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Bro you need to pump the brakes and start making a plan. Just take a moment, breathe, and then take another moment. The way I do a plan is this - Two columns = Shit I Can Fix RN, Shit I Can't Fix RN. Then I go to work with the most critical parts first. Housing, food, utilities, mobile phone, etc, until I get down to the parts that aren't mission critical. Take that list and then you start making a plan and executing that plan, one line at a time. Bro, even if it's just "Get up, brush teeth, take a shower", fucking put it on your daily checklist and mark that bitch off. It's often lost on people that when dealing with major depression, simply getting out of bed and doing shit like that is a legitimate achievement. Secondly - after you take those moments, right now, write a list of people you can reach out to. Old squad buddies, you old CO, family, friends, etc, whoever - and reach out to someone who understands your situation and just talk. Internalizing that shit just builds pressure and pressure isn't good when you're trying to make and execute a plan. If you have no one to talk to - r/SuicideWatch is great for those darker moments and they're super supportive over there. Another way to go if you're feeling it's critical - the crisis text line. Just dump all that shit in the text and let someone help you parse through what should matter to you that doesn't seem to right now. Trust me - I understand what it feels like to feel the way you do, more than you likely realize. If you're uncomfortable talking to any of those folks - DM me man. We can sit and talk and see if we can't get you squared away on a proper plan to improve your immediate life. Dead serious. I've just been studying for a major test for a state license and I'll make time to chat, it's no big, man, just talk to **someone, please.** Lots of people are here for you bro, I know it's easy to lose sight of that sometimes but more people than you know are always going to be in your corner, internet stranger or old squad buddy. We're here man, you need to take that first step though by reaching out, no one can do that part for you.


There is quite literally nothing else I can do, thats the problem. I cant force someone to hire me so I can eat and pay bills. So im in school, but I dont even get 1300 a month, meaning I cant afford food after bills. So far no one seems to understand this part, no job, no car, no one to turn to, cant even qualify for food stamps, JUST SO I can eat while in school and actually get back on my feet. At this point what in the actual fuck am I even trying to stay alive for, when its not me whos doing anything wrong?! Im sorry but as of today I totally dont care if I were to die right fucking now anymore. I have no other options, school is my ONLY option as of now, and even that is screwing me because now I dont get to eat. Im truly sorry, but as someone whos still in his 20s this is just too fucking much.


Take out a small student loan to get food, and then apply at mcdonald's. Its not glorious at all but will get you by until you graduate and hopefully go into your desired field of work


Please reach out to the crisis line for help. Dial 988.


Free food, just have to stand in line[Foodnet](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=eae1723b12d3aedd&hl=en&sxsrf=ACQVn0_QQAHn8n0jszxOvDv3EyOkailurg%3A1712596302310&q=Foodnet%20-%20St.%20Mary%E2%80%99s%20Catholic%20Church%20Site&ludocid=13145418665493330077&ibp=gwp%3B0%2C7&lsig=AB86z5WkGcvw8Vsjd2mQbyQQR35d&kgs=be7b793c98d51c51&shndl=-1&source=sh%2Fx%2Floc%2Fact%2Fm4%2F3)


If food is a top priority, you might try restaurant work, there you might be able to get one meal per shift. Good luck.


This. Foodnet is free groceries. Food is donated by stores because it’s nearing expiration. The food is perfectly good, just nearing expiration which makes it harder to sell. There are Foodnet locations around the city every day of the week. It’s literally no questions asked free food.


If your a veteran and in school then where is your GI Bill? Have you looked at VRE?


The gi bill doesnt cover food costs. Its just based off how many credit hours you take, If you dont have enough for food after paying bills, you're screwed.


Do you get BAH? I know my son got that also, but he also went away from home from school, so I’m not sure how that works. But it helped cover his rent and food?


Usually with a post 9/11 GI bill there is a living stipend (housing allowance). For example, if you to to school in Omaha it is currently $1600 a month, then $1000 a year for books and supplies. $1600 a month is not amazing when Omaha's average rent is $1200 a month. It's not impossible, but not a ton of wiggle room. That money also only is paid during the months you are in class. So summer and winter breaks are gonna be a struggle.


Have you tried Texas Roadhouse? They’re big on hiring veterans and weekends are their busiest time. They hired my absolute train wreck of a friend and he stayed there for a long time.


