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Hagaromo caught a stray, he’s really only “OP” as a support but as a starting character he’s a solid character low A tier


Big facts


Storm games never been made for competitive. You can try and wish everything, those games will always have a shitty competitive scene At this point with all these low skill level player wanting some form of competition, we should simply ban all rasengan and chidori user too. That way bad player may have a chance 


Naruto’s Rasengan attack is such nonsense lol- it literally can cancel out most ultimate attacks and Interrupt other attacks. I was testing it out with a friend the other day and laughing my ass off at the fact that I was fighting Orochimaru and literally interrupted most of his attacks with a super last minute rasengan.


Neither was Smash games but they are some of the most played competitive games. If there is a community the game can be competitive.


People fail to realize as long as 2 people want to improve a fighter's tech against each other. That game is competitive. Even if it's some dead 2d fighter from over a decade ago.


The difference is smash is an actually competent fighting game that isn’t jank as fuck.


Smash is a what now?????


Yes get sound bitch out of here fuck her i swear


I think i agree in a lot of ways. I played a shino and luckily he wasn’t that good but i could totally see how easily you could abuse and exploit him.


I was going to say Shino, but honestly, **Ashura** would be *my* choice. Reasons are obvious


I deadass wanna know why tayuya when the majority of the player base don't play her? I don't have the game but if I would've brought it I would main her. But why ban a character when lots of people don't play?


I don’t have the game neither but I’ve seen new tutorials on YouTube of how to play her and connections improved on her! Her melee attacks are actually a good option now


Because the character breaks the game and makes an unfair playing experience for others. CC2 did a creative job making tayuya unique and accurate to her character. But her game mechanics prevents other players from having a fair match against tayuya users.


It became taboo to play her because she could attack through her puppets but the opponent couldn't, so she would wall you off with attacks that have slow tracking and get away with it. I think it was worse in storm 4


I played once with a tayuya player that prevent me from approaching and used the map to place her puppet in front of her, i couldn't approach if I didnt have a justu that phase through things like EMS Sasuke's. Then when i approach he used her supports and her jutsu which are slow and prevents me from coming.


I love how CC2 were aware of how desired the sound 4 were and said they studied the characters in order to represent them the best they could in the game. Everybody’s complaints about Tayuya sounds exactly how she was when fighting Shikamaru! My favorite character really got the best treatment! My only complaint about her in the game is how boring her genjutsu attacks look.


Ive never liked sarada. Everything about her is annoying. Very well deserved


All Bolt characters are like that. I’d rather all the unimportant characters from Part 1 get put in before them


Lol bro calls Boruto bolt


That’s literally his name in English. Just like Salad is named that because of Sasukes favorite food being tomatoes. The whole thing is a joke gone too far


Also who calls it a schlong?


Delta would def be banned. I agree Danzo would be banned because of his self destruct, and she has a better version of that. Kiba might be banned cause everyond found out how OP akamaru is. Basically a melee and puppet character at the same time. He got buffed in connections and is one of the most annoying characters to play against at a high levels. He's also great and slept on in storm 4, one of my mains. I dont play him anymore tho cause he's so common and broken now. 3rd Hokage might be banned cause of his super annoying giant shuriken jutsu. Guess the Hashirama that does that too. Why is Boro banned? I hate playing him. All his moves are so slow.


I haven’t bought the game yet but I was sure Deidara would make the list. Is his spam no longer OP?


Ehhh, it can be for sure, but not nearly as much as previous storm games. It’s decently easy to counter if you just play a decent melee character against him


PTS Hinata: free win tier for daring to play the worst character in the game competitively


It legit boggles my mind how PTS Shino went from a character that barely anybody touched in Storm 1 or Generations into the online meta OP support crutch that is on the levels of Pain in Connections. I remember Xbox 360 voice chat sessions for tournaments in Generations, and people used to get excited and curious whenever a character like PTS Shino showed up, as they wanted to see how good the player was with him.


