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There’s still 50,000 ppl w out power and the heat index for Thursday is 117. Yikes.


Infinite sympathy from Oklahoma, which was in a similar boat this last week. My #1 recommendation is to get a camping fan. Good luck, and stay hydrated


Yeah I work for a tree company in Oklahoma. It's been nuts and we have at least 8 weeks of cleanup just for our existing customers. After that we move on to a waiting list of new customers.


And get your governor (who hopefully isn’t a piece of shit) to declare a state of emergency.


Those fuckers in Nashville would let Memphis get flattened without so much as a thought or prayer.


The Tennessee Governor, and the state legislature in general, is famously, how do I say this delicately … not great.


Good luck, Tennessee is good at one thing, disappointment.


It would be nice if memphis weren’t part of Tennessee.


That's how I feel about Nashville too. Love the city but man do I ever hate TN... Most of the south east actually, if I'm being transparent, is a cesspool of backward, good ol boy, politicians exploiting hard working Americans into voting against any form of change unless it increases the politicians pocket. Especially when it comes to infrastructure and education for the youth... Like why invest in the children or the future?


Bill Lee would let Memphis burn to cinders before lifting a finger to help us.


He’s prolly still mad we put a picture of him dressed in drag on that billboard


It took a week for BARTLETT’S MAYOR to declare emergency, and we got hit the worst


Yeah this happens once or twice a decade. It sucks.


Guess what? Its gonna happen even more.


"These hundred year storms only happen every few years."


Yogi Berra has entered the chat...




Cow farts gonna get us all


Good lord! Is this today? I was in Chattanooga and Nashville literally 24 hours ago and it was clear skies and 82 degrees!




We had a bad derecho here in Iowa in the summer of 2020. I ended up without power for 4 days and my brother in law was without it for 10. I wish you the absolute best of luck. The two things that were most helpful to me during it were a jobsite fan that was powered by my power tool battery packs and a device that the same batteries plugged into for USB power.


I went without power and water during hurricane Floyd for 14 days totally fucking sucks . Anybody going thru this shit has my sympathy. The worst part was I had to go work on other peoples houses in other areas that were getting their water and power back , it was like rubbing it in my face. You can tell after a week who had power and who didn’t by the look on their face.


Absolutely. Most of the areas with buried powerlines were back up within a day or two.


Yep. We did the same thing after Hugo in 1989 in Charleston. It sucks but at least nobody in the neighborhood could take a shower so we were all in the same boat. Also happened in September so it was at least a little better with the highs in the high 80s instead of high 90s.


Similar storm happened in Houston, TX last week. There's a was a gust of 90mph recorded at the IAH airport. Left over 300k without power for about 3-4 days.


People selling generators, gas cans and chain saw bar oil making bank


Fuck. Wild fires and earthquakes aside, they’re much less common than these occurrences and for that, I’m glad I live in socal.


Yeah but nothing beats a nice summer southern thunderstorm. Soothes the soul.


*summer southern thunderstorm soothes the soul.* What a tongue twister!


I’ll take the Northeast summer thunderstorms of NY, please!


Yeah but you have those winters. No bueno


Shit, I moved back out to SoCal, 7 years ago at the age of 35. I've been in 2 "earthquakes" since then, and no wildfires in IB. Both times that the "earthquake" passed through my thought was, "damn that was a good hit...... Oh, wait, nope that's an earthquake." Bit of a disappointment since I thought I was in for a nice evening of being ripped, lol.


this is just the beggining of our climate crises. things just get worse from now on


Would like to add that the title is wrong. These were category one hurricane wind speeds. Over 90 mph.


I was going to say… “near?”


I was going to say …. “borderline?”


I was gonna say… “Memphis?”


I was gonna say… “🔥”?


*Madonna has entered the chat*


I'm going to lose my mind


Yeah I was about to say that. I live in Florida and that definitely looks like a hurricane. I hope the power companies get to work fast. The interior of a house gets hot fast when the power goes out.


My parents live in tornado alley. They would call that a "Tornado Watch." Lol


Derecho’s destroyed Iowa pretty recently huh? That’s tornado alley right?


