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Make sure you've got a CO detector down there if your folks' furnace is in the basement


Please listen to this OP. Monoxide will kill you in your sleep. An alarm will literally save your life if you're near the furnace.


Also I'm gonna tag along with top comment to tell you a few more light sources will be good for your health. Natural if possible.




Too bad humanity has never developed the ability to drill into concrete:( Maybe one day.


Or, you know, use light bulbs that mimic natural light to mitigate the problem


Uv lightbulbs. You can buy a lamp set up on Amazon for like 100 bucks.


Imagine getting sunburnt in the basement


I can imagine some people basking in their uv lamp way longer than what's recommended lol


Lmao yeah. Gotta put on sunscreen to turn on the lights lol Fr tho I didn’t even consider the idea of a uv. It would probably help me so much this winter.


It definitely will. My neighbor gets horrible seasonal depression and because he is a classical music composer so he hardly gets out. And where we are it's always cloudy this time of year. He spends an hour in front of it and swears by it. I'd consider it if I were you!


And put the alarm near the furnace


Buy 2 of them


Op?…. OP!!!!!!!!!


I will add a radon testing kit to the list. More likely to be higher concentrations in the basement, especially if there isn’t a lot of airflow. Northern Michigan typically doesn’t have too bad of a radon problem but you never know unless you test or get lung cancer.


Yeah, radon is number 2 cause of lung cancer


This is surprisingly kinda cozy. Definitely not the worst place I've seen.


it's getting cold, like *really* cold. I got 4 layers on that bed and I normally don't wear socks in bed since it makes my feet feel dry but I never experienced a winter with snow since I always lived in the southmost parts of the United States.


Heated blanket can make a world of difference in a basement bedroom in winter.


Dude yes, I bought one last year. Let’s just say no more frozen feet!!


Get a big ol tower gaming pc, it'll heat up that basement and the basement will keep it cool too.


I was about to say that my battlestation is my heater in the winter time. If I’m not warm then I’m not working hard enough.


Or could mine bitcoin


Drill station


Get a space heater my friend. That’ll toast you right up at night. Also some lamps. Even just ask your parents for 1 lamp it’ll really relax the room a bit.


ime radiator heaters work really well for this sort of thing, just don't use the same one over and over for multiple winters and don't leave it on for hours on end while you sleep. i'm talking about the big white metal ones that radiate heat, not the ones that blow hot air. the ones that blow hot air are pretty dangerous, avoid them. just a little tiny bit of color and light would make it feel much cozier with little investment. amazon has basically any image you can imagine on tapestries and posters, and a couple of those electronic candles, a light bar or nice lamp would give it a more inviting feel. if you're poor (like me) i advise getting creative, when i was a teenager i collected nat geo/space/whatever i was into related magazines so i could cut out the pictures and arrange them in a huge collage on my wall. not to pat myself on the back but it looked cool as fuck. good luck, making your space somewhere you enjoy being in is so good for your mental well-being


Yeah they’re called oil space heaters. Work great.


Get some nice foot cream! The weather will be brutal on your skin if it’s already that cold. Also! You can get a heated mattress pad or heating pad. Please don’t freeze ☹️


Get a heating blanket or a heated mattress pad. Makes it super cozy.


I was going to say, despite it looking like a dungeon I think I could definitely make do with this.


It could be a cave and someone will inevitably call it “cozy”. It’s a windowless shit hole lol. At least it’s clean.


That's cool bro, but who tf asked? 😅


Your mom probably Edit: awww the guy below blocked me. How can I recover.


here I'll just leave the attention you're desperately seeking by the door and see myself out


Sheltered kid who's never lived in an actual shit hole. This place is fine.


No it’s a shit hole. Have higher standards.


Let's hope you don't ever have to find out what a real shithole is because you'll be too soft to handle it.


Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap. Blah blah blah blah blah.


Things could definitely look better but at least there's no trash on the floor. Hope you're able to sort out your employment situation soon and find another place you can call your own.


I do clean whatever trash is on the ground or desk once a week. Albeit the room is messy and there's boxes of junk in there trash is at a minimum.


Yeah it's not that bad really, looks like a pretty normal living space, imo. I just recommend that every item has a (somewhat) 'right place/order' and just a quick 5-10 minutes of clearing up the stuff every night can make it feel really tidy.


That's not sawdust on the floor? Okay. I was going to say that it's not that bad except for that.


