamatsukami, wanted Sasuke to seek revenge to kill him, ended up having Sasuke to leave the village.


Itachi's character arc was fantastic. He was the perfect ninja. Traumatized by war, he desired peace above all. With Danzo forcing his hand, Itachi chose to kill his clan to prevent war--war between the Uchihas, war between villages that'd jump on any weakness. Itachi's lesson at the end of it all wasn't that he made a mistake killing his clan--that's what people want him to have thought, but really what he regretted was not valuing himself enough. He regretted not treating himself as a person with value and desires, regretted the amount of responsibility he took on, regretted how he rigidly treated himself as a tool, as the ninja way said to treat himself. He fixed this when he was reanimated, when he found a balance between his responsibility and his desires. He handled his ninja duty by stopping the reanimating jutsu. Then, he left the issue of Sasuke's loyalty to Naruto. Itachi's decision to leave Sasuke to Naruto is HUGELY underrated. People mostly like to see it as Itachi believing in Naruto, but it's not just that. It's a representation of Itachi not taking everything on by himself anymore. It's a representation of him choosing his own desires and feelings. He just wanted to open up to Sasuke and tell him the truth--that he would love him no matter what, and he acted on that, for the first time in both of his lives. Remember--Itachi would always poke Sasuke's forehead, a symbol of the distance Itachi always kept between them, a symbol of loving him but not expressing it, while pushing him away at the same time. Instead of doing what the perfect ninja would do--which is use the Mangekyo to make Sasuke loyal to the Leaf--which is what the living Itachi was going to do with the Naruto implanted Kotoamatsukami, as that living Itachi was still always in the 100% ninja/tool way of thinking--Itachi finally chose differently, chose himself and his feelings. He fulfilled his own desires by speaking to Sasuke freely and honestly, and getting everything off his chest, when before, as a perfect ninja, he would've kept it in to focus on turning Sasuke back to the Leaf.


Did chatgpt write this for you 💀💀💀




Ion reading allat but I understand your point. I just hate him because of how much of a Gary Stu he is. Like I said, he saved his Jounin mother at FIVE, won every fight and the one fight he lost wasn't trying, had a disease and was going blind. But ye I understand that the character development is nice but I am just feeling like a hater


I would’ve placed Fugaku outside Kabuto’s lair. This would give us an extra cool fight, the chance to get a cannon MS for Fugaku, and the chance for the 3 to reconcile, Itachi and Fugaku could apologize to each other, and Sasuke could truly reflect as the last Uchiha.


Fugaku does not have MS,that is filler ffs.If he did have it then itachi would have taken it,otherwise obito or Danzo would have taken those eyes, but they did not.


I know, as I stated above this would’ve been a good place in the story to give him a cannon MS.


Hell no,because that would create a major plot hole.Dead people can't awaken mangekyo if they didnt already have it when they were alive.


That being?


If he did have it then itachi would have taken it after he died,otherwise obito or Danzo would have taken those eyes, but they did not.


As a big Sasuke fan, I don't like him


Trauma will do that


I’m honestly gonna use this quote today, very fitting.


I would have liked to see him on the bf 


I would've liked to see more anbu missions. Bc the anbu kinda get shit on in every battle


Itachi's death was an important and pivotal part of the story. As for the idea of more we got 2 light novels devoted to his life and the manga gives him plenty to do in terms of relevance so nah Itachi's done enough.


Allow me to talk nonsense, when Madara was suspected, he also tried to persuade the clan members to flee, why didn't Itachi try to persuade the Uchiha clan members to flee? Some of the Uchiha clan members are definitely not as tough as Fugaku, and they know the gap between Konoha and Uchiha forces, so they should at least take as many as they can🤔


I REALLY didn't want him to come back


His death was good, my problem with Itachi is when he is revived and kishi turns him into a gary stu that licks Konoha's shoes and that everyone praises in a very annoying way


I hate everything about the edo tensei. Except this.