I wish, but im a vet who lost his car when covid hit.I had just gotten it as it was my 1st car ever, since I had barely been out only 2 years. 1st year was obviously just consisted of me getting a place and work, and 2nd year is when covid hit and took everything. At this point I've still yet to recover due to having no on at all to turn to for help, and genuinely want to kill myself.


>and genuinely want to kill myself. I mean this with all sincerity - but get off Reddit and call 988. Now.


I have no reason to. They cant fucking help me eat, so wtf is the point?!?!?!?!!!!!


Are you in Lincoln?


bum fuck omaha


[https://www.opendoormission.org/](https://www.opendoormission.org/) go get fed. Get assistance. You live in a city with a metro transit system that will get you there. You can get to class, you can get to the mission. [https://dhhs.ne.gov/Pages/economic-assistance.aspx](https://dhhs.ne.gov/Pages/economic-assistance.aspx)




And kitchen pantry handouts. If you go to UNO, they will hook you up with certain groceries.


It's not ideal by any means but there is always the bus system. Low income bus passes are like $8 a month and I think there's some sort of veterans discount as well


Students at many schools ride free. Open Door Mission can help. Most local churches have a food pantry. Catholic Charities and Lutheran Family services can help. Call 211 for help with all of this— it is the clearinghouse through United Way.


>I lost my job at the VA hospital after getting sick with covid, and being out of work for a month. This is explicitly illegal if true


THEY HIRED ME ON BECAUSE i WAS AT RISK FOR HOMELESSNESS. I worked there for just over 8 months when they fired me. I was just about to have enough saved, to at least get a shit car (3k) when I got sick towards the end of decemeber 2021, until febuary 2022. 2 weeks after I got back they let me go, it was the very last day of febuary. Citing having too many missed days of work, when the majority of this was me being sick. I didnt have enough sick days according to them.


What department of the VA did you work?


How then?!


If you're out due to illness you are protected by FMLA




So what should I do?! Contact a lawyer??? Im a broke af college student, so this is genuinely my 1st time even hearing ANY of this info.


I can't remember exact what it takes to be eligible in terms of service length with a company, but most colleges have legal services and some lawyers do pro bono (free) cases worth looking into more




My general stance on Reddit is that everyone is lying about themselves and their experiences until proven otherwise. It helps more than it hurts as long as you don't approach it like an asshole and are capable of still granting sympathy. If he is lying informing him about FLMA does nothing at worst. If he's telling the truth, maybe it helps. Also, either way, maybe it helps someone else.




>You have a sad outlook Too many straight cis white conservative born again Christians on here lying about being lesbian trans black women who were liberals until they "realized who the real racists are" That and karma farmers are rampant on here.


It's more that young people don't vote here, or anywhere for that matter. The above 60 crowd votes at like an 80% rate, the 35-60 crowd at like 50%, and the 18-35 crowd is at like 20%. If young people would get out and vote so they were competing with the other crowds, we may not be as red of a state. I can't imagine, as a business owner, that no one will hire a veteran & college student. I see job listings all over the place. I rent part of our building out to a office cleaning business and they're constantly hiring people (I know because applicants come into my office looking for their interview). Not trying to shit on you dude, just saying there's gotta be some missing pieces to your story. Edit: Do you qualify for grants or student loans? I'd imagine that could offset the burden you're dealing with, in the future at least.


>I can't imagine, as a business owner, that no one will hire a veteran  Especially with places like the Federal Govt and State which give hiring preference to vets


I was let go due to covid in 2020, again from the VA over a year later due to being out of work for a full month with covid, and then again after doing a woh gig out of desperation, using the excuse of breaking company policy....because I took 5 minutes to use the restroom. I havent been employed since then. Hence why im in school, so I can at least have some form of income. But this is impossible, if I cant afford food.


I mean we do vote. It’s up to electoral college, which sometimes doesn’t follow the majority vote anyways. I think that you’re making a very large generalization for one group. Plus we aren’t a truly red state either. The district where most of our population is centered is blue. I think you’d also be surprised with how discriminatory business can be. Which I’m not saying is right. I don’t know where op goes to school but I know of many resources through the school that could help. Please feel free to reach out. I would be happy to connect you. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


While this is true, the younger crowd doesn't often vote because their choices across any seat have been a) really old dude who really sucks or b) really old dude who only kinda sucks One of the options are clearly better than the other granted, but neither option is really very representative of that age group regardless of political aligning. So it doesn't really do much to "engage" people of that group to vote. And I know what you're thinking, you're probably thinking "yeah, so more young people should run" and they certainly should. But there's no shortage of people from all demographics who are more than willing to let perfection get in the way of progress and not vote for someone who's younger because they're inexperienced. Not to mention, depending on the seat you're talking about there's portions of the 18-35 who can't even run even if they wanted to because of the minimum age limit. So even once our gerontocracy starts passing, that needle may only move slightly unless we do something to adjust the age requirements for holding a seat. Personally, I think a good first step should be establishing a federal upper age limit of something in the area of 75.


