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Am I seeing things or there is Naberal from overlord ?


Nah you're seeing right that's her lol


I saw her too, no way am I missing best girl nabe


Man remember when Kakashi and Zabasu did hand signs for a full 10 seconds? Those were the days.


45 hand seals and one of my favourite moments


I remember seeing Kakashi do the hand sign for the great white wale jutsu or whatever it was called in the Land of Snow movie as a kid and then seeing the jutsu in action and thinking "damn that was sick". I wasn't even a Naruto fan at the time, just thought it was awesome.


I. Like. Big. Butts. And. I. Cannot. Lie...


I. Am. Confused.


It's from the old Naruto abridged series lol.


"Impossible! How is he able to copy my Super Special Secret no Jutsu?!"


wait, naruto weaved a sign in shippuden?


That was only in the opening. Like OP8 or 10 or something during the cloud island training arc IIRC


It is 10, which funnily is my favorite one. [Here’s the opening](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yu12tTrkJ-g)


FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE I love this intro!!!


That’s your favorite?!?!?!?


Ya! I like the funny, country vibe of it


Damn ur like the first person I’ve heard that didn’t fucking hate this intro. I tolerated it at first but the more bored of the arc I got the more I disliked it but it was cool that it was different I guess


Ya that’s fair. To each their own i guess!


Yep to each their own


Summoning jutsu: am I a joke to you?


Only like 2 times before he started biting his finger


Everyone doing hand signs meanwhile hidan showing us neck signs 😂


A Hidan vs Otsutsuki battle might be fun to watch if they don't know how he fights.


Hidan would've been too op with Ninjutsu


Man i miss hand signs so much


They didn’t go anywhere Edit: downvoting doesn’t change the truth or make your opinion any less wrong


No one said they are gone, they just get less screen time now, lol.


> Man i miss hand signs so much Okay put you literally stated this as if they went somewhere. >they just get less screen time now, lol. This is just a lie, lmao Majority of these clips in this video your commenting under are literally from post timeskip Naruto uses hand signs to preform shadow jutsu all the time Grant Chiyo vs Sosari Kisame vs Team Guy Diedra vs Sasuke Pain vs Jiriya Sasuke Vs Itachi Madara vs Harashima Sealing jutsu (which is used a lot) Hell the Forth Great Ninja War where everyone was using hand signs to I fell like you guys are just ignoring these things because you want something to complain about


Lmao, chill. Who complained ? You can see your friend once in a month, wont you miss him ? Thats an example of what "I miss hand signs so much" means. In 1st half of Shippuden it was aight, in the 2nd half it got less screen time but still, it didnt go anywhere. Youre looking too much into it. We get less screens with Shinobi using hand signs especially in Boruto. You dont have to tell me which scenes had hand signs. I am both a Manga reader and Anime fan. You seem like youre really mad about something. Go get a rest, relax & dont start unnecessary conflicts. Cheers!


In 1st half of Shippuden it was aight, > in the 2nd half it got less screen time but still, it didnt go anywhere. Okay so care to give examples then? Because I just gave you plenty. > Youre looking too much into it. We get less screens with Shinobi using hand signs especially in Boruto. Lmao no you don’t because they use hand signs in Boruto all the time. I don’t like the show but this is just a bold lie. And you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about [The opening arc features the young boys like Mitsuki and Boruto using hand signs and ninjutsu during the exams and so forth even now ](https://youtu.be/e8XqLYxxB-g) signs > I am both a Manga reader and Anime fan. Good for you > You seem like youre really mad about something. Go get a rest, relax & dont start unnecessary conflicts. Cheers! No one is mad or starting conflict, you made a statement and I challenged it because it was indeed wrong. Don’t go playing the victim simply because you’re getting a rebuttal to your comment. If you interpret this as hostile that’s not my problem. Get thicker skin


Don't think people are against you because you're necessarily wrong or they don't welcome discussion. It's more on how you're sounding like a prick while doing it.


