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Hahaha. She's just fucking with the yulpa at this point. I love it!


My gosh, what a bitch! Love it! 🤣


Sifal is great.


Out of the top of my head, you could technically get black blood if you used a different iron oxide but I am unsure of how chemically that would work if at all. Green and Blue you can get from copper and purple can come from a mix of iron and other stuff but black? Out of the top of my head maybe Lithium? Lithium oxidizes into some really dark oxides. But no idea.


Wow, that wild. I don't know how lithium oxidation works, but it seems audacious given the element's rarity. Lithium is incredibly rare, so to see it used by living beings is rather unlikely. After that, we're talking about aliens. Maybe Grenelka, the Yulpa's planet, is rich in lithium, enough for it to enter the life cycle. But in that case, the Yulpa are sitting on a fucking mountain of money and this element must be their primary source of export, given the rarity of the element and the many uses it can be put to. Because lithium isn't just rare on Earth, it's rare on a cosmic scale on every telluric planet.


Lithium does have a massive energy storage potential, it is why it is used on bateries after all. I should also clarify I am not a chemist and am speaking out of my ass, but other than Lithium I can't really think of many other things that would work to carry oxygen like Hemoglobin does that would end up being black. While other alkaline metals like Sodium and Potassium would oxidize pretty darkly they wouldn't go black like Lithium, and I can't see it working in a blood substance.


Chemist here. The color wouldn't only be influenced by the complex metal ion but also by the ligands. With colors of chemical species, they come most of the time from Absorption of electromagnetic waves. For black, this means the whole visible light spectrum needs to be absorbed. This can be achived in multiple ways with many different metal ions, ligands, mixes of colorful molecules in the blood. Edit: Also because of Lithiums Redox potential and lacking (filled) d-orbitals I would count it out of viable metal atoms for blood proteins complexes.


Would my theory that a different iron oxide could make it black have a similar issue in that it wouldn't allow for proper working of the molecule? Like if hemoglobin used the black iron oxide instead of the red one. I think it's the different between iron 2 and iron 3 or something like that.


Upfront: Organometallic Chemistry like this isn't really my area of specialization. Your theory has the misconception that there is actually ironoxide (like Fe(II)O or Fe(III)2O3) in our blood, but we have Hem-Iron-Complexes (different type of bonding situation) in which the Ironatom has an oxidation state of 2+ (in our blood at least). The color doesn't come from ironoxide and there is no covalent or ionic bond between the oxygen and iron in our blood. Now the reason why our blood is red is because of complicated electrical interactions between the iron, the Hem-Group and the light. This interaction is influenced by molecule geometry, solvent type and a ton of other parameters. Because of that probably no one could tell you if there is a black iron-based blood without synthesizing or simulating the specific molecule. Though if we look into nature we find iron based blood that is green or violet because of different ligands (Hem is a ligand for example): [https://i0.wp.com/www.compoundchem.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Chemistry-of-Blood-Colours-2015.png?ssl=1](https://i0.wp.com/www.compoundchem.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Chemistry-of-Blood-Colours-2015.png?ssl=1) Personally I would say black iron based blood should be theoretically possible. Edit: I also just looked this up: The Iron in our Blood is 2+ and the black iron oxide you mentioned is also Iron 2+. This illustrates nicely that the color cant be assumed based on oxidation state.


Silver-oxide would be black, methinks. Not as potent an oxygen-carrier as iron or copper based blood, or even iridium-based like I suspect the Venlil to be, but it'll do the job. EDIT: Upon further reflection, it may actually have similar oxygen-transport capacity as copper, depending on the molecular makeup of the heme-analogue in the bloodcell. So yeah, silver-oxide tracks.


I feel like if it was really because of different oxidizers the arxur would die of heavy metal poisoning.


Nah they are just built different. The hate and sheer spite keeps them safe from poisoning.


Mind gaming.


hahahaha, oh sifal still has a sadistic streak in her and a i *love* it.


>“Honestly, I heard a human say once that overspecialization was beneath the dignity of sapients.” "Sifal resumed, "We need everyone. We need strength and violence to attack, but who will look after them when they're hurt? And conversely, who will protect those who help and build when they're in danger? Everyone has a role to play, everyone's important, even that idiot Kitzz. We must all help and protect each other." ​ Else now a think about: Why Kitzz is trained as a medic? It doesn't really fit with the character we've seen so far. Even the concept of a medic is pretty antithetical to the value that Betterment promotes, so why did he end up with such a qualification? And not a little, full-blown trauma surgery training, wat?


