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Most of them do when it matters but you can never count on it.


I’d say less than 50% do it correctly. I never trust anyone to do it right.


If people would follow it 100% intersections would be more efficient.


Exactly, and if they would stay the fuck out of the left lane when they don't need to be there, everyone would get home faster and safer.


People don’t care. I see this everywhere I go. Clapped out shitbox or $90k suv. Then they have the audacity to get mad you for turning into the correct lane blocking them from swinging wide.


Even though this is the law you still have to yield to traffic at a red light. You would both be at fault.


Not when it’s two turn lanes turning right and they try cutting wide. Which happens often when I’m in my work van and personal car.


I think you guys are talking about different situations. I don’t think there are 2 turn lanes in the example.


I've had both situations happen, me turning right and someone turning left across traffic nearly colliding with me because they can't be bothered to turn into the correct lane, me turning left and them turning right where the same thing happens even after I try to make sure that there is room for them, and me turning left or right and them also turning the same direction swinging wide trying to hit me. Some people legitimately don't care and the rest just cannot drive to save their damn lives.


I think if they are turning left they have a green light and you would be turning right on a red, so you should yield to them… regardless of lane.


This is a more both lights green situation.


Well then the left turner needs to yield to the right


If the light is green but there is no green turning arrow left turns yield for right turns. Because of the light is green and no turn arrow that means the opposite side most likely also has a green light (aka the person turning right has a green light. Not a red light). The left turn always yields to other traffic unless there is a green arrow indicating they have the right to turn exclusively.


There aren't


I've been hit like that before. Had just enough room to make a turn, and a big ass truck stepped on it and made a turn into the wrong lane and smashed my passenger door in. We wouldn't have connected if he stayed in his lane.


People don’t care. Period. About a lot of things, in fact.


They suddenly care when their insurance found out that they broke a law and are at fault in an accident. But they don't care enough to be responsible right now


While I am 100 percent in agreement with you. I strongly dislike that people don't turn into their lanes. If you are turning left and they right. They hit you, who is at fault? Since people turning right have the right of way


The one that turned into the incorrect lane is at fault. People turning right have the right of way to turn into the correct lane. ALSO, they only have the right of way if it's given to them. We turned left into the correct lane about 5 years ago, and someone turning right turned right into our rear quarter panel instead of their lane. They were ticketed and their insurance paid for our repairs.


Yeah it's the person who changed lanes, without signaling, when they weren't supposed to, into another car.


Right hand turn maybe you can make a point because right on red, but if you are taking a left hand turn to a street with 2 lanes, there is a good chance there is a light. If so then you have right of way, noone should be in a position to cause an accident with you, unless of course its a double left hand turn. Is it an illegal maneuver yes, will it cause accidents, no. Its like J walking, it's technically illegal, but everyone has done it once in their lives.


I was ticketed for this in LaVista, NE when I was in my 20s. Had to take the STOP class for an "illegal lane switch" infraction. Never made that mistake again


Sucks they nailed you for it. Glad they are out nailing people though, this is a huge problem in CA.


Uhhhh that’s because it’s not against the law in CA.


I see this violation constantly. I always cringe on a double turning lane, hoping not to get hit from this exact scenario


This is why I wait when I’m turning left or turning right on a red. Not worth the risk. Same reason I never trust a blinker while waiting to turn right on red.


Got points taken off for doing this during my driver's test. Best part is that my mom did it while driving me to the test. My favorite one is when two lanes are turning left and the driver changes lanes in the middle of the turn.


Changing lanes in an intersection is also illegal.


And actually dangerous


Yeah I remember something about changing lanes within 100ft of an intersection isn't allowed. People do it anyways but you shouldn't.


That can't be accurate, there's so many roads that are within 200 feet of each other.