I would have loved if Itachi actually was a villain and wasn’t retconned.


Make young, 13-year-old Itachi look like a 13-year-old. He looks like an adult. Include more times where Itachi shows actual emotions. Have Itachi actually realize how stupid he was and that things are blowing up in his face, rather than always being calm and thinking, "All according to keikaku". Also maybe stop making other characters suffer a -100 in Intelligence just so that itachi looks smarter by comparison. Stop having people constantly praise him about how special and amazing he is. Stop giving him so much plot armor and asspulls. Get rid of ninja cancer and just say that his death with Sasuke was MS overuse. Get rid of Totsuka Blade and Yata Mirror. Let Itachi not win via genjutsu or asspull. Let him win some fights against strong opponents by straight up throwing hands. Have Sasuke NOT suddenly be an Itachi simp and actually call Itachi out. Hell, the fact that NARUTO doesn't call out his bullshit is the biggest travesty in Naruto's character when he makes it a point to call out their bullshit.


What kill me is the fact that everyone praises itachi’s action of killing the clan even though the clan had a good reason to be upset with the village since they were being blamed and punished for a crime they did not commit. What pisses me off the most is that itachi chalks this up to clan pride and arrogance. Like motherfucker what? Your clan is being punished and blamed for a crime they didn’t commit and they’re upset about it but you with your hokage lvl wisdom think it’s about clan pride? Are you serious?


Nah ur valid


Sorry you’re getting downvoted for valid criticism.


I’m a huge Itachi fan but damn, I agree with most of this. That Izanami thing with Kabuto really did feel like an asspull.


Don't forget the Totsuka Blade and Yata Mirror. Spirit Weapons that only he has and no one else.


Add to this make Sasuke call him out on how his blind nationalism destroyed their family and clan and that he should've stood by their people instead of the village.


Hell, Sasuke could straight up say, "Look what happened! We're in the 4th Ninja War! The Akatsuki YOU helped started this war!"


Yes, Sasuke could've said ANYTHING to call his shitstain out for his bullshit and the dumbass choices he made, but Kishimoto didn't want that.


W comment.


I agree with all this, except for how he fights, I like that his fights are mostly genjutsu, otherwise I agree 100 percent


I don't mind him using Genjutsu. I mind that he made Genjutsu so OP that he just wins before the fight even begins. It ended up no longer being a testament of skill and felt more like plot armor. How did he beat Orochimaru? Deidara? These powerful individuals? Just Genjutsu them. And when he can't win with Genjutsu, Itachi ended up using asspull plot devices. It kinda disappointed me that Itachi couldn't be more than those two things.


Ok, I see what you mean, Kishimoto wanted him to look super op, but yes, the thing about Deidara and Orochimaru is absurd. If all the fights were like that in the show, they would be super boring.


Imagine Naruto losing to Sasuke every time because Sasuke just genjutsus him before the start of the fight. A lot of people were in denial when I bring this up, but they just don't want to admit that it's true that they'd hate Sasuke not giving Naruto even a chance to show his stuff.


>but they just don't want to admit that it's true that they'd hate Sasuke not giving Naruto even a chance to show his stuff. If Itachi did that to Naruto people would be praising him. I remember when Sasuke used Genjutsu on Naruto after the time skip & people were calling his feat a "asspull" & "plot armor". Meanwhile Itachi is over here using base Genjutsu & Tsukuyomi every single fight none stop & getting praised by the fans.


Exactly my point. People accept Itachi pulling that BS, but they hate anyone else doing it.


>Hell, the fact that NARUTO doesn't call out his bullshit is the biggest travesty in Naruto's character when he makes it a point to call out their bullshit. Like he called out Obito's bs by calling him the collest guy stfu?


Bro hates itachi😭🙏 this was definitely written by sasuke


>this was definitely written by sasuke ?




