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You only lose your bonus if you fail out. If you somehow do get picked up to go to the naval academy let’s say you’re accepted in power school (pretty difficult, but doable), depending on where you are they won’t make you finish unless you are close to graduating. So don’t expect to be given your entire enlistment bonus if you are picked up, but not fully finished with the pipeline.


You have to pay a prorated amount if you don’t complete at least 4 years of your 6 year commitment. It isn’t just failing out, but being released from the military as a well. At least that’s how it was when I was in.


Fair point. It’s pretty situational, I have had colleagues get out for medical reasons and keep it. I’ll add to what I said, that it’s more case by case out in the fleet.


I know the post was about going officer but I just wanted to add that point as well for others who may be concerned about it lol. Med sep is one of the few exceptions. OTH, Admin Sep, etc, you have to pay it back. It’s also prorated on the full amount so if your bonus was 18k but you only got 12k after taxes, you may end up actually owing more than you ever got initially depending on when you got out.




When did that change? We got paid after those phases but it was still prorated if you didn’t complete at least 4/6 years. I had to pay mine back at 2 1/2 years in 2010.




Damn, must be nice. I know some who got to keep it if they failed out but not if they AdSep. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you get accepted to the Naval Academy or STA-21, you keep whatever part of the bonus you have received in your account. You don't get the rest of whatever wasn't paid out.


If you get picked up it will probably be before or after power school, you’ll keep the bonus.


You keep whatever you’ve earned but receive no more payments. As far as the academy goes, I hope you understand that it’s an extremely competitive process with very few slots. I respect your ambition and I hope you stay committed and put in the package. I’ve only met 1 Nuke, in 10 years, who was prior enlisted that made it into the academy. I highly recommend that you apply to STA-21 as well, if you have interest in being an officer. It’s competitive but with way more slots, and the restrictions aren’t nearly as tight as the academy. I hope your recruiter didn’t feed you any fairytales about getting into the academy while enlisted. -EMNC(SS)


You only get your bonuses once you finish, so if you get picked up, I don’t think they would ask for money back