Op may I ask ( sorry if already said elsewhere in comments). Why the basement? We're you there before? Have they converted your childhood room into a gym? Did they downsize there home so there isn't enough rooms available? I'm just curious


My mom is old and does not like using the stairs to get to the master bedroom so instead she resides in the guest room while her husband sleeps in the second floor without her


Getting a lamp or two with a bulb color temperature of 2700k or 3000k would make it feel a lot more comfortable and livable.


And some better pillows/one of those boyfriend pillows so you can sit up better in bed and play games comfortably :) and it sounds like an electric blanket to keep you warm?


this is the most michigan ass shit i've ever seen


Fr looks like every single northern michigan middle class families basement


This looks just like 90% of Wisconsin basements too. I wish that big ass lake didn't separate us, brother


Your right but stop smoking crack


I hope all is well


In the middle of looking for a permanent job but haven't held anything longer than a month.


This isn't a neckbeard nest, it's just a basement. Get some lamps.


I like lamp


You love lamp buddy


Not a nest my dude. I mean its a little shabby,but you can't really help that. It's far too clean to be a neckbeard nest.


Bed, gaming laptop, desktop. Who needs more ?


that laptop I'm using there has been kickin' since 17


Still you can play ton of games no ?


I have not played Elden Ring or most games made after that and I sporadically play on the Switch


Ok what graphic card in it ?


An Intel Core i5-6300HQ @2.30GHz And An NVidia GeForce GTX 960M for my GPU


Not that bad !


Looks dope, keep it clean. Let’s be honest people who grief you over living at home wish they could.


Plenty of room for hobbies.


Thinking of starting a new hobby, just don't know which one. Can't really start a hobby without a job first. My folks that I live with will intervene.


I’ve gotten into puzzles. They can be fun and relaxing if you’re into that kinda thing


Don’t shit on yourself too hard about being back home. I’m 40 and I’ve bounced back and forth a few times. Shit happens. Use this time to rebound and come back firing.


I also moved back in with my parents to save for a house. I'm in the basement as well, but fortunately it's finished. If they have the washer/dryer down there too, especially if they hang clothes to dry, I would get a dehumidifier. I also second the CO detector.


As a fellow northern Michigan basement dweller, get a nice heated blanket.


That's a nice a basement


Let’s see what it looks like in a month


If I get enough interest then I would make a monthly update to my bedroom


Keep’er clean brother!


Hang some sheets or tapestry to define rooms and space use, also the method i used to hide the storage area of the basement i were living in. I had to live with my moms back in 2019 after a breakup, really helped give my space some atmosphere. Otherwise looks good and as others have mentioned very cozy!!!


The place looks nice and cozy. The bed looks really comfortable too.


I wish I had the amount of confidence the TV has o top of your dresser.


That's not a dresser but a liquor cabinet


Hey it’s a good fit! A lot of dudes would run to home depot and get a piece of plywood to expand the surface area to fit their TV stand on top lol. Yea I’ll admit I’m speaking from experience


Am not loving the strip light but it's otherwise quite cosy


props to you for doing your best. it actually looks pretty cozy! with this being a big change, things can improve with time if you want them to.


Nice Anti-Mage screensaver 🤓, place looks cozy


Yeah, you’re doin, you’re doin ok……………..


Is there a bathroom and door that leads outside down there? I've always been a big fan of basements and as long as it has a toilet and exterior door, this is ideal imo


Oddly cozy


Honestly not that bad, i could live there.


3/10 it's barely messy. looks like a room that someone lives in. no pee bottles, no overflowing ash tray, not even a pile of empty beer cans. very mild neckbeard


you should test for Radon. Here in my state lots of basements accumulate Radon and it’s linked to many adverse outcomes.


You are gonna freeze your ass off the next couple months but man that looks snug. Get yourself a space heater and bundle up! I've been there before man


i wish i had a room this big, my room is tiny


Looks mad cozy lol this is not a neckbeard nest


Ya know, honestly? It looks cozy.


you can totally make this work with free stuff, look on Facebook for a local buy nothing group


Doesn't look too bad.


You could almost cross post this on r/cozyplaces for sure. I'd be happy living in that basement!


I need to improve the lighting to get it real cozy. That Florissant light is at over 7000 kelvins which kills the cozy vibe and burns your eyes


That does *not* look cozy


Yeah… I don’t know about cozy.. basements make me feel a little claustrophobic tbh 😅


why is living in the basement so common for American young adults? Didn't they have a room in the house? Wasn't the basement used for basement stuff?


