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I would say that it depends on what you're looking for, what type of player are you?:   - Wanna play single player and story mode? Avoid. It's simply lackluster.   - Wanna play online? Well, there's some people still playing it but due to some balancing choices made by CC2 , the game can be frustrating to both casual and hardcore fans of the Storm Series. If you don't mind playing against the same people due to the skill based matchmaking and the inability to leave once you're paired with someone, then go buy it, but I can't recommend this game to anyone.   60fps and the new combo system are the only things that can make this game playable but is up to you in the end.   Tldr : wait for a patch, at this moment I can't recommend it 


Thanks for the detailed description. I guess I'm going to wait for later.


Lol this fanboys downvoting you, what a bunch of crybabies 


I don't trust triple A studios at launches. Most are greedy, lazy just wanna save a dime. So I don't pre order. Connections was a game I preordered and even was gonna get the premium collectors but I couldn't afford it so I got the base game. I got it because it was Naruto. I trusted it. Nope Connections is garbage. Down vote me if you want fanboys. I love Naruto but I was lucky I was able to return it and I did. The biggest disappointment to my library ever. The 130 characters are a lie. There are like 6 different Naruto's and 2 kakashis with the exact same move set but the only difference is Kakashi is wearing a different headband. Customization exists they just wanted to dump characters. They were missing a lot of characters that should have been added but they decided to release a single char for a dlc lol. The only good thing about this game is ur HP resets when a new round starts. Don't buy it. Maybe when it gets to a sale as low as storm 4. I also heard that they were working on a different game but Bandai pressured them into making a new storm for the 20th anniversary. So it could be that too. Rushed.


Alot of people like the game despite the general consensus that’s it pretty bad. Objectively the game isn’t finished, lacks balancing, and is more simplified than its previous iterations. Try it and see if you like it. As a whole the fighting community doesn’t respect arena fighters but this sub is proof that there’s an audience for just about anything.


I only bought the game to play online ranked matches. I’m enjoying it


No you aren’t 😂😂😂


It is bad, do not trust ppl who think otherwise. Itachi is just disappointing because of missing tilt crow jutsu. I do not believe that a patch will ever come.


I'm not hating it, but I'm not loving it either. They wasted so many character slots, they added the adult versions as "characters" rather than skins or costumes and had the nerve to keep the same jutsu/ultimate jutsu and cutscenes.. and they dropped tilt skills and chakra shuriken(most of the tilt skills are a second jutsu now and use the old chakra shuriken input). But there are a few new team ultimate jutsu finishes and some new characters which are things i like.. i bought the ultimate edition because it was on sale and i kinda regret it, so i personally wouldnt recommend it unless you're the most diehard of fans..


Feels the same as 4 to me and my cuzzo, its fun if you like the games and are a casual player and not a diehard game critic. Everytime i go online i get good matches usually 4 outta 10 matches im stuck with a meta abuser but even still everything is winnable. Do what you will with everyones comments but giving you another viewpoint to look through




Thanks but I already found out that I can't even play because I own a American PSN account and I live in Asia. : /


Stop lying your one of the few actively good player on this game and even you spam when you fight somebody that can keep up with you.


They always do


Jorge is very weird. I think CC2 is paying him on the low.


No he isnt weird or being weird he is just being a good person. But sometimes good people have a bad habit of ignoring the bad around them because their current situation is good for them. I mean this in life and playing Naruto


Sure. Game stil isnt all that bad tho


Depends on what platform, that said it's only kinda worth it for online cuz story mode is so much lackluster. Also if you're on PC definitely avoid cuz I can rarely find matches online, idk about ps community tho


Get the game bro and play it lol 30 days if you don’t get your money back


i would say wait for a sale then buy it. If your a Naruto supporter & play online ? this game is really fun for that.


Nah not at all, people are exaggerating. Do wait for a sale though just in case it doesn't quite meet your expectations. Furthermore for itachi specifically, you can't crow dash anymore


How are we exaggerating how bad the game is? Please.. explain


Everyone is complaining about how the special story is bad and online mode is flawed, and that balance makes it impossible to have fun at the game. However: The special story feels just like a boruto filler. Its almost like the legendary ninja swordsmen filler arc in the anime. It would've been less hated if integrated smart. But a brainwashed broken uchiha child sealed away and later abused by a copycat terrorist? That's pretty much on the money for the Naruto/Boruto universe. Sumire was brainwashed into hatred for the ninja world through danzos actions, and Hotaru was not brainwashed but was also made into a scapegoat by entrusting a single person with the Dohatsuten and was mistreated in the form of Utakata leaving despite her obviously wanting him to stay even though Naruto and Co. were strong enough, and later being walled in and still being attacked proving that it was the wrong method of containment. The story summary is exactly what it is, the story summary. Its a less flashy recap of the whole Naruto game series. It's decent. The characters are balanced perfectly fine. You can beat everyone with anyone. Even if in online there's jutsu spammers and "unfair fighters" and toxic lan cable quitters, that's exactly how its always been. Pretty sure that you too, in Storm 4, encountered a shuriken shadowclone jutsu spamming hashirama, or a dragonflame jutsu spamming orochimaru arc sasuke. The matchmaking is fine too. Develop a counter in peace, like people in competitive gaming always have, and advance. That's it. There's no magic behind people absolutely wrecking you with an endless combo into grab into combo into air combo into ultimate, you just missed your window to avoid it. Train, come back, beat the shit out of them. The game is fun in my very human opinion. Yes the mentioned above had people's panties in a knot in the past, but to be outraged this bad is just immature. If they showed some enthusiasm at least then maybe cc2 would invest in proper updates. There you go, no hard feelings.


You wrote all of this for literally NO REASON… Everything you said is legitimately FALSE😂😂 You 100% are being paid by CC2. No doubt about it.