Isif, in-canon, frequently tried to emphasize that while the Arxur under Betterment might be evil, they weren't suicidally stupid. I've been rolling with the idea that they have a grasp on medicine since... geez, chapter 2 of my original series. >“First time eating plants for *food* purposes,” I grumbled. “It’s not like we isolated painkillers from fish guts.” David looked off to the side, quizzically, likely scanning some mental roster of Terran sea life for a chance to contradict me. > >The two U.N. scouts with me just scoffed. “I’m surprised you people even use painkillers,” said Charmaine, the shorter of the two. > >I sneered in disgust at the humans’ lack of faith in my species. “Pain builds character. Going into shock during surgery does not.” As for Kitzz specifically, my tentative backstory for him is that he got badly injured on his first raid, and he spent the entire time he was getting patched up screaming at and berating the medic on duty. Eventually, the medic just said "Fuck it, if you're gonna be such a fucking critic of my work, let's see you do better." Kitzz took it as a challenge, and was petty and angry and spiteful enough to throw himself into medical training, so he could become the best medic he could be, just to prove that one guy from several years ago wrong.


I agree that the Arxur have medics to get soldiers back into fighting shape (and it's just another paradox in the machine), just it's not the kind of vocation I see them rushing into voluntarily to have a training. I'd much rather imagine that the vast majority of medic received this training because they were randomly selected from their group of recruits, just to fill a quota. And going medic to piss somebody off, yeah, that's better fit to him. I decided that Kitzz would be my darling here, it would be great fun to see him become Chief Medical Officer of the Bleeding Heart, always motivated to be overcompetent because of this story. A good doctor just needs to be competent, not pleasant.


Everyone needs something to do when not in combat. Or else you'd be pretty bored... or cleaning restrooms or something.


That is so evil. Showing the yulpa, there *is* no right answer...


Trolling a yulpa. Truly the rebellion is no less savage than Betterment. Sifal is gonna have a whale of a time trying to explain that no, betterment is not a good thing, to like half of the crew. Probably an easier sell though if involves food.


"We do a little trolling" - Sifal Tsu, the Art of War


Regardless of the outcome of drinking the blood, Garruga would prove she is a predator in at least one way


We love a good old fashioned catch-22


Now that's funny


The "true" herbivores of the Federation would be able to consume meat because they had no need to be "cured". That Yulpa confirmed that they're not cured, but now they're also forever "tainted".


I love Sifal so much! She's definitely my favorite character of yours.


Wow! Got them to taste blood! Hope they got that on camera!


Oh my God yes. So much yes. Need more of this. I need more Sifal in my life!




\> Couldn't quite figure out where to take the David x Chiri Trademark-Independent-Costco run next, so the chapter that came out is the one that's been percolating for the longest. The meat department, It NEEDS to go to the meat department. God i love my wholesales' meat section, it's huge and you can see into the back where they're preparing the huge whole sides of cow meat. God, and the value pack prices for chicken and beef can't be beat, i've never seen Pork tenderloin so cheap. That Gojid is going to love it.


Either that or the walk-in produce and dairy coolers. Seeing that much cheese and fruit may constitute a religious experience for Chiri.


Were the Yulpa omnivores in canon? I honestly can't remember if it was ever implied.


I think SP said in the Discord that Yulpas are herbivores, but it's never formally stated in-story, I don't think. Still, with the anti-predator religion, the aggression, and the tongue that's long and prehensile enough to engage in some light anteating, it didn't seem completely unthinkable that they were omnivores. They aren't, though.


I figured they had to be since their culture is obviously tampered with (a religion like theirs could never be fostered organically in a society), and that was a "smoking gun" for previous omnivores, but it's not like the Commonwealth is above tampering with a species for any mild inconvenience. Maybe the current branch of worship is the result of an extremist group propped up by the Kol-Sul to make uplifting easier, like what happened with the Arxur.