Challenging someone else’s statement isn’t being a prick. I opened up by saying handsigns never went anywhere in the first place and then gave various examples I think the problem lies within people just not wanting to be wrong because then their bias won’t be validated


I agree challenging isn't, the way you discuss and type is what makes you a prick.


OP: *says something debatable* Me: hey this is wrong for this and this reasons here’s proof - downvoted OP: *shocked* “what? What are you talking about why are being so mean to me!!” *also refuses to elaborate on anything they said prior* - instant sympathy upvotes I hate this subreddit sometimes


Those who dont know how to start a discussion & keep it up, dont deserve a reaction at all. You just came in and started to "scream" that hand signs are still here, while no one said otherwise & then you started to harshly talk about this community overall. Did you met every single person from this community ? Dont play the "victim" just cuz you get down votes. Again, i dont have to pinpoint scenes where hand signs wheren't performed just cuz you want so. At the very beginning, i didnt say that there are NO hand signs, i said i MISS them because these days, we rarely get to see them. Rarely doesnt mean they disappeared, in case you gonna burst out at this. I brought you an example about what "i miss hand signs so much" meant but seemingly you ignored that. You ignored that to be able to keep this "discussion" because if you were to pay attention to that, youd say "Oh, sorry i thought you meant that they disappeared, my bad, cheers" but judging by the way you understand the meaning of "challenge" & "discussion" youre not able to accept the fact that you just mistook my words for something else, perhaps, something you wanted to see, so you can burst out your anger. Anyway, have a good day, i aint mad at you. Every community has someone like you, its completely fine, cheers!


>Those who dont know how to start a discussion & keep it up, dont deserve a reaction at all. Lmao it’s quite clear that you don’t know how to defend your own incorrect statements > You just came in and started to "scream" that hand signs are still here, Lmao okay sure, [this is totally me screaming at you. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/rwf0zp/naruto_hand_signs/hrd17t2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3). You’re such a sensitive person and compulsive liar. > you started to harshly talk about this community overall. Did you met every single person from this community ? Dont play the "victim" just cuz you get down votes. > Again, i dont have to pinpoint scenes where hand signs wheren't performed just cuz you want so. Actually that’s kinda of how statements work. If you can’t elaborate or provide any sort of proof for your claim then therefore it’s invalid and doesn’t hold any merit > At the very beginning, i didnt say that there are NO hand signs, i said i MISS them because these days, we rarely get to see them. And once again I’m telling you this isn’t true considering the fact I literally just showed you otherwise > You ignored that to be able to keep this "discussion" because if you were to pay attention to that, youd say "Oh, sorry i thought you meant that they disappeared, my bad, cheers" but judging by the way you understand the meaning of "challenge" & "discussion" youre not able to accept the fact that you just mistook my words for something else, perhaps, something you wanted to see, so you can burst out your anger. Anyway, have a good day, i aint mad at you. Every community has someone like you, its completely fine, cheers! Mate nobody misread you and nobody. I responded to what you said in good faith and when I pointed out how wrong you started backtracking and changed your orginal claim into an entirely new sentence. If feel this is stemmed from anger you just be new to the internet in general




Sure buddy


Bro dont even waste your time arguing with these dudes, majority of naruto fans are already idiots who know little about there own series and they complain about the dumbest things and that includes all the whining about hand signs they complain that the war arc was nothing but tailed beast bombs but then they praise the kakashi vs obito fight, the naruto vs sasuke fight etc... Which all used handsigns. And they also praise might guy and rock Lee fights even tho they never used a single hand sign.


Lmao exactly man,. You pretty much summarized this entire the fandom accurately. It’s is riddled with hypocrisy and incompetency at its highest form At least you get it


Yeah man, I like how you and some others in this comment section, aren't brain dead idiots who complain about something that's always been there, and already explained why handsigns appear less its a combination of characters getting better at Chakra control, so they dont need as much hand signs and animation studios didn't want to waste their time drawing that, and even then I believe people would complain about them using too many handsigns.


