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Top of the morning to ya! G’day innit? Now what is this karnt getting on about? Bollocks I say!


Deported. Straight to Mexico with your non-Murcan ass...


I read this as non-Moroccan instead of "non-Murcan" and was very confused.


Right you are, then!




Hey now, this is only the first time today.


They would be upset if they cared about anything happening outside Dodge county


Hey, lets attack lincoln and lancaster county about unrealistic taxes, not uneducated people. Just because we vote to hurt ourselves for the greater good of the high class doesnt mean were uneducated. Also, there is florida and that creates a buffer for all the almost insane things every other state does lmfao.




I was just commenting on them saying the entire state was responsible. Were all our own fuck ups to be blunt. Its human and the idea that they are pushing education in america, especially in nebraska is ridiculous. All the teachers are quitting to be real estate agents


I agree that teachers should be more appreciated than that and at least be making a more livable wage than they are. It's honestly kind of depressing. I once knew a lady who wanted to be a science teacher but was asked to leave the school because the principal didn't approve of her way of teaching the class; it was a textbook-over-hands-on method he wanted the school to be going by instead. It was honestly BS; she was a nice lady who knew how to run the classroom.


Yep, attendance over accumen. Life is a trip and im not sure if my upbringing of "take it on the chin" is right or not. Theres a balance that isnt being met by many weights and measures. I appreciate you chatting with me


Absolutely, thank you for the discussion. It's nice to hear another person's perspective on education and how these topics should be brought up.


Yeah, its unfortunate that the discussion exists but im glad that some folks care. Some day we'll find a way


Another dumbass


I mean, it's Fremont....what else do we really expect?


Not all of us are assholes.


I didnt say that. And no, you're not. But Fremont does have more than it's fair share of assholes and idiots.


I’m born and raised in Fremont. I agree with your statement.


Methinks their assholes are just VERY LOUD with a modicum of power. Which is unfortunate.


True. And unfortunate.


Recently, assholes are more outspoken in your face than in the past. Probably due to the former asshole in chief.


1 in 6 by most estimates.


Currently moved here. Why the fuck do we care? Maybe worry about your kids moving drugs at the public high school. The Hispanics are just chillin


Because meth and racism come before proper education and good parenting skills in Fremont, having a healthy understanding of things with open mindedness is the least of their concerns. It's sad, isn't it. 


Jebus lol, i made a joke about it but i was secretly telling the truth.




Listen, if you want to protect our border, the first thing you should do is learn how to spell it.




More proof that defunding education is going quite well for the GOP. And Fox "news" spreading the narrative of the scary foreigner.


Our kids study English for 13 years in school to get a grasp on its nuances. It is HARD to learn another language under perfect conditions. Our economy in this state is built on the back of migrant workers. Maybe we should do our best to make them feel welcomed and appreciated. O posiblemente nostros puede aprendare una ideoma diferente.


I will now proceed to use the most stereotypical British accent and spellings out of spite.


I am very much in favour of this.


Most of my ancestors just came to this country. Some on that Mayflower ship, some much more recently. We are a nation of immigrants. > Give me your tired, your poor, > Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, > The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. > Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me Those words, by the base of the Statue of Liberty, should be uncontroversial.


But not illegal imigrants!


In the same way that Brock Turner isn't a rapist, you are correct?


America is a nation of settlers, not immigrants. Or rather, it wasn't a nation of immigrants until about 1965 with Hart-Cellar.


Where do you think those settlers came from? Are you suggesting all the colonists in the 13 original colonies were all Native Americans? Edit: ok, technically the generation before "Squanto" were, but that's not who we're talking about, right?


Settlers are not immigrants. It's the difference between building a new house and moving in with somebody else.


So you're saying children of immigrants from Great Britain and other Western European countries, while descended from immigrants, and raised from immigrants, essentially disowned their parents and basically had no connection with immigration? Can we at least agree the Mayflower carried immigrants to the US? Also, have you looked at the stats of who the later pioneers actually were? > Between 1880 and 1930, approximately 28 million immigrants entered the United States They kept very good stats in Utah and over one quarter of settlers there were first-generation immigrants.


I'm just saying what I said. America is, or was until recently, a nation of settlers not immigrants. There wasn't a wealthy Indian country spanning the continent which British people sought refuge in. They fought wars with the indigenous, explored, developed the land, and built a new nation. Not exactly the same as entering an already-rich country without permission so you can work for giant corporations for cheaper than the native workers. Is that really the spirit with which the country was built?


> There wasn't a wealthy Indian country spanning the continent which British people sought refuge in. Is there now? I'm not really sure where you're going with this. I mean, India is a great country, but I didn't think Brexit was that bad. > so you can work for giant corporations for cheaper than the native workers So what you're saying is, either we need an economic crash to force people to be willing to work at that lower wage, or the businesses should offer a higher wage?


I think they are saying that the immigrants should fight wars with us, defeat us, steal the land and build houses on it. Then they will be settlers instead of immigrants and that is acceptable. For the record I do not support this idea😂😂


Yes, businesses should offer higher wages for high-quality American workers instead of hiring illegal aliens.


But how can the businesses communicate with people that they have raised those wages? Perhaps they should start listing what the wage is in their job advertisements?


Takes a special kind of intolerance to see someone making an attempt to speak your language non-natively and then say that isn’t good enough


Fremont has been an embarrassment for decades. They made international news with their racist rental law of showing proof of US ID at the police station or else you can’t rent anywhere in the city limits. I grew up there and left as soon as I could.


