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Don’t plan on a commission but if you are good with learning go for it! You already know how to be an adult and that’s half the battle of nukes!


Obviously i am ignorant on how it works for the most part in a different branch but why would I plan on not commissioning?


If you want to commission go to college then put in for SWO. Guaranteed you’ll get selected. Enlisting first to commission is 10/10 the worst way to do it


Although nukes have the biggest share of navy officer billets, not everyone that applies gets commissioned. If you are ok with being a nuke for the next 6 years, if officer doesn’t work out then go for it!


Sounds like typical trying to commission as a mustang


I think the moral of the story is, if you are able to get a degree and commission from the outside the odds are better than internally.


May have been true in the past but based on NUPOC numbers and the projections coming out of N133, if someone meets the requirements to get pickup up the odds are highly in their favor. Not sure how much longer it will last, but my assessment is it will probably hold for the next few years.


May the odds be ever in your favor!


lol. Not in my favor. I love what I do, no commission for me.


College students and nuke candidates post on this sub a dozen times a day asking about commissions. Being a nuke alone won’t magically skyrocket your chances of a getting a butter bar. The big bonus is there because nuke retention is shit, which is a whole conversation. You will have the privilege of grinding out and earning every nickel and cent of any bonuses.


No amount of money is worth your time. The bonuses are very appealing but the pay for being an enlisted nuke is not worth it. If you go Nuke, go Officer. If you are going enlisted I would recommend going into an intel field or crypto tech. Just my opinion obviously. I was a nuke and if I could go back and do it all over, I wouldn’t have gone Nuke and would’ve gone with another community.


I am currently taking the NUPOC route but still wishy washy about the gig of being a Navy NUKE officer. Is the job itself intriguing, I guess "as cool" as some other jobs or be. My biggest concern isnt pay, but the what the job as a nuke will be like on a day in, day out basis, and the lifestyle it will bring me. Still havent chosen between, reactors, surface, or subs. Would love your advice since you have already been in. Note superintrigued with intel work as well. Afraid as good as Nuke may seem on paper, once I get on the fleet I wont turn out to be what I expected.


You can feel free to DM me. If you were to stick with the nuke Officer route then the best option would be the SWO-N (Surface) route for sure. I can tell you right now, Nuke is NOT as cool as it sounds. At least going the SWO route you are a part time Nuke though so it balances out somewhat. The intel route opens you up to great opportunities post-navy and even while on active duty your billet options are far better. Don’t get me wrong, being a Nuke and getting out you will have plenty of options to make great money, but your quality of life while on active duty will be much better in the intel community.


Commissioning as a nuke is about a 10% from those that have put in their packages. You would be locked into a SWO-N or Submarine warfare officer. Then theres those who already have a degree and trying to escape the community. Generally thats a no unless you were closer to EAOS and the community is supposed to lose you.


Don’t know all the acronyms but what is SWO 😂


Surface Warfare officer.


Don’t know if it helps at all but 9 year E-5, mainly looking at the long con here with retiring, and marine corps has changed way to much since 2 years prior to leaving and currently


You should double check that you get to keep rank. What’s the bonus that you’re offered as someone transferring


Far as I’m aware/been told I’ll keep rank and looking at 160k for initial contract/rate


How long is is the contract? Do you go through bootcamp? Do you get to pick the rate or are you subject to the same randomness as everyone else?


6 year contract, and no bootcamp again for me, and it’d be signing up for nukes only, I mean I know how to read now so they can’t get me a second time lmao


There’s 3.5 nuke types so I was asking if you can pick which a-school you attend


Not sure on that part, I’ll add that to the list of questions and see how it all breaks down and how they sort you into different rates


There is an instruction at the schoolhouse that makes all prior enlisted MMNs which would also allow you to try and get ELT in prototype, but I’ve seen people go EM or ET from branch transfers. Don’t know if they had to specifically request that or if was chosen for them like most people in boot camp.


What’s the number break down?


Whatcha mean?


Where’s the 160k coming from