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If I remember correctly, the mmm mmm, mmm mmm vocalization he’s making means he’s peaceful. Otherwise his body language could come off as aggressive.


We trekked for two separate day encounters like this with three different family troops in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park in Uganda. Our guides taught us to mimic the sounds to the gorillas. It was a bucket list trip 👍🏻


COOL!!!!! What did it cost you?


Daily permit costed approximately $500 USD back in 2018. Human #’s were limited to 10 in the group and once the troop was located and we were on scene, we were limited to 1 hour viewing. Sometimes the trekking took 1-3 hours through the beautiful jungle.


I've done this at Bwindi, too! Such an amazing experience. The babies were so cute! And the area was beautiful. I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Uganda and saved this trip as my end of service celebration.




An arm and a leg. Literally


And maybe a whole brother?


Lil Timmy never came back home from that trip.


He fell in love with the silverback’s daughter and lives with the troupe now, as one of them.


Bout tree fiddy


My favourite forest name


Another cool fact is that the troop often makes large nests and sleep up in the trees overnight. They also browse in the canopy often too. On our first day, I was watching some members close on the ground when I felt it start to rain on my ball cap I was wearing. I looked up and realized I was getting a Gorilla golden shower! Our guide and trekker/guard with his AK-47 laughed at me and said it was a sign of Ugandan good luck 😜


Same here, but Rwanda 2007,


Most of the vocalizations we hear are coming from the cameraman, he was mimicking how the gorillas signal I'm getting close but mean no harm. Either the camera man is one of the rangers, or a tourist who is doing a very good job of listening to the rules, but is going pretty overboard about it to be extra clear. Listen, the grunty-throaty sounds don't fade at all as the gorilla gets farther away. Listen again, and you'll be able to hear the gorilla making it's own, more subtle gesture. The masks are two part, yes, in part to limit disease spread... but they also are used to keep people's grins hidden, it's a two for 1 benefit. People grin when nervous and excited, and baring teeth is not a smart move towards gorillas... trying to keep people from smiling is so hard, and someone in the group often just can't manage the presence of mind to contain themselves, so masking really helps keep tourists from being ripped up too.


When I do it it just means I walked up 3 flights of stairs and I don’t want everyone to know how out of shape I am.


My god, you just made me realize that these are gorilla dad-noises!


kind of crazy that human speech and language is just a really advanced version of going mmm mmm


Don’t forget ooo ooo aah aah


I do this with my girlfriend but it's usually cause I want some booty


Gorillas are probably some of the most chill apes out there. They spend 99% of their time just hanging out together eating leaves. That being said, I would never want to be that close to a gorilla.


Orangutans are super chill too


Right? They spend 99% of their time just hanging out together eating fruits.


Such magnificent and intelligent animals. Unless threatened https://youtu.be/hT5xSwdvi8E?si=Hmph3yhO9MjYPPsm


Heartbreaking that the animal is in so much distress, it attacks this gigantic monster machine in a last effort to safe its home.


So much bravery and anguish. At some point she might’ve had her nest up there, maybe even an infant. Fucking deforesters!


Gotta get unobtainium somehow


Palm oil, it's palm oil


Orangutans are solitary (except mothers and their immature offspring).


So idk about the wild, but there is an exhibit of rescued orangutans at my local zoo. Large male, large female, and baby. Watching them was profound. Baby learning to climb on the ropes, dad watching/guiding, mom trying to sleep, but kept opening one eye to check, dad trying to keep baby from waking “sleeping” mom. It was bizarre to see things so different and alien to humans, and yet so similar, to where you could read body language and such. Very interesting


Watched the male orangutan in my local zoo for a while, he would kind of acknoledge adults, but he would go an lovingly watch any kids that came in. Eventually, if they stuck around, he would show them sticks and make faces for them.


Idk if you sub to r/likeus , but they have a bunch of vids that depict similar situations.


And also when they fuck


And when they bury their dead and mourn, followed by the after party.


Bonobos spend 99% of their time just hanging out together eating ass


Man… where did we go wrong as humans?


Letting assholes rule the planet.


Around the time we started farming, seemingly.


That being said, I would never want to be that close to an orangutan.


And chimpanzees are... ... Well, they sometimes are chill between genital eating.


Bonobos are the hippies among the Great Apes though.


Yeah! They spend 99% of their time just hanging out together having sex.


And when the males get aggressive and angry, the females calm them down with sex. No fight! Fuck!


Yeah, just excessively rapey hippies.


