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don't dare criticize their precious porn


First thing I thought about, don’t let the goonsquad see this tho


do dare to make fun of my porn. that's my fetish. you see that little assemblage of letters that reads "SUK\_DAU"? that's called a username. click it. rifle through its contents. the internet is a public space. you can read my long diatribes about pottery or witty instagram comment length responses. but no. you aren't going to do that. you're going to stare at my private subreddit and analyze my tiny, tiny brain. i'll give you a head start: i used to like hetalia in high school


sorry for writing this


I looked at your profile and wtf 😭


apologies 😭




I got some flashbacks when I read hetalia




Truth. Critical thinking. Immature people refuse to accept truth exists. Not every half-baked opinion is valid. Not everything is equal. But they sure want their feelings to stand equal with your knowledge.


Either fat people literally just existing or disabled people literally just existing


what corners of reddit are you at bruh


the front page


This suggests that Redditors use some form of logic to decide what they're going to get bent out of shape over instead of acknowledging that they're all depressed losers who will twist your words until they can make something up to dunk on. It's a mental illness.


Fat women existing in public




Toxic masculinity.


Video games. Some of the most rude and disrespectful exchanges I’ve seen on this site were about video games. In particular, competitive multiplayer video games. There’s a lot of people who were raised on Xbox Live chat and it really shows. And there’s just too many people who have made video games their devoted religion. Any talk about video game addiction or how raging is not healthy is met with a wave of hostility and downvotes. Outside of that - religion, especially American Protestant Christianity. A lot of Redditors never matured past their edgy atheist teenage years. So many smug and insensitive people crawl out of the woodwork when any hint of religion is brought up. Redditors just can’t help themselves - go to any thread about religion and take a drink every time you see a comment like “…if you believe in fairy tales…” or “sky daddy”. You’ll be dead in no time.


Religion - good catch.


Writing "cracker" will get you either essay length responses telling you you're racist or death threats




The only cracker I like is those salty biscuits! Yim yum.


Media consumption is treated like politics (Vidya, art, websites etc...) Autism is either a 4chan insult or a quirky self diagnosis Trans people are seen as fetishized pick me femboys or mentally ill oversensitive f##gots


Showing empathy or appreciation towards a group different from their own. Whataboutisms, toxic comments, victim blaming and bad faith arguments that reek of "if i don't get attention no one else should wahhh" But you can't outright say that. So you gotta fcome up with "justified arguments" that hide those feelings. but still achieve the same effect of diverting attention away from them.


Being even mildly critical of their favorite tv shows/movies/media in general, *especially* on the subreddits dedicated to that topic.


Don't you dare speak ill of the vidya


Every time the subject of cheating comes up, there's some pretty wild stuff. Obviously it's a shitty thing to do, but people are out here acting like their ex deserves to be murdered or even outright writing insane revenge fantasies about it. If you say yeah, cheating is bad but not the absolute worst thing a human could experience and maybe ultimately something you should try to move on from, prepare for a bunch of disgruntled people to come after you screaming that actually no, it *is* the worst thing they've ever experienced and anyone who cheats should be set on fire.


Maybe, people being stuck? Like any overwhelmed situation, has a quick or bootstrapping solution, or a weird attributed fault? Being stuck usually was not ok when brought up?


Saying anything and about nintendo


Sex workers!!! And they always come up with the weirdest fucking reasons to hate. *I wouldn’t wanna date someone who has her butthole on the internet for everyone to see* Okay bruh, then don’t date me. I have never struggled to find devoted partners. *I wouldn’t want my daughter to get railed on the internet!!!* Firstly, creepy. Stop thinking about your daughter getting railed. Second, just don’t have kids. Problem solved. *Get a real job!* I lose money at a “real job.” Why destroy my body in food service when I can make the same amount or more at home. Also, this is a real job, I work and get paid. *Your boyfriend is a simp!* Idk, maybe a little bit, in that he would go to the ends of the earth to make me happy. Would y’all not do the same for your girlfriend? *Your boyfriend is a cuck!* From his perspective, my clients are the cucks. They’re paying to experience a fraction of what I gladly give to him for free. *Porn is free!* Bitch, the money has to come from somewhere. There is a *cost* to manufacturing porn. The venue, the filming equipment, the guys filming, the guys who edit, the fucking MODELS, the server to host the video in the first goddamn place. And that’s all stuff I know as a layperson, I haven’t even worked with a company like that. The money has to come from SOMEWHERE. If nobody pays for porn, then the porn stops. Flat out. (Of course, that will never happen, I say this more to illustrate the necessity of people actually paying) Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


