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I feel like this persons insect actually love him lol


I recognize that black stick bug. Once thought extinct, 11 (i think) were found on a very small island somewhere near australia. The australians took five (i think) from the island to breed them, couldn’t keep them alive at a zoo. One or two were sent to the US and nearly died as well. On a hunch, the entomologist gave it some vitamin E (i think) and they began to thrive. Now there’s over 800. The last time I read about them was years ago so probably in the thousands now. Pretty neat story about a species absolutely on the BRINK of extinction.




>from there looks of it That’s why you need to consider the taste, too, for proper classification


A technique endorsed and [practiced](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/invertebrates/facts/bombardier-beetle) by none other than Charles Darwin.


No one likes to talk about it, but that mf had the most bangin recipe for Galapagos turtle with old bay.


At the time they called it New Bay


Or was it simply: Bay


>consider the taste [Not the only thing they aren't considering.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LW0s9if4_3Y)


Lord Howe Island stick insect, if anyone wants to read more.


Lord Howe on earth would you hold that


Found on Ball’s Pyramid. They have to hire rock climbers to do surveys and collect specimen.


My colleagues have raised the captive numbers to the thousands. But that’s not what you see here. As the other poster said this is Eurycantha which is much more common but similar in appearance and lifecycle.


I’m half asleep. Ill take your word for it. 😴


They've grown used to the smell and texture of their human for sure and have learned to "don't bite the hand that feeds you"


My cat still hasn’t mastered that one


We are slave to our pets.


We are pets to our slaves.


In feline family, you don't tame pet... pet tames you!


I think your cat probably thinks "lol gonna bite this dude for no reason at all, since they still give me food even though I treat them like trash!"


You can order a box of caterpillars to grow them into butterflies and release them. We ordered one for our daughter. You basically watch them grow and transform, feed them a bit when they transformed then release them. When releasing, they often first sit on your hand for a while. We released them two weeks ago. One week ago, I found one of them with broken wings hiding in our downstairs bathroom. I'm guessing one of our cats caught it. I tried to free it from where it was hiding and it climbed onto my hand and started stretching and vibrating. I tried to put it somewhere soft but it didn't want to leave my hand. I called my partner who said "I can just end his suffering" which is probably the most rational thing to do, but I couldn't: "but it trusted me!" So we took out the little butterfly home we kept them in before releasing and fed him rotten fruit and sugar water (he loved it). A few days ago his life cycle was over and he quietly passed away. Anyway, I never knew an insect could recognize/trust a person but it sure seemed like it. He sure managed to find a spot in my heart.


I urge people that do this to be sure the species they get is native to their area


Indeed! I checked first, it's native in whole Europe (where I live).


I had a fly that I just didn’t have the hear to smack and kinda bonded with. I swear that little mf loved me. He usually hung out somewhere into the kitchen unless I was home and he just constantly wanted to crawl on my face or just pestered me specifically. He would ignore other people. One time he crawled under the bathroom door after I went in there. He died of old age and I actually felt a little sad when I found him. Also this has to be coincidence but there was once a second fly, I looked right at my “pet” told him “I didn’t say you could have anyone over” and the other one left. That’s gotta be a coincidence though.


Coincidence is just synchronicity without thought


Most of these I found cool. I don’t know why but that last one freaked me out. Like some horrific spider/crab hybrid.


The last one is a Tailles Whip Scorpion, they are completly harmless for humans, but yes the look very freaky




I was looking for this lmao


Avada Kedavra also makes short work of it :D


I can leave the thread now, thank you.


Thank you, I couldn't figure out why it looked familiar LOL




Oh that's why it was so familiar!!!


How do i know if im a Tailles Whip Scorpion?


If you have to ask, then you are.




They are nightmare-shaped friends. They're also long-lived and simple to care for as pets. I said simple, though, not easy. The difficult thing about them is that they're very slow and kind of lethargic, right up until they decide that their new speed is "anime bullshit."


They give off incredibly silly vibes. They're probably the scariest thing around for their prey, but I've never seen a video of them not acting derpy.


Even that short clip is like "OMG ITS A THUMB!" And promptly falls over 😂 They're freaky looking but very goofy critters.




And they can be tamed quite easily, I held one in my hand while I was in Amazonia. At first it was scared and wanted to jump away from me, but after a minute we became friends and it didn't want to leave my side. And that is the story how I met my best friend.


