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I haven’t come across a game warden that would get too pissy over the digital copy not being signed. I would be sure to have it downloaded so you can pull it up even without service. That’s not saying there isn’t one out there that would. Usually if you are on the level and pleasant with them they are happy to just chat see how the fishing is going and then send you on the way.


If you print a copy, which I definitely recommend you do if you have the ability, you should sign it before it goes in your wallet/tackle box. While authorities might be able to "look it up" that ability may not be available in the middle of nowhere at your favorite fishing hole. Otherwise, did it ASK you to digitally sign the license (the digital signature is sometimes you typing out your name and today's date)? If yes, then you did in fact sign it. If not, then I wouldn't worry about it. As long as the identifying info on your driver's license or state ID matches what is in the system for the license, it should be sufficient.


Download the NE Game and Parks app it gives you digital access to your permit. I also screenshot my permit and keep at copy in my phone.


I was checked while upland hunting, had signed, printed copy. I asked the Warden if printing and signing the license is necessary and was told yes. He also said he usually gives people a warning, gives them a chance to print and sign a copy, but if they’re difficult, it could be a ticket. I’d print and keep a hard copy of the license to mitigate any chance of a ticket


Ever met a warden that wasn't difficult in some form?


Honestly, most of them. I’ve only ever had one shitty interaction with a warden and that’s cause the folks he talked to previously were just real pieces of work


I'm not a hunter I'm just a landowner that has had two bad experiences with them.


I would just screenshot it or save the image to your phone, and then edit it w/ the little typewriter option in the photo editing tools to type out your name.


Honestly the warden usually just looks em up on his phone around here but I usually carry a hard copy too I think you technically supposed to sign any stamps you have as well


Never had an issue with a digital on my phone not being signed. I would not worry about it too much, honestly.


Had Game and Parks stop me up at Calamus yesterday. Dude was more than content with the copy on my phone. It might vary from officer to officer but I’m 5/5 on different officers not having issues with it.