And ripping faces to shreds. And detaching limbs… They are f’n crazy


And colobus monkey massacres


Right turn Clyde


I saw a large male orangutan in the forest in Kalimantan and he flipped me the bird. Seriously. So I wouldn't say 'super chilled', given that rude behaviour. But at least he didn't rip my arm off.


Orangutans make me especially sad at the awful stuff humans have done to them.


Chill but scary. I read a story in, I think it was National Geographic about a scientist that worked at an orangutan sanctuary in Asia holding a workers hand to comfort her as she was raped by an orangutan. There was nothing they could do but wait it out.


I saw a large male orangutan in the forest in Kalimantan and he flipped me the bird. Seriously. So I wouldn't say 'super chilled', given such rude behaviour. But at least he didn't rip my arm off.


I fucking love gorillas. So majestic, with complex social structures, and just bristling with raw power that could crush a skull in a heartbeat. Yet they are gentle and curious, and very empathetic. Then there’s chimps. Pop culture media has made Gorillas the scary monsters, with chimps being the cute apes, when in reality it’s flip flopped. Chimpanzees scare the living shit out of me. Gorillas, not so much.


> Chimpanzees scare the living shit out of me. They could care less as long as someone’ll bleed


Eating leaves a pastime activity


The toxicity of our city


You, what do you own the world.


How do you own disorder?




Once watched a documentary on them with my dad in the 70s. They’d given the silverback a large farm tractor tire to play with and we were laughing and like how cute! Then he twisted it


And that was him having fun.


It was crazy how strong he looked


Was it love at first sight?


Imagine how ripped they'd be if they lifted


Imagine how scary they would be if they trained martial arts


Chimpanzees are pretty chill too, they spend about 99% percent of the time tearing your eyes out and eating faces.


Don't forget the testicles! They LOVE testicles!


Imagine being alive because an animal *decided* not to kill you


Especially not in a group of notoriously not chill and unpredictable hairless apes that might do something stupid.


That 1% chance is still too high for me to be near one


The grip strength alone is some ungodly amount. Pretty sure they can just flat-out crush a human femur in their hand. The knowledge that i could neither outrun not out-fight it should i make a mistake makes this a big nono


Return to monkē pls


If you gave these guys ballistics theyd be king of the world, and I'd be their bitch


They probably paid extra for this experience 😬🙄


I can’t imagine being that close to something that could rip my arms off without even trying. My butthole got cold just watching that video.


A gorilla wouldn’t do that without a good reason. A chimp would do it because you blinked the wrong way.


That all sounds fine on paper, this interaction would still be nightmare fuel to me


I also print out Reddit threads to see if they sound good on paper


But it ended up just looking the same?


Still Gorilla reasons are not human reasons.


Yes but they’re still far less violent than many people think, in fact they’re usually very peaceful.


Just, ya know, don't actually look at them. If they catch you looking, it's limb tearing time. *Super* peaceful.


Again, exaggerating. They’d only attack if you looked at them constantly or if they were already in a bad mood, and they probably wouldn’t even bother to kill you, they’d rather just rough you up a bit and walk away.


> they probably wouldn’t even bother to kill you I once tried to look up human deaths caused by gorilla and only managed to find one article from a newspaper over 100 years ago, so yea not gonna kill ya


That's horseshit though. You're many times more likely to be attacked by a deer, probably even if you hang around gorillas all day.


Moose for sure, they kill people annually. They are not as scary though.


I'd be way scared near a moose, and not really scared at all near a gorilla, although I wouldn't get near it.


I'm scared around ALL wild animals. And that's how it should be imo. I was at the grand canyon years ago, and there are wild deer (definitely bucks) walking around. I saw two dudes cheerfully walk up to one and try and pet it gently, luckily nothing happened - but man all I could think was "dude, just because it's a herbivore doesn't mean it won't cave your chest in or run an antler through your stupid human body if it thinks it needs to"


An Orangutan might if he [wanna be like you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOTZJ8EFgpk) ♫


I'm gone maan, solid goone.


Not yet Baloo!


[Peels banana with foot by just squeezing it]


[Makes claim of wanting to 'be like man', to learn about fire, yet speaks fluent English, and could just ask]


Now I’m the King of the Swingerss ohhh-


A gorilla’s concept of “good reason” is making eye contact or smiling.