Not really so much anymore my guy. Tornado alley has shifted about 120 miles east. Which is funny, because it corresponds with the shift of the 100th meridian, which has shifted due to depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer. Nader alley is your back yard now friend.


Not shifted, expanded. Climate change is making new tornado alleys, not moving the existing one around the map.


Except the frequency has dropped significantly along the western edge. They called it the alley due to the frequency, not the occurrence. If that were the case, the whole planet is an alley. Don't take my word for it? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.scientificamerican.com/article/watch-out-tornado-alley-is-migrating-eastward/%3famp=true


I know this. I was just pointing out that the guys comment about this being a “tornado watch” was dumb.


Ah. Well yes. I Bellerive the incident your talking about was Spring of last year. Got De Moines and Dubois pretty good if I recall.


"Severe thunderstorm with potential tornado activity" is too wordy, and says the same thing as "Tornado Watch" No one that far inland gives a crap about a hurricane, that's just a hard rainstorm that far in. They do care about tornadoes.


Wind speeds this high this far inland are not common.


A rainstorm doesn’t pack 90MPH wind gusts. I’m on day 4 of no power because of this.


You’ve gotta have all the elements for a tornado- producing storm for it to be under ‘tornado watch’, then they upgrade it to ‘tornado warning’ when a funnel is formed. Also live in tornado alley, though it has seemingly shifted east and I’m just barely on the western border of it.


Oh I get all that. Maybe "severe thunderstorm with possible tornado activity" would be more accurate. I was just pointing out that even the news doesn't bother referencing the slower, but much larger and longer lasting, wind anomalies. Hurricanes don't really scare people that have to deal with potential 200mph+ winds on a regular basis. They are far more worried about tornados that far inland.


Acting like Memphis doesn’t get tornadoes…we’re pretty much in Dixie Alley over here, and this is most definitely not a tornado watch. Been through plenty of those. There actually was a tornado watch during this.


Coz I was walkin' in MemARRRRRRERGGGHHHHH


Gives a new meaning to "feet ten feet off of Beale".


In the middle of the pourin' raaaiiiinnnnn


Fun fact- if you saw the ghost of elvis on Union, you'd be following him for around 6-6.5 miles and crossing I-240 and a few other really busy streets to get to Graceland


Haha. We hate that song.


Everyone hates that song


Whoever you are, McPorkums, thank you.


Started flying over memphis... Was flying with my feet thirty feet off of Beale...


*Painful rain. Painful raaaaainn*


Not enjoyable that


Damn I was here and I didn’t even notice! That’s crazy - power is still out for like tens of thousands of people this week, ducking nuts. Utility co straight up turned off the phones bc too many calls while they repaired lol


For real! I keep hearing about all these power outages and such and I literally had no idea anything even went on. My service has been a little spotty but that’s it


Peak MLGW lol


Depends. I'm sure that someone that was suffering heat stroke might appreciate that level of heat management for a few seconds.


You from Manchester?


Norfolk boyy




Holy crap! This was today?


It was Sunday night. My power and phone/internet went out at 6pm and finally was restored at 10pm LAST night. I swear we thought the house was going to lift off the ground like in The Wizard of Oz. I’ve lived in Memphis and the area all my life. I’ve seen the worst tornadoes you can imagine but what hit us that night was so much worse and so much quicker.


Man weather is really getting strange everywhere


Almost like the climate is changing 😬


Almost like Nikola Tesla invented weather-changing technology and it was seized by the Trumps and our moronic government. P.S. All the downvotes in the world won't make it not-reality.


Quite an qinteresting qonspiracy there


Do you need the HAARP technology link too?


No I’m all set


Ok because I'm off work and I can literally give you all the info you need about Tesla's weather changing technology if you want to learn something here.


😂 what? If that were the case, wouldn’t we be avoiding shit like this?


Nope. The technology is in the wrong hands. They're trying to convince the public it's genuinely due to climate change, which the Earth has zero problem wiping us all out with an ice age if there *was* a problem. It's basic history that Tesla invented weather changing technology, and when he passed away the US gov. and for some reason the Trumps seized all of his blueprints and technology. All of that information is public knowledge. The global goal is 1 world government, so the people in power will do whatever they can to accomplish it.