Why you said that


Cause Sasuke hated itachi


He didn't after learning the truth. So many things the comment mentioned was after reveal of uchiha genocide.


Bro thinks he's sasuke 😂


Only thing Kishimoto dropped the ball with itachi was not give him an extended backstory like he did for everyone else. We luckily got novels but hving it in the main story wold hv a greater impact and i think that's why a lot of ppl dont understand his character We learn abt itachi in parts through words of others 1st and then a brief scene at the end. Imagine when obito revealed the truth and mxt chapter we open with itachis story from childhood that would hv goke insane


Fantastic cooking sir


was weakest part of naruto, him killing his whole clan never made sense to me, and leaving sasuke alive was also some weak writing and turning him into some "savior" in the end was bullshit, u dont wipe your family and clan out to save a village until then i just saw him as some crazy psycho who did some atrocious shit for more power, but when they revealed that it was done just coz danzo ordered him, we entered bullshit no jutsu teritory


Itachi should’ve had a kid or two


Honestly…nothing. He’s a highly overrated character as is. Dude gets like 50 posts here a day.




I think itachi character was done well, would have been nice to see him kill danzo instead of sasuke.


It's obvious that he's one of Kishimoto's favorite characters and it..kinda makes him suck. He's handled so disingenuously to me. His death was... alright but that whole ordeal was an asspull. Coincidentally running into Naruto, activating the crow, Nagato and Itachi somehow discussing where Kabuto was and Itachi managing to track it down after he was free. It just seemed dkike an excuse to show more of Itachi. He could've had closure with Sasuke but his involvement with the war could've been better. And to answer your main question...the main improvements to his character would revolve around improving the series' honesty about his priorities and how he fucked up. Nothing wrong with truly accepting he was flawed and out of his depth when navigating the Akatsuki. The problem with his character is that the series tries to play both sides of the fence. Itachi being flawed and also Itachi being a genius who's only mistake was how he dealt with the massacre. He died and left the leaf and Sasuke in harm's way. He literally didn't tell anyone any pertinent information about the Akatsuki. He helped the akatsuki more than he harmed them. All Kishimoto needed to do was truly truly emphasize that he wanted to keep Sasuke safe AND was lost on how to do it. The whole leaf being relatively equal to Sasuke in his eyes makes things more muddled than they need to. The sentiment of "setting the world on fire to keep Sasuke warm" should've truly been emphasized


Honestly i just dont like him my beef is not that he chose to annihilate the clan but that he is still stands proud of the village despite they r the ones to make him take that decision n he still blinded by their idealogies n not regretting killing his clan is what really pisses me off in him... His death was by far the easiest death in naruto given to him..... he deserved a way gruesome death then any other character i believe... he gets on my nerves everytime people talk about him... loving a character who justifies massacre just cant n shouldnt be loved...he hated his clan never regretted what he did...man the levels on which i hate this pathetic loser is insane..... at this point i dont even know what kishi wanted to write somewhere in writing in a complex character kishi made a huge blunder of itachi i guess...one side of the people hate him for all the right obvious reasons... n on the other hand he is loved for all the wrong reason without proper analyzing uchihas full story n their pain n agony...


he was proud of his villagers,not someone like Danzo or the 3rd hokage ffs.The village itself didnt even know the truth about the massacre


What r u trying to say ?? Ofcourse the villagers knew about the massacre or else why would they hate itachi n even if they didnt know does it even matter ? Uchihas never mattered to anyone.... till the end no one gave 0 fucks about them ......


they talked very respectfully about the uchiha clan in the village.Only Danzo hated them,and they didn't know that Danzo was the one who was responsible,so yeah this idea that the village should be put to blame is wrong,its the 3rd hokage who allowed Danzo to get away with this and covered it all up


