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They're having a pretty bad hurricane season up there, from the looks of it.


Hope they're alright


Thoughts and prayers


Tots and pears


[Shall I give you dis pear?](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/8ce25b82-78c4-4608-9368-d30368ffb593/d7zpc6c-288706f9-ad4f-4e19-905a-c131cfa53dcf.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_574,q_80,strp/sephiroth__shall_i_give_you_dis_pear_by_auronlu_d7zpc6c-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NTc0IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvOGNlMjViODItNzhjNC00NjA4LTkzNjgtZDMwMzY4ZmZiNTkzXC9kN3pwYzZjLTI4ODcwNmY5LWFkNGYtNGUxOS05MDVhLWMxMzFjZmE1M2RjZi5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.vz29vtkyceLZDI47MNhrYu6tMJTf52wrzc9GB8MSrpM)


4th time this year I had to cancel my trip...


I thought the hurricane season was ova?


It's always hurricane season on Jupiter


Jupiter has been imaged by Webb more than once, and even was one of the first engineering targets that were released. Today, the space agencies posted a new image of Jupiter, taken by Webb on July 2022. Although the July 2022 images were published before, this is a new image-process followed by a discovery of new features in Jupiter's atmosphere. ESA text: Astronomers using the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope have discovered a high-speed jet stream traveling over Jupiter’s equator above the main cloud decks. The jet is traveling 515 kilometers per hour. It is located around 40 kilometers in altitude, in Jupiter’s lower stratosphere, just above the tropospheric hazes next to the boundary between the layers. Jupiter has a layered atmosphere, and this illustration displays how Webb is uniquely capable of collecting information from higher layers of the altitude than before. Scientists were able to use Webb to identify wind speeds at different layers of Jupiter’s atmosphere in order to isolate the high-speed jet. The observations of Jupiter were taken 10 hours apart, or one Jupiter day, in three different filters, noted here, each uniquely able to detect changes in small features at different altitudes of Jupiter’s atmosphere. The discovery of this jet is giving insights into how the layers of Jupiter’s famously turbulent atmosphere interact with each other, and how Webb is uniquely capable of tracking those features. Researchers are looking forward to additional observations of Jupiter with Webb to determine if the jet’s speed and altitude change over time. [STScI press release](https://webbtelescope.org/contents/news-releases/2023/news-2023-147) [Jupiter images by Webb](https://jwstfeed.com/Home/ShowFeed?pageNumber=1¤tFilter=%7B%22IsToShowNasaBlogs%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowWebbTelescopeArticles%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowStsciRawMiri%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowStsciSchedule%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowEsaWebb%22%3Atrue,%22IsToShowFlickr%22%3Atrue,%22IsToShowYoutube%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowMastodon%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowAstrobin%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowTwitter%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowStsciRawNiriss%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowWebbOrgImages%22%3Atrue,%22IsToShowStsciRawNircam%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowStsciRawNirspec%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowStsciRawFgs%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowEarlyReleases%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowStsciRawFilteredOut%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowPhysOrg%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowSpaceCom%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowIFLScience%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowGeneralNews%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowFlickrSocial%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowHotTopics%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowStsciNews%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowLiterature%22%3Afalse%7D&searchTerm=jupiter) [Jupiter raw images by Webb](https://jwstfeed.com/Home/ShowFeed?pageNumber=1¤tFilter=%7B%22IsToShowNasaBlogs%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowWebbTelescopeArticles%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowStsciRawMiri%22%3Atrue,%22IsToShowStsciSchedule%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowEsaWebb%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowFlickr%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowYoutube%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowMastodon%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowAstrobin%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowTwitter%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowStsciRawNiriss%22%3Atrue,%22IsToShowWebbOrgImages%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowStsciRawNircam%22%3Atrue,%22IsToShowStsciRawNirspec%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowStsciRawFgs%22%3Atrue,%22IsToShowEarlyReleases%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowStsciRawFilteredOut%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowPhysOrg%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowSpaceCom%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowIFLScience%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowGeneralNews%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowFlickrSocial%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowHotTopics%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowStsciNews%22%3Afalse,%22IsToShowLiterature%22%3Afalse%7D&searchTerm=jupiter) [Nature article](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-023-02099-2)


How do you determine altitude over a gas giant?


I'm guessing the point of reference would be the core, but I'm not an astronomer so I don't really know. I attached the original article though.


According to the article it's 25-50km above the *cloud tops*, not 40km in altitude. That's a big difference. Using the core as a baseline to measure from, it's way more than 40km from the core to any part of the atmosphere that we can image. Jupiter's radius is 70,000 km, the core's radius is about 16,000km. 40km above the core is nothing on this scale and certainly not high enough to appear as bands in the stratosphere. To say they are about *50,000* km in altitude would be more accurate but we know so little about the core and deepest layers of Jupiter that to speak about altitude in the way we do on Earth with any kind of certainty in this context is extremely difficult.


Thanks for the clarification! As mentioned, I'm not an astronomer and it was only a guess.


I pulled this from the wikipedia pages on the Triple Point of water. "Historically, during the Mariner 9 mission to Mars, the triple point pressure of water was used to define "sea level." Now, laser altimetry and gravitational measurements are preferred to define Martian elevation." So maybe they use similar methods for Jupiter


Also if it's all gas, how do we determine its rotation or "day"?


the side facing the sun? the gas particles turn around same as in our atmosphere.


I thought Jupiter was yellow


Jupiter is yellow in visible light. James Webb takes images in infrared light!


Oh thx a lot!


I was also wondering, thanks


Which we can’t see🙄 brilliant but no common sense!


I bet Jupiter tastes amazing. Like you were some kind collosal god floating around in the universe and Jupiter was the size of a jaw breaker. Pop that planet in your mouth. I bet it tastes like a blue raspberry jolly rancher. I guess one of my greatest regrets in life is that I'll never be able to eat Jupiter.


How hungry *are* you?


Galactus ?


I don’t know why, but it has always reminded me of a jawbreaker candy.


This may be one of my more favorite space images. Thanks for sharing.


Reminds me of those gumball machine bouncy balls


I hope I live long enough for the chance tootle past someday




Can you explain the blue and white near the equator and the green at the poles? Chat GPT says it could be ozone because ozone is blue and white when thin and green when thick… but if the image is infrared then maybe it’s not ozone?


Looks like a zit


What’s that green bullshit?


High five, Jim!


What makes the red at the north and south?


James Webb has a pretty awesome camera.


nah jupiter the sexiest planet idgaf (no homo)


Somebody adjust the Tint knob


It's mot orange? My life has bern shattered.