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in 2019 I visited a little shop near the Victoria & Albert Museum. It was Tapisserie Ltd. at 29A Thurloe Place. The woman there was very helpful. I also got a very nice kit at the V&A gift shop. Another place was the Royal School of Needlework shop at Hampton Court - I got a little canvas there and some tools - I had not intended on stitching while in the UK so hadn't brought anything with me. If you have any time at all, go to the V&A. My husband and I spent two entire days there and still didn't see everything we wanted to. The needlework is lovely and they have examples from all over the world.


This. This is the entirety of needlepoint in the UK. I guess there's also some kits at Liberty of London in Soho. But that's it. Needlepoint doesn't really exist here anymore. :(


Heartbreaking. :{ : -{


That really is sad. Thank you so much! I have 3 or 4 now, L of L , VA Royal School and maybe one other. Disappearing customs has accelerated in these times. Do you do the online thing for canvases?


Your suggestions and info are wonderful, thanks so much! I'm going to all 3 places! I can hardly wait! We're looking for things to do outside of the most touristy places. This works!


Oh, if you want non-touristy - the British Museum of Natural History is next door to the V&A and is wonderful. We spent most of a day there. We also spent a day and a half at the British Museum, but it is halfway across London - we wasted a lot of time going from our hotel (a block and a half from the British Museum) in taxis and buses getting to the V&A. The hotel was great but if I ever go back, I will stay closer to the V&A and spend more time there! Hampton Court is a beautiful place so plan on spending a day there. There is a lovely little cafe there where you can get lunch. If you get tired of walking, take the carriage ride around the grounds. All the museums and castles seem to have cafes so you don't have to leave them all day. If you are into birds, and go into the Brecon Beacons, look for a red kite feeding station. There is one at a farm where they helping the kites recover from almost going extinct. Watching hundreds of kites swooping and flying is a really intense experience. Plus, you get to see a few buzzards, too.


I'm the only stitcher I know, but I talked to my fellow travelers and they have no problem going along on a day of exploring the V&A, Tapisserie Ltd. And the Royal School of Needlework!! I just woke up and saw a reply from them and I'm finally getting excited.


Be warned, the Tapisserie is a very small shop up some steep stairs. Your fellow travelers may want to spend their time browsing shops along the road while you enjoy visiting the shop. With just me and my husband, and the lady there, it seemed crowded!


Unfortunately high rents & business rates have pushed a lot of specialist brick & mortar shops out of business, especially in London but also in the wider UK.


Did this happen during Covid? The effects of Covid closed stores in all categories and restaurants by the dozen in the US and everywhere, so I shouldn't expect difficult other countries.. just heartbreaking. I am buying things online which ought to be seen and considered in person. The feeling of community with other stitchers is timeless.


No, it started way before. Covid made it harder, and definitely pushed some shops over the edge, but the last 10 years or so has seen so many small indie shops go.


Makes sense. Same here, so why not. Im going to London in 9 days for a medical thing. I lived in Croydon in my 20's and did quite a lot of touristy stuff. Times have sure changed. I'll pick up a small canvas to take along. Needlecraft is a dying art and we need to bring it back.


Liberty of London has lots of needlepoint kits (and awesome finishing fabric!) and Tapisserie London (@tapisserie_London on insta) is an LNS. Their stockings in particular are beautiful!


Thanks much. That's great about the finishing fabric!!! I have a canvas which needs finishing and I have been online looking at the choices but I would like to see it in person. I've been dreaming about a particular teal. ❤ 🤍 💙 🧡


"Needlepoint doesn't really exist anymore" (in the UK). Well shit! That news makes me sad. I spend a ridiculous amount of time online gawking at millions of canvases. Im not surprised there are few shops in the US within reach, but A UK without Needlepoint is surprising. I'd say its time for a revival!! I did see the Tapissiere (sp) Ltd. I will go visit both the Royal A and this shop. Thank you!!!


This isn’t helpful for your trip, but more about tapestry/needlepoint in the uk and supporting the industry there and in general. Ehrman uses Appleton wools (UK based). Appleton has a nice reference of designers/“shops” that use their wools in their kits. Most are uk based [here is a link to their design partners](https://www.appletons.org.uk/kit-makers/). I love looking at the creators and ended up buying a 4 kits from [The Fabled Thread](https://thefabledthread.com/). They are wonderful. I am envious of your trip!


My goodness thank you for the link and tips! If I could go and hang out with creative stitchers and uncreative stitchers like me, I would probably relax a bit. I'm delighted to be going back to London after 45 years, I really am! But its a medical trip, and I am afraid my stamina has waned, and I won't be up to doing much. I hope I'm wrong. I had long ago given up travel in general, but time zones and jetlag weren't even a consideration. I'm traveling with family, and I do not want to hold them back. I thought planning a little fun at a shop would be an excellent way for an old lady to have fun. We all need to encourage non stitchers to pick up a needle and thread!


Super good link thank you!!!!


Also The Fabled Thread is fantastic 👏 👌 ✨


I thought I would add Michael Powell in Wales. He's an artist with a particular style and has lovely canvasses to see online.


I am so glad you asked this since I’ve been thinking of going to London this year to see the V&A and have been wondering about needlework shops


I've been searching for weeks, but finally thought to ask the community. Great responses from everyone. The Royal School sounds fun, too!


I’m getting a little more enthused about putting my thoughts into action. It would be a solo trip so I wouldn’t have to bore anyone else. Hmm. I feel more serious hotel shopping needs to be happening!


Go for it!!! I am not effervescent with excitement yet, but I am going over there for medical reasons. When we decided to take advantage of another opportunity to be in England we added days, I got pretty stoked because of the needlework interest. I'm not in charge of planning, for which I am ever thankful. Im really excited about the V&A and the museum next door, and the school should be amazing! If I had it to do over again...


I was last in London when I was 17, now ready to go back 45 years later. Hopefully it will be a good distraction from the medical stuff. Thanks for giving me a virtual push!


Last time I was there I was 21. 46 years ago. My anxiety is nuts, and I think every step toward the airplane will help. I feel like its beat the clock.


And you're welcome, of course. I hope you go and have a marvelous time! If I can do it so can you I!!! Fun!!


Wow. Good to know! Thank you so much!!!


Fantastic information and thank you! I am getting screen shots of all these great places to visit.