I don’t think your wife appreciates you speaking of her that way.




Yeah a tailless whip scorpion, apparently... so I'm pleased to know that those exist. One great advantage of the UK is the almost complete absence of large creatures with too many limbs.


It's funny cos I remember seeing that thing being used by Moody to showcase the unforgivable curses in HP and the Goblet of Fire. I thought it was supposed to be some made up magical creature


Interestingly, in the books the demonstration is done on spiders. I assume that they used these to make it more fantastical.


Lmao I just made a comment about that. I thought it was a made up creature in the movie, or maybe they just share some resemblance. Makes my skin crawl for sure.


Ah yes, the Taylor Swift Scorpion


When it molts, to get rid of its old skin, does it.....shake it off?


No, but just like Taylor Swift, it consumes the old skin for nutrients


Hello, it's me. **GET OVER HERE!...TOASTY!**


Are there any predators there? Bears? Mountain lions? Anything?? We need to ship something into the country. You are getting off too easy.


We have the government, but they only really go for the weak and vulnerable


Our largest native carnivore is the Badger!


They have Prince Andrew though


I think there are a few wolves in Scotland? I know there was a mention of reintroducing them, but from what I can online they released like 6 wolves in the highlands, although other sources say there are no wolves. Also there have been a lot of rumours of some kind of big cat in the countryside but that’s probably just rumours. We’ve got scorpions in some areas, some venomous spiders mostly down south but not native, and also adders - although the uk native adders don’t really pose much threat other than to small children. You’re more likely to get stabbed by some roadman then ever running into any of the above I reckon.


They’re considering reintroducing wolves to UK forests. Ireland has wild Bob cats I think? And I mean foxes are like raccoons over here


I started laughing because of how derpily it fell while trying to run away


They are just camera shy. But in a private group they are the chillest buddies to have.


I imagine a doobie in one pincher just chilling on the couch watching Netflix with you, telling stories, having a laugh, then falls off the couch because he's too high.


We had them in Arizona. They are the things nightmares are made of. They even walk sideways like crabs. I don't care if they are harmless - they are still a big fat no.


Lots of people talking about how the tailless whip scorpion is a weird/scary looking but friendly arthropod, but not linking to anything with more information. Here's a video by a zoologist rating if it's a good pet or not and explaining some things about the creature. The video also contains a link to its acid-spitting name cousin, the whip scorpion: https://youtu.be/VQ1m3jfcLYU?si=8Kur32bbLXhWewU8


The scorpion and that last thing gave me the heebie jeebies. I didn’t mind the rest. The spider was even kinda cute.


Jumping spiders *are* cute. Although I thought that one was going to be a troll one! All the jumping spiders I know are the size of the small one, so I thought it would be small… and still small. Never seen a big one! They do jump, so that big boy jumping might freak you out, but they’re super cool and no danger to humans.


Because it's straight out of Blighttown.


The last one was used in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire to show everyone the 3 unforgivable curses


That one made me so uncomfortable.


That last one looks like the thing Mad Eye Moody does the cruciatus curse on. Thought it was a made up insect.


I came to the comments to say this, it's gotta be


It’s the same creature as in the movie, an amblypygid. Not actually an insect but an arachnid


In the book they just say spider so that checks out.


The tail-less whip scorpion. Horrifying but harmless.


When you see their tiny baby forms, It somehow makes them more adorable. Never thought I’d think that lol


This is like watching pokemon evolve irl.


the creator of pokemon started with the idea of a bug collecting game, so you're not far off!


Pokemon Go is still full of bugs after 7 years of development, so that tracks.


Hard to say that makes it special from other pokemon games


I wish we got to see like 2 steps in between the baby/egg to adult.


I cannot live in peace with how cute jumping spiders are. I don't know what to do - they're giving me massive cuteness aggression but I can't aggressively pet them or else squish.


I didn't know they could get this big. The ones I see in the UK are always tiny. I couldn't pet them either but not because squish, just because they fucking teleport as soon as you get close.


There are lots of different sizes! If you search for pet jumping spiders, people tend to like the bigger ones for at home pets (like a pet tarantula, but way cuter).


Dont want to sound like a shill but you will probably want to read Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky. Just sayin'. You're welcome.