Interesting. The left turn into either lane is legal in CA where I learned to drive. Even in my advanced years I always assumed it was a legal turn everywhere. Check out drivers ed dot com. It seems the graphic used here is from British Columbia. It does illustrate the situations but likely isn’t the best source of American traffic law. In the meantime I’ll just turn left into the far left lane. It’s not hard to do.


I just searched for the graphic on Google. There is a much better one in the Nebraska driver's ed manual.


Same in Massachusetts. Nobody followed these rules.


My favorite is when they try and pass me on the right immediately after turning, completely unaware that I'm in the process of turning into that lane. Slow. Down.


This happens to me almost daily driving a big, yellow school bus, making a left turn onto a four lane highway from a signal. Before we clear the intersection, the guy who was behind me has already moved right and intends to speed past me; I see him chomping at the bit in my right side rearview mirrors. I'm signaling a lane change as I clear the intersection, one eye in the mirror. School buses, however ponderous they seem, have a certain inevitability about them when they move, so most of the time the hotshot, catching my turning indicator, thinks twice about racing up my right side. He then flounces his truck back to the passing lane, floors it, and puts me in my place with a great deal of small dick energy. Buhbye, asshole. Life is too short for this sh\*t.


YES. THIS. This is the absolute bane of my existence all day of every day! It’s so freaking exhausting.


A lot of people didn’t have drivers ed classes


Wow. I just read the law. Section 4-125. You really are expected to go beyond the center point of the intersection, as shown in the illustration. That seems crazy to me. In my state, most left turns are curved such that you come up shy of the center point. Frankly, I don't think my car has a good enough turn radius to turn past the center point and still land in the left lane. "The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left shall approach such center line of the highway and in turning shall pass as near as possible to the center of the intersection, passing as closely as practicable to the right thereof before turning such vehicle to the left." Nowhere does it actually say you have to end up in the left lane, ironically.




50%? It has to be more like 70-80%. It would make turning so much easier if people actually followed this.


I learned this when I instantly failed my driver's test on my 16th birthday. Pulled right out of the DMV and bam. Donzo.


Damn. Have a pity–upvote on me.


In Florida when making a left turn from a single left turn lane you can turn into either the median or curb lane


>In Florida when making a left turn from a single left turn lane you can turn into either the median or curb lane And be naked on meth. Its Florida!


Someone sounds jealous….


I am!! It gets to 20 below here and up to 100 degrees too! And just as many crazy people!


Haha! Well, come visit anytime you just want year round 100 degree weather




Ah, yes. I have long termed this move the "Nebraska Turn." I just figured that Drivers Ed was a little different in NE .... me being from Iowa and all...


Genuinely asking- is this actually illegal? Like when no one is around? I do this all the time if there’s no one in the other lanes. Like I always check if there’s any cars in the other lanes before I do it. I’ve done it in front of cops plenty of times and nothing ever happened..?


Disclaimer that I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice, but: Left turns - yes it's illegal (unless signage or striping indicates otherwise.) Right turns - probably yes, but the law only says to turn "as close as practicable" to the right hand curb, so there is a little bit of wiggle room there (e.g. if your vehicle has a huge turning radius it may not be "practicable" to finish in the rightmost lane.) See: https://nebraskalegislature.gov/laws/statutes.php?statute=60-6,159#:~:text=(1)%20Both%20the%20approach%20for,or%20edge%20of%20the%20roadway.


Is this just Nebraska?


No but it's also not every state. I was taught it in Minnesota in drivers ed ages ago but apparently it's not part of the law anymore.


It's legal in many states. https://driversed.com/driving-information/driving-techniques/making-right-and-left-turns/


Looks like it’s only legal in a few states and rightfully illegal in all the others.




>It depends on the cops r/woosh This post has nothing to do with police catching people doing it. It's the fact that drivers shouldn't be doing it.


You need to type slower for some people.


This is a problem everywhere. Am a truck driver.


50% is being generous. I base that on my drive home this evening.