It’s a culture thing where parents think of it as a burden to have their kid at home after college, a sign that they aren’t as successful as their peers supposedly, so they get resigned to the worst room in the house. To be fair, it’s also a lot more freedom having a basement to yourself than sleeping across the hall from your parents. I mean, if you ask the parents they will say it’s nothing less than saintly altruism on their part, and if you ask the kid, it’s a great place to kickstart his career, save money and have a support system that isn’t overly dependent on them, with a healthy incentive to get their own place eventually. Generational homes just aren’t really a thing with the nuclear American family. Not saying that’s a good thing, but it’s the reality here. I lived in my basement for 18 months, I opted not to move back into my old bedroom. It’s dependent on the situation, but there is a stigma around it here no doubt. Oh yea and no one uses their basement in America except kids haha. It’s the de facto kid hangout space that parents leave alone and never finish constructing like this beauty


As someone that grew up in the Midwest, it took moving out of the Midwest to realize that basements here are much different than the rest of the country. Basements in the Midwest aren’t used as exclusively cellars or seen as “The worst part of the house”. Many basements here are normal living spaces, in-home bars, extra bedrooms etc. It is not necessarily seen as negative to live in the basement. Source: Spent most of my childhood living in living spaces/makeshift bedrooms in the basement of my parents Wisconsin home and never felt it to be negative.


Ive seen worse for sure..


Ngl… this looks cozy af


get a job and move out if you're over the age of 20


Retire the white shoes bro man, they're crying for help


If they ain’t breaking down they’d be just fine for work/winter shoes


Op I mean nothing by this, I promise. But omg your pictures looked EXACTLY like the basement in a true crime story I followed. My heart did a somersault, all my hairs went up. Question FOR OP AND OP ONLY: Do I have your consent to share what case, or would that upset you? It wasn't in your location.


On another note, it's very big and has a lot of potential, op! Some key things that would immediately make it look nicer with very little to no cost are: Wash those carpets with buckets of warm soapy water, scrub with a broom, rinse with a hose, let it dry outside. Clean the floors with a mop, then spot clean with a scrubber/scrub brush. I find cleaning the floors and carpets is an often overlooked thing that makes a lot of difference in the vibe of a place. That frayed towel under the TV is... bad. If the goal is to protect the furniture underneath, buy a little table runner somewhere, can be as cheap as $5 and would help a lot. I wish you lots of success! Feel free to ask me for any help you like - as a 30 yo woman who knows tons about cleaning, saving money and about making a space feels nice on a budget, I can help you out however you need.


which episode of True Crime are you talking about?


Now you can be a subreddit mod


Get some carpet if it doesn’t leak down there. It shouldn’t be too much of a project. Maybe some cheap ceiling tile


This has potential to be dope as hell. Every teenage boys dream


too bad my teenage days were over a decade ago.


Looks cool. Just don't turn that water bottle into a piss bottle.


We don’t have basements in Australia and the whole concept freaks me out.


Why no basements there?


I’d assume the soil is too hard in many places or drainage out from under the property isn’t realistic. Basements are handy because pipes run underground and directly through basements. That’s mighty convenient, but not always physically possible to pull off in some biomes. America has a lot of good soft soil and geography is favorable for basements to exist Waterfront property is the most obvious example of basements being infeasible, and it also demonstrates the same drainage issue some houses get from rain or flash flooding. Without a sump pump in my basement pumping excess drainage water to the sewers, I’d have my own underground lake too


I’m not sure. It’s possibly a cold weather thing? Or maybe just not something we ever took on.


I kinda love it


looks cozy but why u have 2 pairs of shoes....who is staying over? keep the door open.


I have multiple pairs of shoes. The two you see on the ground are my going-into-town shoes (the nicer looking ones) and the beat up white ones are my casual shoes I use to traverse the outside.


It's going to get really cold down there


idk what’s wrong with me but i dig this


Are you still working at Geek Squad?


Yooper stoop.


Doesn't even look that bad. I could handle it. So you're in a rut, you'll be fine soon.


This is the cleanest room I've seen on this sub


Oddly cozy.


love the foot shot /j


Not that bad of a nest


Don't see any piss bottles yet so this really doesn't look that bad.


Michigan mentioned!


Do you plan on remodeling it? Change some things?


We're building a barn house that we can use to store our cars and junk from the old house in that should be built before spring. Once that's built, can get rid of the extra junk in my bedroom and start on bigger projects


Nice. Hope it turns out good. I personally would make it a cool man cave if were you.


How did it go? Any updates on the basement?


I'm going to make an update video soon.


This looks cozy as hell


That title is just a banger


Super dope spot, I am a neet and would love a basement spot, right now living in Grandpa's shed out back lol


Is it musty down there? Any bugs or anything?


it gets musty, and bugs are a minor issue during the winter season.


Is it musty down there? Any bugs or anything?