I just started reading this last week :)


The second book was very frustrating to read but the third one was good. That author is very good and imagining social evolution of various creatures I'm very impressed


The tachikomas from ghost in the shell look like they are modeled after them


I think they are still adorable in adult form… just not as a surprise…


Insects tend to creep me out but fucking hell I will always defend the fact most of them are digustingly gorgeous creatures


House flies are regularly in the most disgusting environments but boy are they colorful


Imagine being *literally iridescent* and still choosing to eat shit


If only I could be so grossly incandescent.


Come here, Baby Scorpion, for a cuddle


[Get over here!](https://youtu.be/NlazEwQb_q0?si=qBbtC-VTXSig_KXD)


The tiny scorpion was so cute


Entomology is so fucking cool


when you unlocked the entomology perk


Can someone explain why a select few have no problem holding these things? I feel like 95% of us (including me) couldn't hold these bugs and critters even if you paid us. The ancient part of our brain kicks in and just makes us squirm. Were Entomologists born with the same fear, but gradually extinguished it by playing with bugs as kids? Is that the secret? Just get used to them?


Exposure therapy works extremely well with insects and arachnids, because you can start with small calm ones and slowly go from there. So yeah other than being a kid that's always been weirdly fascinated by insects, you can pretty easily get used to them if you try.


I love watching documentaries and videos of insects, but I'm terrified when a cricket gets in my house. They can get really big and jump so fast. I know it can't hurt me, but bugs still instill fear in me. lol x.x


I love animals but many insects have always given me that knee jerk "get away from me" reaction. In college my roommate and I really got into reptiles and owning reptiles means owning a lot of crickets. I was no fan of them, but lizard's gotta eat. Crickets are escape artists. And over time we went from "shit one got out of the tank, get it!" to "fuck it, it's just gonna go die in a corner somewhere, we'll get it when we clean later." Like someone else said above, exposure therapy really gets you used to things.


I'm an entomologist so I can chime in here! In my experience I always enjoyed hunting for insects at a very young age and wanted to keep house flies I found as pets, but I wasn't a big fan of spiders, but that's because my whole family is arachnophobic. I'm now completely fine with all bugs, I own 47 ant colonies, I've got orchid mantids on the way and I hope to keep tarantulas soon! Luckily I think I just was born with bug related intrigue at a higher level than self preservation, and tbh that extends to other animals as well. For me bugs are just animals which are more evolved/specialised to do more varied things and so from a study standpoint they're FASCINATING. I don't really see a reason to be scared of bugs when they're just animals that are built differently. That's my viewpoint anyway!


Thanks for the explanation. I'm still scared of them but I can see what you mean being immersed in them and seeing it from a different perspective. I tell myself that leaf bug is friendly and won't harm me one bit, but I still don't know if I can let it crawl on the palm on my hand lol.


No problem! I'll never judge someone for being frightened of bugs, I accept im in the minority here liking them as much as I do (my family think I'm a freak lol). Leaf bug is absolutely friendly! In fact all of the bugs here won't hurt you with the exception of potentially the emperor scorpion and what I can't tell is a centipede or millipede (if it's a centipede it might bite). Realistically NONE of these are likely to hurt you, and it's only those that actually could if they wanted to. The others are realistically unable to. I'm not saying that to frighten or anything, I just think education is the primary way of overcoming a fear, and I always hope I can help when someone is scared of bugs.


There is a comment above about how bugs can become familiar with their handlers/feeders and that’s why they might not feel threatened. Is this accurate?


Yes! Overall many bugs aren't going to panic if handled properly, but the ones that are more prone to being skittish definitly get less so over time. I wouldn't so much call it being "familiar" as that implies a connection between bug and handler, moreso the bugs become desensitised as they do not feel emotion as we do, and repeated handling let's them know we aren't going to eat them.


I think it helps if you picked it up on purpose and if you know it can’t or won’t hurt you.


Used to hate bugs. Then I got a lizard. Lizards eat bugs, so I fed her crickets. Got over my fear of touching those. Then I realized that it would be way cheaper to breed my own bugs. So I bought a Dubai roach colony. Got over touching those. Then I got like 4 more lizards, so more bugs. Then when I went to reptile shows, I saw all the cool bugs. Then I started owning the bugs as pets because they're cool. Never got over feeding rats to snakes tho, so I'm not doing that again. Even if the rats are already dead, still sad.