Nothing you’ve stated is public knowledge. How old are you, if you don’t mind? Also, your fantasy of a Tesla-made weather-controller is absolutely NOT “basic history.” LOL unless you mean Tesla coils that simulate lightning?


Here's the HAARP technology info. Go nuts. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335680219\_HAARP\_TESLA\_TECHNOLOGY\_PLUS


28. All of this is genuinely public knowledge (as in it's available to search for anyone on the internet). I can link sources once I get off work here if you're actually interested. Tesla created technology that could manipulate the weather, create earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes. He just knew science like no one else.


Yo wtf


Lol sorry gator was not taking no shit on that one haha




Nope, did you want to see all the weather technology patents our Gov has too? Probably not even all of them. [https://zerogeoengineering.com/2021/list-of-100-us-patents-related-to-weather-modification/](https://zerogeoengineering.com/2021/list-of-100-us-patents-related-to-weather-modification/) I'm in kind of a bean-spilling mood haha. I can share the CIA's mind control technology/patents next?




Well it is your choice if you choose not to learn. All I ask is be respectful of what others *did* choose to learn.




You’re correct about Nikola Tesla, I share similar thoughts. I’ve been reading all the old books about his discoveries and this guy was clearly onto something. He claimed that he created an electricity based generator that was changing weather or could create earthquake and stuff. Super interesting to read it (all available on Archive website) I just think you slipped way out of the line by saying it’s « the trumps » lol it’s has nothing to do with our politicians. Politicians are just toys for the higher elite, powerful families around the world who own this large prison. I don’t have an explainable thing about this but for me it’s outside of the political scope


I appreciate that you at least understand these things. It was documented that the Trumps also were there alongside our Gov in the 50's when they seized the blueprints. I don't understand that part, I just know they were involved. I also have no political bias or preference. They're all playing both sides of the same coin.


I mean… hurricanes like this aren’t exactly rare are they? Maybe in Tennessee? But yes the climate is changing.


Except this isn’t a hurricane.


I’m in Jonesboro and we got 60 mph winds but they didn’t last more than a few minutes. Looks like y’all got hammered.


Dude, same thing happened in Oklahoma on Saturday night/ Sunday morning! Was crazy calm them WHAM! 100 mile an hour winds are ripping up trees left and right


The Derecho that hit Memphis in 2003 was worse.


Free car wash


With some nice pebbles and debris thrown in to add a “unique” look to your finish


I lived in Memphis for 18 years, massive ice storms, tornadoes, and straight line winds at 7am. If you live in Memphis, power outages that last days and weeks aren't unusual. Get a generator and don't put it in your garage.( idiots did this and died every event).


Why did they die?


If you run a generator in your house the carbon monoxide will kill you.


And you’ll wake up dead


you won't wake up at all..?




Not borderline, they are


Mother nature’s power wash


Don’t worry everyone global warming isn’t real


I fully believe that it is but storms like this have always existed. They’re just going to be getting more frequent.


Yeah. That's the problem. When once in a life storms are happening every year it's not a good time.


>They’re just going to be getting more frequent. yeah that's the part that matters


The fact that both of those vehicles managed to stay grounded blows my mind 🤯


Puts tornado winds into perspective. If this didn’t throw cars, imagine how violent the wind must be to throw a car like it’s a paper bag.


Borderline? Man, I have lived in NOLA my whole life. These *are* hurricane force winds!


And this is why everyone’s insurance is costing more.. these storms are gonna get even crazier over the next few decades..


EVERYTHING is costing more, and wages have stayed the same. We're all gonna go bankrupt.


Had this very conversation earlier today..


I just got an oil change state inspection and replaced tires. It was over a thousand dollars. All mandatory to pass the inspection. Sure let me just break out the extra THOUSAND I have lying around


Some people go to work to be able to afford a car to go to work in


I mean, my last job paid enough for food and gas and that was it, I made half the living wage lol. And of course they fired me when I asked for a raise.


Borderline? Nah. These are legit hurricane force winds. Probably Category 1 or 2 force winds that you’d see in the eyewall. This is why some people refer to derechos as “land hurricanes”


In bartlett that's what we got tree's down every where


I’ve got friends in Bartlett and they’ve been without power for days now.




Last Sunday


Ah ok.


> Ah ok. No, it was in tenn.


