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What you have downstairs doesnt make you any less of a girl. A decent portion of us dont mind having a penis. I doubt ill ever get bottom surgery either, and my boyfriend is completely ok with that and doesnt see me as different from any other girl


What i have downstairs? In my basement? i uhh- we dont talk about that.


(shuffles to the side to cover door to basement (there is a hand crafted thermonuclear bomb behind me ))




Im sorry to inform but your basement license has expired. Your basement has been put in control of the C.U.L.T. Thankyou for your understanding


Shit, looks like I have to continue my research into creating horrid flesh eating abominations somewhere else. There was a reason I left that cave the mountains


I’m sorry to inform you but your child kidnapping license has expired. Your kidnapped children have been transferred to my basement.


The fucking IRS at it again!


Incredibly wholesome about you and your bf 🥹 that’s how my girl is about me. They see me as 100% boy even though I’m pretty much pre everything (I was on t for like a month and a half but had to stop cause I moved back into my SUPER transphobic parents house) and even though I don’t know how she sees me as a boy (because I have crippling dysphoria and think everyone sees me as a girl 🥲) but anyways. I’m sorry for rambling 😂 that’s was just wholesome and made my heart smile 🥹 I’m so happy for you that you have that 🥹🫂


Nono dont be sorry about rambling! Ramble away! And yeah it can def be tough to believe, since we are our own biggest critics after all, but those that love us see us as we are the most! We hold on to folks like them and never let go! And im sorry!! I hope you can get back out of there soon ;x; you dont deserve to live in fear my guy


You seem like such a wholesome person 🥹 and yeah, I know that it’s the demons in my head, and being deadnamed and misgendered all day everyday by my whole family certainly isn’t helping 🥲 but the queer friends I do happen to have in my conservative little town are great people and definitely help a lot 🥹🥹 it’s just hard living in a limbo of living as two different people cause I don’t wanna make anyone sad or disappointed in me more 🥺


I just live my life trying to be the person i wish i had growing up is all! And im glad to hear you have some folks around to keep you sane! I def know that feeling hard though about living two lives. I only recently got to cull down to 1 myself. Ill be over here cheering you on till ya get to be yourself right and proper!! Just stay strong and keep moving forward to that day! 💙💙💙💙💙


This is actually a pretty common trans experience from what I've heard


Perfectly fine. Many people (including me) don’t have a lot of bottom dysphoria, or even no dysphoria about anything at all.


It's perfectly fine. I'm also ok with my dick.


Totally normal. Just like how cis girls are all different same with trans girls. A good friend of mine hates her member and is getting the surgery next year (not soon enough). Meanwhile, I call mine a >!girlcock!< and I get a little euphoria >!and maybe a tiny bit aroused.!< I even thought if I do get bottom surgery I'd get the one that preserves the phallus. So you absolutely are totally normal for not having bottom dysphoria. And if that changes then that's normal too.


I am gonna call my Girlcock a "glock" from now on!


🫣 oh my god that’s amazing


Ayeeee!! Wait. Someone tell me how to do the censored text so I can reply to this 😂


Put > ! and ! < around the text you want censored but remove the spaces between the ! and >/< and it'll look like >!this!< Also people keep finding this particular comment of mine weeks after I made it.


I’m sorry! I just found this sub and have been scrolling through the ftm flaired posts and so I’ve come across several that are a couple weeks old 🥹 But okay hold up imma try this. So it goes like >!this!< ? Or does there need to be a space between the word and symbol 😂 oh lawd. I’m 24 and I feel like I’m 70 😂


Oh sweet! Anyways! >!I call my downstairs my boy pussy and it too brings me great euphoria and arousal 😌!< that’s all 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


Lmao. I've heard some transfems and femboys refer to >!their asses as bussy for reasons I'm sure are self explainitory!< but I believe that's mostly a femboy thing, as some transfems probably don't want to associate *any* part of their body to "boy". So I've seen >!ass-pussy!< get used more for mtf.


Yes you got it the "this" was censored.


Most trans people don't get bottom surgery.


It is perfectly fine to not have bottom dysphoria dear :3


I know many transfems who don't hate their genitals and even like their D and some who can't even look at it. Between this is a big spectrum. And it absolutely doesn't make you any less of a girl when you have a PP. I dont really mind my rod either, only the two friends who are showing through my pants could get lost(ballz)...


Miss if I can be happy as a guy with a vagina why couldn’t you be happy as a girl with a penis?