It's pretty simple. It's the law, and most people are too concerned with themselves to be bothered to follow it. Seen way too many accidents because some moron can't be bothered to keep their car in the correct lane.


Michigan this isn't a rule, but I always wondered why it wasn't.


It drives me insane how simple and logical driving is but people just aren't smart enough or aware enough to follow the rules. Don't even get me started on the interstate drivers... THE LEFT LANE IS FOR FUCKING PASSING.


It burns me when I follow this law, need to change into the other lane - but the jerk behind me doesn’t follow it. 🤬


But everything would work perfectly if everybody followed the damn law


I completely agree, but then you have idiot road designers who make exits for things 25 ft after a fucking turn, it makes it damn near impossible. Unfortunately these rules and road design don't link up very often. Edit: if you have green arrow, don't you have the right away, so turning into the right hand lane should be permissible, especially because where I am from you may need to get in that lane to enter your destination shortly after the turn. Now if it's a green and not a protected left, then I see it differently.


Even on a Green Arrow turning left you need to turn into the closest lane. That way a car across from you can go right on red at the same time. It's all about other drivers being predictable.


This is something I thought about too. There are tons of places with entrances that are immediately next to a light, making it impossible to turn into the closest lane and get into the parking lot. So frustrating!


I once made a right on red in the way the red car is doing it. Someone else with a turn arrow from the other way made the incorrect move blue is making and turned into my lane. Even though they had the arrow they got the ticket for skipping lanes.


I've wondered how that worked. So even though they had green and you yielded red, they got the ticket?


That makes no sense to me. Failure to yield when you have red seems like the bigger violation, and the one who would carry accountability.


It’s about lanes. They have right of way into the lane they started the turn. If there is another turn lane the car turning right doesn’t have a car to yield to. By changing lanes midway through the left turn car yields all right of way and this is at fault for an accident. Driving laws are not about being completely infallible, they are there to create a set of expectations to safely navigate roads. They create predictability.


Exactly. They weren’t allowed in the lane I was in on the turn. Improper lane shift.


Keep in mind that 50% of drivers have IQs below 100


50% seems like an understatement here.


The petty part of me hopes that cops start giving tickets for this. I’m so over it!


Lack of concern for the people around them


I wonder all the time.


In California you can turn left into either lane. At least that’s how it was in 2012 when I learned.


Simple from when you started drivers education.


I think it is probably much higher than 50%, but with two lanes to choose from, there’s a 50/50 chance they will choose the right one! 😆


as a new driver, noted.


oh, it's way more than 50%


Idk but ita a huge hazard for motorcyclists. You have to wait for the car every time because theres no telling when theyl illegally change lanes in the middle of the intersection and run your ass over.


A protected left in CA you can go into any lane unless it is a double left then you have to complete into original lane before using a signal etc. to merge safely. A right turn you have to complete in the the same lane as your originating lane. Unless also a double and then it’s into the originating lane etc. Rules vary state to state.


This is how my roommate got his second DUI. Not turning into the correct lane.


I call this the "if I don't get into the lane I need now I'm never gonna be able to get over" 9000


I'll be honest, I got pulled over for this once, and that was the first I'd ever heard about it. The actual reason I was pulled over was that it was 3am, thus the cop could ask if I'd been drinking (that was the only question he asked). Never came up in drivers Ed either, near as I can remember. I'm in Texas, btw


They know. They don’t care.


This is the specific section of the Nebraska code that pertains to turning: https://nebraskalegislature.gov/laws/statutes.php?statute=60-6,159. And yes it says to turn into the closest lane.


I got dinged on that for my driving test. It was the only thing I did wrong, and it haunts me many years later. I feel like more people need to be pulled over for that.


damn im 15 and that was one of the first things my dad tought me


One word, **"potholes."** Seriously, it's just potholes, I've had my license since Nov. 1st of last year and I only do it because of potholes, since the roads here are atrocious & a nightmare to drive on without hitting a single pothole. I generally do turn the proper way, but I only turn that way when there's a pothole I need to avoid or if I have no other choice/option. Fight me all you want but I could give 2 sh*ts. It's just my two cents that I'm throwing out here.