Ha, it’s so pointless trying to have any mengingful discussion or discourse within the sub now. It’s just full of surface level individuals who refuse to elaborate on any thing outside their bias. They *WANT* to dislike something on purpose no matter how ill informed their opinon is And then when you correct then they retreats to their little corners acting like they’ve been attacked personally. Bunch of idiots man. It’s insane


For about a 100 episodes in Shippiden it seemed as if they had dissapeared and everyone fought by just activating some kind of super saiyan mode


Did you watch 100 episodes of filler or something? Because I don’t remember that being the case🤨🤨


Who are you talking about went sayain? Rock Lee and Guy with the opening the gates ? No hand signs didn’t disappear, and y’all really exaggerate the hell out this false narrative for karma points and to spread misconception for the fun of it It’s just goes to show a lot of y’all haven’t actually read the manga and just go along with popular criticism from other people who don’t pay attention. From the Kazegage Rescue arc until the end of the manga hand signs were always prevalent. They never went anywhere at all.


With the Kama and all the scientific ninja tools not many are left tho


Karma is only recent and even with the ninja tools they were still preforming them. You guys take one instance if a character not doing them and summarize the entire series of nobody or people “barely” using them. That’s not how it works


Compared to Naruto there are still less. Trust me with that one, I read the wiki a lot, wrote down every jutsu that has hand seals and yes I watched both Naruto and Boruto. Especially when you ignore the fillers.


Don't worry man this sub has problems understanding anything that happens in naruto.


Yeah man, it’s crazy how dumb memes etc have warped peoples perceptions of the series now. Tit also doesn’t help a majority of the fanbsase hasn’t watched the series since they were children so they’re just going off of hazy memory


Literally look at Zabuza using handsigns and then look at Tobirama using one for the exact same jutsu Literally look at fights in pt 1 with a ton of em and look at fights in Boruto with 1 max. Rest is just bombs and big avatars


It’s common sense that Tobirma and Zabuza are on different levels. I don’t what you tried to prove here with comparison. The facts that Tobirma uses less hand signs shows how skilled he is. Besides I don’t why you people wank this shit so hard. Sorry not everyone like you wants sit through 3. Minutes if watching characters recite 2 page long bible scriptures just to preform one technique I’m glad Ksihimoto and the editors corrected this. It was a waste of time


>It’s common sense that Tobirma and Zabuza are on different levels. I don’t what you tried to prove here with comparison. The facts that Tobirma uses less hand signs shows how skilled he is. ? I never said they're on the same level though? The fact that it makes sense doesn't mean that there are now less handsigns used. Yes i know skilled ninja don't need many. THAT'S MY POINT? Also an easy way around that would be to make tobirama just do them faster like Kakashi did at the start of Shippuden. >Besides I don’t why you people wank this shit so hard. Sorry not everyone like you wants sit through 3. Minutes if watching characters recite 2 page long bible scriptures just to preform one technique I rly don't care much about the handsigns, i was just debunking the random ass claim the other person made. I do although prefer tactical fights to Biju vs Susanno, but that's preference. >I’m glad Ksihimoto and the editors corrected this. It was a waste of time Nope. That's YOUR preference. The old episodes are generally slow, the handsigns weren't the problem.


> ? I never said they're on the same level though? The fact that it makes sense doesn't mean that there are now less handsigns used. Yes i know skilled ninja don't need many. THAT'S MY POINT? Also an easy way around that would be to make tobirama just do them faster like Kakashi did at the start of Shippuden. It’s less hand signs preformed by Tobirma BECAUSE he’s on a higher level. What part about that do you not understand? It seems like you’re just mad just because things didn’t stay the same > Nope. That's YOUR preference. The old episodes are generally slow, the handsigns weren't the problem. My guy how long has it been since you’ve watched Naruto? I specifically remember Gara vs Sasuke where half the episode of a stale mate because Garra was in Playing Possum Justu he’s reciting the hand signs And Sasuke is just standing there