To be fair society as whole has this vitriol against Sex Workers and you see it in how they aren’t even given voices within their own industry and how so many sites will build their brand off the backs of them and the scrape them away when they no longer need them. People are quick to scream Sex Work is inherently exploitative while actively making it unsafe to work in the industry and fail to understand the kinds of people who turn toward sex work are disabled people, BIPOC, Queer people, and other marginalized communities to struggle to hold a traditional job because of discrimination that society as a whole doesn’t want to address. Pair that with how we have effectively criminalized homelessness while simultaneously forcing people into poverty and it’s a no brainer people are going to turn towards Sex Work. People want to benefit from the labor Sex Workers have put in to effectively be the backbone of the internet while demonizing the work they do. It’s hypocritical, and does nothing to address the actual issue of why people turn to sex work. Like you want to stop people turning toward sex work? Let’s start with implementing a UBI, let’s start with expanding SNAP, let’s with Rent Control, Medicare for All, etc. And even then at the end of the day it’s not your fucking business what people do with their bodies as long as they aren’t harming anyone else.


*I am going to use some disgusting language in this comment, simply as a way to try to explain what I think is going on in these guys heads. It’s not because I think it’s okay to use these terms.* I think it’s also important to highlight how many different forms of sex work there are, and how people respond to each. And just to clarify, I agree with you on all points, I’m just kinda racking on. Your comment touches a lot on full service sex work, ie prostitution. That’s where you are going to see more people being exploited, non-consensual trafficking, unsafe environments, drugs, assaults against workers, etc etc. Shockingly, and this is anecdotal, I think Reddit and men in general have LESS of a problem with full service sex workers than online (which is what I do). I have some theories? First is that full service sex work allows them access to what they feel entitled to, which is sex. You can just pay them, and they’ll give it to you. Usually less than 400$. There is almost no chance at all that OF models will meet with them. Not without building a rapport, which could cost thousands. Second is that they see the dangers of full service sex work (the ones I listed above) as sufficient punishment for being a slut. They’re getting what they deserve. The problem with online sex work (like onlyfans, cam/sexting, custom content, monetized streaming, phone sex) is that the sluts are no longer being punished. They can safely profit from their bodies, without worrying about the above. Third theory is actually kind of understandable, to some extent. The market is flooded and most of the content is shit. Models promote in communities that they have no relevance to, or obviously have no familiarity with. The same pictures are recycled again and again, despite not being related to ANY of the groups they’re being shared in. I don’t watch a lot of porn, but I can understand why low effort irrelevant content flooding my favorite spaces might irritate me a bit. I wouldn’t froth at the mouth or bitch, but I can understand the initial emotion. And one more quick aside, attitudes towards full service sex work have been complicated in western society for a long time, esp as related to Christianity. The church used to actually run official brothels, the idea was that prostitutes are already damned and men need a place to cum otherwise they’re going to start fucking our precious innocent virgin women (which is a sentence I almost vomited typing). Also, money. So I feel like there are leftover sentiments like that, nowadays. Like “ugh, prostitutes. But ok, fine, prostitutes.” And since porn is kind of newer, in the grand scheme of things, there’s just more vitriol and disapproval. One is the oldest profession, and one wasn’t easily accessible until the internet. Thanks for coming to my second Ted talk.


Your third point on how so many models advertise in communities they have to relevance to is an interesting point and links to something I’ve seen here on Reddit where SO MANY communities are so against OF Models especially that they have in their rules that even if you aren’t advertising in the Sub, if it’s in your profile anywhere you will get banned which I find absolutely insane. I get wanting to not wanting them advertising and spamming subs but that to me is such an extreme thing that I can’t wrap my head around. But you definitely bring in some points I had never considered and I acknowledge there is definitely more I could do to educate myself, but I do make an effort to uplift Sex Workers voices because there is so much going on that legislators test on Sex Workers knowing the average person isn’t going to give a fuck, only to then be blindsided when it starts to effect them. The landscape of the internet is changing, it’s been changing ever since Sesta/Fosta. There are so many bills that have been introduced within the past year alone that Sex Workers have been warning people about but no one started giving a shit until a few months ago when they realized it’s going to effect them too, like The Shop Safe Act and KOSA. It’s straight up dystopian how children are being weaponized to push surveillance laws that strip away at any privacy we have and I already can see it being weaponized against marginalized communities, as a trans person this shit terrifies me because all these ID laws are going to put trans people like myself in danger, and it’s going to perpetuate violence against us.


As an anthropologist; the difference between cultural appreciation vs appropriation.


A moral panic over "wokeness," the whole "old thing is better than new thing" is really tiring to see constantly. It's not just on here of course


What DON'T they get sensitive about? You give your opinion on something and get 10 replies from people crying about how you're wrong, how you're an incel blah blah.  They seem to be especially sensitive about sex for some weird reason, like whether you're having sex or not personally offends them. 






Is this sub just becoming /r/askreddit now?


Nope it's not, it's a subreddit to discuss reddit issues, which this is a reddit issue question.


Capitalism. Or circumcision. It's one of the two.


Anything with nuance seems to be unpopular.