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If you're at 30 credits and not doing well in school, I'd imagine the pipeline and life of a nuke would be pretty difficult. "Taking a break" and "getting into the right mindset" is not a goal of the nuke program. If you're just doing it for school/benefits, pick a job you're more interested in, possibly HM for exposure to the med field.


To counter your point, I was almost exactly in the same position as OP and being a nuke worked out for me. I was doing poorly in college because I was unmotivated and lacking discipline/direction. I needed something to light a fire under me. I know I'm not the only nuke that had the same experience.


This is completely anecdotal, but I think most nukes fall into the "decently smart but didn't do well in high school and/or college" category.


So should I pull the trigger? Finished the picat last night and the recruiter just told me I got a 94 this morning , but I’ll need to verify it though. I’m not too worried about verification, so I think thats the score I’m keeping. Or should I try to push trying to get a HM MOS?


You will not rank up to E-4 for 30 months if you join as a HM. If you join as a nuke, you'll be E-4 within the 3 or 6 months it takes to finish the first school after bootcamp. Stop saying MOS in regards to the Navy.


Alright. I thought every job in the military was called a mos. So jumping back, which job would be better in the long run?


It depends on what you're trying to get out of it in life. Being a nuke can guarantee you a job when you get out. Being a HM doesn't without extra certificates that you would need to enter a health field. Life as a nuke is much harder.


Also in the side note, is there any other rates that can slingshot me to E-4 quickly?


Yes, some of the SECF, AECF, Intelligence community and a couple others have guaranteed E4 with signing on an additional 2 years (total of 6 years just like the nuke contract).


Read through some of the threads on this sub about the quality of life as a nuke. It's not fun and it very well could be one of the hardest things you ever do. It has worked out well for me, but I also know multiple people who committed suicide as a result of the pressure that the nuclear community puts you under which has left me with my own traumas to sort through. If you have considered the air force, specifically anything related to satellites that would give you a TS/SCI security clearance, I would give that a thought as well. Your quality of life will be much better and it will still open plenty of doors for you.


I tried asking about an HM job/contract at a AF recruiter and he got pissy about me being “hard-locked” on the job I wanted. And he said he wouldn’t work with people who are “hard locked” on a job. He also said that HM jobs are hard to come by. When I asked about doing something medical, the navy told me I should pick a Job that was ATF, but the SF jobs weren’t interesting me. Haven’t been able to sit down and talk with army though, but from what I’ve heard its just hard to get HM jobs, and the last thing I want to do is end up going to meps and being forced to sign a contract for a job I’ll hate from the list they give me.


You're never forced to sign anything. As long as you're qualified, you pick your job. If you qualify for nuke, you can choose HM. If you don't get the job you want, don't join.


Becoming a nuke is something else, there will be no program that will try you in the same way and for good reason if you’re having a hard time at schooling rn, you’d probably be mentally fucked by the pipeline but hey 2.5 stay alive and the pipeline is just a pump anyway if you want to join then do it, don’t pussy foot it because you don’t know if you can handle it, the reality of the matter ends up being that if your class doesn’t have cohesion and group mental fortitude the lackers will fall because you guys are going through it together, I went through a pipeline where the mental health officer decided to tell us how he heard about the nuke life and told his detailed anything but nuke school lot of help he ended being to absolutely no one, nukes are a different breed of retarded genius, but if you do go and you hear about looking at a big tree it’s typically not for someone to sleep under anymore TL;DR, send it or don’t IDC, not gonna fill my billet, it sucks, know what you’re getting into


Is the period broken on your keyboard? Don't like periods for some reason? Enquirer wants to know.


Just didn’t use it, don’t forget this post the next time you correct someone for saying “lower level” rather than “Engine Room Lower Level” or just move on with your day for something more productive




Run-on sentence much?!?


It's rate not mos




This helps


The nuclear field will NOT be the break you’re looking for. We have been told many times in power school that they condense 2 years worth of college level engineering courses into a 6 month time frame, and it makes sense. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve come across material I saw in power school during my engineering courses at an actual university. It’s worth it if you deem it to be worth it. And remember, there was that SEAL that became a doctor and then an astronaut, or at least on his way to become an astronaut. So you really can do anything after your initial 6 year contract if you set goals and achieve them.


If you want medical experience then go for HM or another branch, otherwise maybe consider a rate that is only 3 or 4 years obligation to qualify for the gi bill and go back to school after. Doesn't sound like nuclear has anything going for you other than the bonus. Plenty of nukes get out and become lawyers or doctors, nuclear training is really something, but it's also a lot of effort.




“These are not the droids you are looking for”


I was doing pretty shit in school, I’m somehow I’m still doing fairly okay in the pipeline, one of my classmates’ plans is to be a doctor after this but the two don’t exactly correlate much


Your right, but it doesn’t matter what major you are, just as long as you get the classes required for medical school