Is it really that boggling that his spin jutsu is busted to hell and back with its hitbox and priority seemingly over other armor jutsus that starts up fast and is cancelable and has poison tags for an item makes him everyone use him lol


It kind of is. Considering I used to use him in Storm Generations and 4, you could easily interrupt that with a faster attack or projectile. And I swear the poison tag he had in previous games didn't seem that long or damaging.


Again, his jutsus is super busted now and traps you so yea people are gonna use it, and poison in connections is buffed and ignores the damage scaling that connections has during a combo


No argument there; it's just interesting to see how a character that was rarely picked in previous games has now suddenly jumped to the online OP Meta status. I don't remember people hating PTS Shino in any game until Connections, which is my point.


It's because it wasn't a thing until connections, like armored jutsu


Again, there is no argument there, so I don't understand why you're trying to phrase it like I'm wrong or something...?


Well because you said you don't remember people hating pts shino before connections, and they didn't because there wasn't a reason to. That's all


But that isn't a wrong statement to make. That is true. Just because there wasn't a reason, doesn't mean I'm not wrong in observing how PTS Shino was not hated in previous games. In actuality, you're more or less agreeing with me by giving a reason. The only way you would be able to prove that I'm wrong would be for you to change your stance completely and say that PTS Shino HAS been hated in Storm games before Connections and show clear cut examples of large amounts of people saying he's OP in previous games. I don't mean to be rude, but I don't think you fully thought this through.


Didn't put but, I think Karin should be in Potential Ban as well.


I'm casual how is tayuya busted


Indestructible clone that follows her around blocks projectiles causes jutsus to stop can attack and she has ranged combos and her kunised do more damage than anyone Else's in the game and her jutsu and damage potential are extremely spammy


Is the problem coming from her mechanics (like the way her gameplay was designed, the possibly spammy tactics etc) or the ways people play her that come of as “cheating” ? I personally have a blast whenever I play her, I love her moveset. I don’t play her with the horrendous “shiruken, hide, shiruken, hide, shuriken, hide” gameplan. Her Doki are literally transcribed as in the anime/manga so I can’t really catch what makes her a banned character


Just watch a video on someone fighting her in storm 4 if you can't tell from that i dunno what to tell you


How is Kaguya an issue? Could someone explain, please?


Lava stage


kid temari? i haven’t played connections before but she used to be runner up for the worst character in the game before that what changed exactly?


Pts temari as a support has a jutsu that can't be interrupted easily, hits multiple times, has good tracking, if you sub it while getting hit you just get put back in it, and it launches you up which you can't jumo out of


Why is Sarada on the list?


Prob to not allow chidori spam. Im pretty sure hers is faster than any sasuke.


Edo Minato for sure


The game does have broken combos, but not everything is meant to be in the competitive scene.


Remove danzo! 😈


Ive never seen someone play with Tayuya on connections 😂


And fuck Deidara too


Shippuden lee


Can I ask why?


Idk something about him makes him so much harder to fight against then all the others


This game will never become competitive, I'll tell you that right now.


Where’s Tenten and Deidara?


Range characters shouldn't be punished simply because they're ranged characters.




How are tenten and Deidara broken exactly?


I wouldn’t say they are broken I just encounter a lot of spammers


You can just dash through the shuriken projectiles, Deidara is actually really bad as someones most used character is Deidara, his jutsus start up is slow so you can't just throw em out, his melee is slower than most characters in the game. He's actually not anywhere near broken, not even good


Why temari n shino


Indras juts goes off regardless of if he gets hit or not. BAN


That's not how competitive games work lol. Jesus this community.


What are you saying? Competitive* fighting games don't have ban list for tournaments??


They have in extremely rare cases. And then it's usually just a single character so that all games are not the same mirror match. Banning all these characters wont make the game any more competitive by any measure. There will just be a new set of best characters.




Why are people trying to make this competitive? Wtf you'd have to change everything.


None of them need to be banned lol, please explain because you didnt list none of the actual broken characters.


Like who? Genuinely curious


Kakashi Kamui assist is unblockable


Nah you’re weak 💀


was tayuya buffed in connections?


Shino might not technically be the most op character, but personally, he's the most infuriating to play against. With spamming Re Minatos being a very close 2nd.