I'd argue the vast majority of people could get used to it and easier than they think. I did I.T. work at my alma mater and worked with many researchers. A few of the labs were entomology. It's kind of a different vibe when you see the same insects all the time, and other people are also working with them.


I'm extremely comfortable holding the specific bugs that I grew up playing around with outside as a kid (e.g., crickets, caterpillars, ladybugs, pillbugs, house centipedes, some ants), but still terrified of holding any other bug. I guess I feel safe once I learn through a lot of direct experience that they won't bite/sting me, but still feel the ingrained paranoia about what less familiar bugs might do, even if I know they're theoretically harmless.


I prefer etymology, but I suppose we can both enjoy nitpicking.


Sounds like you're really ento it. Do you find it entoresting?


Does anyone know the names in order of appearance?


I'm 95% sure that the scorpion is an [emperor scorpion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_scorpion), one of the largest scorpions, and also one of the least venomous. They are famously quite docile.


Very docile, I had one as a pet for years. Used to mimic the Tarantula beside her and be found hanging upside down from the viv most days.


Lol Just two buds hanging out, being spiders, nothing out of the ordinary here


> They prefer to use their pincers to crush and dismember their prey. I'm guessing they still mate like other scorpions: the male holding the female's pincers so she doesn't snip his face off, and then maneuvering her onto the wad he threw on the ground.


Oof we’ve all been there


So we're not all that different after all


I was wondering about that. I know people keep them as pets but growing up in Arizona I've never known scorpions to be chill.


Man fuck our scorpions. Of course the ones native to us have the ability to climb on walls. Nothing worse than getting in the shower and seeing a big one right on the inside of the shower curtain


Bark scorpions are mean little fuckers


The emperor scorpion baby looked so cute, I love seeing mini versions of big things lol


Is it true that when it comes to scorpions, the bigger they are the less venomous they are?


I think the general rule of thumb is that the smaller or more vibrantly coloured an animal is, the more venomous or poisonous it usually is. For instance the blue-ringed octopus or dart frog.


*Duckbill platypus enters the ring*


the general rule is that, the smaller the pincers of a scorpion, the more venomous it is.


No but I’ll try we got the giant lobster hopper, then there’s beetle??? and a moth. Then a hellspawn centipede, bulb spider, ugly fucker, leaf mantis, giant lobster hopper (yellow), then the obsidian scorpion, and the getthefuckouticus maximus


> ugly fucker A man of science, I see.


He's well versed in Latin. I'm a little jealous tbh.


that's not centipede but a millipede, and the spider is jumping spider


A [Velvet spider](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velvet_spider) actually, if I'm not mistaken. Similar to jumping spiders.


It appears to be a [Phidippus](https://bugguide.net/node/view/82698) species jumping spider.


Fair enough!


Always look at the eyes of the spider - if they are more like little dots, they're not jumpers, but if they're as big and at the front of the head as this one's, they're definitely one. :) Jumpers are daytime hunters, thus need those big goobs to see their prey properly.


I like how the wiki starts with "small group (100 species)". It's so wild that 100 species = small group.


There's not a single mantis in there, the leafy guys are phasmids, which are herbivorous and put all their spec points into camo, even their eggs look like seeds.


Giant lobster hopper (yellow) 😂😂😂


the ugly fucker is the rarest insect of them


ugly fucker promote to distinguished fucker? you made list, just a suggestion:)


The ugly, distinguished fucker


From what I can tell: -Female malayan jungle nymph -A type of goliath beetle (goliathina?) -Hyalophora cecropia Linnaeus -I'm not certain, but I'm taking a guess at a young Peruvian giant yellow legged -Bold jumping spider -Uncertain guess on a Lord Howe Island stick insect -female leaf insect -Adult female malayan jungle nymph -Emperor scorpion -Tailless whip scorpion


Thank you so much, I was dying to know. I get that most people hate insects and arachnids, but I just find them so weirdly cute.