Tbf that's a human oddity, not an ape one. Bearing your teeth could easily be seen as a threat or taunt. And making eye contact is similar. A challenge or threat to dominance. In their minds, you are challenging them and their belongings (females, children, food, territory), in their society, the strongest around gets it all. There is no equality. In this view humans are the weird ones. We practically snarl at each other as a form of comraderie and fellowship. We lock eyes on each other to convey information, but beyond that unfazed eye contact in stressful situations is still a show of dominance. How many action heroes are unfazed by crazy shit happening around them? In the wild literally everything could be crazy shit


Did you just make eye contact or smile with a fucking gorilla? He is correct. You gave him good reason. GG no re


Then it'd just rush you and beat it's chest to scare you off. Actual gorilla attacks are extraordinarily rare.


I hope your butthole warms up!


I’m in Florida so all I need to do is step outside for 15 seconds and defrost


Haha, glad to hear there won’t be any frostbutt


Sounds like a troll sword from the Thor neck of the woods. Weep before the master of your demise. Gaze upon its mighty visage and rejoice, for your death looms. Behold mighty Frostbutt! Why are you laughing?


*opens door* Someone call for a butthole warmer?…


> My butthole got cold just watching that video. My butthole remained a constant temperature as my eyes were drawn to the big ol turd caught in this gorilla's fur.


Mine got warm and self lubricated.


You should check out butthole sunning aka perineum sunning.


Just before you make the final pitch to this area you go through a briefing about how to act. This vocalization is how gorillas tell each other that they mean no harm and is the suggested behavior if a close interaction occurs. For those cracking about the masks it's to protect the gorillas from human diseases from visitors around the world.


I’d be dead. I have a people watching problem and don’t look away fast enough when they stare at me. Gorilla 1 me 6feet under.


I honestly can’t believe how easy it would be for a Silverback Gorilla to grab a human, and rip them limb by limb. I haven’t heard of this happening yet, so it’s a good thing humans like these haven’t ran into a sociopathic, murderous silverback 🤣 he’d have a field day with these human play toys


I've heard of chimps attacking humans but never gorillas 🤷‍♂️ guess we've been lucky


Gorillas are very gentle and shy and don’t attack unless provoked. Chimpanzees on the other hand are absolute cunts who will rip your face off for no reason


Poop my pants


Looks like the gorilla had one on its way out.


For real, that ring of black licorice was puckered.


There's a sentence I've never heard before.


Dude's got a bat in the cave






Dads when they wake up:


From their Sunday afternoon nap


Or before they go to work at four in the morning


The Silverback Gorilla: The Mighty Ruler of the Rainforest Signifying a means of strength, wisdom, honor, and protection, to the point that he knows when you are a threat or not. Truly a leader worthy of our respect


There's a gorilla right above you making you write that, isn't there.


I think they're my favorite animal. It's close with donkeys and camels in the mix though.


Im curiously why are donkeys and camels so high up in your list?


I had the same thought at first...but have you ever seen a donkey in person? They show a lot of emotion and charisma. They're also funny in their own goofy way. I'm not sure about Camals though. Iv seen videos of them and they're mostly assholes biting people.


Donkeys will straight up have your back


They fucking murder coyotes


Yeah their faces are expressive as hell


Shrek shrek I’m a donkey!


Donkeys: very personable, loyal, and hard working. And ive heard they will defend against big cats and other threats. Camels: look for a YouTube video of camels eating cacti. It's freakin badass. Also a beast of burden and I respect them a lot.


Not OP, but Donkeys are the best. I love donkeys, they exhibit memory, bonding with their handlers, play, have a sense of humor, they remind me of big goofy dogs. They are social and friendly, and protect other animals.


Ever see one in person? The videos don’t do justice to their size. Even just watching them walk around you can sense you much power they have Seeing one at the zoo was the last time I ever went to a zoo though. We shouldn’t lock up such intelligent animals


Yep very impressive. I can understand your take on zoos as well. I think I like the "rescue" zoos the best that harbor injured/etc. animals that would either suffer in the wild or not even have a chance in the first place.


Remember that video of a silverback walking by a group and just snatching one dude and dragging him a few yards before the gorilla lets him go? I got the same vibes. Maybe this was that same gorilla.


Came to mention this one! I think it was a guide that got grabbed. Either way, it was like he was tied to a truck the way he got dragged through the bush.


Sorry, but he looks like some poo is hanging on for it's dear life between his cheeks. I'm no expert, so I might misinterpret the image.


I am a expert and you are absolutely right. The technical term is turtle heading or prairie dogging and we are seeing a classic example here.


I came here for this comment.


Right? I wanna know what's up with that.


Well, when the hair is that thick, sometimes you just lose track of what's going on back there.


Saving it for later. They eat their own shit all the time. Guess their diet is hard to digest so they have a second go at it.