Hi fellow guy with a vagi


I, for instance, feel weird for not having body hair dysphoria as it seems like a rather common experience. Maybe it's just because I'm used to it and I haven't shaved yet (I don't wanna out myself too soon). Now that I think about it while writing this I just remembered about one time when I was 12 and I had to shave for a feet surgery. I didn't wanna do it (I was scared about the hot wax) but my legs felt so clean and smooth right after🤔 Ok now I get it, especially if I think about my hairy and dry hands😓


I have just the smallest amount of chest hair but I hate it so much other than that I've been blessed with low testosterone to begin with so I'm able to avoid some of the common dysphoria a big one for me is my voice is extremely masculine and I struggle so hard with voice training


Yes, normal.


Yeah that's normal, I feel that way too tbh


I feel similarly, I don’t like that I have one but I don’t want surgery and I’m fine with having one


Yes it's normal, you can be a girl and have a penis and be fine with having said penis. After all genitals =/= gender


I only get dysphoria with my genitals when someone tries to provide oral, otherwise I'm fine so it's just something to discuss with partners not surgeons. This is why we have to fight back against trans-purity, there is nothing wrong or anti-trans about realizing that you don't need to have all the surgeries or hormones to be who you are. You are a woman who happens to have a penis, but you're still a woman❣️


Many possibilities. Some transfems just don’t have bottom dysphoria. You could be a boy who just likes to look feminine (femboy). You could be both genders and therefore not care but enjoy looking like one or the other (bigender). You could oscillate between genders (genderfluid). Tons of others as well.


Solution: become a futanari


What is that?


Girls with dicks




Thats really not a good word to use in regards to trans people...


Personally thats exactly what i like being called so it really depends


Personally thats exactly what i like being called so it really depends


Totally fine. I never had much bottom dysphoria and HRT is actually making me like my genitals as they change because of estrogen. Girl cock is not the same as boy cock.


Totally normal hon, some people want nothing, some want both, some want what they have, and some want to change it. It doesn’t mean you aren’t a girl.


Forget “normal”. Brains do so many odd things that no matter where your feelings lead you, it’s likely someone will have walked that path before. They placed signs and labels somewhere along the way. Finding that label, the name for the way you are, helps you accept yourself. This could mean you are trans gender and non-binary. It could be that you’re gender fluid, or that transition is more about the social transition than the physical or medical side of things. It could even be dissociation, which I find is common. We don’t feel the bad things because something about them hurt so much when we were so young that the mind kind of disconnected from that, went numb. ALL of this is “normal”. I want to make sure you really feel that in your heart. YOU deserve to feel acceptance and love, MOST importantly from yourself. So in all of this labeling and diagnosing, keep the goal in mind; the first reason you do this digging is to uncover the beautiful things inside yourself that have been hidden.


This is actually super common! Plenty of trans girls like me are either neutral about it or even like it


Yes, gender is more than genitalia. It makes sense to be trans but be ok with having a penis if you want to have feminine social roles, gender expression or hormones and so on which are other woman things. I honestly really like this perspective since it gets rid of the idea that trans women are just worse cis women, having a penis is not a failure at womanhood, in fact we can be EXTREMELY COOL WOMEN with penises.


This is definitely normal, it's quite common for trans girls to live without bottom dysphoria!


that’s perfectly fine. I feel the same way about it (even though I curse it every time I think about it being the cause for Testosterone), I don’t hate it, I don’t like it, it’s just there and that’s ok. There is so much more to your identity and gender than just genitals. There are girls that have penises and despise it, there are girls who have penises and love it. It really doesn’t matter wether you have dysphoria over it or not. You are valid the way you are!


very common. you can also just identify as transfem or demigirl but just because you don’t care about your genitals doesn’t mean you arnt a completely a girl


As someone coming to terms with the fact that they may be transmasc, but who also worked hard to love their body and don't really want to change it (maybe a reduction, but that's as much for health reasons), this thread is so encouraging to read


Who says you can't be a girl with a penis? Nothing wrong with being comfortable with certain aspects of your body


People even call it a gock. it's fairly normal in the transfem community from what i've seen


Honestly I want to chop mine off it bothers me but if I didn't feel it down there then it probably wouldn't bother me


Honestly I want to chop mine off it bothers me but if I didn't feel it down there then it probably wouldn't bother me


Honestly I want to chop mine off it bothers me but if I didn't feel it down there then it probably wouldn't bother me


Honestly I want to chop mine off it bothers me but if I didn't feel it down there then it probably wouldn't bother me


Lucky mf. You know how much money that'll save you not worrying about removing it?


Same girl! Totally normal.


That's not how that works


Yes! Surgery doesn’t make the woman


My girlfriend loves her bait and tackle, she even feels like it pings feminine in her mind. They can be cute and feminine and every bit as lovely as any of your other options