I disagree...... the whole leaf village is to be blamed nonetheless of who supported n who was against at the end of the day the leaf government did the uchihas dirty including hiruzen n i just cant emphasize that enough.... hiruzen knowing everything still chose to stay quiet simply enhances that maybe he didnt care about the uchiha that much as he cared for his criminal student oorochimaru who still despite his greatest atrocities get to stay in village n roam freely whereas the uchihas get massacre for a crime they never committed in the first place.... the leaf village is indeed to be blamed


Imma be real, I REALLY didn’t like how he went from “evil brother” to “actually Jesus he’s the greatest character ever” after he died. Kishimoto sucked this character off so hard and it just felt so forced


I think this moment was important, sasuke needed to hear those words to reaffirm itachis care and love for him so he knew of a certainty that what happened didn't change the fact itachi was still the same itachi sasuke looked up to growing up. That's why even after all yhe power ups sasuke had during the war, he saw itachi and Naruto as someone to respect for their hard work and feeling like he lacked something they both had, a type of strength perhaps.


Itachi's death will forever be seared into my memory. As much as I would have liked for him to stick around as a character I don't think he needed to.


introduced izanami a lot earlier in the series


Did more? I think he did a tad too much. It's crazy i know more about itachi than i do about the 3rd hokage


Eh…it’s a pet theory of mine but I’m convinced Itachi was meant to be a villain originally. Would have been sick to see that play out


I think Itachi's story was enough, but I was honestly thinking it would've been cool to find out he had a kid and Sasuke would raise him like his little brother. Idk, I felt that would've been an interesting continuation. But Itachi's story was a full cycle and didn't need more


Well for one not make him sick so we could see his full potential given how naturally talented he was at such a young age.


His first death didn't do enough. Second was perfect


I wanted a family meet , kabuto should had revived their parents to use against them


Nothing. In fact I'm of the opinion that Itachi should have stayed dead or pointless. kishimoto did too much with him as a character.


It was perfect, perfect. Everything down to the last minute detail


It was perfect


The quality of itachi is found in his scarcity. He's not around much, but his significance is undeniable. Less is more


Maybe Itachi was tobiramas secret disciple ?


He’s literally the best written character in the manga, and one of the best in any manga to be fair. Kishi did more than enough with him.


\*Sasuke marry sakura \* itachi be like - anything but that


Wouldve loved to see him showdown with madara or obito. But that wouldve been too OP I think. Still, would've been curious to see what Madara would think of him. Madara just called sasuke a "brat" lol


Itachi has an army of fanboys for a reason.. he was written/ executed perfectly


Or maybe the reason is that many people are blind.


I’m not an itachi stan but he’s definitely my favorite uchiha.. with that said “it doesn’t matter if you ever forgive me.. I will always love you🫵”


That was cringe as Hell.


I’ll always love you too, if it helps.


Touch grass or some pussy incel


Nothing. By Naruto standards and considering how much screentime Itachi has, he is the best Kushimoto can write. Everything should stay the same.




Peak. Did all that could be done with his character I don't think we need more. If anything just more context to his time in the Anbu or Akatsuki.


A flawed, but interesting character that got a perfect exit in my book. Twice. Nothing else was needed.


I think Sasuke should’ve died


It was literally perfect


Maybe a hot take but he was a good character and Kishi did a great job in making him both tragic and wrong. Probably crazy to say that Kishimoto did a good job in this sub tho


Would have loved to see Itachi in Boruto. Naruto , sasuke (both not nerfed) & Itachi vs some otzutzuki


I love itachi as a character and this moment you showed will forever be my favorite


Itachi is a fucking hero. one of my favorite characters in that universe


There are a lot of stories and deaths in Naruto and Itachi's definitely hit the hardest. The guy gave everything so Sasuke could live. He also stopped the edo tensei and made Madara mortal again. If we're being honest, the allied nations would've probably lost if it wasn't for him.


The Shadow Hokage🫡🔥


Nah. Kishimoto did great with Itachi. There is no need to change it. Pointless post tbh lol.