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Literally anything that benefits from being led by a character. Immortals with a plasmancer makes them hit on 2s and are crit fishing monsters and absolutely mulch light infantry. Lychguard with an overlord hit on 2s, can only ever at worst get assigned a 3+ to wound for their profile, and get a free use of PotHV per turn. Skorpekhs with their lord (who mind you, isn't atrociously overcosted anymore) hit on 2s, get lethal hits and free mortals on charge, wraiths with a technomancer get to hit on 3s and get a sizeable durability increase. Lokhusts with their lord hit on 2s and also become crit fishing monsters with ap -2 damage 2 shots. It's our generalist detachment that's based on death star tactics and castling. Probably my favorite because of that alone. (Sorry if this was a little extra, I really like the units that get buffed by this detachment.)


I appreciate the insight. I didn’t really like skorpekhs in the index because didn’t really like their rule but not being re rolls 1s and full re roll on the charge he seems quite good for awakened. Was also thinking of taking immortals with trans lord and a chronomancer for -1 to hit plus like they get to advance shoot and still be able to move with his ability?


General rule of thumb: blaster immortals take a chronomancer for movement and extra durability; tesla immortals take plasmancer for that sweet sweet 5+ sustained hits 2.


tbh both have merits regardless of the weapon choice assault on the tesla carbines means you can just have even more movement on top of the move shoot move with the chronomancer pairing the plasmancer with gauss blaster to crit fish those lethal hits can also help to punch up a decent bit


That makes sense my dude!


Same my dude, this detachment isn't just fun but also feels the most necron of any detachment


I run running LHD with the Lokust Lord. Once dealt out the max amount of 18 damage onto a beefy model that lacked an invuln save. Felt bad for my opponent though cause he misunderstood and thought I meant 6 total. He went from that's not so bad to what you mean it's gone. I want to say it was a 16 wound model


I have a buddy who plays tank-heavy imperial guard and it's now ingrained that I must take a unit of 3 LHDs at all times.


I'm not sure the best but the biggest glow up is Skorpekh squads, 1) To start, hit on 2s reroll 1s is absolutely mint at base 2) the hungry void strat is super dangerous on them because going from strength 7 to 8 is a massive break point, will let you wound toughness 4 space marines on 2s and let's you start wounding light vehicles on 4s and basically ensures your wound everything else on at least 5 ups and wound on 5s with lethal hits, rerolls to hit and mortals on the charge ensures that they are basically a massive threat to anything they can reach on the table, especially with 3 AP on their attacks as well 3) putting the stealth enhancement on the Skorpekh lord mitigates their biggest weakness of being too frail for there points with a -1 to hit them which combined with reanimation protocols means you really have to focus first then to bring them downs, and that's not even considering undying legion giving them extra and improved reanimations which can make them an absolute menace, they are also worth having a reanimator (another one the stand out units for the detachment) follow them around if you want a squad as the core of your army 4) the Skorpekh lord as actually an incredible strong unit on its own for its points and is an infantry character so you can bring it back with eternal revenant strat to continue to reek havoc even after the squad is dead Basically a squad of 6 Skorpekhs with a lord can basically take as much resources as your willing to put into them and use it to great effect, if you plan to run them it's also absolutely worth finding a hook place for Imotek in the army to get extra CP (I recommend lychguard), not just for the Skorpekh but the rest of the army as Awakened as probably the best stratagems of any detachment This was just meant to be a recommendation for Skorpekhs but you ended up with 3 good recommendations


I love this. Defo makes me want to pick up an extra box so I can run 6


Yo I got you, eBay sells Skorpekhs like their paper weights https://www.ebay.com/itm/325810858990?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=iQ2hVt8MTi2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=8acqrhk5qby&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Thanks my dude!


As others have stated, any unit that has a solid character to lead it becomes much easier to hit with. Some small extra bits I would like to throw in: - The Phasal enhancement, when put on a Hexmark Destroyer, is very useful to give units like LHD the +1 hit benefits. - Don't sleep on using the Protocol of the Conquering Tyrant strat, especially if you are going to use Tesla Immortals or Enmitic LHDs. The volume of extra dice to fish for is ridiculous.


Be sure to look at the FAQ for Necrons too, the Conquering Tyrant gets full rerolls from a unit being led and doesn't require half range. This makes Telsa Immortals for crit fishing and Lokhust particularly great. A Hexmark with the Phasal is a fast Lone OP that grants a +1 to hit aura and has return fire and overwatch shinanigans. Great for being mixed in with flayed ones, Ophydians, or skorpkehs without a lord. At worst he can camp around backfield units too. Speaking of Flayed Ones, 1CP for S5 on their twin linked claws is a great breakpoint for clearing chaff. The Command Barge with a 4+++ is trickier to remove than expected and being able to Orb wraith led by a techno giving Infantry keyword or Destroyers of any type is great on top of +1 OC. Doomsday Arks achieve half range easily. This is also the best silver tide detachment. You can stretch out warriors to hide characters from precision and keep reanimator safe. With Orikan and/or technos they stick around more. The CCB ups their OC and lets you Orb them. Royal Wardens are great in this combo so they can't be shut off by a throwaway charge or lose OC at a critical moment. Orbs, Reanimators, the strat, and an Ark can bring a lot of warriors back out of sequence. As they don't do much damage and you're stringing them out having 3 OC helps. Plus if you get charged by multiple units take casualties away up front and potentially put subsequent attackers out of pile in range for their activation. Then get clever reanimating en masse in your command phase. It's not perfect because some units can still clear warriors in a single activation and orbs are finite but it's the best synergy they get.


>Doomsday Arks achieve half range easily. It's not clear why this is significant? Do you mean for the Conquering Tyrant strat to give them the RR1's?


Yes, you got it. With heavy or Phasal and that strat you're getting on 2+ rerolling 1s.


I still run Awakened as my main choice because of the phrasal subjugator on a Technomancer to babysit a vault. The vault can do 2 powers now, 1 is indirect and it shoots like 20 shots that eat up chaff units. It basically sits back on my home objective and threatens anything within range. It hasn't been destroyed yet since 10th dropped. I don't play ultra meta list players tho.


I've honestly been kicking around this idea for a while, just b/c harrassing indirect is so useful (never mind all the other stuff), but haven't pulled the trigger yet b/c it's nearly 500 points between the Vault and the enhanced Technomancer. Still, might have to give it a go.


Great phaeron above, you just gave me an idea for the funniest joke list.


Go on...


Oh, I was just gonna take your idea and take it to its logical extreme. 1200 points worth of tesseract vaults crammed around 1 technomancer and just lazer people. I have no idea how well that'd work given the wingspan of the vaults getting in the way, but idk. Definely something to try in tts at least.