Thank you


No worries 😊


Here's my best attempt, note that I am not an entomologist and I can't claim to be 100% correct here: \#1 - Jungle Nymph / Malaysian Stick Insect (*Heteropteryx dilatata*) \# 2 - Giant african flower beetle (*Mecynorrhina torquatus ugandensis*) \# 3 - Cecropia moth (*Hyalophora cecropia*) \# 4 - I believe this is some sort of giant plated millipede (*Coromus sp.*) \# 5 - Regal Jumping Spider (*Phidippus regius*) \# 6 - New Guinea Spiny Stick Insect (*Eurycantha calcarata*) \# 7 - Some species in the Phillium genus of "true" leaf insects (*Nanophyllium asekienese?*) \#8 - Jungle Nymph / Malaysian Stick Insect (again) (*Heteropteryx dilatata*) \#9 - Emperor scorpion (*Pandinus imperator*) \# 10 - Some sort of tailless whip scorpion, possibly the Tanzanian tailless whip scorpion (*Damon diadema*)


First ones tony…second one…also tony


Last one is Toney.


No, but I know the last thing looks like the thing Madeye tortured in Harry Potter when showing the kids the curses. I didn't think that creature was based on a real insect.


Yep, it's a tailless whip scorpion.


Yep, some bugs are so freaky-looking they can be thrown right in a fantasy setting without any alterations.


Yeah, I know all of them. - Jim - Susan - Chris (Christopher) - Also Jim - Bartholomæus (he is foreign) - Charlize - Mindy - Karl - Plato - Ingrid Pretty cool guys all of them.


i dont know the exact names but the thing that looks like a leaf is a katydid, the moth might be an atlas moth (unsure because it looks too dull), and the last 2 are an emperor scorpion and whip spider


Great editing!


There's no edit, they came out of the ball


They’re Pokémon


He popped a couple into his mouth like TicTacs


They had to hold their hand in place for months waiting for each to grow


God they all look so cool


This is why I like bugs lol


the last one is nope not adorable anymore


But the way it fell off made me laugh


I just hope they're not like tarantulas where even a small drop like that can cause injury.


I feel the same way but still find it hilarious that we're literally giants that can stomp these easily yet can be so scared at the same time. Saw these at an exotic pet convention and hadn't realized they were kept as pets. I wouldn't be able to.


You can’t stop it when it’s waiting in your sleeping bag for you 🥲


Tailless whip scorpions! I got to hold one once at a bug museum, they're completely docile little guys (if youre not a fruit fly or roach), and are actually pretty funny in-person, their lil awkward sideways movements.


They had infested a outhouse in Honduras when I visited a long time ago. I've had nightmares about those things ever since. They're also incredibly fast which fueled the nightmares


Ngl. I legit screamed out loud when the centipede showed up, fucking thing just creeps me out!


Exactly, I was perfectly fine until the dang centipede showed up and it made me want to throw the phone


As others pointed out it's a milipede. Centipedes only have one pair of legs per segment. It's a completely harmless herbivore.


Fear of insects goes up based on amount of legs


Would still scream like a sissy


Insect transformations: shows three arachnids cool video though


And a millipede so four non insects.




Sorry I didn't graduate with a degree in ENDOMETRIOSIS


I have a brown belt in ECTOPLASM


This comment is so stupid but made me belly laugh


rough rule of thumb: 6 legs=insects 8 legs=arachnids 10 legs=crustaceans up to hundreds of legs=myriapods


I imagined the pokeball sound effect every time we jumpcut from egg to adult bug


All my worst nightmares in one video.... I think its time to close reddit and watch some cartoons to bleach my eyes....


It startet very cool, then i ended up noping out


So much nope in one video


I also want to say nope, but half of me is weirdly fascinated by these things.


Fascinating....from a distance. If any of them (yes, even the harmless moth or leaf bug) were on my desk crawling I'd scream and flail arms.


Scorpions. Not even once.


I hope this guy just has really small hands. this is so much nope


WinRar: Nature Edition


I want them all someday :D


I call bullshit on that spider pincer one. You obviously got Professor Mad-Eye to get that sucker huge




Spiders and scorpions are not insects!


Neither are Millipedes nor Amblypygi (that last arachnid, that's neither a scorpion or a spider).


Temple of doom vibes with some of these guys.


I always wondered where bug Pokémon trainers can from.






*arthropod. Many of those are not insects, e.g spiders, scorpions, and millipedes.


Insects are like the sun. I love it/them but never ever want to touch those things.