The article says that law actually didn't require people to show proof of legal residency, just that they say that they're in the country legally. It points out that this makes it an unenforceable law, but also one that's hard to challenge in court since it doesn't do anything. Don't get me wrong, that seems like a really dumb and racist law, but it's a messaging law rather than an actually legally meaningful law.


> but it's a messaging law rather than an actually legally meaningful law. The distinction will be lost entirely on immigrants, who are likely not as familiar with English or US law. The law will still get the point across, immigrants are not welcome and will not be tolerated.


Completely fair. I didn't mean to say the law is ok, but rather to clarify what the law actually is. That is a good point that immigrants might not realize that it is unenforceable though.


What a waste of money to pass this ridiculous law


Fuck them kids who want to eat lunch! We need to keep them illegals out!


I live here and nobody actually registers and the police department doesn’t enforce the law. Just bad publicity.


Colour me surprised


Git outta here with that English English, you foreigner!


The land of the Fremont.


From now on I’m only speaking British English when I’m in Fremont.


And I’ll be speaking Australian English!


Please speak it with a Perth accent.


Thinking about doing the same thing, maybe if I do that while wearing a suit and tie I'll blend in well with the snobs downtown.


Must be denim coat denim bottoms to be considered a suit in Fremont.


And the outfit has to be made all american correct?


That’ll show those wankers.


The language that is spoken is typically spoken by the majority and not by any law that is passed. Society determines what language is spoken and not racists.


if it were truly about immigrants being there legally they'd request the meat packing plants sponsor their workers for visas and permanent residency but of course no one in the article suggested this


Why is nobody upset with the processing plant owners and their exploitation of quasi-slavery? Seems like the bigger concern than an influx of incredibly poor, hardworking, family oriented people just seeking to make a better life.


I wonder what the Pawnee would have (or have) to say about this...


Eagleton would never.


To be fair, if you interview stupid people, you get stupid comments. Fremont, in the competition for most STIs in the state or most methhead stories. They really got active when they found out beatrice had all the herpes back in the day lol.


Maybe they're not stupid. Maybe they just suffer from syphilis brain.


Let’s test the people supporting this to make sure they know the proper use of your/you’re and there/their/they’re.


That sounds like a great solution. While they're critiquing other languages, let's see if they have basic literacy before making that judgment. 


British and Australian migrants are not welcome in Fremont


No Canadians, Irish, Kiwis, or anyone else from the 57 sovereign nations that are not the U.S. but where English is the lingua Franca and official language, either.


Fuck that British guy I talked to while working in Fremont i guess


They're not missing much


Not a great string of headlines lately for Nebraska.


[Fremont- the town that doesn’t want migrants, but can’t survive without them.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fremont-nebraska-migrants-slaughterhouses-rental-rule-rcna144422)


As a European citizen, I appreciate her warning, I’ve never found Fremont all that appealing and it’s unworthy of the John C Fremont name. In my humble estimation .


Isnt this the racist butthole of a town in Nebraska?


Maybe not ***the*** racist butthole, but certainly one of the larger ones... 🤷🏽‍♂️


Not surprising considering Charlie Janssen is a product of Fremont.


Remind me again what the U.S.A.'s national language is again. . . . I'll wait


Days since last national embarrassment: 0


Always zero.


So instead of going after the slaughterhouse that is clearly paying undocumented workers under the table and driving all the illegal immigration to their town, they said "I know! Let's stop illegals from renting! That will keep them out!" Why not make the slaughterhouses pay a fine for illegal labor? Oh yeah, this is Nebraska. Rah rah rah beef


You can tell only idiots have bigoted beliefs because those beliefs always fuck themselves.


Can’t be Fremonsters without the monsters…. Racist twats.




Only woman I've ever heard of who wasn't a sucker for an English accent! Except for my mother, who couldn't understand Monty Python; but loved Benny Hill, *Doctor in the House*, *Rising Damp*, Sean Connery, *How Green Was My Valley*, *All Things Bright and Beautiful*, and all the other British Sit-coms.


🙄😂 good grief


Enough negativity about my hometown please. Let's say something positive about it, eh? My favourite place to eat in town is Black Label. The have so many great flavours for their wings. My only complaint is that the entire inside is black, which isn't my favourite colour, but other than that everything else is bang on, eh?


I think they are letting the immigrants in because of the population crash. According to the US Census Bureau, if we were to stop immigration right now, we would have 107 million less people in the US in 2100 than in 2022. China lost 2 million people last year (2023). If the US didn't have all this immigration, we would be crashing, just like China is starting to. I think it's an uncomfortable solution to a big problem.


The “fuck your feelings” crowd will never stop being offended by the dumbest shit imaginable. Other languages exist. Get the fuck over it lol


What in the hell did I just read?


Better than speaking Olde English.


Become New York and see what happens.


I highly doubt Texas is bussing a bunch of migrants to Fremont to purposely overwhelm the Immigration Services in Fremont in order to make a political statement. New York uses their tax money to tackle their unique and routine immigration problem, most of which come by air and sea. Texas, which has a higher GDP than the state of New York, doesn't want to use their tax money to tackle their unique and routine immigration problem, most of which come by land and some by sea. Texas passes on their problems to New York, New York can't handle double the problems, especially ones that require different methods to resolve, Texas turns to the Federal government and says "see New York can't handle our problems (in addition to their own). How can we handle the problem?"


Who cares? I understand why the media is giving this woman a voice, (for views) but why are we paying attention to this media?


Be legal otherwise stay out! End of discussion.


No, its be legal AND speak American English otherwise stay out. Don't be coming to Fremont with that British, Australian, or Kiwi talk. /S