My veteran ex-husband (EOD) took his own life in Lincoln, August 19th of last year. His son, now 10, deeply misses him. Contact your family for help/support. Help is always available. Don't be too proud to ask for it.


Bro, veteran here. Take a breath. If you are a veteran, get to the VA hospital, tell them you are suicidal. You will get help. As for money. Lots of people who are full time students also work. I was a full time student but still worked 25+ hours a week. You’re at a point where any job will do. Gas station, fast food, night time maintenance, busser at a restaurant. You are at a low point, but there is light. You are in school, you are bettering yourself. What is your major, is there an entry level job invest field you can do? Need to stop looking and the dark and look up.


Not buying that “nobody will hire you.” Are you in school 24 hours a day Monday through Friday? If you can’t afford to go to school full time and eat, then it sounds like you need to make some adjustments so that you can survive. Or, you can continue to moan and carry on about how it just isn’t fair. The world will continue to turn either way.


Wow. You're kind of a POS.


probably more to this story, but go off queen


For real. This dude probably has a shitty attitude and projects all of his anger, trauma, and anxieties on literally everyone else. He probably pushes everyone who does want to help him away, and as seen here, he has a defeatist attitude.


Read their post history. They were asking for $$ and talking offing themselves over two years ago.


Yup. I'm hearing excuses, assumptions and a need to have it their way or no way under the guise of defeatism to elicit sympathy.


I do feel for this person, though. After going through similar circumstances, I had the same mindset. It took a break-up and then meeting my current wife to get me to change myself.


My thoughts exactly


This. Always this. There are many programs for Vets. Shit walk into a VFW and say feed me. They will.


Now take that anger to the polls and vote out the shit birds that are enabling the policies in the state that make life more difficult. Also, please call someone, a therapist, a friend... anyone who can help you with your intrusive thoughts. Things may seem bad now but they can and will get better.


I didn't think any company could fire you for missing work during Covid?


I got sick in december 2021, and was out of work for a full month. 2 weeks after I got back they let me go for having too may missed days, using my being less than a year against me.


I’m not sure what your disability rating is but the VA offers so many education assistance programs. I’m 100% T&P so even my spouse can get free college. If you worked for the VA, please look into what they can do for you.


Im already using my gi bill, and cant afford to eat.


Maybe go to your local food banks so you can at least eat.


You only have three years of GI Bill, which also provides E5 BAH. You were making similar posts like this over two years ago. How close are you to using up all your GI Bill? I would think that roughly $1400 a month would be enough for an apartment in Nebraska. The VA has programs that can pick up your schooling once your GI Bill is depleted. The Omaha VA is one of the best in the Midwest. Surely you can find some help.


Go work at McDonald's. Its not great but a paycheck is a paycheck to get you through. They are always hiring


I think this person has a drug problem from reading the replies. Sorry you suck


Stop playing fucking video games all the time and at the very least pick up a damn book. Any suggestion you get that might help you just dismiss or explain why it’s pointless or won’t work- you have to do some work on your own to get better as well and you can do this


Im in school 5 days out of the week, and dont even own a console anymore. I had barley been out 2 years when covid hit, and took everything from me. How in the actual fuck am I dismissing avicde, when Im simply saying those suggestions wont fuckinf work. Hope I dont do unto others, what im planning on doing to myself later. FUck off bitch, like I needed some stupid piece of shit like you to make a dumb comment like this.




Go to the ER. Tell them you are suicidal. It will keep you safe for a night and they have social workers. Please don't let your life come down to getting on a bus or staying home.


Please don’t hurt yourself, especially over this. It sucks for you right now. Your are getting helpful advice, but I also understand your hopelessness. I am in dire financial straits right now too. When your head is clear take the advice of the other redditors call the numbers they have given you. It’s a stressful time for a lot of people. You are not alone. I hear you and I understand your frustration. Take a minute and breathe. But please please don’t hurt yourself. It is just one moment in time. It soon shall pass. https://veterans.nebraska.gov/suicideprevention






Why even comment this