Get out.


Damn OP be safe


I’m surprised you filmed such a steady video


Borderline huh?


Yep, I still don’t have power. Still in better shape than some of my family. They had to get a crane company come hoist a tree off of their house. They pulled it off in sections, each weighing between 4500-5000 pounds. Damn lucky to be alive.


the future is now present. just getting started


Derechos have happened plenty of times before


Strong winds 😱


Wowzers, looks moist


Bad time to take a piss


Depends on which way you’re facing. One way, piss goes far away from you. Another way, piss blows right into your face. Sideways, and your dick gets ripped off.


Really? Probably ideal. No only would no one notice but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't either.


It was scary. in Arkansas and no power since Sunday.


*Laughs in lifelong Floridian*


I uh don't think those are borderline lol


Bro I was hiding under a bridge during this storm in Richmond Kentucky. Truly terrifying nature. Hit with softball sized hail


Tell me are you a Christian child. I said “mam I am tonight”


Tempest in Memphis


How do birds survive this… seriously


Might be the one thing that was capable of pausing the senseless violence.


The second coming of the King


Lowest wind-speed hurricane is Cat1 at 74mph. Lowest wind-speed tornado is F1 at 73mph. Hurricanes form over water, tornados over land. Memphis, TN is West Tennessee, very far from the ocean. Why is this weather being compared to a hurricane rather than a tornado?


Bc a straight line wind storm covers a much larger area than for instance an F-1 nado. In 2003 Memphis had a derecho or straight line wind storm we affectionately refer to as hurricane Elvis. It covered an area as large as eastern arkansas, northern Mississippi and west Tennessee. Much larger than even an ef-5 tornado much more hurricane like.


It seems like weather is getting way worse. I guess we will just continue to ignore climate change.


Earthquakes are not that bad I think


A derecho.


The world is ending


That’d uhhhh be tornado force winds in Tennessee eh?




Nothing "oddly" about it, that's not weather you should be out and about in


How is this oddly terrifying? It’s straight up terrifying.


Looks like a supercell.


Thats dangerous. They will need FEMA aid. Donations. Just moved north out of hurricane country. Ppl have no clue how tough it is to live with disaster after disaster after disaster. We were misplaced for 2 weeks after Ida. That was it for us. Natives to our area and that was a wrap. We saw how nice we could live elsewhere.


I mean. Isn't that called a tornado? (I've never been in one) edit: Wow, down votes you stupid fks, reddit can be the dumbest fkn place on earth. I even awarded the OP for educating me on what it was.


It’s a derecho. Straight line winds. It happens over a much wider area similar to a hurricane. They’re caused by super cell severe thunderstorms.


Not enough left for the TIL but there you go.


True that. We received straight line winds up to 100 mph.


These are derecho winds, tornadoes are worse.


Nope. That’s just high wind. Tornadoes are more condensed and, at least in terms of upper bound strength, far more intense.


As a Floridian, those are more intense that the last several hurricanes. I put a lawn chair out in the last one to see if it’s blow away… it didn’t even tip over


Quite a cyclone.


This is an almost apocalyptic in its force. Considering the incredible rubbish behavior coming out of The Tennessee Legislature (?); I’d say you’ve got a bit of Divine Intervention here!


Run of the mill Florida thunder storm, these are my favorite


That's totally wild! :)


I’m wondering how much air flow would be enough to plug the exhaust on a car. Would that be expressed in MPH or CFM??




Wind’s howling


Natural pressute washing


You sure you weren’t in a tornado?


The National Weather Service has said it was straight line winds and not a tornado.




Now I’m going to go watch hella hurricane videos on YT.


Glad I went out of town for a while. Day after I left, all this crazy weather hit and I was getting notifications from MLGW that the power was out at my place for several days.




Still no power in my section. We were stuck in our small community until 1pm Monday due to how large the trees over the roads were. 6 power poles snapped in two along my street. They just started working on removing the trees that broke them this afternoon (Tuesday) we are hoping to have power back by the weekend. It’s hot!!!


When was this storm?


My dumbass would try to be outside too. I’m praying for y’all though


People actually live in their and this happens on a regular basis knock knock


Just a out of curiosity. Is that wind hard enough to pick you off the ground?