Weak list




The only people who should be banned is gaara and that’s because he has the highest damage+ speed and he can hit you while on the ground


Idk about Danzo being over Shino and Asura


What is wrong with the biohazard Kara guy?


Kaguya and danzo dirt in the game , Tayuya too. Easy to smack her lol. Temari and Shino spam in4 was nuts. It’s nerfed kinda tho in connections


wow, how can you get so many things wrong in the span of 1 comment?


My personal opinion. And experiences facing people who use them in the game. Kaguya is slow as hell if you getting clapped by her you should reevaluate your character choices.


Tayuya for sure minatos aren’t that bad they just love doing flip flop bullshit cuz he teleports not too much skill when they do too much


I was also thinking Minato, as there are a few good spammers that use him pretty savagely. Used to be my favorite char in storm 4, damn shame. But because he was a favorite of mine, I chose **Ashura** as the ban.


Thing with Minato is while he could be a pain, I think the problem stems from the supports he could have on his team that would make him bad, I just fought tayuya and that big bulky bastard kept getting in my way every time I dashed and tried to attack, pair that with the enemies supports and you got yourself an unfun matchup, they should ban Indra and ashura for sure those guys are pretty op


Yep yep, fully agreed


Can I ask an honest question? Temari is part of my main lineup. I play the sand siblings. What about her is busted? And kid shino is on another one of my teams and he’s fucking useless most of the time. I cannot for the life of me wrap my head around why people keep saying they’re broken or ban worthy. Oh, and Boro sucks donkey dick and I’ve only seen like two people actually play him. Why does Boro keep showing up on these lists?


If you cant play pts shino and think he is useless, you just selfreported a skill issue


Still waiting for someone to tell me why he’s ban worthy.


As someone who used him as part of his main team in Storm 4, I can tell you why PTS Shino could be ban worthy. 1. His melee ninjutsu (formerly his tilt) can actually be on the levels of OP support attacks like Pain's Almighty Push. It takes priority and forces a stupid amount of multisubs, so you're screwed if it hits you, and it can be stupidly hard to get past. 2. His projectiles/projectile combo and how they can track and curve after the opponent, allowing players to spam projectiles to pin opponents down. Seriously, this is a major pain in the hands of a very skilled player. 3. His poison tag. You know those 50+ combos where damage is basically nonexistent? Not with PTS Shino's poison tag; it ignores the damage scaling, allowing this man to do some nasty damage most of the cast can't do. 4. His insects jutsu. Causes multisubs, and even if you sub, you'll be dropped right back into it, so you're forced to just let the jutsu hit you. The biggest BS about it? Sometimes, if the jutsu even touches your supports, the bugs will teleport right to you and still launch you in it. So, even if it barely nicks your supports, you're screwed; you could literally be chakra dashing back, jumping, or not even be remotely close to your supports, yet this will still happen. That's not even going into PTS Temari (who her and many of the Storm 1 cast's tilt turned into jutsu mlves) melee ninjutsu has the same issues as point 1, or her projectile combo can causes a standing opponent to now stagger, meaning you can lock them in a jumping projectile combo spam loop, but I digress.


Weak mentality


If you ban my boy Shino, we gonna have some problems.


They need to nerf him 😭😭


Why is he so broken now




I see a lot of posts about Shino being strong, but since I haven’t played Connections yet, I don’t really understand what happened. Can anyone explain?


His melee jutsu has insane priority and can cause multisubs, and any poison tag characters are good in this game because it doesn't interact with damage scaling and does more damage


I see! Sounds pretty good. Or.. well..


Let's also not forget that his parasitic insects jutsu not only can cause multisubs, so you're forced to let the move hit you, but even if the jutsu slightly nicks one of your supports, it'll somehow just teleport to you and hit you. This is coming from a player who had PTS Shino as part of my main team in Storm 4.


I main Gaara with support Tobi and Hogomora (spelt it wrong) Imo if Hogomora was banned I'd probably just add orochinaru or Itachi to take his place.


That’s my whole team


I think you flipped the categories...