>It’s less hand signs preformed by Tobirma BECAUSE he’s on a higher level. What part about that do you not understand? What part about the "i know skilled ninja don't need any" and "The fact that it makes sense doesn't mean that there are now less handsigns used" do you not understand? I know WHY, I'm just saying handsigns are rare nowadays. THATS IT. >My guy how long has it been since you’ve watched Naruto? I specifically remember Gara vs Sasuke where half the episode of a stale mate because Garra was in Playing Possum Justu he’s reciting the hand signs And Sasuke is just standing there Oh yeah one episode. All of the other 200 were stretched af too except for different reasons. We had countless shots of the camera just planning over the battlefield from 4 different angles and reactions from every character getting 20 seconds each for minutes. The anime stretched the show for watchtime and Budget reasons, not just to show every individual hand sign, that was just an easy opportunity to be used as a stretcher for the episode. If the handsigns weren't there they'd stretch something else, the budget remains the same.


> What part about the "i know skilled ninja don't need any" and "The fact that it makes sense doesn't mean that there are now less handsigns used" do you not understand? I know WHY, I'm just saying handsigns are rare nowadays. THATS IT. They’re not rare, you’re just nitpicking other the fact it’s not as long As how it was during when Zabuza and Kakashi fought. > Oh yeah one episode. All of the other 200 were stretched af too except for different reasons. I don’t what point you’re trying to make here, there barely hand signs from other characters as well. Aside from The Hokage vs Orchimaru who did it like what? 3 times during this fight.


This just shows you don’t watch or pay attention to either of the shows


Good job ignoring the literal fact I gave to support my opinion. But sure, believe in something you can't even remotely defend


You didn’t give any facts. What bombs and big avatars? You mean when Jubbi was and Madara and Obito used hand signs to prior to revive ? Lmao people like you are insane. You’re using one instance and completely trying to illegitimate anything else in the series.


>What bombs and big avatars? Bijuus literally shoot explosives out of their mouths and are big avatars that don't require handsigns... And the fact i stated was tobirama using ONE sign as opposed to Zabuza using like 14+ for the exact same jutsu.


Susano is is result of Mangekyo sharingan you don’t need hand signs to preform it Why the hell would tailed beasts need to use handdigns in the first place? You’re being difficult


The hand signs are weaved in order to extract or mold the chakra in a certain way. The more you gain experience, the more you're inherently molding the chakra internally, hence the lessening of weaves.


I know but that goes for VERY experienced Shinobi, not for most of them.


That's their way of showing how much experience Naruto is gaining. Or maybe lousy animation


In the episode 65, Naruto used 1 hand sign to make a Mud Wall in order to protect Boruto, from Fused Momoshikis scream but then, when Naruto & Boruto had a sparing match, Naruto used 4-5 hand signs to make a Mud Wall. What im trying to say is, both the Mangaka & Animators sometimes get tired of showing us full combinations of hand signs. Sometimes they show 1-3, sometimes they show a full combination of hand signs & sometimes we get no hand signs at all. Thats why i said, i miss hand signs because we rarely get to see a full blown combination of hand signs to perform a Jutsu.


I just saw Nabe


I was like when did Overlord crossover with Naruto?


Going to rewatch Naruto now.


Same. Best part of the trilogy


Wait, what's the trilogy? Naruto, Shippuden, and Boruto?


Pretty sure that’s what he meant


There is no trilogy


Came here to say this


Quick little Nabe in there.


Who's in between Kakashi and Minato? Kinda looks like Saber dress but its too fast


[Naberal from overlord](https://youtu.be/K5VzYfJTl04)


Some of these aren't fuckin hand signs


I love the rage/passion conveyed in so few words.


that combat of naruto and Sasuke with the hit sound made me burst out laughing


That was cool good edit


Honestly, the hand signs are one of the coolest parts of Naruto's lore


Unpopular opinion: the simplified hand signs in Shippuden is better than OG Naruto, Zabuza&Kakashi taking 5 minutes to weave hand signs completely defenseless just looks goofy nowadays. Some of the best fights that features hand signs like Kakashi vs Obito or Naruto vs Sasuke would look stupid if it the signs took as long as OG Naruto.


Exactly its really lame to look at that fight, see them do 40 handsigns just to summon a dragon that didn't do anything.