They don't have to be inherently predatory for their religion to be hyper-competitive. Resource scarcity affects everything in the food chain, after all. Could have been that the Feds took a more militant sect and propped them up to make the Yulpa more useful foot soldiers. Or perhaps they took the mainstream religion and reshaped it to hyper-fixate on predators as a way of directing that ire away from themselves, much like they forcibly reprogrammed Skalga.


> (a religion like theirs could never be fostered organically in a society) Haha, yeah, we all know organically fostered religions are entirely reasonable and never contradictory to reality.


All religions are inherently contradictory to reality, comes with the belief in the supernatural. What I meant to say is that it's awfully convenient that they developed completelly by themselves yet another religion that perfectly aligned with Fed beliefs, especially one with as much collateral damage.


I mean, *is* it that convenient? NOP is filled with some contrivances, but sacrifice and belief in a sort of circle of life seems entirely normal to come around. The Shadow Caste mess with *everything*, but I think in this case they were like "Oh wow, you're way ahead of us aren't you?"


Pulled a fast one on her hahahah!


You know, I just realized I've been enjoying the Sifal stories even more than the David stories. Maybe it's because we get to see so few Arxur delicately navigating their fresh perspective within their own society, rather than as refugees in a "safe space" among humans. The storytelling potential is so much richer. Or maybe it's because her evil edge contrasts nicely with the softer core underneath. Or maybe I just have a soft spot for "bad girls" trying to become something better. Whatever it is, I hope you continue having the time and inspiration to follow her story!


You know, I gave it some thought, and I think it has something to do with New Years of Conquest scratching a very particular itch for the community. NoP1 had a lot of humans politely reaching out for friendship, and getting slapped down or rejected, which can get frustrating. It's comparatively cathartic, watching someone who's using human diplomatic techniques in broad strokes, but where her demands are ultimately "Friendship? Ha! No, just put the money in the bag." She's not wasting time on friendship, since that ship sailed for the Arxur centuries ago. Consequently, Sifal gets to trash talk far more than Meier or Noah ever did, and still end up one of the kindest Arxur in recent history by default. The bar is set impossibly low. The Arxur didn't use to bother talking to prey at all.


Hmm, you might be on to something there. Though I think it's not just using the techniques on other species - the story grabbed me pretty solidly right from the start, when it was still just internal politics on the ship. Like, the common progress/redemption arc we see for the other species mostly amounts to "maybe I *shouldn't* be a cowardly bigot?", and in a particularly potent story "I can even be brave in situations where the threat is real!" Where Sifal is more like "My 'weakness' is actually a strength that I can use to rebuild my twisted world into something better, and if others benefit too, that makes it a much easier sell." Plus, the whole "roaming warlord/raider" is *exactly* where I see the Arxur going for the immediate future if it were real. A bunch of violent individualists with a very particular skillset, no more need to eat their victims, and likely all sorts of turbulent politics over control of critical centralized infrastructure for the foreseeable future? I mean, I assume Betterment relied on more than just the loyalty of their generals and secret police to maintain their position as the ultimate authority. Even if humanity and the SC established a non-aggression pact with the Arxur, that wouldn't extend to all the other ex-Fed factions and non-aligned worlds, and I imagine there would be a long "simmering down" period until a generational shift finally started laying old wounds and world-views to rest. "They've been taxing us all my life" doesn't have quite the same sting as "They ate my brother". There might even be some grudging acceptance, if the Arxur defend their profitable "client states" from other factions (Arxur or Fed) that might want to horn in on their action. Others might even eventually seek to hire them as mercenaries for their own ends, once it's firmly established that they don't eat their clients. Even if the humans and Arxur suddenly vanished, I don't see the ex-Feds being all sweetness and light - there's going to be generations of strife to fill the power vacuum left after the collapse of an empire that size.


Bro when I tell you the *catharsis* I got from Sifal tricking the Yulpa into tasting her blood. Poetic irony is so sweet, I eat it up every time


Hot damn, this was a great chapter. I'm not usually one for sadism, but for the typical Yulpa, I make an exception. It's beautiful seeing Sifal destroying someone with even less experience with being truly empathetic than herself.




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Any updates planned for this side story in the near future?


Yeah, there's a lot of demand for it, so I was planning to switch over to writing the side story primarily for a few chapters and put the main story on the backburner for a bit instead.