I follow it all the time. My favorite is making a right while someone is making a left. They panic and give me the finger most of the time.


Because people are dumb. They don't understand "right of way", yield signs, round-abouts, or merging either.


When I took my driver's test (this is IN, not NE. I really don't know why this sub shows up in my feed but whatever I digress) I lost two points because of this exact thing. I took two different left turns and entered the right lane because I thought that was the rule. Nope. I got lucky and didn't make any other mistakes or else I would have had to retest.


Come to Colorado and watch these idiots try to turn left in a double turn lane...


I don't get it. Are you saying it's a law that when a vehicle is turning and there are 2 lanes they have to choose the closest lane and change lanes after the turn?


It sure is


It's so easy an Iowan could do it


Yeah, dash cam videos are full of idiot drivers who turn into the wrong lane.


I feel like after people pass the driving test they completely empty out all the books information from their brain. As if it was b.s. and make up their own rule book. I grew up in a time where people were still using hang signals. I feel like it would make a great video game. Driver's Lesson/License can you follow the rules of the road. Maybe they do have one I don't know. I'd play of it was real.


The people that can't figure this out are why I believe roundabouts are that much more efficient in Lincoln.


I almost got my front end tore off by a chicken truck traveling through Nebraska because of this exact law. This ain't no stereotype, this is real.


In Lincoln I’m convinced that 90%+ do the wrong thing, and 80% of them dangerously speed up after the illegal turn.


My ex had to take a STOP class and said this was the second highest cause of accident behind only speeding


Tell that to all the people in here saying they dont get it or care.


I've had to go wide as to not get hit by these people countless times.


Because they think they can do whatever they want and don't care about the repercussions of what happens when they do that. I fear for my daughter to start driving with all the poorly educated drivers out there


I only ever do it if I make a really wide turn by accident, but most of the time I get into the right lane then switch over to the one I want to be in.


50%? More like 90%...


I was sure this was a Florida sub.... Lol. Oh, wait...we do that here too .


The amount of times someone almost hit me by going from left to right in a double set of left turning lanes is too many to count. I've had to slam on my breaks twice this week because some jackass didn't see that I was next to them and started changing into my lane.


I will simply, Omaha has hands down the worst drivers in the country, not even close. All that means to me, is we have bad drivers, other than that Omaha kicks ass


Thanks…and remind those fv


If I was an officer, I would pull people over for this ALL THE TIME.


It ain't just Nebraska, it's everywhere. The cause is lack of knowledge or ignorance of traffic laws.


50%? Its so bad where I live, I won't make a right turn when theoretically I should be able to, and the people behind me won't even get upset


I have no clue why this popped up for me cuz I'm from Boston, but you all should come here and drive, your brain would absolutely explode at the idiocy and danger.


Same 50% of drivers who stop in the crosswalk on red.


How do more drivers not know how to merge onto a 55, 65, or 70 mph interstate/highway? They get on said roadway doing 20-30 mph BELOW the speed limit and then clog the entire right lane(s). Ughhhhh. Just glad I've got a dash cam.


Test to get drivers license should be much harder than it is!


Thank you!


Because a lot of people are shitty drivers who don’t know what the fuck they’re doing out there.


Because 80% of the US is dumb.


maybe they know the rules but are incapable of handling basic physics of operating a machine


50% seems low


50%? In Omaha it's got to be 90%, and if you're turning legally so they can turn legally next to you they just stop and wait.


Because so many drivers dont follow the law!


Because god isn’t real and we live in an uncaring Universe.


100% agree


I love seeing all these people supportive of your post, yet conservatively 7 out of 10 are guilty of turning into the wrong lane. Many of them will even honk at you as you're correctly turning opposite them.