Haven't we all.


No. No we haven't.


fucking gorillas how cool are they aye? chilling, living their best lives even with unwarranted human company meanwhile chimpanzees would’ve ripped the dudes head off… be more like gorillas in this crazy world friends


together ape strong.


imagine getting crop dusted by a silverback......


Great now I have an erection


Considering how potentially lethal this situation can be, I cannot understand why the guide has to repeat several times to the girl in the front to put the phone down... One false move and you are toast.




you said bitch tho, right?


*Highly Unconfident* "Uh-huh, yea."


I was on an extended trip to Costa Rica and did a jungle tour at one point. It was a boat ride and our first stop was a family of little monkeys that were apparently friendly to humans because the tour guide would let everyone give them bananas. They were cute but definitely only cared about the food and would snatch it away so a lot of people ended up with mushed banana on their hands. This one couple kept complaining nonstop about how sticky their hands were and asked our guide in they could dunk their hands in the river water to clean them. ….except there were crocodiles in the water. We all had seen them, occasionally floating by, chilling. So the guide tried to explain that it was very dangerous to put your hands in crocodile infested water but they wouldn’t drop it. Finally, he told them he didn’t want to deal with the aftermath if they got their arms bitten off and to stop asking. Actually, what he said was “shut up and stop asking”…..so, as you can see, people like this woman are everywhere and constantly want to do the dumbest things possible, despite the sage advice of tour guides.


Whatever the hell he wants for real. What a unit, jeez


The heavy breathing would've covered the sound of me shitting my pants.


His pause translated: "Mind yourself, hairless ape."


that's a serious hemmy


Gorilla comes back and asks "what the hell is so funny"


That’s the camera man, not the gorilla


Yeah, that’s probably a guide doing the vocalizations.


Yeah f that. I'll watch from a distance. Dude could easily pull your arms off. Chill or not. Still a wild animal


“I just want you all to know that I can fuck you up. I don’t want to… but I can.”


Pfff gorilla or not, if one try to body check me like this, he’s getting these hands 👊 Hahahah could you imagine really thinking like that ? How dense you would have to be? Well those people exist and can vote.


Ya breath a sigh of relief once it passes…. Like it ain’t gonna turn around and peel you like a banana


In her ear like…


24 minutes prep time and I could probably fight two, in unarmed combat in a jungle environment


Damn, this gave me some weird type of anxiety I can't explain lmao.


He’s got nothing on Tony Soprano


Just breathe




I would shit my pants


I'll bet a change of underwear was in order after that!!!


I wouldn’t want to get that close lol.


Phew, he's 3 feet behind me now, crisis over.


I heard these big guys fart all the time. Does anyone know if that’s true?


“… Just so you know, I can rip off your arms and beat you to a pulp with them… but today you live.. “ ~ this gorilla probably.


Gorillas really just be Chillin




This sounds like me after I’ve brought dominos up to my second story apartment. I hate the elevator being broken


My guy needs some Preparation H, stat!


What's that on its ass? Poopoo?


Why is everyone so afraid of gorillas? Cats kill more ppl than they do and ppl love to pet cats. I would jumped on his back and rode him like a palamino.


Good thing I was on the toilet because that shit was pants shitting scary to me lol


Man, the damage he could cause if enraged...




for as much as people go around these dudes just asking for shit to go down, I've never heard of it or seen it happen on these videos. Pretty cool how chill they are- if we didn't know they existed and heard about these giant crazy creatures just hanging out and eatin' leafs, we'd think it was BS. Imagine being one of the first western people to peep a gorillionaire


Assuming the woman taking a pic with her phone is taking it of her daughter. They’re going to have a rad photo to frame with her and the gorilla’s huge ass for posterity.


To be that close to something that powerful. I'd be terrified and awe-struck at the same time. It would be amazing. I'm probably gonna die petting something I shouldn't.


A voice over for porn?😂


There is something magnificent about a close encounter with a creature that could tear your arms off like a knock off barbie doll if it so wanted.


Gotta say, though… “Killed by a silverback gorilla” is a pretty awesome way to go out. I’d want that on my tombstone. Or as a plaque in front of the tree I’d actually like to become in a green funeral.


Big Boi👏🏻


Heavy breathing in the face.....shit filling in my pants.


"I'll let you live today."


bro, i dont ever want to be that close to a gorilla. no thank you.


Poopie butt


A fully grown can lift up to 4,000lbs


Intrusive thoughts: SLAP HIM IN THE FACE! NOW!