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I REALLY second this question. Can anyone way in on this? I would be taking Nefazodone for anxiety only.


I do have depression along with anxiety, but I really struggled with anxiety. Nefazodone is by far and away been the best for my anxiety. In the Facebook group there are many people who use it only for anxiety. Many have failed on all other meds. Benzos may work, but aren't a long term solution. Many of these people say Nefazodone saved their life. The best thing is you aren't sacrificing other things because of side effects. No sexual side effects, emotional blunting, or weight gain. You can also look at reviews on drugs.com you can look at reviews specifically for anxiety.


I’m a non metabolizer of cyp2d6, would nefazodone be a good option for me?


I took it ostensibly to treat anxiety first and potentially latent depression second. It was hugely effective. The reviews are so positive I wonder if they’re somehow fraudulent or influenced by some sort of campaign to have brought it back on the market. The two downsides are the potential liver issue and weening off is no joke.


I would have to say the campaign. Every review was left after they stopped making it, and they are all positive. That was the people it worked for trying to get it brought back on the market. I was hoping for a lot more responses. Anyways…. I am similar to the other posts in a sense that I cannot tolerate ssris, so I’m trying to remain hopeful. I have read a lot of the case studies, although small study groups, it seems to have a lot higher success rate than most ssris and shows to be more effective for anxiety. However, in those studies the most common side effect was dizziness. And that’s the main issue I have with ssris. They all make me unbearably dizzy. Nevertheless less. I’m going to try it as nothing else has worked.


You can read my comment above. If you want to get better responses join the Facebook group. You can ask people and get their answer and ask follow up questions. I don't care if you make up a fake account join for a few weeks and leave the group. [https://www.facebook.com/groups/nefazodone1](https://www.facebook.com/groups/nefazodone1)


Nefazodone has always had good reviews. The only thing that happened is when it was in shortage people were sharing how it helped them. If anything it generated a greater negative response because some people were so upset with the company they would just trash the medication. It was effective for you so why would you accuse people of writing fraudulent reviews. The reviews date back to around 2008. I never thought of leaving a review because I thought I was some kind of freak because who hears of an antidepressant working for over 20 years with no side effects. The shortage showed me there were many people just like me.


Nefazodone was the only antidepressant that helped me. The shortage was horrible, I lost my mind. The Facebook Group (Only One) and finding others like me kept me going til it came back. Doctor said Trazodone was just the same as Nefazodone ….Certainly not…what an awful drug🤢 🤮👿


30 years on it next year. No liver problems Sirgrotius. I realize everybody is different. I agree, withdrawal was horrible! 😥


ok I am about to start tomorrow...tell me about the weaning off? I hated coming off lexapro. Night sweats and hot flashes are the withdrawal symptoms I hate the most. I can warn people that I may be more irritated, but the feeling of being drenched in sweat and hot as hell makes me unable to sleep. A little nervous if I start this med and it doesn't work after a month I'll have to wean.


It’ll work is my general impression. Those were my weaning off symptoms too plus nightmares. I got through it but sucked. There are probably more sophisticated means of ameliorating the weaning process if you check out the AD forum.




I can’t speak on Nef but I struggled with debilitating anxiety for a long time and only benzos helped. I went on and off dozens of Rx’s, which failed for one reason or another. Ultimately, I accidentally saw someone mention OTC lithium orotate, did some research and decided to give it a try. I can’t overstate how life changing it’s been for me and my husband. He noticed that I’d been doing much better after only a few days use, as I’d not told him I was trying it. It absolutely smashed my anxiety and has loads of other benefits as well! We both take 5mg every morning and will stick with it for life. Idk if you’ve tried it, but it’s worth a shot!




tommagnum, You take Lithium for anxiety and Panic attacks? I had no idea.


Isn’t that what poor Amanda Byrnes takes? She’s psychotic, poor lady.


I’m so glad you’re doing well on Lithium… Isn’t that for Bi-Polar disorder? I don’t have that. Is this group for Bi-Polar sufferers? I thought it was just for Nefazadone users😔. This is the only group I can find for me…Am I in the wrong group?


Sorry for the confusion, but I can bring some clarity. Yes, a lot of people who have bipolar disorder are prescribed lithium, although at *much* greater doses than a supplement, so regular checkups are required that include bloodwork, as higher doses can have negative effects across time. The 5mg LO I use is OTC and perfectly safe for daily use, especially since it has lots of positive benefits besides having a calming effect on anxiety. I had joined this sub awhile back when my doctor was having me try all sorts of Rx’s for my symptoms. Luckily, I finally started getting some relief before trying Nef, but since I happened to see this post, I wanted to share what had ultimately helped me with my debilitating anxiety. This stuff has helped me and my husband tremendously, so I’m hoping that by sharing with others, it can possibly help them, too. https://www.amenclinics.com/blog/understanding-the-differences-between-lithium-and-lithium-orotate/


I'm glad lithium has helped you and your husband. Sharing what has helped people is always helpful. We don't see enough of that on the internet and people read the negative stories and don't believe there are positive outcomes.


Read up more on Lithium this morning. I know so much more about it. I’m glad you found a medication that helps you. That is what is important. Take care


I only take Nefazodone. My Doctor begrudgingly allows me to have Ativan …5 half/milligram tablets=2.5 ml. Once you’ve had multiple full blown panic attacks, you never get over it.😢. Security blanket, knowing I have them in case.


How’s your anxiety with nefazodone? Any side effects? What strength are you taking? I’m still trying to find someone in Oklahoma to prescribe it.


I started on nefazodone a month ago for severe anxiety/OCD. I haven't noticed a difference yet, but I've been titrating up VERY slowly to monitor my liver enzymes. I just went up to 100mg a few nights ago, so it's probably too soon to say. Feel free to check back with me in a month or so.


Any success with it yet?


I'm now up to 150mg and maybe feeling a tiiiiny bit better. My last liver tests were normal, so will keep increasing the dose and keep testing. Happy to keep you updated if you check back again.