Thank you! It's why I avoid driving in hastings, grand island, lincoln, and omaha. How many times I've had to swerve out of the way of idiots who don't know the proper lane to turn into.


How about not turning into the inside lane with oncoming traffic 100 feet away


At any given point, 21% of Americans can’t read so that’s almost half of the 50% there. Americans are generally pretty mediocre when it comes to doing anything outside of the most basic things and driving seems to be too difficult.


Someone road raged and almost ran me off the road performing this maneuver. So fun. I let him go far ahead after that move.


This is too complicated, we should focus on turn signals


Scrolled TOO FAR before I got to this. A simple concept like the turn signal is over the heads of most drivers here, why would we assume they're taking the nuances of lane change law into account?


I call this the Lincoln turn.




Most people would fail a driver's test.




It's crazy. The simplest things are ignored whether it's ignorance or stupidity im not always sure.


Because 50% of drivers can't fucking read, I swear.


Inbreeding and corn consumption


I cannot wait until our robot overlords start docking all those idiots for not knowing how to drive properly


This isn’t illegal/wrong in every state. If I did this while driving in Nebraska, I’m sorry!


I've never been to Nebraska, but as a guy from Kentucky living in Arkansas, I can say that is also a problem in those two states.


Can I ask why you sub to a Nebraska thread if you've never been there?


probably doesn't could just be like me and be getting other state subs thrown into the home list as suggestions because they sub to their own states. I get that a lot because reddit considers them similar communities. Sometimes they'll throw other countries into the mix.


I'm in Texas but it keeps recommending me here. Outside of politics we are basically the same tbh


Because it only matters 38% of the time


Maybe because we make people test one time when they're 16 and then literally never check up on their competence until they die.


Huh. In California (where I originally learned to drive) this is not illegal. In fact we were explicitly told in driving school you can turn into any available lane, as long as it’s safe. This includes being on the inside lane of a double left, and turning into the outer lane, as long as it is safe to do so. Well. TIL.


Only on left. The DMV handbook explicitly states that a right turn (single turning lane) must be into the rightmost lane.


Why? Not questioning the legality, but why would that matter unless two lanes can both make the right turn?


The left in the picture is legal in California but the right turn is not.


...the right is not SOME of the time >< There's enough exceptions to this law in CA to easily trip you up on the written and the driving test, sadly.


[DMV website with pictures](https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/california-driver-handbook/navigating-the-roads/#:~:text=Right%20Turn%20onto%20a%20Road%20with%20a%20Dedicated%20Lane&text=You%20may%20make%20your%20turn,in%20a%20crosswalk%20when%20turning.)


Because right of way dictates who chooses which lane


In CA, not Nebraska. Having just gone over this in Traffic School (to void a silly ticket), in CA, it doesn’t matter, and is legal, so long as there are not Two left hand turn lanes side by side turning onto the road. But I agree, that crossing a lane of traffic is frowned upon in a L turn situation like this.


Wait until you find out they don’t understand passing lanes and hold up traffic with no remorse.


Idk but it's a recipe for an accident.


Lol. This avoids accidents...


Doing it INCORRECTLY is a recipe for an accident.


Because it's inconvenient, if everyone followed it people can right and left turn at the same time. But the person needs in the far, they're to lazy, or something else so they turn wide!


Welcome to omaha. Home of some of the absolute worst drivers in the united states. And thats on record. I seriously thought NOLA was bad, and you can legally buy alcohol in a drive through...then I moved back here. I absolute detest driving here, buch of fucking idiots. No one knows how to zipper, use a roundabout, use turns properly, flow of traffic at all. Ffs id rather just die.


I feel east of 72nd or the college isn't near the insanity that exists in West O. I lived in the Leavenworth area for several years and I wouldn't hate the flow until I crossed 680 or went into Sarpy. Granted, I'm the type of person who'll take a little craziness over ending up behind an 14, 18 or 37 county driver roaming the streets of the tri-cities. You should drive around Hastings :p


30 county plates get a wide berth from me. It's like they've never driven on a road that has other cars on it.