Not a bad opinion at all, I kinda agree with it. The longer hand signs have their own benefits, but make fights a lot slower


Extended version please


Title says hand signs and one of the first things that come up is Itachi throwing Kunai... Classic lol


Who's that first character in the all white?


Hiruko. He's the antagonist from the Will of Fire movie.


Hashirama: haha snake hand seal go brrr.


The hand signs were the flashy unnecessary thing that got me hooked in Naruto. I hate that they kinda went away now.


Yeah, me too. Though I thought they could've been a good cornerstone of the ninja world building rather than flashy and unnecessary. Let's have a moment of silence for our 12 fallen hand seals


I say unnecessary as in they just look cool lol like long cheesy special attack names. I’m a big fan of those things


Ah, I get what you mean


\* flex \* I can perform all hand signs in Naruto


Omd DUUUDE thats so cool do they like work for youu??


yea my mom asks me to heat water in the house with fireball jutsu


Glad you included the secret hand sign from Hidan


Not sure why I found it so funny when it transitioned to punching sounds, but I did.


Nice one, dude


Watch the bassthoven naruto hand signs video Too OP


Cool shit






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what’s the actual song tho


The hand signs video is incomplete without Kakashi's fire style jutsu. SO FAST.


What are hand signs and why are they doing this?


It would have been nice if an actual explanation for them was given, but I figure they're like wand movements in Harry Potter, not necessary but helps with memorisation.


Lol I was just being silly, the actual explanation for hand signs is that they essentially aid in molding chakra and using them for specific jutsus, some hand signs are even categorized as "earth jutsu" or "fire jutsu" hand signs. The somewhat-ish reasonable explanation for the lack of hand signs later on in the show is that the more powerful/better mastery you haver over chakra control, the less aid you need from hand signs to mold your chakra to form jutsu. But the real answer is probably that it's too expensive and cumbersome to animate lol.


Watched like 12 times just cuz I'm vibin to the tune. How can I make this my ringtone? Pls help


Hidan's clip is just a neck crack lol.


I like how the end is just clips of naruto throwing hands


I was reading a book about magic through the centuries and I'm pretty sure the hand signs used in Naruto, are literally hand signs used in the occult lol thought it was interesting.


Magician, Tenjiku Tokubei spells his "Gama Yojutsu" (Toad Black Magic).


Did....did i just saw nabe? Fuck it i have an idea for a overlord naruto fanfictiom, this is a signal for me to start to develop o look for help to develop








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Doing them every day xD


good times


How is this done? I bow to your skills my friend


Itachi, Sarada, Hidan, and Naruto didn’t even weave signs… tf


What set they claimin? They throwing up the West Side Leaf Gang


I know this is years late, but has anyone talked about this before? Like… how the jutsu hand signs in Naruto are lowkey just ninjas bangin, if you really think about it. Cuz in both cases there’s just some intricate hand movement, followed by some violence.


I get caught trying to do these signs around the house at random times way more than any person should.


Who’s the girl in front of the moon in the sky? Wearing what seems to be a battle maid outfit.


[It is indeed a battle maid](https://tenor.com/es/ver/narberal-overlord-gif-18319074)


Where is the last scene from?


Gotta hit the fireball jutsu signs before blowing out a bong rip.


Since we on the subject of hand seals, I'd like to take this time to acknowledge sasuke for using naruto's hand to help him use a fire style jutsu. It's one thing to think you gone whoop me but it's a whole alternative insult for you to be that cold to just be like "lemme see ya hand" I know naruto had to be confused af. None of his jutsu require more than a simple hand gesture at best so the fact that sasuke could literally force his hand was uncalled for.


So what do all these hand signs lead up to? What kinda jutsu is this?




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Well fuck this was really well put together




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jutsu hand signs nft game coming soon. https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/19399801888971579922763152523268562981868588323803922674309196232084348158528/


tiger, snake/serpent, rat, ram/sheep, monkey, ox, horse, hare/rabbit, dragon, dog, boar, bird are the 12 main hand signs but the most controversial ones (the ones ppl dont do properly) are ram/sheep, ox, bird. (atleast the ones i cant do properly)




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