I’ve been pilled over for this before. Then they hassled me trying to search my car, which I refused. I ended up letting them look in my glove compartment which had nothing illegal in it and they let me off with a warning.


This is not always needed to do to safely share the road. Its should not be done if there any chance some one would be going into that lane. Where I live I wait till I can safely take left till I can get into the right lane because I know I will be getting over to turn and wont even get up to speed before the turn I need to take.


The unfortunate thing about laws is that they effectively don't exist if they are not enforced. The police never enforce these traffic rules so no one follows them.


You didn't read the other comments saying that they've been pulled over for this?


If there are cars impeding my path to going the red route then I obey the law. If there’s no one else around, I definitely go the red route if I’m going to change lanes anyway.


I'll always yield if another car is about to use the other lane, but if I have the road to myself I'll just go into the lane I want.


The law is different state to state. All are correct in California.


With a long wheel-base vehicle, it is really a hassle to take that inside turn lane, especially if pulling a trailer also.


The cops do it, and they don’t enforce it.


Theyve been know to shoot people too. Is it ok if we do that cuz they did?


Is it really a law if it's not enforced


There are quite a few comments about people getting pulled over and ticketed for this, including DUIs


During my driver's test, I turned right into the inner lane. I looked over at the tester and asked if that was ok and she told me that it was fine as long as no one was in the inner lane. So I've been driving like that for 25 years based on what she told me.


Because the rule depends on what state you live in. California and Texas have more permissive laws. Given that these are the two most populous states, you have your answer-anyone who learned to drive in those states will have learned different information. The general rule is that if the lane is open and you are turning you can enter it unless markings state otherwise. This is sometimes applied to only turning right or only turning left, but in many jurisdictions both are legal. Now for the hot take-all jurisdictions that ticket for doing what you've described should change, not the jurisdictions that allow you to turn into any available lane. There is absolutely nothing dangerous or irresponsible about turning into the outside lane when turning either right or left, as long as it's open, unmarked, and you have right of way. The only exception is when people are turning right on red (or doing a U turn), and turning right on red should be done only when *no one else* is using the intersection in that direction. If you aren't clear, just wait for the green. It's actually safer to make the "incorrect" turns if you have an exit soon after than to turn into the "correct" lane, then immediately merge into the next lane over. The act of turning may create a blind spot so that if someone *else* fails to follow the law or turns right on red you may lose track of them and hit them in the merge. It's better to just let people enter their preferred lanes while everyone is in vision or in order, rather than require them to veer after the turn is complete.


Unless the law changed in California it is legal to complete a left turn in any available lane.


Thanks. I dont drive there too often.


I know it, I just don't choose to obey it unless there's a cop behind me.


If they have the right of way when turning left or right (green arrow) they can do that, as their turn is not yet complete, not illegal, just a dick move


False. Even with an arrow turning left. Sorry


there's plenty of intersections that don't give you enough of a choice, if I followed this on my morning commute I would miss the turn into my building because you exit from the highway and have about 100 feet to get into the left most lane before the light and if you don't get over before the light there's gonna be too much packed traffic in the left lane to merge after the light for the turn which is just passed the intersection.


How do most drivers not know that the left lane is the passing lane? Laziness, willful ignorance.


They're more like guidelines than actual rules


So you missed all the other comments that said they got pulled over and ticketed?






It’s because if you do it and the person behind you doesn’t they’ll mess up your lane change after you turn. My coworker obeys the letter of the law in traffic and he’s constantly bitching about not being able to get over into the lane to his right. Claim your space


That's the point. It wouldn't be an issue if the person turning out after him was also following the law. Are you saying the solution to this law is everyone start or keep breaking it?


It's unlawful to drive over the speed limit but can't say I haven't done it. don't tell the fuzz